I was shocked earlier this summer when I opened my latest issue
of Glamour magazine to read an article on at-home abortions. You can read
my thoughts and your fellow students’ comments here: http://historicalandpoliticalissues.blogspot.com/2016/08/diy-abortions.html Then, after reading many of your responses
last week, and watching last night’s Presidential debate, I realized abortion
is more of an issue this election cycle than ever before.
In the past 5 years, Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers
(TARP) state laws have shut down 162 clinics, or prevented them from offering
abortion services. Here in Indiana, a
federal judge recently suspended our new abortion law deeming it
unconstitutional. The Indiana law
would’ve prohibited abortions on the basis of disability or race, and required
abortion providers to bury or cremate fetal tissue.
The next President will certainly have the opportunity to
appoint at least one, if not two or three justices to the Supreme Court of the
United States. In last night’s debate,
the candidates were asked about their stance on abortion, and whether or not
they would like to see the groundbreaking case Roe v. Wade, which made abortion legal in this country, overturned.
For his part, Trump, who has stated he is pro-life, said, “That'll happen
automatically, in my opinion, because I am putting pro-life justices on the
court. It will go back to the states, and the states will then make a
determination." For her part,
Clinton, who has a long pro-choice record stated, “Politicians have no business
interfering with a woman’s personal health decisions.”
Abortion is a hard topic to come to terms with, at least for
me. I’d like to think if I were pregnant, my faith would prevent me from
considering abortion, but I’m also realistic enough to know that if I were
young, and scared, abortion would certainly be on my mind. I think it’s
just a sad situation all around, and I’m glad I don’t have the responsibility
of legislating what is a personal and very emotional decision.
Soon we’re going to discuss the right to privacy that most
Americans feel they are entitled to. As part of that discussion, we’ll
look at some of the groundbreaking abortion legislation that has come out of
the Courts over the years. So, I’m interested in knowing what you think –
“Do you think we should continue to place restrictions and limitations on when,
where and how woman can obtain abortions? Should Roe v. Wade be overturned? Please explain your answer.”
Answers are due no later than Wednesday, October 26th, 2016.
I do believe that there should be some type of regulation as far as how far along can people get abortions yet that is about it. I find it utterly ridiculous that Pence tried pass that law and I'm glad that other people saw that too. But asides that, women should be able to have choices, regardless on if they go through with abortion or not, or choose another path (ex. giving it up for adoption) I also definitely do not believe in the overturning of the Roe v. Wade.
ReplyDeleteI believe that if there is absolutely no chance of a fetus surviving outside the womb, then abortion should be available. However, if there is even the slightest chance that the fetus could survive then abortion should be "off limits." Once you reach that point, I believe that the woman's body is no longer her own and the fetus has a right to live. There is a reason for adoptions.
ReplyDeleteOkay.. lets be clear and honest.. No one wants to be the first to mention abortion in a relationship. Its not a good characteristic look to have. As a father of 4 and taking full responsibility of being a full time father. Young teens and middle age people are not going to stop having sex. With or without abortion clinics. So you Have those that will do it themselves and put themselves at risk for alot dangerous outcomes. It wont be until then when we have a nationwide issue with the effects of home abortions and wreckless parenting from couples or "fu#% Buddys" trying to pull together and do some half ass parenting because they don't know what they are doing.Not saying I'm for it But I'm also not with half ass parenting.The money used for abortion should then be used for adoption funding
ReplyDeleteI personally think abortions should be available for any women but have some mild restrictions. If the women is not far along then abortions should be legal. Its her body and she should do what she desires to do. Some women can't afford or handle a child and adoration can help so many women out. If the women is at the end of her second trimester or in her third I personally think then abortion should not be performed unless the baby is going to harm the mother during birth or there are serious health issues going on that abortion would need to take place. The baby has the right to live if it is a full grown fetus and adoptions could be made but by the end of a women's pregnancy abortion should not take place. I would consider that murder.
ReplyDeleteI believe that a woman should be able to have an abortion up until they can hear the baby's heartbeat. I believe that after the heartbeat the baby is considered to be a human being and has the right to live. I also believe that is a good amount of time for a woman to decide what she wants to do with her body.
ReplyDeleteI think women should have the right to have an abortion if they so choose. There should be some restrictions like only during the first trimester aborting when at full term is wrong. People are going to do what they want regardless, I believe by taking away the clinics it only forces women into taking matters into their own hands. At lest by going to a professional it reduces the risks.
ReplyDeleteI think women should have the right to choose whether or not they have an abortion. Similar to your views, I can see and understand both sides of the situation, depending on several circumstances. However, I also believe that there should be abortion clinics, or somewhere a woman can go it have the done safely. Otherwise, it be illegal and a woman choose to do it herself. In terms of Roe vs. Wade, I do not believe it should be overturned.
ReplyDeleteThere is a such a wide array of circumstances and struggles an expecting mother could be dealing with after conceiving, I don't believe that any politician can deny a woman's right to an abortion on religious or political grounds. For example, what if the woman was raped or the child would never survive out of the womb due to health complications? If a politician does try to make such a statement, (s)he should also be more than willing to put just as much effort into making sure the children they worked so hard to protect have a comfortable life post-birth. I believe that many politicians are only so fervent on the pro-life issue to lock down super conservative, pro-life voters. However, it doesn't appear that many pro-life individuals have much true regard for the sanctity of life considering so many support the war effort and the death penalty while being against so many social programs. I believe the hypocrisy of the pro-life argument is enough to show that there isn't much solid ground beneath it. So, to sum up my response, I don't believe there should be any laws on the books banning abortion.
ReplyDeleteI think there should be limitations but there should also be exceptions, like if a girl was sexually assaulted and doesnt want to have the baby. Another exception should be timing. If a woman wants an abortion and the child is nowhere near developed she should be allowed to as well. It is a choice, and while i personally dont believe in abortions, i do believe that woman should have the choice to a certain degree. At home abortions make me sick to my stomach and make me cringe though.
ReplyDeleteThis is Katie
DeleteI do not believe in getting abortions period point blank. I believe that God blesses women with babies whether the situation was wanted or not. That's whats wrong with people now days, don't want to take care of THEIR responsibilities. Pregnancy is preventable, condoms, birth control, or just simply DON'T HAVE SEX!
ReplyDeleteI agree with Clinton that politicians have no right to control a woman's body. I think there should be some regulations on abortions, however there are a lot of common misconceptions on abortions performed after the first trimester.
ReplyDeleteI feel like every year regulations and restrictions get tighter and tighter surrounding the issue of abortions. Personally I think that we should allow them do what they want to do. If they want an abortion go ahead, it doesn't affect me.