Monday, July 16, 2012

Sometimes The Best Man For The Job, Isn't A Man.

The Summer Olympics begin next week! For those who know me, you know that I am a HUGE fan of the Olympics. I love the artistry of the opening ceremonies. I get all caught up in the emotional stories of the athletes who have struggled so hard and overcome so many obstacles just to make their Olympic dreams come true. I watch sports I've never even heard of before (like curling) and I always, always cheer for the underdog.

The London Olympics made history last week when it was announced that for the first time in history, women athletes will be competing from every nation. Although Saudia Arabia still prohibits women from joining gyms and participating in public and organized sports, they are joining the countries of Qatar and Brunei, and sending women to the Olympic Games for the first time.  In addition, The United States will also be fielding more women than men – another first. Considering that in the 1984 games, women weren’t even allowed to run the marathon, and in the 1996 games 26 countries didn’t even send women athletes, we’ve come a long way.
I’ve never been that into playing sports – I’m way too uncoordinated.  That being said, I support anything that empowers women and gives them a voice.  The U.S. State Department recently created the US Council to Empower Women and Girls through sports.  Their mission is to engage both domestic and international audiences to promote sports as a means to empower women.  So my question to you this week is, “How do you think playing sports empowers women?”  Really think about it.  “What kinds of opportunities do women playing sports at an Olympic level have? What effect does that have on other women and young girls?”   If you’ve ever played sports before, I’d like to hear more about your experiences.  Answers are due no later than Sunday, July 22nd, 2012


  1. Stephanie I too am pretty bad in the coordination department so the participating in sports is something I don't like to do. To answer some of your questions though I think women in sports is very empowering. By having one in sport it shows that their fully capable of overcoming the athleticism required to compete. Their success stories become empowering tales when shared and they give women out here a role model to look up too. In a way one could also say that a woman in sport can stand to be an activist. Help push the social norms so that other women have the opportunity to stand and compete.

  2. I think that sports does empower women. It gives them the opportunity that anyone should have. I don't think sports is a guys arena. Many women have broken records and can perform at the same ability as some men. Yes we don't have brute strength but we have stamina, knowledge, and are intuitive.

  3. I would necessarily say the sports in general empower women. I feel that women empower each other. Just because a woman dosent play sports does not mean that she is stuck being a house wife. Women are an extremely powerful gender and unfortunately it's taken society a long time to recognize that.

  4. Jackie Kennedy once said "I am a woman above everything else". I love that quote, being a woman shouldn't have any limitations in life, and sports are no exception. I'm so proud of the world for coming this far and allowing women to participate. However I do still believe women should act like ladies, and along with embracing "girl power" embrace being feminine.

  5. "Believe me, the reward is not so great without the struggle" one of my most favorite quotes by Wilma Rudolph. This quote obtains so much to my life as much as it does to her's. Being born premature and my parents being told I was not going to be normal like the other children. But that didn't stop me, or my parents. All my life I did sports soccer, volleyball, softball, basketball, and my most favorite track. I loved everything about track. Being able to run and feel so free running. The anticipation of waiting on the gunshot to bust out running from the blocks reminded me of busting out of all the negativity that was being thrown at me and that finish line was my freedom from it all. To try and hold women back from being able to be apart away of sports would be like taking away a bottle from a crying baby we would be miserable, I know I would.Otherwise it would just be hating cause they know women does everything better then men :-D. I am proud to have the rights to be apart of sports.

  6. I'm not very good at sports but I'll have to say I'm pretty good with a Bow and Arrows.

    I feel that women have the power to empower each other. That empowerment could lead to encouragement to play sports.

    Anyone can do anything if they are encouraged to do so. Women seeing other women getting involved with something that is generally a male area of activity and succeeding in this area will make others in turn act.

    Women are powerful creature and truly a feat to behold. Given the circumstances I fully believe that we females will one day be considered as equals in many areas of life.

  7. Now that more and more women are playing sports like the Olympics allows us to gain a level playing field with our male counter parts, thus empowering other women. I usually played sports when i was younger but those were just for fun i don't anymore. As for what does playing in the Olympics do for the women in the games I thinks is gives them a decent chance to show how they can can do just as good as their male counterparts.

