Monday, October 3, 2011

Are You Proud To Be American?

This week we started our study of the Constitution and the freedoms that make us uniquely American. You can order your own free copy of the United States Constitution from:

There are things about America that I don't like; paying taxes (even though I know they're neccessary), crooked politicians and corporate greed. However, despite those things, I am still proud to be an American. I am proud to live in a diverse country where we can participate in our own political process. I am proud that we have the freedom to practice our own religion and speak our mind. Each quarter as we review the Constitution, I am reminded of all the freedoms that we have which I tend to take for granted.

So my question to you this week is, "Are you proud to be American? If so, why - what do you like about America? If no, why not - what are things you wish America would change?" Answers are due no later than Sunday, October 9th, 2011. P.S. So, three quarters ago, the students helped me create a really cool blog template that had a patriotic theme. Somehow, last quarter, I lost all the graphics and had to go back to this generic template. If any of you have any suggestions or know of any links where I can find a better


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  2. I feel less proud to be an American as I feel lucky to have been born in America. I could have easily been born elsewhere, so I've never felt any source of "pride" in simply being an American.

    On the other hand, I do feel pride in understanding and enjoying what it means to be an American:

    I once felt mistrust and frustration about capitalism; I felt like it made the country a battlefield where everybody was fighting over "magic leaves" called promissory notes. I thought I might prefer living in some socialist utopia where there would be no more money worry. Socialism was obviously opposed to my usual views about existentialism and individualism and all of that, but I didn't fully recognize how opposed it really was until I read a book called "Who Needs Philosophy?" by Ayn Rand. It is a collection of Rand's essays, many of which praise capitalism and free trade as the only system for truly free individuals.

    Since reading that book (and putting it against the background of Nietzsche, whom I've long admired) I've thought a lot more about capitalism and true freedom, and how the constant struggle to succeed in this country continually forces the individual to better himself. A socialist utopia, on the other hand, might bring an end to poverty and hunger, but it would also be the "end of history," a stagnant idleness where the individual wouldn't even really exist.

    So I'm proud to have seriously considered the alternatives to our way of living, and ultimately being able to agree with and enjoy the way our country works.

  3. I am proud to be an American even though I take it for granted everyday. I have a biased opinion on the matter because one of my cousins, both of my brothers and both of my sister-in-laws are/were in the army. My great-granfather and grandfather also served.
    I feel that if I am not proud to be an American, then the millions of people that have died for it, was a total waste. I would also feel, that for me, not to be proud would be disrespectful to those who have, are, and will in the future serve in the military.
    I am not only proud because of the military, but because of our freedom. Being a very independent and opinionated person I value freedom to a very high extent. I know that I am very lucky to live in America. To be able to live the life that millions before me have sacrificed for is definately humbling. And I am extremely thankful.

  4. I am proud to be an American. I am glad that I am free and that I am able to do anything that I want to do. I can tell people about how I feel about something and not get in trouble for it. I am proud of our troops that are fighting for use, so that we can be free to do whatever we want to do.
    Even though I am proud to be an American, there are somethings that I do not agree with the government. Like how they may make up stupid laws, have high taxes that we have to pay, along with other things that we have to pay in life. Lately everything has been really costly and I think that they government needs to do something about it. With gas prices rising and the cost of going to college, how does the government think that we are going to get out of this recession. I just don't understand it...

  5. I don't know if I should be proud. I like the ideas America has and how we do have freedom to practice religion and freedom of speech. But America still has a lot to work on before I can be really proud. I know I'm not proud how America seems to be sticking its nose in everyone else's business and not taking care of itself. America is in a lot of debt right now and our economy sucks.

  6. I would definitely say that I am proud to be an America. I have gone to many different parts of the world and seen how different people have to live. It showed me how many things in life I have taken for granted and how lucky we truly are for living the way we do. Just the daily life style of an American and all the opportunities and advantages there are in this country compared to many others is outrageous.

  7. Am I proud to be an American? Short answer, Yes. The reasons are harder for some to grasp and understand. Let’s start by understanding what makes America the greatest nation in the world. Since our inception as a Republic in 1776 we have been the envy of the rest of the world, Simply because we fought for freedom and won. Not many nations have ever done this and remained a world power.

