Monday, November 28, 2011

The Best Part Abount Censorship is @*!

Last week in class, we discussed freedom of speech and what kinds of expression are not protected under the Constitution, including obscenity and pornography.  Since you should all be working on preparing the visuals for your final project, I thought this would be a good time to discuss censorship.

Did you know that the school often regulates or censors what types of student work can be displayed in the hallways?  In the past, I’ve been told not to display student projects that reference drugs or sex and/or have graphic images. Some would say that the school has an interest in protecting their image.  Parents and prospective students tour the hallways and it’s important not to offend anyone.  Still others would say that the school is practicing a form of censorship.  Political art makes a statement and pushes the boundaries of what is appropriate. How can a school that promotes creative and artistic license, censor student work?

So my question to you this week is, “Do you think the school has a right to censor student work that is being displayed in the hallways?  Why or why not?”  Answers are due no later than Sunday, December 4th, 2011.


  1. No matter what the answer is, the school is going to put up work that they want. I feel as though to censor what goes up on the walls creates the artists to censor their artwork. I don't think artists should change their style just because one person, in this case the instructor, told them to do so. I feel that we have the freedom to take advantage of a project and use our creativity to the best of our ability whether or not the project will be put on the walls. Like I implied before, the instructors will do as they wish. I do believe the school has a right, however the instructors should know that it would make a big impact if they were more lenient with the style of work that is put up. -Amber McNair

  2. I feel that the school does have a right to censor what we put on the walls, it is protecting their image. As long as they aren't censoring our art work in class I don't find it a problem! We have our freedom of expression, and the school has the freedom to "decorate" the halls with what they choose!

  3. I think as long as students can create their own work and do what they want, the school can censor what they put up. Although it is art work, the school is trying to keep an image, which is understandable. As long as the school doesn't restrict the students from what they can make I think it's fine not to put it up.

  4. I feel like that schools have a right to censor our arts so it won't offend anyone and get sued for it but also still allows us to able use imagination for our artworks to be put on the wall. I really am flexible with my arts with school's limits

  5. What it really boils down to is that the Art Institute of Indianapolis is more of a business than a school. A business definitely has the right to determine what is hung in their halls. it is not so much censorship as it is ensuring future patronage

  6. If the art institute were to just have its own building I believe that they should not be able to censor what the students create. Art students or any other person has the right express what they feel and to let people know about it. Since this Institute is shared by other businesses in some ways it wouldn't be appropriate to display posters with drugs or sex.

  7. I do not think it is okay to censor student's artwork. Not only is it unfair to us as artists, it is also telling us, in a way, that we cannot express ourselves fully through art. This school is supposed to be teaching us how to express ourselves through art, then to tell us that we are to be censored. Hypocritical maybe?

  8. Yes they do if the work is inappropriate then they have the right to censor it even if expresses their creativity.

  9. I feel that the school should have no say on what art is and isn't displayed in the halls. The teacher of the coarse should display the art work that they feel is best. Isn't that the reason why art is hung on walls to begin with. Everyone has their own beliefs and views, were aloud to. Its called freedom of speech and to not allow students to express it through art seems crazy.

  10. I agree with Jonni, the school is trying to protect their image. It's not about the picture being "inappropriate", they are censoring these images so new comers don't view the school in a negative way. I'm an RA in student housing and whenever a new student moves in with a resident that has already lived in housing for a while we have to go in and make sure it's appropriate enough. I've had to take down certain artwork and posters that I think shouldn't be seen. So in a way I guess I'm doing the censoring but I'm protecting how people view us in housing. People have high expectations and we have to meet them. So to answer the question I do think it's ok for the school to censor center work as long as we can be creative as we want in class.

  11. The Art Institutes and EDMC are a corporation before they are schools, and I think that is what is at the heart of every matter that students and/or instructors have issues with. Of course AI wants to protect their image; they can't look bad to potential clients. That obviously includes disallowing works that could be considered highly controversial. Some potential students or their parents have very conservative views and are already worried about how "liberal" art schools are and the effect that "environment" could have. So even though I don't condone AI's behavior in this matter (or many others for that matter), I also understand why they're doing what they're doing (in this case). Having artwork on public display- whether political message or not- puts them at risk of losing potential customers if the customer is considered that AI is somehow "endorsing" a topic they have opposing feelings on. Instead of leaving it to sales reps- I mean Student Services- to explain the purpose of the art during tours or whatever, it's easier to just cover the potentially offensive material up.

  12. I don't think its kool at all they should let the artist express they art work its they talent. That's why its call the art institute we are all adults not kid's. It should be acceptable.

  13. I really dont think that the school should censor the work that their students are making. I understand it is a business though so they are going to be more worried about the money side of it. It's all about the clients and what they bring into the pyramids. I understand and go with the flow that their trying to protect their image for now and the future. I just dont think its right.

  14. I think there should be some censorship. There is always that undefined line of what is offensive and what isn't. I think if there can be an explanation behind it of why it is art then it should not have to be censored. Yes there will be topics that people don't agree with but sometimes that's what art is. I'm not saying I would ever design anything to offend someone and I would never want to push that boundary but I would have understanding for those artists exploring new options.

  15. I strongly believe that yes, some students artwork should be censored in a private institution like The Art Institute of Indianapolis. Certain things like drugs, alcohol, sexual references and some others have a negative light in our society today. With that being said what ever the instructors chooses to display from there class is a direct reflection on not only the instructors choice of what should and shouldn't be seen but a reflection on The Art Institute as well. I believe people should always think first about what their artwork means to them and how it will effect others who view it. Censorship is a very love/hate topic. As a citizen of the U.S. i feel that the general public should be in charge of choosing what they would like to and not like to see and that should be decided at their own free will while at the same time those who are in charge of what is shown and not shown at The Art Institute should be mature enough to decide what is offensive and isn't. This is a hard question to decide on though because what may be offensive in one persons eyes, may be creative and unique in the eyes of the creator. In conclusion i would have to say that the school has every right to censor what is shown but that doesn't mean that the creator of the art work can't fight their case.

  16. I think school should monitor what is put into the hallways. When people come view our school, The Art Institute doesn't want something controversial to make the wrong impression on a student or a students family and ultimately not choosing the school because of one students work. I don't think by censoring the artwork are they saying the one that go up in the hallway are the best and the people who don't get chosen are bad. They just don't want the Art Institute to display the wrong message to visitors which is understandable. Although I do agree that the best political art is that that makes you a little uncomfortable and makes you think twice. That's just my opinion though.

  17. I think that schools need to watch what is being put up on the walls. They want people to think that this is a good school and not a durty minded school. Schools are supposed to be professional about things. But some of the students projects, that the school says it is too bad, I think you need to know what the project is about before saying about putting work on the wall.

  18. I don't think that anything should be completely censored there is enough programming on television radio, and on the internet made specifically for children. Adults have the choice weather or not they want to watch, or listen to content that could be considered offensive.

  19. I don't think they should censor what goes up in the hallways. If the student is allowed to create the project and get a grade for it, and if it's good work, it should be allowed in the hallway. They shouldn't gloss over what their students are creating while they're here. It's true that as a business, they have the right to choose what image they show; but as an art school, I think it would be more damaging to their image if the prospective students knew that work was being censored. It's simply dishonest and deceptive, and I disagree with it.