  8. I believe this will empower women by allowing them to compete both with and against men. There is a competitive side in all of us that craves victory, and giving women the ability to pursue that victory will give them strength. For the young girls at home, I know I always watched and cheered for the girls. I also remember being confused when there weren't as many girls as boys on any particular show or event. I think this will give young girls a sense of empowerment just by watching other women compete. By giving these women the ability to compete on a world-wide level, they automatically have the job of role-model for the rest of the women at home.

  9. I think it empowers women by giving them the chance to be a role model. Most athletes that young girls look up to are ones that have participated or are participating in the Olympics. As a young girl I idolized the gymnastics team every year and wanting to be like them made me a better gymnast and I think that's the same for every sport the women participate in.

  10. Participating in sports does empower women. Growing up I paid a lot of attention to women in sports merely because I am and have always been the athletic type. I've played soccer for half my life and enjoy every sport out there.

    In 1996 at the Atlanta Olympics a gymnast name Kerri Strug went to do her vault. Her vault was what the one obstacle from the USA and the Gold Medal. I followed her not only because her name was surprisingly spelled like mine, but because she was a great idol and athlete for young gymnasts everywhere. She went out to do her vault, which was her best rotation, and on her first try she injured her ankle. She didn't give up and went back out and did her second vault even though she knew something wasn't right with her ankle. She landed her second vault perfectly and won the United States the Gold in gymnastics that year.

    Women are every so empowering when it comes to sports. Today you are finding more and more women in commercials for sports, even past Olympic medalists.

    Another empowered woman that I can always remember is when Brandi Chastain won the 1999 Women's World Cup for the United States. After she won the way she celebrated was shown over and over and over again. It was an amazing year for the women's soccer team.

    All women athletes are empowering and girls should never be afraid to go out there and try their hardest even though it may look like a mans sport.

  11. Empowerment refers to increasing the spiritual, political, social, educational, gender, or economic strength of individuals and communities.

    The Olympics is the biggest convention of empowerment. It's not even just about the woman, it's about everyone special enough to make it to them. They have overcame the odds, fought poverty, fought equality, and develped to their full potential. I will agree that men can more easily do this and it is harder for woman. That is the greatest message here.

    Can you imagine how good it feels to be there with millions of fans cheering you on knowing you are the best of the best and that you are inspiring those millions to beat the odds and get out there and reach their full potential. It must feel amazing and empowering. Woman atheletes espcially would feel very strong and inspiring.

    Men have always had it easy. They have always had their rights, their freedoms, their sports, etc. Woman have had to fight almost their whole lives and some woman, like the ones in the middle east, still are fighting. I am estatic that Qatar is sending woman this year! That is a huge step for their rights and empowerment.

    Girls growing up now need a strong woman role model. Women in the Olympics are great choices for this. They are underdogs who have achieved greatness. They are strong, determined, active, loyal, inspiring,and free to choose their roles in life. Whoe doesn't need a role model like that? But girls in areas like Qatar need it more that us. This year is going to change a lot of young lives and I can't wait for the Olympics to start!

  12. Playing sports can give women power because it actually gives them a chance to do something that was majority a man thing for so many years. They get to show off their skills and talent and actually can become known for how good of an athlete they are themselves. Women now are gaining power by recognition. Women at the Olympic sport levels have the opportunity to be a visual symbol of power. They have the oppotunity to set an example and show younger women athletes and/or the world that women do have an identity. To see women have the chance to actually take part in sports, shows that persistance and never letting any obstacles come in your way pays of and that rising above the challenges brings greater glory.

  13. Women in sports are great role models for young women. With the global audience focused on the Olympics, young women and girl can look to them and mimic their lifestyle instead of possibly Hollywood celebrities. There is always that talk about how fashion sets these standards that young girls cannot live up to because of how skinny models need to be, but if you look at sports... It is a totally different mindset. Women in sports are extremely healthy! I think that is the greatest benefit we are getting from more women in sports.

    This is going to cause the universal image of the ideal woman to shift from anorexic, to a woman who can run a marathon or swim faster than any man alive.

