Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Your Thoughts and Feedback Are Appreciated!

When we started out together it was hot and muggy and now fall is finally here!  Yea! It has been a pleasure getting to know all of you this quarter and I wish you well in your future endeavors. For our last blog post, I would like to get your thoughts and feedback on the class. "What did you like or dislike about the class? What could I do to make it better?" Answers are due no later than Tuesday, September 20th, 2011. After that, the blog will be down until class resumes next quarter.

Even though it's a short break, I hope you find time to relax and get some needed rest. I hope you all continue to follow the blog, and post comments whenever you like. For those of you who are graduating - congratulations! All you hard work finally paid off!


  1. I liked the class Stephanie. It is not ran too different that Sarah Vincents way of running a class. And I loved having her as a teacher.

    I have no complaints and honestly can say this is one of the more enjoyable classes if not for the simple fact I can speak my mind on issues and not be branded, lol.

    I know I can be opinionated but can't we all. What I am saying is that don't change a thing...

  2. I felt that the class, while not a subject I particularly enjoy, was still rather enjoyable in and of itself. I think you managed to bring out a side of me that not many people get to see--the one who imputs, the one who debates. Usually I'm one to just avoid the subject if there are people trying to get me to talk about an issue I disagree with, but the class was from the beginning of the quarter one where I could say whatever civilized things I wanted and not be stared at like I just killed a puppy. (Which guessing by my username, you can infer that I would never do such a thing. =P)

  3. It is a good class, one of the ones I looked forward to, most of the time. Some interesting topics, some not so much. I think this class should have been an evening class though. I'm not as energetic in the morning and most of the time don't feel like arguing. With that said though, I did enjoy it 98% of the time.

  4. I really enjoyed your class. You are an excellent teacher and I enjoyed your teaching style.I really like the blogs; I was always interested each week to see what the topic was going to be. Like Joe said it would have been nice if it was an afternoon class because I am also not very energetic in the mornings.

  5. I think it was a very good class. I gota be honest coming into it I didn't really kno what to expect and wasn't too thrilled about it because i wasn't into politics and all if that I thought it was gona be just based on that, but it was much more than that. It was actually the class I enjoyed the most this quarter. I love the way u teach and the way u format the class. By the way you are hilarious, u always made the class interesting, and ur stories are great. You should have ur own tv show. Lol. I remember the week in class when we watched the documentary on hurricane Katrina and we were discussing about it and you said quote " I think in one of Jay z's songs he said...the helicopters flew by to get the scoop but they didn't scoop you" That's in his song "Minority Report" on his kingdom come album. And when u said that it just put a smile on my face because it was like totally outta left field and I promise I was thinking the same exact thing right before you said it. Lol. Jay is my favorite artist. I love him...and I kno all his lyrics to every song. And that wasn't the first time u mentioned him in class. Just curious do u listen to jay z? Anyways I think ur an awesome instructor and I wouldn't change nothung jus keep doin you.

  6. I have really no complaints about the class. If anything I thought the class was going to be a lot less entertaining then it was, but I was pleasantly surprised. I also like the United Nations activities we did in our groups.

  7. I liked the class but I think it should've been an afternoon or evening class. Some of the topics were slightly boring and I would've liked to have heard about some more events pertaining to the present but it was an all-around good class.

  8. I loved this class. You were able to make this class much more enjoyable than I previously assumed it would be. The United Nations projects were alright, maybe if groups alternated countries we could grasp a little bit more out of it. Aside from that, I loved it.

  9. It was a good class, I enjoyed the debates, and all of the arguments, but like everyone else I am not a morning person. It's slightly frustrating that some people don't know things like this country has an electoral college choose its president, but that's what this class is for isn't it.
    -Nick C

  10. I enjoyed the class and having you as a teacher! I liked how we were able to get to know the other students in class by doing the united nations activities. The blog was kind of hard to remember at times but other than that, you made the class entertaining to be in with all your jokes and your own made up words! I hope you have a great break! :)

  11. I enjoyed the class, and had lots of laughs! I can honestly say that I learned a lot in concerns of both the subject as well as the members in the classroom. Look forward to having class with Stephanie again!

  12. I enjoyed the class very much! I enjoyed engaging in conversation and debates. I would of liked some more established debates. Maybe instead of having final presentations, you should have final debates. Where you choose topics and have people take a stance and create a debate around it. I think it would help bring out good points from both sides. Just a thought.
