Thursday, December 6, 2012

Your Thoughts And Feedback Are Appreciated!

I love the quarters that are followed by a three week break. That being said, I always feel excited to come back to the school and kick off another great year. I hope you can all say that you learned something in this class, and that you keep in touch, and continue to post on the blog whenever you want.

The holiday season is already in full swing. I hope this season you remember all thing things that are truly important. I wish you a wonderful holiday full of good rest, good food and good friends.

With that being said, my final question to you is, “What did you like or dislike about the class?  What could I do to make the class better?”  Answers are due no later than Wednesday, December 12th, 2012. For those of you who are graduating this quarter – congratulations! Your hard work has finally paid off!



  1. I am graduating this quarter I am worried of what is coming next. I love being at school where I can ask questions and get answers. My teachers were always supportive and encouraging. The world is different outside the school. What I like about this class is that it taught me what I did not know about the difference between federal government and state government. I always got them confused. I also learned about the American history and how the United States formed. My high school was overseas and I did not study the American history. The class opened my eyes to see some of the recent issues and debates and taught me how to think and develop and opinion about them. Also, it was good that we had the elections this year too. What I did not like that there was not enough time to learn more about the government system and the boundaries between the federal and the state government. I enjoyed this class and I appreciate everything I learned in it. Thank you for Stephanie and the great PowerPoint presentations that she put together to simplify this class and explain its aspects. Thank you for the energy and the passion teaching this class. Thank you for this blog that encouraged us to think, speak up and express our thoughts through it.

  2. I like your style of teaching. You break everything down so its easier to understand. And you're funny, so it makes it entertaining and keeps my attention. I like how the quizzes are also short and you give us time to look over our notes and ask questions before. I definitely have a better understanding of politics after taking this class and I don't hate them as much. Keep doing what you're doing!! :)

  3. Stephanie, I really enjoyed being apart of your class this quarter. I think you really have a great approach that is relatable to the vast variety of students. I looked forward to coming to your class each week because you made the taboo subject of politics interesting and fun. I thought is was great that we had an environment in which everyone's different political backgrounds could mesh and no one was afraid to voice ones opinion. That being said, I most enjoyed when we had discussions and even going through the presentations. I feel as though when the floor is open for discussion, a more intriguing learning environment is created. The only thing I didn't care for during the whole class were the video. I still learned from what we watched, but I enjoyed going through the content together more than watching a video and answering the questions. Honestly, I think you really do a great job with the class, and that more general education instructors could learn from you. When you're honest and open with your students, they will often put more effort and pay attention a lot better and I think that this class was proof of such. Also, keep doing this blog, its creative, modern, and cool. Thanks again Stephanie! :)

  4. I loved the various topics we covered in class and loved your approach. You tried to give everyone both sides of most issues and had a genuine passion for the material that made the class that much more interesting.

  5. I enjoyed this class much more than I thought I would at the begining of the quarter. This class has made me think about issues that I honestly wouldn't have given any thought to at all otherwise. I like the way you interact with the class and kept the atmosphere casual enough to give everyone the chance to voice their opinions. I did not like the videos in class, I think you could have done a better job presenting those topics than the videos did. Thank you for a great quarter.

  6. I enjoyed the class. It covered a variety of topics I had always wondered about but couldn't be bothered with looking up, or just blatantly didn't understand about government. I learned a lot and probably will become a pretentious know it all with what I learned about the world.

  7. This was a class that I thoroughly enjoyed. It was a great learning experience, and I enjoyed working on my final project. There is nothing I really disliked about the class. You teach the class with a certain flare, and I and I'm sure your other students really appreciate that. I look forward to my next class with you, whenever it may be.

  8. It took me awhile to actually start enjoying this class. I was so set on not liking politics at all, that i didnt enjoy the class at all.. Closer to the end i started to enjoy being there on thursday. But, i really enjoyed having you as a teacher. You have a personality that makes people enjoy the class, and look forward to coming to class. Thanks for a good quarter.

  9. I really enjoyed how this class flowed. It always seemed to fly by because it wasnt dry. I learned a lot and even used some of the knowledge in real conversations in the real world haha.

  10. I thought the class was great. I feel like I learned enough to confidently hold a conversation about the subjects that we covered. I also had fun doing the united nations stuff. I look forward to class every week.
