Thursday, November 15, 2012

Land Of The Free, Home Of The High?

Last week, Massachusetts joined 17 other states that allow the medical use of marijuana.  Going even further, Washington and Colorado passed initiatives that would make them the first states in the country to allow the recreational use of marijuana – a direct violation of federal law under which marijuana is still classified as a Schedule I narcotic.  A few years ago, I blogged about the financial impact that legalizing marijuana could have on our economy.  You can read my thoughts and your fellow students’ comments here:

Supporters of these new initiatives say the government should set up a system that licenses, regulates and taxes commercial distributers of marijuana.  Some point out that marijuana may be less harmful that other legal drugs such as alcohol or cigarettes.  There is a growing movement pushing for the government to reschedule or de-schedule marijuana as a schedule I narcotic.  Schedule I narcotics also include heroin, LSD, and MDMA, commonly known as “ecstasy”.

Opponents argue that the drug impairs memory and coordination, limits driving ability and therefore endangers the public.  Legalizing marijuana could cause an increase in teenage use of the drug, and serve as a “gateway” to other hardcore drug use.

Regardless, these new laws have put the federal government, specifically President Obama in a bit of a bind regarding how he should handle the situation.  It’s a great example of how federalism can work or not work in our country.  So my question to you this week is, “What do you think of these new initiatives?  Do you think legalizing marijuana for recreation use is good for our country?”  Answers are due no later than Wednesday, November 21st, 2012.  Also, please note that there will be NO class on Thursday, November 22nd due to then Thanksgiving Day holiday – however, there WILL be a new blog post, so don’t forget to post!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I don't know how to go with this question. Drugs are good but bad. I don't really care how this subject goes in govt. Were still going to do it legalized or not. I don't feel that this subject is that important. It's drugs legalized or not we still participate in them and maybe explore new ones. If you like it you like it if you don't then well you don't.

  3. I agree with the reasoning that if the growing, harvesting, processing, packaging, and buying of marijuana can add a great amount of money to the economy. On the other side, I understand the problems that could arise from a schedule one nartotic. I think that alcohol, cigarettes and marijuana should be re-evaluated on short term and long term health effects, potential for addiction, and mental state alteration to be re-scheduled according to current information and studies. I believe that more people harmed by drunk driving and second hand cigarette smoke than would from driving under the influence of marijuana or second hand marjuana smoke, however I do not have any facts to back that statement up. I also think that once it is legalized, a lot of the "cool" factor will be lost and kids will move on to something else.

  4. I could go so many ways on this topic. My strongest belief is I think it would be fine to legalize marijuana. There's so many bad things that could happen, but in short and to the point, people have to be responsible with the actions they take. There's always going to be those people that don't follow the rules or go to the extreme. It's always going to be there, and preventing it because of those people doesn't feel like a "majority rules" conflict. The only point that would hold me back from saying yes is that the users can put harm onto others at the right time, like driving.

    Yes, marijuana can mess you up, yes people like it, and yes it'll always be around. For the most part, I'm ok if it were legalized.

  5. Leagalizing marijuana whould help SO many things. I first of all think all 50 states should leaglize medical marijuana but thats not the question. Lets really think about this. There is probably (just my estimation) a slim percentage of Americans who have NEVER smoked weed in their life. And an even smaller percentange (im thinkinkg 0%) of people who have died due to marijuana. I think one of the top reasons why the government has not leagalized it is because they think Marijuana is a gateway drug. Bull! A CNBC documentry called Marijuana USA estimated that if we were to leagalize marijuana and tax it we "could be out of debt in as little as 6 years" That is if all 50 states jumped on board. And as you mentioned in you previous blog California is racking in the dough thanks to marijuana. The government thinks its okay to tax alcohol and cigarettes which kill thousands of people every year. And as for crime?! Drug dealers whould no longer exist which is the main source of the crime. Drugs dealers are mainly violate people who make a crap ton of money (and they dont have to pay taxes which hurts the economy in the long run) If we leagalize marijuana elimate drug dealers, then where whould the crime be? As for the rise in teenage use of drugs. (I first want to say weed is a plant.....not a drug) Teenagers are going to do what they think is cool such as smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, and party. Its the American way. There is no way to stop that. I do agree that there should be rules just like cigarettes and alcohol, you should be 18 years or older and if you are caught driving while high there should be a fine maybe a small jail time. I do agree that people need to protect children and keep them from seeing people high and keep them away from marijuana just like a parent keeps their child away from secondhand smoke and alcohol. Just saying, the government is just trying to make excuses and not worrying at all about America's Debt of our future.

