Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Celebrating National Coming Out Day - Part 2

This week, we started a discussion of same sex marriage in class.  It happened to coincide with National Coming Out Day which is October 11th.  National Coming Out Day, which began in 1987 promotes a safe world for LGBT individuals to live truthfully and openly.  You can read about the controversy that happened here in Indianapolis last year on National Coming Out Day and what your fellow students had to say about it here: http://historicalandpoliticalissues.blogspot.com/2010/10/celebrating-national-coming-out-day.html

This year, in honor of National Coming Out Day and in support of a more tolerant America, I decided to blog about the rise of bullying due to sexual orientation.  In a previous class, we discussed the issue of cyber-bullying.  You can read my thoughts and the student comments here: http://historicalandpoliticalissues.blogspot.com/2010/09/cyber-age-of-bullying.html  

The first time I remember hearing about this issue was in 1998, when Matthew Shepherd was targeted, tortured and murdered because of his sexual orientation.  I’m sure other hate crimes such as this had happened prior to this event, but it was Matthew’s murder that sticks in my mind most.  Tomorrow marks the 13th anniversary of Matthew Shepherd’s death. Today, hate crimes and bullying based on sexual orientation remain on the rise.  Consider the following:
  • According to the Gay Lesbian Straight Educator’s Network, students hear anti-gay epithets over 25 times a day and teachers fail to respond 97% of the time
  • According to the Task Force on Youth Suicide, gay youth are 3 times more likely than straight youths to commit suicide.  In fact, 30% of all youth suicides have been linked to issues the youth faced concerning their sexual identity
  • The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force reports 28% of gay students drop out of high school
  • In a survey done by the National School Climate Task Force, 64% of gay students feel unsafe at school because of their sexual orientation
So my question to you this week is, “What do you think can be done to prevent bullying or hate crimes against homosexuals?  How should students, parents and the community raise awareness of this issue?  Be specific!”  Answers are due no later than Sunday, October 16th, 2011.


  1. I think that no one should be judged because of their sexual orientation but what type of person they are. I believe that the teachers in schools should be less tolerant to the comments made to a "gay" or "homosexual" person. In my school the teachers didnt say or do anything about people gay bashing i think thats what its called. But the schools should have rules against bullying of any kinds and also have punishments for breaking those rules. Bullying is a serious problem and I think that those types of kids should be in alternative schools. I know that religion has a role in people not liking or understanding gay people but if they are people too you shouldnt treat them any different than you treat someone who is straight.

  2. It's sickening to realize how many people still can't go on with their lives with out causing people who are different or don't believe in the same crap that they do! It angers me to the very core of my being when I hear people bullying others in general, but on their sexual orientation is horrible. I had an uncle who was gay, I didn't really get to know him but he was fine to me. I was actually only eight when I met him and I didn't know he was any different from anyone else. I found out he was gay when I was older but I didn't think anything of it. Things need to start changing. Really, why can't people just follow the saying, "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all."

  3. Schools need to better specify what bullying is and include bullying against an individual's sexual orientation. If I was gay, I'm sure hearing the word gay hundreds of times a day would be offensive especially when it is said in a negative way. Teachers need to take more disciplinary actions. Sexual orientation, in my opinion, shouldn't even be brought up in school. Gay, straight, bi, who cares? School is about learning not talking about peoples sex lives and defiantly not hurting someone because of their decision. I know at my high school, if any someone said some threat or intimidating comment on the internet or their was a fight outside of school and students were talking about it, creating a buzz, and teachers and deans heard about it in school, the individuals involved were getting in trouble. It was considered a distraction to learning and they would suspend. No one, inside or outside school should feel uncomfortable and unsafe because of their sexual orientation.

    Parents need to have more awareness at home and not let certain terms and words roll off their kid's tongues so freely because their words could potentially hurt someone else when they don't even realize it. People need to stop being afraid to speak up. Standing up and stopping a bully is a heroic characteristic in my eyes because not everyone has the integrity to do so.

