Thursday, June 7, 2012

Your Thoughts and Feedback Are Appreciated!

Another quarter has come and gone. I hope you can say that you learned something from this class. It has been a pleasure getting to know all of you and I wish you much success in your future.

For our last blog post, I would like to get your thoughts and feedback on the class. "What did you like or dislike about the class? What could I do better as an instructor?" Answers are due no later than Wednesday, June 13th, 2012. After that, the blog will be down until class resumes next quarter. To all of you who are graduating - congratulations!  All your hard work finally paid off!  To everyone else - I hope you enjoy a nice summer break filled with good rest, good friends and good conversation.


  1. I really enjoyed this class because it provides an environment to where you can express your opinions openly without criticism, from the teacher that is. A lot of topics are up for discussion and Stephanie has done an amazing jobe with relaying information a way that we understand. There isn't much I disliked about this class, although for our final projects, I would like to see presentations on more issues than what is now.

  2. I think the absolute best thing about this class was, it wasn't entirely loaded with homework. I know that sounds kind of shallow to say, but honestly because I wasn't stressing out about papers or assignments, I was actually able to enjoy this class. I enjoyed coming to class, and taking weekly notes. I feel like because all pressure was off, I was able to just focus on what we were talking about. I also enjoyed this class because it wasn't just everyone arguing about their beliefs. Everyone was able to state their opinions while still accepting others views on the subject. There really wasn't anything I disliked about this class. Over all it was a great environment for us to become educated on controversial issues, as well as form our own opinions. Thank you Stephanie!

  3. This class was better than I thought it was going to be. I'm not into history or politics so I thought it was going to be boring, but actually it was fun and I learned a lot. I liked that we could get into discussions about topics and talk about how we feel about certain topics. You are a great instructor if anyone else taught this class I probably wouldn't have learned as much as I did. Surprisingly listening to peoples presentations was easy to listen to. Normally it can be boring to listen to people present but I learned a lot so I say it was a good final. Thanks Stephanie!

  4. I enjoyed the class very much and learned quite a lot. I'd have to say that my favorite part was the United Nations. Although, I think it would be more fun to actually create debate teams and focus on different subjects within America to prove or disprove the situations. You could simulate a Congress and House of Representatives and have discussions on that. Thanks for a great quarter.

  5. I really enjoyed this class. At first I didn't think that I would like it but it ended up being my favorite class. The best part was having hardly any homework. I really liked that fact that you adjusted the class as you went to make sure we got the important things done. All in all it was my favorite class of the quarter.

    You are a great instructor and I cant wait to see you next quarter for business law. Thanks for an amazing quarter. you rock!!

  6. I feel very neutral about the class and enjoyed learning news things and getting to the points on each subject. I have no issues with the teaching and maybe more reminder of the final project during or after the midterm to get people to get started on it and maybe more topics for said projects.

  7. I think that this class had a lot of great information and will be very beneficial to us to have learned it. The information that was provided hit all of the key points that we need to know about politics and our government's history. The class also pushed us to think about some of the topics and discussions to the point that we start to form our own opinion. Having and voicing our own opinion is very important. You also made this class enjoyable and provided a great learning environment. Thank you!!

  8. Wait... What was this class about again?

    Ok on a serious note this class was knowledgeful. Though I learned more about the Netherlands than anything else really. Which was very interesting, and makes me want to go there some time. I did also learn that being honest doesn't get you in the Trust circle. (Not sure how that works)

    But watching the Inconvenient Truth movie did tell me more about climate change than the five books that were forced down my throat in past classes. There were fun moments, there were dull moments. We laughed... Well Walter laughed mostly. We cried. We made fun of people. We didn't really get into discussions like I was lead to believe we would. I thought that we would have a topic given to us then we talk about it for a bit and see flares shoot off or waters settle. But that never really happened till last week when we actually did talk about issues. Sure there was an exchange of words here and there but nothing that came across like a debate. And being a political class I was really expecting that. But other than that it was much like my other Gen Ed classes. Most I knew about or learned and just forgot, and some was new material. Which I'm not saying is a bad thing really. I went from highschool to college so most of what I learn in Gen Ed classes are reruns but it will help cement them in.

    All in all it was a good class, I would think that having more discussions will be very beneficial. Other than that keep on chucking... and perhaps have blog titles fit better with the blog HAHA!


  9. I thoroughly enjoyed this class. I enjoy the way you taught this class as well as my business law class. Your funny stories are always good to hear too! I think that the topics you covered were things that will really help us as individuals and business people for the rest of our lives. Knowing how our judicial system works is vital for our own well being and our future and what may come in the years ahead. I now have a better understanding and respect for political art and politics in general. The issues covered throughout this quarter have reopened my eyes to issues this country is facing that dont always get talked about. I really enjoyed having you as an instructor and wish you all the best and a wonderful summer full of fun!

  10. I really enjoyed this class. The class was upbeat and fun, and it never seemed so bored that i wanted to leave early. i rather enjoy the way you teach because you make the information memorable by teaching through personal stories. I learned a lot more about the basics of law, a lot more than i thought i was going to learn. Thank you for the wonderful semester, and have a great summer!! :)

  11. I have to say hands down, this was by far my favorite class. I myself learn an immense amount more and appreciate knowledge that Stephanie shared. There is nothing to change about this course, you taught me a lot and I will keep the knowledge for future references. You are an amazing teacher, thanks Stephanie. Enjoy your brake.

  12. This was a great class. The only thing that might improve it is more group discussion of topics. I realize thats easier said than done and I'm not sure how to get people to speak more. :)

  13. Loved the class, was really enjoyable. All the debating and topics were pretty interesting most of the time. Nothing i can really say as far as changing it. Great teacher, great time. You were always a riot. I thought we had a pretty good class over all as far as all the people in it.
