Monday, July 30, 2012

Choose or Lose!

In our first blog post, many of you said you wanted to learn more about the candidates and the issues in the upcoming election.  We will be discussing this more in class, but for this week's blog post I would first like you to take a short quiz that will show you which candidate you are most likely to agree with based on your answers.  You can access the quiz here:

After you take this quiz, tell me "Did you agree with the results?  Is that who you were planning to vote for?  What did you learn about your political views?"  Answers are due no later than Sunday, August 5th, 2012. Now back to the Olympics....gymnastics are on!


  1. My answer was what I expected it would be. I got Barack Obama as my ideal candidate. It just supported my ideals of being a democrat.

  2. My quiz results, said like I expected Obama, however I was a tad disappointed it only gave me 19% likely to vote for Donald trump...bummer! I tend to be more liberal, growing up in a household with my family working for GM, it has been engraved me. As well as developing my own opinions on topics in the last few years, but I will admit if there ever happends to be a republican I really like, I wouldn't be opposed to voting that way.

  3. What I got:
    Announced and currently running candidates are marked with an asterisk (*) on your list at left. Your responses to the statements and questions on the previous page determined the order. The percent’s after the politicians' and pundits' names indicates your level of agreement with their views. If you don't share all of the views of any single candidate, "Theoretical Ideal Candidate" will be on the top of your list. You may want to give particular consideration the candidates who share most of your views. Click on the names below to read their public statements, see their voting records (if any) plus other information.
    1. Ideal Theoretical Candidate (100%)
    2. Joseph Biden(89%)
    3. Barack Obama* (77%)
    4. Michael Bloomberg (45%)
    5. Jon Huntsman (44%)

    You know I really wasn’t planning on voting for Obama and this kind of shocked me. I mean I really didn’t plan on voting for Romney either though. I can see why I got number 1, I am only for the things that I’m for and the other stuff is just floating in my mind. I have very set morals and values. It seems like I am all over the place, like I like both parties and I agree with both sides on certain things. I need someone in the middle of the two. Of course I got this, man I always feel like I am alone on my views; I should just run. I knew my views were mixed, but I didn’t know that I wouldn’t share the views of any single candidate.

    I kind of didn’t feel like this was a very good survey, like it didn’t ask me enough questions about other stuff I am strong opinioned on. Like where were the student loan questions, the feminist questions, the censorship questions, etc. I guess I am being too critical, but that is me. I need to follow politics more and I think this is a great time to get into them. I do plan on voting in this coming election. I used to be really into politics, but then I kind of dropped it for some reason.

  4. It told me Obama who is probably who I would have voted for/will vote for. (I mean, he had the Jonas Brothers surprise his daughters the first day they moved in to the White House).. I honestly didn't care or really understand many things they were talking about so I put neither or tried to grasp the concept and choose the best answer.

  5. The candidate I am most likely to agree with is Barack Obama duh! President Obama is the best thing that has happened to America since Bill Clinton. I believe President Obama is dignified, honest, ethical, intelligent, thoughtful, about his business, and looks out for everybody especially the Americans who dont really have much. Instead of stepping over the poor to get to the top he wants to lift up the poor and take them to the top with him. Also, he's very handsome...hey!!

  6. Your top match for 2012 President Selector is: Barack Obama*

    Yup that is definitely the candidate that i want to vote for without a doubt.

  7. Well Well Well would you look a their I am compatible to Barack Obama lol look out Michelle lol jp. I think my results are so true. Barack Obama has done a lot to help out the people. When they talked about change, he has brought exactly that to our fellow people. So my vote goes to OBAMA!!!

  8. All of the answers were republican for me, and Mitt Romney came before Obama. I haven't watched anything on Romney or Obama for this upcoming election (probably not the best idea I've ever had...) but my views are generally Conservative, so I will probably vote for Romney. I don't have a problem with a mormon president so that isn't an issue for me. But, judging by what my peers said in class on Tuesday, I need to do more research before I cast my vote.

  9. Well its kinda funny that out of the 8 people who took the test before me all but one got the same as me. I got Obama. I'm not exactly sure as to how I stand on things so I can't really say if I would vote for him or not. I kinda feel like my choices have been to polluted by school and parents. I haven't really had the chance to form my own opinions yet. But if I had to say yes or no I suppose id say yes I would support him. He seems to genuinely care enough about us to try to straighten out the country.

  10. My results turned out to be that I agreed more with Barack Obama. I am glad that came up because for some reason while I was taking the test I was getting nervous and thinking like "OMG what if I'm more of a Mitt Romney person....NOOOOOOO!!!!!" But luckily the person that I was going to vote for matched my views. Honestly before when I was going to vote for Obama, it was only because of all the things others tell me, but by taking this quiz I now have my own ideas about why I would vote for Obama.

  11. What is chose for my answers was 88% for Barak Obama, which I agree with. I voted for him last term and I believe he deserves another one. I learned a lot by taking this quiz. I knew where I stood, but seeing it on paper is different somehow.

  12. My results says I'm 100% Barack Obama. I agree with it but deep down I was hoping it would be different and would make me change how I look at the candidates. It's nice seeing which one fits best for me and not feeling like I'm being persuaded by those around me.

  13. I ended up with Mit romney for my candidate. i liked taking the quiz it helped me find out who was more about what. and not having it broken down by religion

  14. This was kind of fun. Took me longer to complete than I thought it would because I researched some of the issues I did not know about. My results are:
    1. Barack Obama* (100%)
    2. Ideal Theoretical Candidate (90%)
    3. Joseph Biden (76%)

    And for references and laugh-ability, the bottom of the list is:
    20. Donald Trump (2%)
    21. Rick Santorum (2%)

    I feel real good right now about these results. It really did just confirm who I was going to vote for and who I absolutely opposed with a bloody passion that hasn't been seen in decades.

  15. I ended up with Barack Obama for my candidate and I'm not really suprised. I'd agree with the results and who I'd end up voting for. After some discussion in class it's got me more interested in this "shady" Romney character.

  16. The candidate I got was Obama. I agree with the quiz because I support a lot of the same issues as him. The quiz was pretty dead on. I was planning on voting for him. It showed that my political views are definitely democratic.

  17. My candidate that I got was Barack Obama. Just because it chose the democratic candidate does not mean I support all of their views. The same goes for republican... I can relate to the views of both political parties but will never consider myself either one. I am an individual and decide not to side with a two party system. I do not trust a word either side has to say but find it interesting to listen none the less.

  18. DeSiree Williams-Molin
    My candidate was Obama I support most of obamas views, if we help the people, the society we will be better or at least better than what it was.

  19. I got Obama which i am not too surprised, I do consider myself more liberal.

  20. I too recieved Obama from this survey. I am very much a liberal although somethings I do weigh heavier on than Obama and feel as though a more conservative approach should be taken into consideration.

  21. I received Obama as well, this thing is fixed.

  22. I knew it would be Obama. I have been a big supporter of his since the beginning. 2008 election was my first year being able to vote and it made me pay more attention to politics. I believe and support pretty much everything Obama is trying or has done.

  23. I got Obama,i guess it does sort of make a bit of sense. I never really followed politics before, so i never really knew much about the candidates. In order for me to completely agree or disagree with the result I would actually need to go look into the candidate and such to find out.
