I was shocked earlier this summer when I opened my latest
issue of Glamour magazine to read an article on at-home abortions. Many women who can’t afford to travel, who
don’t want their parents or the father of the baby to know they’re pregnant, or
who simply can’t afford a child are finding themselves with very limited
options. As access to safe, legal methods
of abortion becomes increasingly limited, women are resorting to black-market
remedies, which could ultimately land them in jail. Consider the following:
There are still over 1 million legal abortions
performed each year in the United States.
A 2015 survey in Texas found that 240,000 women
had attempted to induce an abortion on their own – and that’s just in Texas!
Last year, Google reported there were over
700,000 searches done on “How to give yourself an abortion.”
In the past 5 years, Targeted Regulation of Abortion
Providers (TARP) state laws have shut down 162 clinics, or prevented them from
offering abortion services. Here in Indiana,
a federal judge recently suspended our new abortion law deeming it unconstitutional. The Indiana law would’ve prohibited abortions
on the basis of disability or race, and required abortion providers to bury or
cremate fetal tissue.
Abortion is a hard topic to come to terms with, at least for
me. I’d like to think if I were
pregnant, my faith would prevent me from considering abortion, but I’m also realistic
enough to know that if I were young, and scared, abortion would certainly be on
my mind. I think it’s just a sad
situation all around, and I’m glad I don’t have the responsibility of
legislating what is a personal and very emotional decision.
Next week in class we’re going to discuss the right to
privacy that most Americans feel they are entitled to. As part of that discussion, we’ll look at
some of the groundbreaking abortion legislation that has come out of the Courts
over the years. So, I’m interested in
knowing what you think – “Do you think we should continue to place restrictions
and limitations on when, where and how woman can obtain abortions? Please explain your answer.” Answers are due no later than Wednesday,
August 31st, 2016.
No, because I think abortions are terrible for the babies that are inside the womb. Women can obtain abortions only when it's necessary or when their lives are in danger. The law would have prohibited the abortions on the basis of disability or race.
ReplyDelete“Do you think we should continue to place restrictions and limitations on when, where and how woman can obtain abortions? Please explain your answer.” Answers are due no later than Wednesday, August 31st, 2016.
ReplyDeleteYes, I think there should be restrictions and limits on abortions. I personally am sort of on the fence because I don't believe they are right but if it endangers the mother, I could MAYBE see it, or in certain rape cases possibly? I think it is a case by case basis. But my belief is, if you're responsible enough to have sex, you should be responsible enough to deal with the consequences.
I don't think there is a yes or no on this. The only answer is .. let women do what they want to their bodies. Period.
ReplyDeleteIt's certainly not our jurisdiction to tell a woman/women what to do with her/their bodies. I say inform them on the pros and cons and let the ultimate decision be theirs.
ReplyDeleteI do not believe we should place limitations for women when it comes to abortion. Every women has the right to do with her own body as she pleases in the United States. While it is sad to consider that many lives are eliminated before they are even given a chance when abortions are performed, the end point is that women make the decision for their own personal reasons. By placing limitations we are only pushing women to rebel and perform abortions unsafely, or resort to other less appealing options. Overall, my stand is that women should be allowed to make their own decisions since they're going to find a way around it regardless.
ReplyDelete~Jessica Palmer
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ReplyDeleteI think we should continue to place restrictions on how, when, and where women can get abortions, because I just think it is the right thing to do.
ReplyDelete-Jared Shaw
An abortion should be no ones business but the mother. There should be restrictions on it, but if a woman wants an abortion, who cares? Mind your business, it has nothing to do with you.
ReplyDeleteI believe that there should be restrictions set in place for how far along a woman is but believe the ultimate choice is up to her just as I believe that people have the right to protest abortion I believe the choice is up to the woman and what she wants to do with her body
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to say SHOULD or SHOULD NOT because abortion is moral issue. We should educate people about abortion and abortion side effects because people have a right to choose between their own life or their baby life. Abortion is really a tough question because it really depend on where we live and what's our religions.
