Which is why it really disturbs me that some public schools aren’t even allowed to celebrate Halloween anymore. According the Seattle Public School district, “costumes could offend or upset students who come from other cultures”. The pagan origins of modern Halloween can be found in the Celtic celebration of Samhain, or "End of Summer." The Celts believed that on this agricultural harvest festival the dead revisit the land of the living and communal fires were needed to ward off evil. Many feel that celebrating Halloween is somehow promoting paganism, witchcraft and the occult.
not sure how dressing up as a comic book hero and knocking on doors for candy
is related to paganism, but it did get me thinking. In a few weeks, we will be discussing our
First Amendment rights, and the separation of church and state. Halloween isn’t the only holiday that schools
have banned in the interest of not offending anyone. So my question to you this week is, “What do
you think of school’s celebrating holidays?
Should they celebrate all holidays, some holidays or none at all?” For an added twist, “What are your Halloween
plans?” I’d love to hear what you’re
dressing up as! Answers are due no later
than Wednesday, October 31st, 2012.
Have a happy and safe Halloween!