    If the community becomes more aware of the problem, more community member will stand up against bullying. Many celebrities have joined with LGBT groups to help the fight against anti-gay bullying. I think a lot of strides have been taken, but there is still a lot to be tackled. Everyone, gay or straight, deserves to feel safe and accepted in their school and community.

    P.S: We talked about gay couples adopting kids this week and I just thought this was interesting:


  4. On way to prevent would be to raise awareness of the issue, such as: bulletins on facebook or other social network sites, previews in movie theaters, maybe classes in middle school through high school that discuss this topic.
    I also think that parents should discuss with their kids how their reaction can cause someone severe damage due to bullying, because no responsible, loving parent (in my opinion) would anyone treating their child that way. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions bu that in way should be the deciding factor for someone to live or die. Some people may be confused as what to feel about this topic because many are probably driven by morals and/or religion so they may think that they need to "hate" these people because of their sexual orientation, but at the same time no one is supposed to condemn or judge other people. They feel torn but thats when parents and/or their religious council needs to intervene.

  5. It really bothers me that people think its okay to bully other people. We all know its wrong, yet people still think its okay to treat other people like they are trash. I really don't understand it. But when I was visiting USI to see a friend, we went to a seminar about bulling and there were gays and lesbians there telling there stories. The seminars were on campus and were informing the students about bulling and other problems that may occur while you are at school. But the people told their stories and the hate crimes they have gone through. It was really eye opening, and I think that would be a good idea to do at all schools. It would be very informative and it would should how people are affected by these hate crimes.

  6. Sex orientation is when both men and women are attracted to both sexes. Everyone is different we are like fingerprints no 2 are the same... But bullying happens when young adolescent are confused about others or want to force other to be what they see the world as.. They haven't been taught to but the nonsense behind them its a lot of world to explore. Everyone deserve to be treated equal know matter what you are.

  7. People have been raising awareness against bullying for many years now. But I do not think that it is ever going to end. It's not preventable. Some people will always feel the need to belittle others to make themselves feel better. It is sad that some people cannot accept others because they are different. I think having a seminar about LGBT in all schools would help rise awareness and maybe help people understand the effects of bullying.

  8. I use to be against homosexual when I was growing up because the church said it was wrong and it was against the Bible, but the older I get , I find christian beliefs highly contradicting and judgmental.The churches still teach that way and I can see why their are bullying to homosexual.I think think it ridiculous homosexual are being bully if your homosexual that is who you are.I think that school is to blame for a lot of the bulling because when they mad it so student can't stand up for themselves and Teachers turn a blind eye to it.I think people should deal with bullies directly make it clear that such behavior will not be tolerated.I also think all student should learn self defense and learn to protect themselves. I know my son had bullying problem in school not because he was homosexual but special needs and the school wouldn't tolerate any fighting back.I went to school three times about it nothing was done ,but talk with student so I put my son in martial arts he learn to take of himself and stop the bulling he hurt boy a little and school try to kick him out of school we went to court over it and my son was not in the wrong of course I heard all of the people say you can't solve problem with violence, but sure wasn't their child being spit on, or hit on just because he is different.No one bother him at school again.I told the judge my son will defend himself I don't care if I have to to court every day. More parent need to stand up to this society where our kids can't stand for themselves with bullies.

  9. Bullying is something that everyone experiences at some point in life. But most people know the lines you do not cross and its very surprising to me that that many people really go to that point to make others feel uncomfortable and unsafe. So thats when people and the country need to think of solutions to stop these problems. They could start by making same sex marriage okay in every state. This will make more people aware of it; like its a normal thing. Schools could even talk about it in classes of some sort, because not talking about it will make it an alien concept. And not talking about it will continue the bulling.

  10. I think that know one should be bullied. When i was little I was bullied all the time. I had to be held back because of the kids that bullied me all the time. I think that schools should do something to the bullies. It is not far to the kids, that get bulled all the time. Just because someone may have a hard time reading out loud or a hard time speaking. Some kids just can't help it that they are different. Parents need to teach their kids to not be bullies and if they see someone being bullied to tell a teacher or stand up for them. Being bullied is not fun at all trust me I know how it feels.

