Monday, October 17, 2011

Your Next President Could Be A Mormon

Recently the Mormon Church started an advertising campaign in nine U.S. markets, including Indianapolis. The advertisements, which include television, radio and billboards feature Mormons talking about their lives and faith. The ads are schedule to run into February, and are designed to show that Mormons are everyday people leading everyday lives. Although the Mormon Church officially supports no presidential candidate, many feel these ads have come at just the right time as there are currently two candidates of the Mormon faith running for President, Mitt Romney and Governor Jon Huntsman.

There has been a lot of controversy over a Mormon running for President. Last week, pastor Robert Jefferies called Romney’s faith a “cult”. Romney has also endured repeated questioning in interviews about his faith and his personal beliefs. Shows like Sister Wives, and reports of raids on polygamist compounds leave many Americans buying in to the stereotype and feeling that Mormons are just plain weird. It begs the question, “Is America ready for a Mormon President?”

Now I make no secret of my Christian faith. That being said, I strongly believe in the separation of church and state. I also have Mormon family members. They don’t have multiple wives, live in Utah or wear homemade clothes. My cousins all went to public school, listen to music, watch movies and wear the latest fashions. In fact, if not for the fact they abstain from caffeine, I would forget they were Mormon at all.

So my question to you this week is, “Do you think America is ready for a Mormon President? Do you think a candidate’s religion should be discussed when running for public office?” Answers are due no later than Monday, October 24th, 2011.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well, we didn't except a black man to become a president but it did happen but are we ready for a Mormon President? I would like a Mormon President to meet our exceptions and goals to make our America improve much better and lead to successful but I really don't like things such as bad choices that our former president(s) made for war, trusting other country after betraying us, etc. So my point is that it is just depends on each American's Political view of point.

  3. Honestly speaking I think that as Americans we are not ready to have a mormon president. I think this just for the simple fact that we are to stereotypical, we judge people, we get paranoid, and get frightened at any sign of difference. For america to have a mormon president he would really have to show the voters that he meet their standards. I don't think a candidates religion should be discussed when running for president. Besides the fact that it's nobodies business, the candidate can't make any decisions based on religion if they become a president. there is no point in having to now their religion.

  4. The issues that people seem have with Mormons are the fact that some of their beliefs are strange (such as the whole you-get-to-rule-your-own-planet-after-you-die thing) and some other assorted historical things. I think if a candidate is otherwise well-qualified and able to lead a country without their personal religious beliefs causing them to make fanatical decisions, their religion should be a non-issue. Their political qualifications are what matter. Or are what should matter, anyway. Because we all know that's not how it works in real life. With so many people today now looking at all organized religion in a negative light, it isn't hard to believe that any political candidate with obvious religious beliefs may be at a decided disadvantage in some parts of the country and with some demographics.

  5. The issue that people have with Mormons is that they don't understand their religion, people think all Mormons are a like, but they are not. I doesn't matter if your Mormons or Catholic media or other Presidential Candidates are always going to portray the other persons religion as wrong. President Kennedy went through religion issue because he was Catholic.I don't think people are going to vote on which religion a president is at least my generation are more concerns with jobs and other issues. I also think because we have the separation of state and religion we are always going have this problem of unfamiliar religion because we are uneducated about the different religions.I couldn't tell you one thing about the Mormon religion just all bad stuff on the news.I think religion is always going to be an issue in the Presidential voting I don't think it should be.

  6. I don't think it is right to advertise the candidate is morman because there should be a separation between religion and politics. Religion should not be a discussion during the election. I honestly do not believe america is ready for a morman prez. But then again if he says all the right things that the people want to hear, he might have a shot.

  7. I don't think that people should base their vote on whether or not a person is mormon. we should base it on the type of person they are as a whole and what they are going to do for our country. I think we should be able to believe what we want without it being a problem. obama is a christian and president, and people still voted for him. So I think we should look at it the same way, and give this guy the same chance and look beyond what religion he believes in. Being a christian it might be weird, but that isn't going to make me vote differently if i think he is a good person.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I feel like religion is fair game in politics because it is a deep part of who we are. I personally know a few Mormons and they seem alright as always there are a few people in a group that can ruin the image of the group for the rest. so i guess in the end America will decide if we are ready. I didn't think we were ready for a black president and that happened.

  10. I feel that we are not ready for a mormon president. The simple fact that they believe in different morals/beliefs will effect how people vote. They arn't going to vote for someone that may change the way the country is now. I dont think its right but thats just how Americans are.

