Monday, October 24, 2011

Trick or Treat!

Some of you know that I'm a BIG Halloween fan.  It's in my top three favorite holidays, along with New Years Eve and 4th of July.  When you are a child, nothing beats running around the neighborhood in the dark getting bucketfuls of candy.  Ahhh....I miss those days.

So this week, in honor of Halloween, I'll go easy on you.  My questions to you this week is, "What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid?  What are your plans this year for Halloween?"  My favorite Halloween costume was the year I went as a Jack-In-The-Box.  I remember I was really excited because my mom braided my hair in two pigtails and then dipped them in cornstarch, so they stuck straight out.  I begged to wear my hair like that to school for weeks afterward!  This year, I'm excited to pass out candy for the first time in my new home. 

Your answers are due no later than Sunday, October 30th, 2011.  Have a Happy and Safe Halloween!


  1. My favorite costume was probably a witch. I was a witch like every Halloween when I was a kid. I have always been drawn to the darker side of fantasy. But every year I had a different witch costume. And this year I am a Pirate.

  2. Well, when i was a kid... I would wear my favorite costumes which was based on my favorite shows... but for This halloween, my plan is have 2nd annual hallowwen party on this saturday with my friends and my girlfriend. We will play cards, play video games and eat pizzas and desserts such as pies.

  3. Sounds fun! Have fun passing out candy to the kiddos! I con't wait to do that!

    My favorite costume as a kid was a clown. I learned to juggle in about 5th grade, and so that tear my grandma made me a sweet clown outfit, hat bow tie and all. I looked like a walking circus clown juggling down the streets.
    It was very fun!

    this year I have a dog and would love to incorporate him into my costume if I dress up for any reason because he's adorable.

  4. I don't remember many of my childhood Halloween costumes, but one that stands out in my memory was the year I went as a black cat. I was very young, and all I remember is that I had a painted face and a tail made from a metal coat hanger that kept getting caught on things. I actually thought about re-creating that costume this year, but decided it would be too embarrassing to be dressed as a kitten at this age.

    I went to a costume party over the weekend, and my costume was undefined. I found a very strange shiny gold blouse at Goodwill that I just had to wear. So I wore that with a black wig and a bandanna, and decided to leave it up to the other people to decide who I was. If somebody said, "Are you Jimi Hendrix?" I'd say, "Yes I am!" And if somebody said, "Are you Prince?" I'd say, "Yes I am!"

    I'm not sure what I'll do this weekend or on Halloween day. I definitely want to carve a pumpkin and watch some movies.

  5. My favorite Halloween costume has to be when I was 6 years old and went as Simba, from the Lion King. I had the cutest costume, and my face was painted.

    This year I am going as an American Gangster. I love to dress up and go to parties with friends! :) I'm also looking forward to carving pumpkins, and watching scary movies!

  6. My favorite costume as a child was my spiderman costume. I had a mask and felt invisible when i wore it. My parents bought me the wrist spray guns from walmart and that set a spark to my masked identity. I felt like I could break stuff and flip around and never get into a sort of trouble.
    This year I took the nerdy route. Im pulling a button up shirt and bow-tie all the way. even got my nerd glasses on. boom.

  7. My favorite Halloween costume as a kid was a princes. Every year I would be a different princes. I used to think that I would actually someday be one( not happening HA!) This year I am just staying at home watching scary movies all night.

  8. When I was a child, I was a witch almost every year. I don't know if it was because I like my mom painting my face all green or wearing the long grey wig but I lived in that costume. Growing up we didn't have a whole lot of money to spend on the coolest $50 costume so I my mom would just buy me new accessories to update the costume each year. My favorite part about Halloween though was the candy. There was a certain neighborhood I would go to every year and I would take a huge gift bag and come home with it nearly full. I would always give my dad all my Almond Joys and save the rest for myself.

    Halloween is my favorite holiday behind 4th of July. I have worked at a Halloween store in the past and help set up the store right across the street from our school. As I have gotten older I take my costumes more and more serious and try and be more creative. I have heard on countless occasions (both in a good and bad way) that I resemble Ke$ha. I think she is gorgeous so I take it as a compliment. So to prove all the "haters" right, I will be dressing up as the "hot and dangerous" Ke$ha. I am going to visit my friend Taylor at Purdue and go to a few parties.

