Thursday, November 22, 2012

Giving Thanks!

Now, I have made it clear in class that Thanksgiving is not my favorite holiday. I don't like the way schools fictionalize a story that sounds good, while ignoring the sad facts about how we really treated Native Americans in this country. That being said, I have learned to treat Thanksgiving as a reminder of all the things I am thankful for.
This year, as always, I am thankful for my faith, my family and my friends. I am blessed to be surrounded by people who love me. I am also thankful that I have two jobs that I really like, in an economy where people often can’t find one. I really enjoy being surrounded by the crazy, creative energy that is all of you.
So, in honor of the holiday my question to you this week will be an easy one. "What are you thankful for this holiday season?" Answers are due no later than Wednesday, November 28th, 2012. I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday full of good food, good friends and good conversation! Enjoy your break!


  1. This year I am thankful to be able to spend this time of year with my family and friends. I have been away from family and friends for many holidays, weddings and births over the past seven years and now I am finally able to spend those events with the people who matter to me. My sister and brother-in-law are starting a wonderful family with their one year old son, Jameson. I am so thankful to be able to see him grow up and be a great aunt to him. I am thankful to have wonderful parents who have loved and supported me everyday of my life. My little brother Ross brings me happiness everyday. Mostly, I am thankful for my fiance, Sean. He is the perfect match for me and without him in my life, I would always be missing.

  2. I'm thankful for an amazing God and the fact that I'm alive and well! I'm thankful for my parents because I wouldn't be anything I am today if it wasn't for them. I'm also thankful for the rest of my family and all of my crazy friends. I'm thankful to be an American and for freedom! I'm thankful to have enough to comfortably get by. I'm thankful for my talents and that I'm able to put them to use in my education and my future career. I'm thankful to even be able to go to school. I'm thankful for my job...even though I hate it. I'm thankful that my life could be worse.

  3. This Thanksgiving and time of year, I am thankful for what I have. Recently, and I do not have the intentions of offending anyone, but many have been using social media to do a day-to-day thankful challenge, cause people to say silly things. I just want to get this odd my chest, but it bothers me that people are doing this; saying things like they're thankful for the gift card they got, etc.

    With that wanting to be said, this is why I enjoy these blogs and hearing what everyone has to say. All of us in this class have great things to say, and I enjoy being able to have strong conversations.

    Keeping all of this in mind, going back to my original statement, I am thankful for what I have. I am a lucky person to be going to a school like Ai, I'm thankful for the instructors and the students here. This is still the best experience I've had so far. I'm thankful for a healthy family. We've have 3 pass away withing a month this year. We are gratfeul for life and that we will always be there for each other. I am thankful for puppies as childish as that sounds. :) There has been a lot going on for me this year, and having to say goodbye to my childhood pet is very difficult. I am glad that I get to enjoy a puppy again this December. And finally, I am especially grateful for those around me. I met someone that makes me feel ok to be myself, and he allows me to be the roommate I've always hoped to be. The next year with him and the last year of school is going to be a positive thing for me.

  4. This year I am thankful to be able to spend time with my family and friends during the holidays. Last year I wasn't able to see my family over the holidays because of work but this year I was able to get the time off and travel home. Also I am thankful for my good health and the good health of my family and friends. I'm thankful for my too dogs who help me through a lot of hard times in this stressful life. Most of all I am thankful for my amazing boyfriend and that he has been able to stay safe while overseas.

  5. This new chapter in my life has brought many new things that I am thankful for. Like every other year, I am thankful for God’s love in my life, my friends, and my family, but this year I am thankful for some things that may come across as cliché. I am thankful for the beautiful school that I get the privilege to attend. I am thankful for the job that I have been more than blessed with. Lastly, I am thankful for the leadership positions I have been entrusted with these last several months. On a lighter note, some silly things that I am thankful for would be the coffee I get to drink every morning, my favorite sheets that I get to put on my bed, and the safe home I get to live in. I am have been more than blessed, and could not be happier with the way my life is.

