Thursday, October 25, 2012


Halloween is just around the corner.  I love Halloween.  It’s definitely one of my top three favorite holidays along with New Year’s Eve and the 4th of July. There is nothing better as a kid, than running around in costume in the dark getting tons of candy.  As an adult, I love getting dressed up and waiting to scare the children that come to my house.

Which is why it really disturbs me that some public schools aren’t even allowed to celebrate Halloween anymore.   According the Seattle Public School district, “costumes could offend or upset students who come from other cultures”.  The pagan origins of modern Halloween can be found in the Celtic celebration of Samhain, or "End of Summer." The Celts believed that on this agricultural harvest festival the dead revisit the land of the living and communal fires were needed to ward off evil. Many feel that celebrating Halloween is somehow promoting paganism, witchcraft and the occult.

I’m not sure how dressing up as a comic book hero and knocking on doors for candy is related to paganism, but it did get me thinking.  In a few weeks, we will be discussing our First Amendment rights, and the separation of church and state.  Halloween isn’t the only holiday that schools have banned in the interest of not offending anyone.  So my question to you this week is, “What do you think of school’s celebrating holidays?  Should they celebrate all holidays, some holidays or none at all?”  For an added twist, “What are your Halloween plans?”  I’d love to hear what you’re dressing up as!  Answers are due no later than Wednesday, October 31st, 2012.  Have a happy and safe Halloween! 


  1. Well to be honest this is our country. Would you be offended if you lived in another country and they celebrated their holiday traditions? Yeah the holiday has a dark past but it has evolved over time to a more fun, childish tradition. I believe schools should be able to celebrate any holiday they wish. This is a country based on freedom and we should be free to celebrate our traditions.

    As for Halloween plans, I don't have any as of now, but we'll see how that turns out.

  2. I think that schools should be able to celebrate whatever holidays they please. I feel that they are starting to overdo it on making sure they aren’t offending anyone with certain traditions. People should accept it that celebrations such as holidays are traditions and have been celebrated for decades. Just because one person doesn’t practice a holiday doesn’t mean that everyone else should refrain from it. America is a nation based on the principles of freedom. To me, that means freedom to celebrate whatever we want without having to worry about who opposes. This Halloween I plan on dressing as a toothbrush and being a chaperone for my little sister.

  3. I think that learning about culture and traditions is just as important as learning about history and science, especially in elementary school. If schools keep banning potentially offensive topics, they might stop teaching history and science all together. Children need to learn that everyone has a different background and belief system. A controlled learning enviroment is the perfect time to learn about them and respectful ways to treat others with different beliefs.

    As for Halloween, I will be spending my evening in Color Theory :(

  4. In 2008 Heidi Klum dressed like Hindu goddess Maa Kali in a Halloween party. Her action upset the Hindu community. Indo-American statesman Rajan Zed says, *"Goddess Kali is highly revered in Hinduism and she is meant to be worshipped in temples and not to be used in clubs for publicity stunts or thrown around loosely for dramatic effects”. The German model did not mean to offend anyone, it was just a joke. The Hindu community response was very civilized and polite. Life went on and no more issues were raised about this incident. What I want to say by giving this example that we cannot stop celebrating Halloween because things like that. We live in a diverse society. Sometimes we are ignorant and we do things with no intention to harm or offend. In this case two things should be practiced, cultural sensitivity from our part and tolerance from the other part. We are free nation and this is part of our freedom. We should not use it to offend the others, but sometimes mistakes happen. The people who are offended by the action should experience tolerance and communicate their feelings responsibly. Halloween is pleasure for all American kids and we should continue to celebrate it in schools.

