Thursday, October 18, 2012

Look Who's Talking

The second round of Presidential debates happened this past Tuesday.  Governor Mitt Romney and President Barack squared off in a town hall style of debate, which meant undecided voters got to ask them questions on topics related to the economy, women’s rights, and foreign policy, amongst other things.  In case you missed it, you can watch the full debate here:

I must say I thought this was a good and entertaining debate. Yes, I am nerdy enough to consider Presidential debates entertaining!  After being bored out of my mind during the first debates, I was glad to see a variety of issues come up in this one. I did think at times both candidates were a little disrespectful to the moderator, but overall it was a spirited conversation.

So my question you this week is two-fold. First, I would like to know, “If you could ask the candidates one question in this style of debate, what would it be?”  Second, I would like you to research how you think both candidates would answer.  Both Romney and Obama have long records having served as Governor and President respectively.  They have also completed two debates and have been on the campaign trail for months, so there should be no shortage of information regarding how they feel about specific issues.  Answers are due no later than Wednesday, October 24th, 2012.  You must answer both parts to receive full credit.


  1. My question is: "Given the choice between utilizing American oil, therefore boosting the American economy, or continuing our dependance on foreign oil while the American economy continues to suffer, which would you choose and why?"
    My suspected answer by President Obama would be: It is more important to protect the natural resources in America by keeping our oil fields closed than creating these types of jobs. Our relationship with oil producing countries is better than ever and we have nothing to worry about.
    My suspected answer by Governor Romney would be: Nothing is more important than America supporting American needs. Until America can support our need for oil oursleves, we will be resting on a crutch that is highly unstable. The jobs created and the boost to the emonomy that would result from producing our own oil will be a positive truning point in American history.

  2. If I could ask the candidates a question in this style I would probably ask something along the lines of: What do you intend to do about student loan debt here in the U.S. and the price of education?

    I read an article about Romney when he was approached about the question, and he basically said I don't intend to really help you be giving you money. His approach is to have a stable job market so therefore you can get a job and pay off your loans yourself and try and keep the government off your back so you make more.

    Obama on the other hand wants to reform the current processing of loans. He promotes a pay as you earn plan, which caps monthly which caps monthly federal student loan repayment at 10 percent of monthly discretionary income.

    Overall I think its great that this problem is being addressed because over 37 million Americans owe student loan dept, which makes it the highest form of consumer debt.

  3. If I could ask President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney one question it would be why should the American people vote for you?

    After following debates, the last four years, and researching, I suspect that Barack Obama would answer the question by saying the same old song and dance that he stresses every time he gets a chance. He would do his best to mention the highlights of his four years. He would say he promised to kill Bin Laden, he did. He stopped the war in Iraq. He would say that the economy is getting stronger and recovering. Not so sure how due to facts and statistics, and he would say he is going to impose more taxes on the rich, hire more teachers, and continue to create jobs in manufacturing.

    I suspect that Mitt Romney would answer the question by saying that America doesn’t have to settle for the path we are on at this point. He would mention that Barack Obama has accumulated more debt in the past four years than all presidents combined; that the number of people unemployed and on food stamps has sky rocketed in the last four years, and that half the college graduates can’t even find a job in their chosen field of study. He then would say that he will change this weak economy and start to grow America again by lowering taxes on the middle class, lowering taxes on business which would create 12 million new jobs, and mention his record as Governor of Massachusetts because it can definitely help his case due to being the best state in education as well as having a balanced budget.
    I believe these are just a couple of things that both candidates would say if this question was asked. I wouldn’t necessarily buy into some of the answers that would be given but nonetheless, those are the answers that would be given.

  4. I guess I would ask what their views were on illegal immigrants.
    I think Barack Might say something along the lines of; "I believe that people who have entered the country illegally are not considered citizens, but their children that were born here in america are."
    Romney on the other hand would disagree with this. He might say that "If you came here illegally and had a child here illegally, then that child is also and illegal immigrant."

  5. With this relating to my project, I would ask both candidates where they stood on Planned Parenthood funding and how it will affect women.

    I believe Romney's response would be something along the lines of he would cut all funds to Planned Parenthood because they are the leading abortion provider and many women regret their abortion and it is murder. He would also probably state that it would better our women in this country.

    In contrast, Obama's response would be in favor of funding Planned Parenthood and mention that it is also a provider of other health services and if we got rid of it, the women relying on Planned Parenthood would suffer from the result.

  6. I would ask them about how they plan to make our public education system better. I know many countries have a much more advanced system than we do and it shows.

    Romney would probably say let's do more standardized testing to make sure that students are doing well.

    Obama would probably say let's give more money and resources to the schools to ensure that educators have what they need to give students a good education.

  7. I would ask them how they intended to make our relationship with Russia better while remaining relevant and have influence in the middle east. A big part of Russia's frusteration with us is because of the middle east and how strategic it is for us to have influence their when Russia is after the same thing. I feel Romney would respond by saying that we should be more firm and project ourselves militarily as President Obama would probably lean toward more diplomacy.

  8. My question for Obama and Romney will be “Are we going to continue sending our military to fight for other nations their battle to gain democracy especially that they do not want us to intervene and they consider us intruders coming to occupy their land? Are we ever going to admit that Iraq war was a mistake which bled our resources and is a major factor of what our economy is going through? Was Iraq a real threat to the United States?”
    Barack answer: “Iraq war could be avoided through diplomatic negotiations and resolve the “biological weapons” mystery. We are not going to intervene in other nations policies unless there is a threat to the United States. We will approach our enemies (Iran) through diplomacy and the war will be our last solution. As a civilized nation that rules the world, we will let the United Nations (UN) do its job. The world will not gain anything by starting a nuclear war. If you don’t agree with me, read the history and the disasters of World War I and II. We need to focus on building our economy like India and China. We need to catch up with what we missed. Economic power decides who rules in this world.”
    Romney’s answer: “We fight for our beliefs and we will teach every tyrant a lesson. We killed Sadam Hussein and we will kill Ahamad El Nijad. We will wipe out Iran and its nuclear weapons. Our strong military will defeat all our enemies in this world because we are the greatest nation of the world. We should continue building our strong military to grow stronger and stronger.”

  9. If I could ask the candidates any question I would ask their concerns for student loan debts. It's a staggering number at 1 trillion dollars, and I'm curious to see how they would handle it. What there solutions are for this crisis, if they are even concerned to begin with, and how they would help us college students.

    The Obama administration is in help of this situation. According to an article from the New York Times, when shifting to direct federal lendings, this would save more than $80 billion dollars in 10 years. This has been a top priority for Obama. I find it rather comforting that someone has it as a concern, especially with the amount of money that is owned from college students.

    Romney however looks to organize the federal student aids to reduce costs and regulations. however he does not wish to pass out money to something like this. He does not plan on cutting any grants to those people in college.

  10. I am going to have to agree with Cameron. My question would be: "What are your plans to help college student and the price of education." College Students are the future of this country. They are the future scientist, doctors, etc. The people who are going to help make the future a better and brighter place. I believe we need a little help seeing how the future is pretty much in our hands.

    I have recently read Mitt Romney believes that the government should have less control over education. Also His plan to cut middle class investments could slash Pell Grants for 9.6 million students.Mitt Romney's advice for students looking to further their education would be to "look around and find a cheaper college"

    Obama believes that everyone should have the chance to have a higher education. He has already fought to prevent federal student loan interest rates from doubling for more than 7 million students. I believe his response would be "We will find a way!"