  11. I think younger kids today don't see how extreme their bulling can be. I also feel like schools don't do enough when it comes to punishment or even being aware of what's actually going on. It's terrible that there are so many warning signs and still no one does anything before it's to late. Schools should start suspending or even getting the law invalid when bulking becomes too much. Younger teens that are homosexual shouldn't feel like they can't be themselves at school because they're getting bullied or because they feel so different. Teachers, but mostly parents, should just teach about how other people and families are different. I remember as a kid I was taught that people were different in race, religion, and mental health but in the end no matter what we were all people. Even if you don't agree with it be aware of it. I think if we were all raised not even knowing being homosexual was different we wouldn't even second guess it. People get bullied because they are different. That's what needs to change, we are all people right ?

  12. Stopping bullying has been a losing battle for a while now. When i was in high school bullying was everywhere and homosexuality was the leading reason for why someone was being bullied. American students are increasingly becoming more and more diverse, and thats something i believe as Americans we need to understand and support rather than diminish. My mom is a secretary for the attendance office and works for Hamilton Southeastern Junior High in Fishers. At their school they are seeing bullying in cases of homosexuality and race in its early stages and they have taken action to have age appropriate in class activities, as well as school wide assemblies such as acts and plays to show the kids a second hand perspective of how devastating bullying can be to someone. But schools alone wont prevent bullying, the community has to take action as well. I feel that if the schools try to make a partnership with other organizations, businesses, religious outputs then they can bring the whole community in and everyone will be able to make a difference.
    Now i know that everyone is entitled to believe what they wish about homosexuality where as wether or not its acceptable and thats fine but people at least need to be aware that everyone is different and accept that.

  13. This question is slightly ridiculous, in the fact that all crimes involve hate at some level. Some people are bully’s and it just a fact of life. I do think that schools should look closely at their staff and make sure that they are also not bullying kids. The 8th grade football coach at my nephew’s school is a bully and has been reported but they still let him coach. Bullying probably will never really be stop because most of the bully’s are running things.
    Now for the LGBT issue. I personally do not approve of their actions but I don’t judge someone because of their preference. I believe that homosexuality is a sin, but so is judging someone. I think that it is wrong for society to force homosexual agendas on the rest of us, I would like to watch television without seeing homosexuals kissing each other.

  14. Bullying is one of the biggest problems we have at the moment. It is something that has to be stopped. It's really tragic when you turn the TV on and see that someone has committed suicide because they were being taunted about their sexuality. A simple way of preventing this is by simply sticking up for that person that is being bullied to let them know that you are their with them. Let someone know whats going on like a psychologist or counselor so they can get help. In order to create awareness it's important to let society whats going on and what are the steps to stopping bullying. Also by making teachers take seminars or classes on how to prevent and stop bullying. Lastly if it's necessary going to the media so they can raise the awareness!

  15. Bullying has been going around ever since I was in high school. Grant we didn't have any suicides or anything of that nature. But, there was students that were too afraid to come to school based on their sexuality. I believe you have the free right to be as open minded and true to yourself as you want to be. I feel that it is wrong for someone to be looked down on for it. Awareness should be more prevalent in the news and this topic should be in more discussions. Us as Americans need to stick up for one another.

  16. I believe that many crimes are committed because these individuals are ignorant. They haven’t taken the time to understand the true situations. When it comes to hate crimes against homosexuals, I believe they have not taken the time to understand the other perspectives. I would think that if they really truly knew a homosexual, and knew they were just normal people. It’s not like homosexuality is like a disease. It cannot be transmitted, so why not treat them like you would like to be treated? So, as a solution to hate crimes against homosexuality I believe people need to become more educated about it. Individuals need to be more open with their opinions about this topic, and also needs to be understanding of others points of view.