  11. The presidents religion doesn't matter. American is supposed to be the land of religious tolerance and freedom. The US isn't a monarchy or dictatorship where the religion of the leader dictates the religion of the population.

  12. I don't think it's any scarier to have a Mormon as out president than any other kind of Christian, in my opinion they're all pretty crazy.I don't think anyone involved in any kind of organized religion should be allowed be put in any position of power. It's insane to allow someone who firmly believes in something as unrealistic as most unorganized shouldn't be trusted with peoples lives. many people involved in religion take it to seriously and could potentially let something imaginary influence important decisions.

  13. I think that we should not have a Mormon president. It would set a bad example. Even though, I do not have a problem with Mormon people, I just don't agree on what they are doing. I am a christian, and I believe in being with only one woman and one man. It could show the world that it is ok to have multi wives. But I do think that we should not bash mouth them, because of their belief. Everyone believes in different things. And this is American we are supposed to welcome every culture. But not every culture should be in the white house. It would go badly.

  14. America may not be ready for a Mormon President because sadly enough, America is not ready to have someone that has different beliefs rule over them. As for myself, I do not mind what belief the ruler of our country is, however I do not believe in proselytizing, which the Mormons follow in partake of their religion. America in some way will make church and state a whole issue. Therefore, I believe the topic on the candidate’s religion will be brought up. I think it should not be discussed when running office, but like I implied you never know what questions may occur when people our curious about different beliefs.
    -Amber McNair

  15. As far as it goes with me, I don't really care. Years ago we would of never thought we'd have a black president. Times have changed for everybody these days. I only want the change that we have been promised, and as long as somebody could do that i don't care. People just have to accept the facts on some things. In the long run it could be a bad thing or a good thing. No one can really call it.

  16. A agree with what other people are saying. We never thought we would have had a black president. Even though race and religion are two totally different categories. I think religion is a bigger deal for Americans then race is. Like could you even imagine if an Atheist was running for president I feel like Americans would flip ! We pay attention to what people believe rather then what they can do. I don't think it matters at all what religion or race our next president will be as long as they clean up the mess Bush made. And during a campaign religion shouldnt even be something that's brought up cause that's not what's important.

  17. I cannot personally say whether or not America is ready for a Mormon President because I can only speak for me and my family on that matter. I, as well as, my family are Christian, so we would not want a certain type of Mormon to be President, such as those who have multiple wives. I know not all Mormons are that way. And I absolutely believe that religion should be discussed when an individual is running for President. People have a right to know what kind of person will run their country.

  18. At the moment, I don't think Americans are ready for a Mormon president. Because at the moment, many Americans are prejudiced to Mormonism and ignorant of what kind of people Mormons are, outside of what South Park and a few news stories have said about them. Maybe now that Mormonism is in the spotlight, people will do a bit of research and some of the stereotypes will be laid down, which is a great thing.

    So no, right now I don't think Americans are ready. But come voting time, maybe.

  19. I don't think America is ready for a Mormon President. I agree with your statement of seperation of church and state.

    Part of me feels that I'm sure he'd be a fine president if he wins with his plan for office and not because he's mormon. It may just be another way to win the group of people.

    Another part of me, being a christian, feels that he may try to do things I don't necessarily believe in or agree with. This will be the case with most presidents.

    For the most part, as much as I would want a republican christian, well balanced man to win the presidency, these candidates need to fight with their government plans. When they lead with personal, religious, or stabs at the others, they are not putting their best foot forward. It does say something about a person when your know their personal life and morals but they are being hired to hold the highest seat in America and I believe they should be voted their by what they can do for the people not by where they go to church.

  20. I personally feel like our world is too rebellious for a mormon president. Yet anything is possible. Once was a time society wouldn't even have considered a black president yet here we are today with one. I personally wouldn't mind a mormon president unless it drastically altered my life. It's definitely a topic I would really look into before voting or becoming a part of. I mean it wouldn't be awful to have some publicized christian background to the U.S. again. Just all depends on the morals and thoughts of the mormon candidate himself.

  21. I dont think that it matters what religion someone is. I think he should be judged on his views not that he is a mormon or not.

  22. The United States is a melting pot. We have all kinds, so who are we to judge? The U.S. stand for the fact that one can believe in any religion, be any nationality, even be gay or lesbian. That is what a free county is. So, I believe that we are ready for a Mormon president. It really should not matter what their faith is, just as long as they are faithful to the United States. We would not want any treason now would we?