    And as for putting marijuana in the same categorey as heroin slightly infuriates me. Allow me to explain. One friend from highshcool has passed away due to a heroin overdose. Another in the hospital paralyzed due to heroin overdose. Can anyone tell me about a marijuana overdose? Has anyone died, been paralyzed. This is why people are so against marijuana even for medical use. The government tells us, hey look at these horrible drugs that do really bad things. When in reality marijuana (for medical use) can allow people to live their lives pain free, or pain drastically reduced when they are suffering.

  6. I don't think there is a problem with marijuana being legalized. It definitely would be strange at first adjusting to the change. Just like anything it can be used or abused. When it's abused I think it is still a lot less dangerous than alcohol and it's long term effects aren't as bad as cigarettes. I honestly can't even think of a story right now of someone who was high harming someone else. Even though most people can properly function under the influence of the drug, I think it should be illegal to drive under the influence of marijuana. I think that if people use marijuana recreationally they should treat it like they do alcohol and cigarettes and be responsible, careful and considerate of others with their use of it. I do believe that legalizing marijuana may increase the teenage use of it but not enough to make it a problem. It will be easier for them to get and with it being publicly sold it would make it seem more natural and inform them about it at an earlier age. But because of this I think there should be an age limit on it just like cigarettes and alcohol. If kids want to smoke weed they're going to find a way to do it and with it being legalized and out in the open I think it would be less dangerous in many ways for them to retrieve it. I think it's kind of weird that marijuana is categorized with the other schedule 1 narcotics... and it's really only a gateway drug for people that want to use that as an excuse. I know a lot of people that smoke marijuana that would never even think about doing any harder drugs.

  7. I think the legalization of marijuana could really come in handy to our economy once it is taxed. The hemp plant is a natural resource that can be used for endless things. On the other hand, I do think it would be weird living in a state where it is legalized for recreational use. I think everyone would have to adjust. There are many issues that come with the situation, but I think it is obvious that the people have spoken, and the federal government should be listening.

  8. It is never the object of use, in this case marijuana, that is bad. It is the manner in which people use it. Just like most other things, too much of something is harmful. I feel that marijuana should be legalized in this country. When comparing marijuana to alcohol, there are several differences that can point to marijuana as being safer. First off, Im not sure if I have ever heard of anyone dying in relation to a marijuana overdose. People die frequently from the exess of alcohol. I also havent heard much about car accidents that injure or kill people that are traced back to marijuana. With alcohol, this number is ridiculous. Marijuana would definitely help the economy. It would bring in extra revenue that could be spent towards the deficit. Im not super strong about making it legal, but I have no problem with it becoming legal. The positives outweigh the negatives. As mentioned before, marijuna as well as alcohol is not the problem. It is simply the manner in which people partake in using these substances.