  6. This year, I am thankful for my wonderful family. They have been letting me stay at their house so I can pay the school instead of rent. I am thankful for my job as a bartender at Sidelines Sports Pub in Avon (come see me, I'll hook it up :) that allows me to make enough money to pay my bills and then some. I am thankful for all the faculty and staff at the Art Institute of Indianapolis for making it a wonderful place to study, learn, and practice skills that will allow me to have a career in a field that I enjoy. I am thankful to live in a country where the people have a say in the laws that are being made. Many people in the world do not have that luxury. Last but definitely not least, I am thankful for a wonderful, loving girlfriend who always puts a smile on my face. Sometimes I smile so much that the muscles in my face hurt. I love my life right now!

  7. This year has definitely been the roughest year i have ever lived. My family had a house fire back in may, but it was my mom who called me to tell me. I am thankful for my family. I am thankful that it wasnt someone else calling me telling me that my family was in the house and that i had no one left. I am also thankful for new people that have recently come into my life and have turned it around! Couldnt live without these people in my life, an i wonder how i ever did.

  8. Like most I would say I am very thankful for my Family. They're some really good people. My mom and dad are cool as hell, and my brother isn't to far away from that. I'm also very thankful for my friends, I've met some really great people in Indianapolis and I wish that to continue. I'm also very thankful to for the city of Indianapolis, and the fact that it has embraced me into its cultures. Last but not least, I'm thankful for rock and roll, giving me the ability to be creative with my friends and write and play. It's great and everyone should do it.

  9. This year I am thankful for.....well this is the first thanksgiving in 5 years that I do not have a job, I am NOT thankful for that, but I worked at Best Buy and every year I had to work till midnight the night before and then be back at 11 on Thanksgiving day. That sucked! My family lives 2 yours away so I never really got to spend much time with them. But not this year. So I am thankful that I got to spend the hole holiday with my family.

  10. I'm just thankful that my family has stayed strong this year with everything we have had going on home. I'm thankful for them, my relationship with God, and thankful for all the people in my life who go out of their way to make me happy.

  11. I would have to say I am most thankful for my happiness because without it, I am nothing; and I am thankful for the people and things that have let me obtain it. I am also very thankful that I still have a job.

  12. I am thankful for my life. I may not have a perfect one but at least I am living. I am thankful for my faith, my family, my friends, and my education. I am thankful for the opportunities that I have been giving and thankful for the people who have supported me through everything. I know this sounds cheesy, but i am also extremely thankful for my boyfriend, my rock. Who stands by my side and reminds me everyday that I am loved and can accomplish anything i set my mind to. I am thankful for my job and new promotion. To sum it all up. I am just plain thankful that I wake up morning and a living a wonderful life.

    1. I am thankful for my husband and the new family that he made me part of it. I am thankful for all the love we share and the memories we have together. Tomorrow is our 18th anniversary. I cannot believe we have been married that long. Scott is always supportive, loving, and caring. It is hard to find someone who makes your problems as his problems and try to fix them. Scott changed my life and made me a different person. Because of him, I have a new name, a new address, a new identity, and a new personality. Because of my husband my life changed forever. Because of my American nationality I can travel freely to many parts of the world without hassling for a visa. I can speak up and say what I think and believe in. Wherever I travel overseas, I feel respected because of my American passport. The world look at Americans as the fortunate people and because of my husband I am part of these fortunate people. I am thankful for my life in the United States of America. I am part of the most powerful nation of the world, and I want it to remain on the top of the world because it is where I belong now.

  13. I am thankfully to be alive and kicking essentially. I'm also thankful I turned 21 Friday, I'm especially thankful that I work in the morning which means, Black Friday I got the whole night to be 21. Oh yeah!

  14. I am thankful for my awesome friends and family. I am thankful for the VA that pays for this ridculously overpriced school only for me to top out my pay at about 60 grand a year. I am thankful for my two jobs as well.