    1. I forgot to mention that my plans for Halloween are simple. Stay at home and pass candy to the cute kids. I have a belly-dancer costume that I used to wear for Halloween when we lived overseas, but I am not wearing it for cultural sensitivity reasons. We moved to a new house and we expect to see a number of our neighbors for the first time during the trick or treat. A belly dancer costume is not the proper thing to wear for this occasion. I will wear a witch costume and enjoy an exciting occasion that became part of my new life in the great United States of America

  5. School's celebrating holidays is kind of a gray area. I think they should be able to, but at the same time I don't think that children should have to deal with it if they don't want to. Although I'm pretty sure when I was in high school we didn't really celebrate school wise, it was really the students who went through with any of the celebrating. I can understand though why schools are starting to decline the ability to celebrate, in the last couple of years I know that at least the adult costumes have been getting pretty racy, but children wise I can't imagine a little girl going to school as a Muslim or a terrorist. As for whether schools should be allowed to celebrate I definitely think they should be able to.
    As for Halloween plans I'm not to sure. My costume this year was supposed to be a young John Lennon, but I looked more like a shofer.

  6. I remember dressing up and walking around the school hallways in my costume in elementary school, and now it seems like the school I work at doesn't allow you to even speak of Halloween. I don't think celebrating holidays should be taken away completely from schools. I understand trying not to exclude or offend certain cultures, but I don't see elementary school children in costume as very threatening. Schools could definitely be more culturally diverse and teach other holidays from around the world. I think these days schools are just being sneaky about it and referring to things as a Fall Festival or Winter Break, instead of calling it a Halloween Festival or Christmas Break. Also, I am being a pirate this Halloween and hosting a party with home made decorations and spooky finger foods. I'm just really excited about playing Martha Stewart.

  7. I think that it should be up to the schools to decide witch holiday they will celebrate and witch ones they will not. But I really think the should celebrate them all. I always liked holiday times, every holiday is school is like a day off, its just a good break during the school year that you get to do something different. What my plans are for Halloween, is just to party and have fun, I am a country boy and have lived and worked on the farm, and do all that hillbilly stuff, so I just dress way over hillbilly. Cut off flannel shirt, cut off jean shorts (not to short...) and some work boots. And cant forget the trucker hat.

  8. From my own experience, I think all holidays should be celebrated. If we get out of school for the day, great, if not well that’s unfortunate because who doesn’t like a day off? My school before I came to Ai, every holiday was celebrated. Halloween costumes were accepted with a dollar donation. However, Martin Luther King Junior day was taken from us because my school saw it as there were not enough African Americans in my school, so why get the day off? (This is real life by the way. I was more angry at the reason than getting the day off.)

    However, back to Halloween. Halloween is a celebration. I think it’s a great time to be with family and friends, yet dress up as something else. It’s something different from Christmas, 4th of July. The only comparison is that they’re all holidays and they were obviously made for a reason. So why not? I don’t find the harm in dressing up as something you enjoy either. I was Mother Nature one year, and I loved it. I love to dress up. I never get to. This is the one time we get to do something crazy and fun so I think dressings up, celebrating in schools are great. And this is an art school. If we can’t express ourselves on THIS day, then what is the point?

    As for my plans, I never have the money for a full costume or the money to make one, so I usually stay at home and my friends just share a bag of our favorite candy and watch scary movies. This year since I am staying in Indianapolis, I’m taking my roommate to see my little cousin dress up as a racecar driver (it even has fake abs haha!) and just chill with him and my aunts. Happy Halloween!!!!!

  9. I think it should be limited not necessarily not celebrated, but again limited. I was always the kid who wasn't allowed to participate because of religious belief. As a kid I would get upset because I saw all the kids celebrating and having not understanding why I couldn't participate. As I got older and understood why I wasn't allowed, I didn't care as much. Regardless, it sucks being that kid when you're a kid. So I say celebrate it, but be aware that there are people who may not.

    I think it's funny to exclude Halloween because it has pagan backgrounds. If you want to go that route, they may as well not celebrate Christmas or Easter. LOOK IT UP

    I really just started doing the holiday thing. As long as I can afford it. I celebrated Tuesday. I can't say what I did on grounds it may incriminate me, but know it was awesome and my head hurts.