    1. Marijuana is a drug that alters the sense of judgment and it should remain illegal. Why we want to be impaired and loos connection with the reality and our presence? Our country is facing a lot of challenges and we need to be alert and think of the changing world around us. It is disappointing to think that when other countries are thinking about building their economies and providing better education for its citizens, we are here busy discussing the benefits of legalizing Marijuana. There are no benefits of being addicted to a drug and losing control on our senses. Legalizing Marijuana will increase addiction problems and will weaken our work productivity. Socially, it will add more problems like domestic violence and child neglect. How drugged parents will take care of their children and focus on their education? How can we build our economy and remain the strongest power in this changing world? The world is changing around us and getting stronger. We need to be alert and see the reality. Drugs and alcohol will not help us to see the reality. No for altering our senses, and no for losing control on our future. If Washington wants to generate revenue, they maybe add taxes on tobacco and alcohol. Legalizing Marijuana thinking it will reduce expenses related to the criminal justice system or increase the revenue is a shallow way of thinking. We need to think of the long term impact on our society. In addition, Marijuana is classified as a drug by the federal government and federal laws applies to all States. This is what the constitution said and we all should abide.

  9. I agree with the policies to legalize the use of marijuana. It is too widespread to stop anymore. It is also safer than alcohol or cigarettes. In my mind cigarettes and alcohol are just as much of a gateway drug as marijuana. I believe, like everything else, it is ok to enjoy responsibly. Also, the country spends billions of dollars on incarcerating people who only smoke pot and don't even sell it. So, if it was regulated and taxed, it could create jobs and earn revenue for the government. Also, there are many uses for hemp and hemp oil. I believe this is where the marijuana industry will become most important. Why should we mine for energy or cut down trees for paper when we could grow the materials in a field. All in all, it is such a silly thing to get arrested for. It's just not as harmful to society as alcohol.

  10. A common misconception about cannabis is that it is harmful and puts you in some sort of drunken like state. Both of these objections are totally false. I'm not saying that everyone should get high, or that everyone should try smoking grass. It's just simple, this substance is not harmful and could really help the United States economically. It's most important to note that hemp, a byproduct of cannabis, can be used for many things and is a renewable resource. I am in full support of full legalization across the United States. We need to get with the times, cannabis is not harmful in comparison to alcohol and even some over the counter products. Legalization would also free up some of the prison space and court hearings, which saves tax payers money. Really I can't see a better solution to our problems. And if you think that people are just going to go wild and kill, if legislation is passed, you yourself might be high.

  11. I feel that it is ridiculous that they are trying to make marijuana legal. It's bad enough that we have young children experimenting with this drug but now what kind of message are we sending by making it legal. I understand that people are going to do the drug whether it is legal or not but that doesn't mean that we still shouldn't try to prevent it from happening. I understand that our economy is struggling and people think that this could help but I think there are a million other way to help the economy that doesn't involve the legalization of a drug that impairs someone. It is putting people at risk of developing a new addiction that could lead to worse drugs.

  12. It could be a good or bad thing. It would make drug dealing alot easier, and cause alot of people to go to jail. That would be bad. But....If they were to legalize it completely, they wouldnt have to put people in jail, and it wouldnt cost as much for us tax payers to keep those people in jail, saving us and the country money. Im not a druggie, i never have done drugs. I hope to God they dont legalize it, but im just answering the question.

  13. I don't think anything will actually change in our nation because of the legalization of marijuana. I feel like the first 6 years, nothing will get done, but after that everything will even out and things will get back to normal. It'll be like Amsterdam, cept more Ameriany.

    1. Americany*...I misspelled, a word I made.

  14. I feel that if it would be a good thing for our country. The taxes made off of the pot could be used in good way. It would free up our prisons of people that were convicted of crimes from pot. Of course some people will abuse it and we should have consequences for those people and also help centers simalar to alcohol. But overall I think it will help the economy.

  15. So I think it would be good to legalize it. Crime will go down by a few percents, we could make plenty of things out of hemp and add jobs to the economy. If they make it completely the would tax it and sell it like cigarettes. The reason I think they do not do it is because the government makes more from it be illegal than legalizing it. I think there would be more important people in jail such as murderers, rapist, and ext than pot smokers. There would be a lot of laws to go with pot like how much you can smoke before working with heavy machinery, going to work , driving ,ext.I think it would help the economy, I mean a couple of states are all in anyway.
