Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Best Part About Censorship is @*!

This week in class, we will discuss freedom of speech and what kinds of expression are not protected under the Constitution, including obscenity and pornography. Since you should all be working on preparing the visuals for your final project, I thought this would be a good time to discuss censorship.

Did you know that the school often regulates or censors what types of student work can be displayed in the hallways? In the past, I’ve been told not to display student projects that reference drugs or sex and/or have graphic images. Some would say that the school has an interest in protecting their image. Parents and prospective students tour the hallways and it’s important not to offend anyone. Still others would say that the school is practicing a form of censorship. Political art makes a statement and pushes the boundaries of what is appropriate. How can a school that promotes creative and artistic license, censor student work?

So my question to you this week is, “Do you think the school has a right to censor student work that is being displayed in the hallways? Why or why not?” Answers are due no later than Wednesday, December 5th, 2012.


  1. I think they have a right to censor it. That is enough to censor what's appropriate if that makes any sense. Sometimes people make really good works, but you can tell that some of it is just there for shock value and not necessarily with any substance or reason for it other than to shock. Some sh!t is just F*c*in dumb as sh!t and looking for some g*ddamn attention, yah know?

  2. I disagree. I think the school has no right to censor what student artwork. we are all adults here. Honestly, if parents and prospective students who tour the hallways get offended by some of the art....then frankly they shouldnt be considering applying for an art school. In some way doesnt all art, not just political, make a statement and push boundaries? Thats the whole point, for an artist to express themselves. If you dont like it....look away. The world is full of offensive things, yes we can protect the children (somewhat) but you cant hide from it forever.

  3. I agree that the school should be able to censor student work. I understand that we are all here for an education and part of that education may push some boundries but at the end of the day, the school itself is nothing more than a business trying to make money. The more students who come to the school, the more money they make. They should be able to present their business in any matter they think will attract the most students(money). In the same way that other businesses require a dress code or decorate reception areas in a mannor pleasing to potential clients, the school should "decorate" with what they think will be the most pleasing to potential students. Its tough to realize that we are nothing more than money to the school but that is the name of the game. Luckily we are getting a great education out of the deal but the bottom line remains the same.

  4. I am totally against all forms of censorship, but I understand why Ai censors whats in the halls. If they put up anything that is graphic as a form of art, that could hurt sales. Being apart of EDMC, sales are most important, and they can't scare away potential sale, because this is a for-profit school. I believe the school has a right to censor what goes up. It is lame, but a lot of folks are still quite easily-offended and can't wrap their minds around a little satire. If it was my school, I'd hang up anything and everything, and most instructors probably would too. But theirs limited space to make the sale, so they can only hang up the things that will woo the folks who come in. You have to get those oooh's and aww's..

    1. I agree that the school should sensor any art work that have sexual or pornography content because some parent come with their young children to the school. This type of art should not be displayed on the walls even if it convoyed a real message to the audience. Children will not read the message behind the art. Also, art work that have harsh criticism to group of people may not be allowed if the criticism is hard enough to hurt feelings and cause pain to some. Responsible art should respect our brains and feelings. I agree with any censorship that aim to eliminate irresponsible arts, however I disagree on the censorship that targets responsible arts that convey a political message that will awaken up our minds and make us think of certain issues.

  5. I do not agree with a lot of forms of censorship. Ultimately what is displayed on the walls at the school is art. Art censorship, whether it be music, film, painting, etc., is something that I do not feel should be censored. These different kinds of media being censored only stops the transferring of ideas and perspectives that have proven powerful and beneficial. No one did anything significant without being at least a little controversial.

  6. I think the school has a right to censor the artwork that is on the walls and I understand why they do it but I also think as a creative arts school they should be less strict. The pieces of art are making a statement and I think if the point gets across to the viewer of what the statement is then it shouldn't be a problem. It may be a little shocking at first to see something like that on the walls but I also think that if someone sees something that shocking they're going to question it or read the description to find out why its there and I think that most people would understand the purpose of it and if they don't then maybe they should choose a different school because they're more than likely going to be exposed to something controversial in their classes at some point.

  7. I think that the school should allow anything that isn't pornography or obscenity. However, the pyramids is supposed to be a professional environment, so things of that nature probably shouldn't be displayed in the hallways. However, a piece of art that causes controversy or discussion should be allowed to be displayed. I love art that gets people talking. There is an artist named Jeff Koonz who had a huge statue of a balloon dog in the palace of Versailles in France. The model of riches, art, and culture has this huge piece of joke art right in the middle of it. I think that the whole point of that was to get people talking and thinking.

  8. Although, it's unfortunate, the school has a right to censor what they decide to put up. Even though I think it's a little silly to be censoring art work at an art school, I suppose it makes sense since there are other businesses in the building and the school is trying to be professional.

  9. I think the school has the right to censor whatever they please. It is their facility, and they are allowed to do this. However, as a student here I think it is morally wrong. I, as many of you as well, pay a TON to go here, and for someone to tell me that I can't display something that I created is honestly a slap in the face. We put a lot of passion and time into the items we create and for an instructor to have to tell a student that their piece can't be shown to an ART school is really ridiculous. Sorry I'm not sorry but I believe in full exposure at this school in creativity, and to not have that right is mind-blowing.

    I understand on a sales aspect that it could effect someone from going to Ai. If I was a new student being enrolled (which we have all been there) however, it is a very powerful action for a school to live a lie like this. Going into the school and then finding out that some things are censored was really shocking to me looking at it now. Don't get me wrong, I respect the school and the chances it has given me, but as creators, I would never wish censorship on anyone here. There can be some pretty wild art pieces out there, but if that is someones outlet, it should not be hidden from the public.

  10. I agree and disagree with the school censoring what art work is allowed to be in the halls. I see there point of view with potential students touring the halls (mostly what the parents think) and seeing something that might offend them. It basically scaring away "their money". But from the point of view of seeing new, unique, wow factor, cool, and awesome student work that could inspire new students or already attending students, that's were I would have to disagree with them censoring artwork.

  11. I am partial to this. Its a yes and no for me. I think students should have free right to put whatever they want on their assignments.. But saying that, others might now want to see if constantly. So therefore I'd say that schools can, not censor, but not put up certain pieces of work.

  12. I think the school does have a right to censor our work. I do not think it is alright though. We all know this is a for profit school, and they do need to protect its image. If I had a business I would want to control what goes up on my walls too.