ReplyDeleteI find that to be the most ridiculous thing! NO ONE should have the right to set restrictions and limitations on how woman should have an abortion. Yes a abortion is a touchy subject and everybody has their opinions which is fine those that are in high power should let that dictate when it comes to making the laws because when that happens thats basically them making the decision for that person already. I believe all the right tools and methods should be available for abortion because when those get restricted then people will find unsafe ways to get the end results. Its not like someone wakes up and says I'm going to have an abortion and skips around, its a hard and terrifying decision, and I would think people would want those going through that procedure to be safe rather then going out looking for an alternative unsafe method. No one has the right to tell a woman what to do with her body and I find it absolutely ridiculous that men coming up and making certain laws against this think they even have a say in this, and its not just men it everybody else because the truth is unless your in that position or ever were in the position its hard to know what the right decision is.
I think that only woman should decide what other women do with their bodies. Personally I think it's ridiculous that men are trying to dictate what women should do and how they should do it when comes to abortion. Nor would I ever inflict my own religion and personal beliefs onto another person's mindset to make them think or feel the same way I do. As a man if it were my daughter I would let her make her own decision,and support her no matter what. As far as continuing to create legislations and restrictions, I think it should only go as far as to ensure a women's health and well-being.
ReplyDeleteI think that it is in a woman's hands to decide what they do. Being a woman i dont want other people to tell me what to do and when to do it. If the woman or child is in danger than that is another thing. Me being a young mom, i didnt want to take a life, i gave my child a life that i couldnt give.
ReplyDeleteI belive that it is truely a womans choice! If a woman is raped we are saying that she should have this child, and that the child should live in a home were the mom is reminded everyday of what happend that day in her life. Or the child is left in the system with no partens at all. I really feel that that this is something that goverment has no right to be in. It is something that a woman should be in control of.
ReplyDeleteFreedom of choice should always be an option. I feel if there is going to be anything about an abortion there should always be a regulation. A time period for when its alsright, not alright. Yada, yada. If it stops someone from sticking a coat hanger inside them and injuring themselves in the process, then help them.
ReplyDeleteFreedom of choice should always be an option. I feel if there is going to be anything about an abortion there should always be a regulation. A time period for when its alsright, not alright. Yada, yada. If it stops someone from sticking a coat hanger inside them and injuring themselves in the process, then help them.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, this I haven't heard much about, and it hurts to hear such catastrophes. Knowing what women already go through, and then hearing this, it sucks. I do think that we as people shouldn't place restrictions, but safety precautions on abortions. such as the facilities where they are done should be well regulated and there should be more documentations of this. Illegal abortions, its hard for me to say because I'm undereducated about the subject.
ReplyDeleteI believe abortion should be a choice. not something the government should decide for you. its your body and your life to decide. not theirs. yes there should be regulation on how it is performed and where. but the answer shouldn't be no. I rather a young woman go to the clinic where they can do it safely then almost die from doing it home.
ReplyDeleteWomen can get abortions from any clinic that offers them by setting an appointment beforehand but may have to keep calling to set an appointment.
ReplyDeleteWomen can get abortions from any clinic that offers them by setting an appointment beforehand but may have to keep calling to set an appointment.
ReplyDeleteI cant believe it. 1 million get legally aborted?! WHAT?! That's insane!!! We need to start spading and nurturing like we do to our dogs and cats! lol I believe the only restrictions should lean more towards on which trimester it is. You can still get an abortion. But 2nd or 3rd Trimester should only be aborted if raped, disabilities, or risk to the mother's health..
ReplyDeleteI cant believe it. 1 million get legally aborted?! WHAT?! That's insane!!! We need to start spading and nurturing like we do to our dogs and cats! lol I believe the only restrictions should lean more towards on which trimester it is. You can still get an abortion. But 2nd or 3rd Trimester should only be aborted if raped, disabilities, or risk to the mother's health..
ReplyDeleteI believe that women should have the right to choose, however abortions preformed after the first trimester should only be for safety, or special circumstance. But that is not for politicians to decide!