Monday, November 14, 2011

The Next Great Indy Artist

Do you know what an impact your creativity could have on your community? I planned to blog this week about what seems to be a rise in crime in Indianapolis. As I was doing my research, I found one crime prevention method that seems to be working in several cities around the country: public art.

My first thought was of the electronic dancing people I’ve seen downtown. My second thought was, “How does public art relate to crime prevention”? Further research revealed what I should’ve already known. Public art gives young people something to do other than hang out in the streets. It can make neighborhoods nicer, increase property values, and attract new business, which brings new jobs. People that live in nice neighborhoods, are employed, and have enough money to raise a family are far less likely to commit crimes.

According to the Arts Council of Indianapolis, public art can take a variety of forms. Historically, art that is accessible to the public has been in the form of freestanding pieces of work or objects that occupy a public space, such as sculptures and memorials. Now, in a growing number of cities functional objects such as benches, trails, bridges and manhole covers can become commissioned works by artists.

Now those of you who know me, know that I am a big believer in giving back. Whether it’s volunteering someplace, helping someone in need, or contributing something to the community, my motto has always been to try and leave the world better than I found it. So in that same spirit, my question to you this week is “What kind of public art would you create in Indianapolis if money for the project was no object? Where would it be located and what would its message be?" Think about it! Answers are due no later than Sunday, November 20th, 2011.


  1. I feel art is a wonderful activity to keep teens out of violence and drugs. A program where children and teens come and express their feelings on canvas and walls or any open area is where my mind was going. An open mind to expressing one's feelings might in some cases be more helpful than most ideas. Maybe a big brother little brother kind of program to work with teens and children is in need. One or more actual studios could be placed around Indianapolis. A message to come and be expressible through art might be shown. Some form of showing the kids that being decent individuals and making something of themselves is something to be considered

  2. I really think Art is very good for expressing person's emotions and feelings about something that are bothering him/her but I could say it could better if they do it at studios or at someplace that people really don't go to very often or take a job in small town that is very beautiful like Nashville, IN that have many different kinds of arts such as painting, digital images, etc. it will be better than doing violent crimes for kids and teen to do to avoid the time in jail.

  3. I believe that you can do anything with Art. The possibilities are endless. People have been expressing feelings and emotion through art for years. People trying to create something bigger than themselves. I would make the whole city retrospective. Lots of colors just over everything but in a way that still makes everything look good. I think being productive and keep expressing how we feel is the best way to go.

  4. What kind of public art would you create in Indianapolis if money for the project was no object? Where would it be located and what would its message be?"

    The public art I would create in a park, would be a 15ft tall stone bench that has stairs cut into it, so you would climb to the top and be able to sit and watch whatever is going on around you. It would be painted with blue and grey swirls and a quote that would say something along the lines of "escape from reality"Its message would be to take a minute to smell the roses sort of thing :)

  5. As an art student I do believe that art does have a way of making you express what you feel and a way to keep you occupied. If I were to be able to create some sort of art activity for people in Indianapolis. I would create a little public academy where students could develop art skills. the activities that would be offered are dancing, graffiti art, teaching people how to play instruments. Just simple things that wouldn't require much money, that it would be free for anybody who wanted to join.

  6. If money was no object and I could do anything, I would buy or create a place where teens could go and just be creative. It would be in a huge warehouse or something. There would be white walls everywhere inside for people to use and be creative on. We would supply the kids with supplies and what ever else they needed. They would be able to do graffiti art, painting, and anything else else. Then at the end of each week we would take pictures and repaint the walls all white and start all over again. It would give the teens a place to go and be creative and express themselves.And we could post the pictures somewhere to show off what all they were creating.

  7. I would open a Alzheimer Art Class for the elderly.
    I would have it from first stage painting to third stage finger Painting. Class would be 2 hours long so people who take care of Alzheimer can get a break. I would have it down town so people could take the bus if they need to. I would have other artist their like quilters, and Craft Teachers so Alzheimer Student could have a choice of what they wanted to do. I would have soft music playing so it would calm the Alzheimer Students.I would have art shows showing their work.

  8. Downtown would be the best place to have some sort of public art program. A lot of at-risk areas tend to be downtown and there are already problems with graffiti in some places. Downtown is also an area that gets a lot of visitors. Not only could a public art program make our downtown prettier, it could help kids and teens in those areas get inspired and stay out of trouble. Whether it's painting or sculpture, there are tons of ways people could get involved. Some of the empty buildings downtown could also be converted into community studios and galleries.

  9. My suggestion the new art should be built in all the low income places for example places like the projects where they can become better kids because all the kids in the low income neighbor hoods know about is money,cars,cloths, and the fancy things in life that's why the world is so mess up today we need to start supporting the low income very soon or it is going to get worse it should be a art in every low income neighbor hood it would make things alot better. So if you do become big everyone should give back to the community it will pay off in the long run God is good.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. “What kind of public art would you create in Indianapolis if money for the project was no object? Where would it be located and what would its message be?"
    I think I would create a life size statue of David Hasslehoff and place him 13th and Oxford st to stand as a beacon of success, because if “the Hoff” can make it anyone can. In all reality if money were no object I would build a homeless shelter not an art project.

  12. I would just make a big pig sculpture because i love pigs and i want to give the city something that i love and represents me. I would put my pig sculpture around the state fair area. I would put it there because of the fairs and everything. A lot of people go to the state fair grounds a lot so a lot of people would see it.

  13. I think it would be really great to paint bridges. Those over 465, on local neighborhood streets and maybe even some on the canal.

    I think this would bring a sense of uniqueness to each bridge. And I think the locals would feel like they own it more if it represent them. Each bridge painting should represent the area, possibly the local stores, high schools or attractions. This would also make for a memerable drive for those just passing thorugh, especially on 465.

    Taking to on a mural would keep some off the streets and give them a creative outlet to spend their time at.

  14. If I could create any work of art and money was not an issue, I would create a sculpture for breast cancer awareness. My mom had breast cancer and I feel like this would be one of the best ways a son could display his affection and love for her. Not only to be looked upon in cyphers but as well as raise awareness for adolescents and teenagers in rough areas of indy. I would like to make duplicates, all different styles and put them all in small inner city parks across the indianapolis area. The message would be to love your family and be thankful for every day you have with them

  15. The work of art that I would give would be like a landmark. For example our school, the pyramids, is a land mark that catches people’s attention. Not mentioning that it is a school that, in my opinion, gives back to the community by just educating students. If I did do this this piece of architecture, it would be like a public museum or art gallery. It would be a place where anyone could go and enjoy art.

  16. The work of art that I would create would be simply a place where people and children can go to when there is nothing else for them to do. A place where they have the materials and funds to express themselves. A place where they can do anything they have dreamed of doing in their life. Where there are no boundaries for being successful. This could then change the lives of more children to come.

  17. I don't think where someone comes from has too much to do with the amount of creativity they are capable of. art is something that is beneficial to everyone. I think it would be nice to just pick a medium I'm comfortable with and get paid to do it.

  18. I'd set up a little place with all kinds of stationary percussion instruments and noise makers and anybody, with rhythm or without, could come and play with whoever else happened to be there.

  19. I think a place where kids and students could create street art would be neat Maybe have a design contest at every school with a certain theme and whoever wins gets to paint their design out in front of their school on the road. I think somewhere in the Broad Ripple area or downtown they need to have a studio for kids to go to to express themselves after school. If money wasn't a factor, I would decorate the entire city with art from local designers, and let everyone express themselves.