    As Spiderman’s uncle Ben said “with great power comes great responsibility” throughout our history we have taken our responsibility to heart. We have fought in many Wars for just cause’s, fed the hungry, and rescued those in need. America has continued to be a force for good in this world and we have been able to do this because we are free. This is why America is great. I once heard it said that “when your neighbor’s house is on fire you don’t haggle on the price before you lend him your hose” When disaster strikes America helps out period.
    Our economy is currently in the toilet because of a variety of issues that could be fixed if the politicians weren’t afraid of losing their jobs and pandering to the left. What brought America out of the great depression was not more government, but manufacturing jobs. These have been lost to china… main cause Unions and over regulation. The average pay of a union employee is much greater than Chinese slave labor. China has some of the worst pollution and lowest air quality in the world because they won’t regulate emissions. So it comes down to profitability, we can’t compete and this is why our jobs go to China. I am not an advocate of zero emission controls but reasonable measures, or not importing goods from china where they don’t give a hoot and pollute like it is their national pass time. Nor am I in any way implying slavery is a good thing. The unions have out lived their usefulness, where they once fought for safety in the work place, and a fair wage now they hold businesses hostage unless they get what they want.

    So what would I change… end the unions, federal entitlement programs, the EPA, and the Department of Education (it doesn’t work). Close our borders and really enforce our immigration laws (some reform needed) also stop allowing countries like China from importing goods that are manufactured without the same regulations as our plants. Equalize the playing field for American companies. Also I think we should eat the people from PETA since they won’t let us eat what God gave us. Oh Yeah let’s put God back at the center of our daily lives and teach some personal responsibility.

    We, as Americans have given more to this world than we have taken from it. There is work to be done so let’s get to it. I believe America can rise again and this is why I am proud to be an American.

  8. I am proud to be an American there are many options of life that we have and never stop to think about. I do take it for granted now that I think about it when I watch the news and see all the poverty around this world and wars, etc. It makes me feel lucky to have rights as a person, to be able to vote, express my thoughts, and just have a decent place to live in. Those are the thoughts I have on being an American, we have to stop taking what we have for granted and actually take advantage of the constitution we have.

  9. I am proud to be an American. I have not traveled to another country to see what it is like to be a citizen of a particular country. Many foreigners seek the United States as a place to fulfill their dreams, and make a better future for their families. We have opportunities and freedom within our country that no other country can compare to. But to some Americans, if you'd ask them if America is a place of Equality and Justice, they'd quickly answer with a No. I do believe our political system is corrupt but not as corrupt as others. We, as Americans have a democracy that most would wish for. But we choose who obtains leadership positions. So is it really the leadership who is corrupt, or is it America as together. I am thankful that I have my freedom!

  10. I would say I am more blessed than proud to be an American. I was blessed to be born here and have the freedoms that I do have. Freedoms like, being able to wear whatever I want, and say what I want, and choose to practice the religion I want to practice. Things like that make me feel blessed to be an American. I am also proud, but I don’t know if I would use that word to describe how I feel to be an American. I think blessed is more appropriate for how I feel. Just hearing and seeing what goes on around the world makes me feel like I take what I have to granted and is a huge wake up call. It reminds me to be grateful for the freedoms that I do have.

  11. I don't know that I can really say I feel any particular pride regarding being born in this particular country during this particular era. After all, this whole idea of 'national pride' is a pretty recent revolution in thinking anyway. According to the online Merriam-Webster dictionary, the use of the word was first documented in 1844 (

    Sure, I can appreciate the freedom we have. In that respect we're a lot better off than plenty of other countries in the world. Do I see any reason to claim we're better than anyone- or as some people might be inclined to think, everyone? No. We have our share of problems, just like every other country. They're different and on different scales, but they exist. I don't understand how people can blithely say our country is perfect.

    As far as I'm concerned, it's the place I happen to have been born and happen to continue living. If it would be more beneficial to go somewhere else, I would. I've never felt any especial pride regarding America.

  12. I am proud to be an American to an extent. But i think us as Americans have lost sought to whats important to us. You hear about the rich getting richer and the poorer getting poorer. I feel that there is truth behind this, and ultimately i feel its because people just dont care anymore. The biggest problem i feel that there is, is the greed behind this nation. Since when did we turn into a materalistic nation? We have problems and i think its time to assemble and take care of some problems.