  17. There are plenty of gay people that are able to be strong and independent despite negative things being said to them and about them daily. They understand that those comments are made by ignorant people and they rise above it. I think, like many issues dealing with children, it is the responsibility of the parents to teach their homosexual children how to cope with bullies' comments. Because it is an unfortunate truth that the bullying will go on regardless of any discipline or other measures taken by the teachers.

  18. As long as people don't accept homosexuals as being normal people, they're going to be harassed. That's always how it's been with people who are different in some way. I went to a pretty small high school in rural Indiana and in my graduating class there was one gay guy. He received regular death threats and the administration did nothing to stop them. When no one cares about you, you have learn to care about yourself. With the dawn of the Internet, there are lots of support groups available for people suffering any sort of exclusion or persecution. Until people learn to accept each other, that's about the best that can be done. This whole "raising awareness" movement is kind of pointless. People are already "aware" of most of the problems people are trying to "raise awareness" for. They just don't care enough or at the least disinterested in those problems. The world isn't perfect and never will be. There isn't much that can be done until people are willing to take personal responsibility.

  19. On my junior year, my friend Nick was picked on by a bully because he's bigger than Nick and have something grudge against Nick but One day I had enough of it, I encountered the bully and tried to reason with him but he won't listen to me so I had to tell the teacher about the bully. But from my experience, I really don't like people being mean and pick on people or kids for no reason. so I want to change that to reduce the bullying in any ways. I want to to stop bullying in schools and kids won't suffer the damaged ego.

  20. I don't really have any strong opinions regarding peoples sexual orientation, that is something that is very much an individuals own business. I also think that same sex marriage should be perfectly legal, people should have the right to do whatever they feel is right i their own life.
    the issue about bullying is a tough one regardless what the motivation of the bully is. Weather it be race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or just how someone looks bullying is a major problem. There are probably lots of different approaches that could inform parents about the bullying problems, but that wouldn't change the situation. Lots of times hate is passed on from parents. The only sure fire way to prevent bullying is to stop hatred, which is a pretty tall order.

  21. I'm not trying to stat any problems when I say, I think homosexuality is not the way God created us to live our lives, its just what I believe.

    Although I don't agree with the lifestyle, I still have gay friends, and would never bully anyone for their choices. I raised to accept people for who they are. Everyone is entitled to their own choices and opinions.

    I have never had any close bully experiences. I feel like I've always been a person who could get along with cheerleaders, jocks, books club dorks, and band geeks. But I know it still happens.

    Children need to be taught about the other things that are out there. I'm sure there is a lot of phycology is behind why kids bully but it needs to stop. Whether someone has different skin color, has a speech problem, is overweight, or has a learning disability, every kid must be treated equality. I also believe its ok to tell kids they don't have to be best friends with them, but for no reason at all should they be mean or bully them. If kids know its wrong and get disciplined when it dones happen, hopefully our schools will take a turn for the better.

    These kids need to be taught to have a heart and know others have feelings too.

  22. I forgot to mention I just read an article about Zachary Quinto, who is an actor. He played a major roll of Syler in the Heros series. I just read last week in "US" that he recently "came out". There ahave been suspicions for a while but he finally admitted it.

    “It became clear to me in an instant that living a gay life without publicly acknowledging it is simply not enough to make any significant contribution to the immense work that lies ahead on the road to complete equality,” he wrote.

    He talked about how a bully inccident at a school he heard about encouraged him to be a public eye for other gays. He didn't want to just sit back and watch others deal with this.

  23. People should really consider others and their outlook on life. Hundreds of demeaning words are used each day, some without realizing it hurts one another. Bullying causes pain to those who are different and its very much so overlooked by high powers. Bullying should be brought to attention and stopped before becoming to serious. Bullies should be sat down and read facts of those hurt by bullying.
    Communities should really consider taking home the needs of those hurt by bullying. One's sexual orientation might be different yet the person is still human and available to be hurt.
    The promotion of bullying and safety should be brought to attention more. Also having certain times for gay awareness might help.