  14. Upon hearing this news, I found myself smiling at the thought of the fact that a woman has the opportunity to prove herself in a "man's world". Sports have always been thought of strictly for men. Even to this day I hear many people, both male and female, mock women in sports. "Women's basketball is a joke" so on so forth, and personally being someone who is naturally inclined to play sports, it pisses me off quite frankly. All that their words tend to do is push me that much harder to prove myself, not only through sports, but on a daily basis. However, I find this to be a positive and negative thing. Why should I have to prove myself? I struggle with this question, but what else is a girl to do?

    I am happy to hear about the Olympics. It gives all female atheletes reason to aspire to be apart of something greater than themselves. Young girls are always looking up to older women for advice, and with the standards today beauty has become a major concern. Once again this is a topic that just really pisses me off. These young girls need someone who will teach them that beauty is not power, but just another contributing factor that keeps us from accomplishing our goals for an equal standard to our counterpart in this "man's world".

  15. Women playing sports proves we can be just as powerful, strong willed, and devoted as men. A woman's only job isn't restricted to being the housekeeper. We can do what ever we put our minds to. Women being involved in the Olympics helps women around the world see that.

    I am thankful I live in a country where women have rights and equality, but other women don't get the chance to see that everyday. Seeing every nation come together and be involved in women's empowerment even when they normally prohibit such activities makes me ecstatic. I hope women and men see this and become inspired. We all need a good role model.

  16. I strongly believe that sports empowers women. I myself am an athlete and have been playing a various number of sports since I was 3. My main sport being volleyball. It taught me leadership, teamwork, responsibility, and so much more. It taught be to be a confident individual. I have some of the greatest memories in my life from playing sprots. I think women at the olympic level playing sport gives them many opportunities. It lets them perform and represent their country in a way that men do too. It gives them the chance to really come alive and make a name for themselves. I think many girls and young women definitely look up to olympic athletes. They are great role models and all women being able to participate is a great thing.

  17. I think this is very empowering and good for women. its empowering in the sense that women are now competing heavily in what was once considered a mans sporting arena making it more equal for them. Its also very nice for young women to see this as well so that they know that they can do anything as well and providing good role models. as far as opportunities go the sky pretty much the limit

  18. I would have to say that it is a big step for women in other countries. Growing up in the united states in my generation it is hard to think that other countries still don't give women the rights they deserve. Gender should not be an issue a women can do as much as a man can and the Olympics prove that and that is very empowering itself, just knowing times have changed and how much progress we have made!

  19. DeSiree Williams-Molin
    Its a huge step for women, women for years werent able to have a voice let alone a person, they treated women like they were objects not human. It is amazing that women can do sports and actually be better than most men. You never know how good are awesome a women or any person can be unless given the chance.

  20. At this day in age, women are doing more then ever before. They are doing jobs that were considered to be only for men and they now have a voice with social, economic, and political issues. If anything, women should get a sense of empowerment from the rights they have worked so hard for and deserve, not just sports. In my opinion, it is about time that other countries see this and allow their women athletes to play sports, especially at an Olympic level. This not only changes the perceptions of other countries but allows these women to do something they were never allowed to do! These women will also have a major impact on girls and should give them inspiration in their lives.

  21. Go USA! I believe that having women participate in the Olympic games is awesome because women are just as compatible as men when it comes to sports. Young girls who see women pursuing their dreams in the Olympics truly see that they can be anything they want to be. It builds their self confidence and shows them that by putting in hard work that anything is possible.

  22. I think it is awesome that people are seeing each other more as equals. There are a lot of things women can do better than men and the same the other way around. In my opinion I don't think it's fair to push someone aside because of their gender if they want to compete, let the person try and place.

  23. I think women in the olympics is great!! Women are just as good f not better athletes than some men, so why shouldn't participate. They are also wonderful role models for young girls of today's generation.

  24. I'm not good at sports myself, I'd rather sit back and watch. But sports is something that can empower women, it shows that we have just as much athleticism as a man, we get to compete and prove ourselves. Also it does give younger girls someone worth admiring, someone who is active in life and is strong.