  13. I am proud to be an American. We have so many rights that many other countries do not have. I believe we should all be grateful to be an American citizen. Why do we have the problem with illegal aliens? It is because they want the same freedoms and opportunities that we do. If one had the opportunity to make their life better along with the people the care for wouldn’t you take the chance? I would. Our country is a great country to live in. Yes it has its faults, but when I weight the good with the bad I would never choose anywhere else to live.

  14. I am proud to be an American. But I'm more so proud of the troops that fight to protect our nations freedoms. Being born into a different country where you aren't born with the freedoms given to you in America would be dentrimental to my lifestyle and what direction I'm taking my life now. I take my freedoms for granted almost everyday because I'm so used to living this way that i couldn't imagine what life would be like without my rights.

  15. I am glad that I am an American. I wouldn't really say I am proud to be an American, because I haven't really done anything for the country other than live here. I do like living in America, it's pretty great. Wal-Marts are everywhere I can buy hamburgers for cheap. I don't think I would notice a huge difference if moved to Canada however.

  16. I am proud to be an American. We have our freedom, which I am thankful for. We have amazing opportunities everywhere. The laws of our civilization allow us to be free, happy, and peaceful. We have the opportunity to develop our own personalities. Where people in other countries are forced to think one way.

  17. I am thankful for that I born in america because we have opportunities to make choices like such as, who I want to work as: teacher, designer, etc. because in other countries we may not have that same opportunities but that depends on its government system and laws. so I am glad that I am american and have a american pride! nothing will change that!

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  21. I am Proud to be American I love to be able to make decisions for myself,go where I want and make a living at what I love to do, instead of a country making a decision for me.I think a lot of American take advantage of that because they have always had a freedom to choose. There are so many countries out there that you can't even vote. Yes, I love this country and stand by it no matter wrong or right because we are not perfect but who is ?

  22. yes i am i like that we have our own individual rights.

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  24. Not only am I proud to be an American, likewise I have felt a lot of self-respect to be a woman living in America. Just as our "melting pot" contains a lot of ingredients, we get a full understanding that we hold many of cultures within America. Being born in America gives me such a great feeling and right of freedom of religion for the reason that some other countries do not accept religious conversion. Women are not able to have the freedom of speech in many countries. For instances, men including women have been incarcerated for speaking their minds. On a personal intake, I am quite pleased to see women standing up for themselves knowing they have the right and freedom to do so.
    As well as being a free spoken female living in America, I adore fact that America has its plentiful supply of food. It provides me with the organic food that is available. Its great knowing fresh produce is available to us. In some countries like Central Asia, people are not able to walk down the road and pluck an apple off a tree. Instead, their diets consist of a lot of grains since such resources are mainly accessible. In America we learn about different cultures whether it’s from the education that is received or even from social networking. With our melting pot having such diverse backgrounds, I am proud to be an American who supports our list of ingredients.

  25. Yes, I am proud to be an American. We have opportunities that other countries do not. I'm glad that I live in a 'supposedly' free country. Above all else we are spoiled country and we have it easy here.

  26. I am extremely proud to be an American. The rights and freedoms I have in this country is something I cherish everyday. I believe people don't realize what kind of liberties our country gives us as citizens. In America, it doesn't matter what color your skin is or what income your parents make, you are given the same opportunities are everyone else. Do I agree with all the decisions us as America made, no. But would I want the entire weight of the country on my shoulders, no. I think the government makes decisions, however, based on what is best for the American People.

    p.s. Besides Halloween, Forth of July is my favorite holiday!!

  27. I feel very proud to have been born here in America. As an American I go through living my life as the normal to me, but like you said, when I read the constitution I remember the rights we do have. These rights were not just automatically given to us, and especially as women there are a lot of people who have gone before us to set these rights.

    I'm very thankful that this is a country where we have the right to believe in and live out our choice of religion. "Religion" is very important to me and my family, and I can't imagine being told what to believe in or who to worship.

    There are very few things that I am not thrilled with as The United States becomes more diverse. I don't not mind the diversity, thats not the point, I think those people coming are forgetting that this is the melting pot. Instead of changing it into something like their homeland, I feel as they should want to become more like America. Although it may be silly, I think they language needs to stay English. I took spanish in high school because it is growing more common and popular because those who come to America sometimes don't learn English. Rather, lets come together and become Americans of the UNITED States of America.

    Overall I love this country and all the diverse people it holds. Through this class I hope to learn more about all the good We the People hold.