  10. Okay. This is America! The land of the Free. We have the right to "celebrate" halloween. Its not like kids all over the country are like "YAY I CANT WAIT FOR HALLOWEEN, THE DAY THE DEAD RISES!" No! its all about the candy. Its about having the best costume and staying out past their bed time. When i was younger, I was always excited to walk into class and see who dresses up as what. On the other hand, I do believe that younger kids in school should have restrictions. I can see parents having a problem with other student dressing up as something to scary, or to adult. (Last year a 6 year old came to my door dressed as lady gaga...i thought she was a stripper.) But for schools to ban the celebration of halloween all together is just plain stupid. I do believe that children in school school should also learn about holidays in other cultures not just our own. I say schools should celebrate ALL holidays. Even if its just a small lesson on the other holidays. Diversity is one thing that makes America Great! Lets Celebrate that.

    As for my halloween plans. I am being forced to watch scary movies...which i hate. and passing out candy.

  11. I think that Halloween and other Holidays should be celebrated. I don't think that people should worry so much about offending others. Also I don't think that the people who are offended should make such a big deal out of it, it's just a fun-loving holiday that many people have misconceptions about. Besides, there's no way to make everyone happy and trying to just ends up upsetting everyone.
    Also for Halloween, I love dressing up and will be hanging out with friends. I will be dressing up as my version of a reaper.

  12. I think schools shouldn't celebrate any holidays just because you will always have someone complaining about it. Although I am glad that I got to celebrate all of the holidays myself.Its only 7 hours out of the day anyway, if the kids and their family want to celebrate the holiday, they can do that after school. There we go, no more complaining about offending anyone.

    As for my plans, Im being one of the blues brothers and about to head downtown for bar hopping right now.

  13. I believe the school should have no say in whether the students celebrate holidays. The students should be able to celebrate whatever they want to. And the school shouldnt stop them because other students dont celebrate them. Those students and parents of those students shouldnt get all butt hurt, because they know that others in the world celebrate holidays.

    My halloween plans were work and school. I didnt have the time to get at costume so i just went as me!!

  14. I think it is sad that schools are starting to ban holidays. When I was growing up those were the days I would look forward to. The days I made the best memories. I understand that certain religions don't allow celebrations of certain holidays and are offended by Halloween especially, but when I was growing up my neighbor who was the same age as me was never allowed at school when we had our Christmas parties or Halloween parties. I always asked him why he was never there year after year. Finally when I was old enough to understand my parents told me it was because of his religion. At the time I still thought it wasn't fair but it at least made sense to me. I think that parents should hold the right to pull their kids out of school during these occasions but I don't think it is right for the schools to decide that everyone has to have it taken away. I think celebrating holidays in school give children a way to experience other cultures. It's a great way to learn.

    As for my Halloween plans this year my roommates and I are having a party and I will be dressing up as Cruella Deville :)

  15. I don't think Holidays should be banned. This whole idea of being politically correct to not offend anyone is ridiculous. When we keep our differences to ourselves then people are more likely to get offended when we do bring up these issues. People need to learn to celebrate diversity as opposed to hiding it. As for Christian Holidays, our country was founded on Christian principles. George Washington even prayed to God for His mercy and protection and vowed to uphold Christian Principles in this country. There should not be this mentality of hiding God and/or pushing Him out of our schools. But on a lighter note, I didn't do much for Halloween, I worked. But I was able to dress up in my costume for work so I was Jake the Dog :)

  16. I think people should lighten up a little bit and have some fun. The origins of Halloween are very different from the way it is celebrated now. We all should be tolerant of the way we celebrate. If schools want to celebrate Halloween, they should be able to. If the way we celebrate Halloween offends someone, they can suck it up for a day, put on a costume, and have a little fun. I don't think Jewish people are offended by Christians celebrating Christmas. It's just different. Again lighten up and have an open mind.

    My girlfriend and I got matching TopGun costumes and we went to a barn party. It was great to see all the costumes this year!

    Josh Berkley
