Friday, July 6, 2012

Choose Your Own Adventure

This week we started our study of the Constitution and the freedoms that make us uniquely American. You can order your own free copy of the United States Constitution from:

Normally, our first blog post has something to do with the freedoms you value most and whether or not you are proud to call yourself an American. This quarter, I would like to start with something different. A good portion of this class will be spent discussing current events and political issues that affect our everyday lives. For this post, I would like you to tell me at least one issue that you are interested in studying. To help you out, you can look over the blog posts that we've had in the past several years to get an idea of the type of things we've covered. Many of the topics are pretty controversial and I do my best to not censor the information available to you.

So my question to you this week is, "What is one issue that you are interested in studying in this class?" Answers are due no later than Sunday, July 15th, 2012. I hope all of you had a wonderful summer break and a happy 4th of July!


  1. Hello Stephanie, it's nice to have you as a teacher again. I am going to be perfectly honest with you, I don't really pay too much attention to politics and controversial issues. I have kind of been getting into the election though. Also, being an American citizen without health insurance, I have been looking at Obamacare. That is an issue I would like to talk about.

    Another thing that is up and coming is gay rights and same-sex marriages. I guess I pay more attention than I thought I did. I don't know, I hear things from friends too and on the radio. Like did Romney really tie a dog to his roof?

    Animal rights is right up my alley. I have been rescuing a lot of cats here lately and that would really fire me up if so. I am pretty passionate about animals and how they are treated.

    In this class I also hope to learn why we don't value morals and laws anymore. How is the judicial system set up? It seems like things are backwards; it used to be an eye for an eye, why did that change? Why are we so soft now? Is it really worth keeping a murderer alive with overcrowded cells? Plus where do our taxes go to; feeding them, housing them, and providing entertainment for them?!

    I really think that I am going to love this class and I can't wait to just dive right into it.

  2. Stephanie, I too would say that I am not that up to date on whats current in the world of political issues. From this class I would like to walk away with a better understanding of what things to look for so that I can be more up to date. I do take to the news every now and then and have heard about recent occurrences of whacky things happenings but would like a much better understanding of them and what would make them news worthy under their circumstances.I would like to learn more about the government's standing on certain situations and why their able to rule as such. Your agenda for the quarter seems nicely laid out and I feel as though I will walk away knowing more info then what I came in with. I'm pumped for this quarter! :D

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Well I'm interested in learning a governments that may have started as one form of government and change into another form and how governments beyond their rights to control the masses and how those masses reacted

  5. I would like to discuss criminal justice.I really don't get into to much of politics.But I would like to become more knowledgeable about politics.

  6. What up ya'll!! So the topic I am interested in studying this whole quarter is 'Rehabilitation as a Job of the Prison' because I feel very strongly about the prison system and how they treat the prisoners. I feel like the reason prison was created was to house criminals and to teach them how to function back into society. They should come out a better citizen and be able to contribute positively to society not a better more organized criminal. I know that I will form more firm opinions and find some great information on this topic by the end of the quarter.

  7. I'm the first to admit I do not follow politics, and I'd much rather watch E! News than CNN. However I do know the importance of knowing what is going on in the country. This quarter being an election year, I'd like to learn more about the other candidate, and important issues to pay attention to when it comes time to vote. I hope to have a better understanding about politics when I leave this class in 11 weeks.

  8. I don't really like the subject of politics. I always seem to either offend someone or make others think I am taking sides when ever I am a neutral person.

    I do however think that I would like to discuss about the laws against animal abuse. Also, why abusers do not get the same charges for abusing creatures, that can not defend them selves or get their own food or water, as an abuser would for abusing a human.

    I am interested to know the logic behind this madness.

  9. I'm really interested in studying more current issues such as religious tolerance, same sex marriage, immigration, and foreign relations.

  10. What I would like to know most is the truth... I want to know more about the wars that the U.S. is currently involved in; where our troops are stationed, what enemies/allies we have made in the process, and what the underlying issues are involving these wars.

    I also want to know what tactics the government has been using to keep the public ignorant about serious issues that have been going on right under our noses such as, the sex trade.

    I am looking forward to class!

  11. Although I could see a part of me that would actually be interested in politics, with all of the conflicts and confusion, it seems that the easiest thing to do would be to ignore the issues. But with the constant issues our world faces daily, we all seem to find ourselves unconsciously being consumed with the political drama.

    A few topics that I am interested in studying in this class would be the social security issues and also welfare.

  12. I would have to say I really want to talk about same sex marriage, how other countries view the United States, and also discuss the impact of the economy on all classes of Americans. I am really open to most topics though, but those three seem to catch my attention on the news.

  13. Stephanie,

    I must admit that I am not one to study politics, but when I have a question I always do my own research. I feel that one cannot trust the news or television to relay reliable, unbiased information about political issues, candidates, etc... That being said, if there is one thing that I am interested in, it would be the upcoming election. I would like to know more about the candidates, their intentions, what they plan to do about the economy, and so on. Issues in the United States rely heavily upon who is in office and their actions while in office. So, I believe it would benefit all of us to know exactly where the candidates stand on important issues.

    Looking forward to the upcoming discussions in class.


  14. Hello, this is the first time I've had you as a instructor. First id like to say that i was in the army for a few years and i absolutely hate politics and politicians. That having been said i also see there need and importance. Some of the issues id like to discuss would be americas poverty and crime rates and whats being done to prevent or to help. Id also like to learn more about international relations and whats being done to make the world a better place for everyone

  15. Stephanie, I am not very thrilled on studying politics just for the sake of arguing and disagreements. But I did love your Business Law class and style of teaching so I think I will still enjoy this class. I don't know a whole lot about politics because I tend to stay out of it. However, there are a few things I would like to learn more about. I don't know if this is cosnidered an actual "historical and political event", but I would like to learn more about the laws of animal abuse. I have a huge heart for animals and would like to learn more about the abuse and how to stop it. I would also like to learn more about same sex marriage. Looking forward to the class. Thanks, Hannah

  16. DeSiree Williams-Molin
    -The subject I would like to discuss is about abortions. Abortions has been a very difficult subject to discuss, and I think it would be interesting to talk about it. Everyone has there beliefs on this subject but I think it comes down to the circumstances and situations the potential parent is in.

  17. The subjects I'm wanting to discuss are the ones that will probably cause arguments: same sex marriage & abortions. They're just always talked about in the news and I'm sure we can get a good conversation going about them.

  18. I'm interested in learning about criminal justice as well as same sex couples adopting. I'm not very up to date about any politics so learning anything would be a benefit.

  19. I would like to see the comparison of America to other countries. By this I mean our laws compared to other countries. I believe we could run this country differently because we are run by greed. I believe this is the reason for the healthcare bill because doctors want to choose their own pay. If they really wanted to help people then they would not care what their salary is so it supports my belief that we are run by greed.

  20. I would like to get to know more about the ways our right of speech is being taken away. I read an article this morning about a woman who is facing this and I have noticed many instances over the past few years.

  21. well just from the first class i was in i can tell you are very entertaining and get the information across in a non boring way. I would not consider my self politics savvy so i think it is interesting learning about current political issues and hopefully by the end of this class i will be more aware of how our government works.

  22. I'm not much for politics but if i were i suppose i would like to learn more about the current issues and understand how the government works a little more.