  9. Halloween was never a favorite of mine. Zombies walking around the neighborhood with mummies popping out as you go to reach for the candy. I believe I was scared most of my Halloween years plus my candy was always disappearing. When I was 7 years old my cousin made a chocolate chip cookie costume that I refused to wear. After being forced to squeeze my head into the cookie and pop my arms out the side, I looked like I was advertising for some bakery. As my brother was forced to wear a slice of pizza also made by the same cousin, we went out trick-or-treating by ourselves that year. (Which I thought my mom was too embarrassed to go around town with a walking cookie and a slice of pizza.) Turned out that the cookie was a plus to all the older women in my neighborhood and they were stashing my bag with chocolate. So as my brother and I went out by ourselves, it ended up being a Halloween I really enjoyed. As for this year, I don’t have plans this Halloween weekend except for working. –Amber McNair

  10. I dont really have a favorite halloween costume. But if i had to pick, I would pick the reffery costume, that I have had for about two years now. This Halloween I am wanting to hang out with my friends and my boyfriends friend. I am wanting it to be like a costume party. I am hoping to have a bon fire and later that night watch scary movies all night. I am hoping that this will happen this weekend. Because I haven't seen my friends in a while and I need to have a good time.

  11. My favorite Halloween costume was a mouse. I had a tail, bow tie, and even ears. It was my favorite. My two older sisters dressed up as pumpkins, so it was like a traditional Halloween picture. It was great. When I think about it now, I think it was more of the quality time with my sisters and my mom that I enjoyed so much. Now that I am grown, and my family is doing their own things we do not spead as much time together. I miss that. However, I have these special memories to cheerish. As for this Halloween, I am planning on going to a Halloween party dressed up as a dirty cop. It is going to be epic!

  12. My favorite costume when I was a kid was Casper the friendly ghost it was the first store bought costume I ever got. When my kids were little I always made their costumes and mine ever year we would go as something that match one year went as two witches and warlock,other went as three zombies . Now my kids are grown and do their own thing,but I still make my own costume. This year I'll dress up as a good witch.
    I am in charge of the Halloween Party every year at my job this year we are having a haunted mask party we made all our own mask, Have scary music and eat lots of food, costume contest, bob for apples, and haunted hay hunt.

  13. I don't really have a favorite Halloween costume. I always love the costume I'm wearing that year the best. Sadly, I have no plans this year.

  14. As a kid growing up my favorite costume that i love was star wars it was a amazing costume, but as i got older i did not celebrate Halloween it's the devils birthday. I do pass out candy to the children on Halloween. So happy Halloween to who ever celebrate the devils day.

  15. I have never really been into Halloween but one year i dressed as a Canadian. Jeans and a flannel shirt.

  16. As a little kid i was all into Thomas the tank engine and that was my favorite costume. This year im just going to go more casual. Im going to wear a blue shirt and put a rubber chicken on a cord to make a necklace, and just like that. Chicken Cordon Bleu.

  17. When I was really young I was Batman for about 4 years. After that, I was always a zombie or some kind of unfortunate dead person. Now I rarely dress up. This year to celebrate I've been watching as many horror movies as I can find time for.

  18. I don't really have a favorite costume. Looking at pictures from when I was little, my favorite one was when I was like 3 and I was a cowgirl. Hap the pigtails, hat, and plastic gun. Super cute.
    This year, I went to Hanna Haunted Acres and watched scary movies with friends. On Monday I plan on doing homework and passing out candy.

  19. My favorite costume was last year when I dressed up as an old man. I had a full ask and outfit that resembled an average old man. Nobody knew who I was and I made a lot of people few awkward.....This year I didn't dress up at all. I guess I was really not excited about halloween this year.

  20. my favorite Halloween costume, well the only one I can remember is when my mom dressed me up as a fairy. I just remember us going all out she got me wings and this awesome pink dress and a wand. It was great ! I evengot to wear lipstick which at 9 I thought was the best thing in the world ! This Halloween I just plan to party and have fun lol

  21. When I was a kid, My absolute favorite Halloween costume had to of been Cruella Deville. I wore that costume at least three or four times during my childhood. I was in love with the scary and intense vibe she set off. This year I was extremely excited to be Avatar. I got the costume and everything. Unfortunately, life happened and I didn't get the chance to wear it this weekend. Good thing there is always next year.

  22. When I was a kid, my absolute favorite Halloween costume had to of been Cruella Deville. I wore that costume at least three or four different years of my childhood. I was in love with the scary and intense vibe she set off. This year I was extremely excited about being Avatar. I got the costume and everything. Unfortunately life happened and I didn't end up making it to any of the parties this weekend. Good thing there is always next year.

  23. When i was a kid my favorite costume was batman. This year i went trick or treating with my little sister. I painted my face and put in my white contacts. We went out for a little bit but got bored and went back home.
