Monday, December 5, 2011

Your Thoughts and Feedback Are Appreciated!

Another quarter has come and gone. When we started off together it was warm and sunny and now there is no doubt winter is here!  I hope you can say that you learned something from this class. It has been a pleasure getting to know all of you and I wish you much success in your future.

For our last blog post, I would like to get your thoughts and feedback on the class. "What did you like or dislike about the class? What could I do better as an instructor?" Answers are due no later than Sunday, December 11th, 2011. After that, the blog will be down until class resumes next quarter. To all of you out there, may you have a wonderful and blessed holiday season filled love. Have a safe and happy 2011 - and remember, don't drink and drive!


  1. I really like about class is learning historical and political issues and government terms and knowing new people but thanks for all knowledge you can teach to us. Have a good christmas break and be be careful in case of snow

  2. I learned a lot of different things i didnt know. The class also cleared up thoughts that were unclear to me. I think you're doing fine as an instructor. Its just 8 o'clock isnt everyones best time of the day. All and all the class was fun and i hope you have a happy holiday season.

  3. Not going to lie to you you when I first went in that classroom I was not to excited about the class. I actually ended up being very intrigued by what I learned. I like what you teach because you leave people interested in wanting to no more about the subject. The power points and you going over them really does help me do better on my quizzes. I and fun in the class, and I hope you have a great winter break as well.

  4. When I was in high school, the teachers would really never hop on the subject of politics. As a matter of fact, they would try to keep everything biased including religion. I liked how you expressed how you felt and opened up to us as a person rather than just being more of a robot. Also to add to that note, I was pleased to see an instructor that is not scared to show their faith. From my stand point, I noticed myself and the rest of the students engage themselves into more discussions as the quarter went on. I really liked the blogs because it gave a chance to see other people’s opinions as well as expressing my own. The most I got out of the class honestly was that it’s ok to speak your mind and not care what others have to say about it. An opinion is expressing one’s self that does not have to be SENSORED :) Altogether as an instructor you have done very well and kept the class alive and inspired the students to be motivated to vote. Thank you very much, and have a Holly Jolly Christmas :) -Amber

  5. I had a lot of fun in this class. The one thing that I didn't like about the class was the final presentation. I wish that we had partners or something. But other wise i had a lot of fun in the class. Thank you for being a great teacher and for the breakfast.

  6. I enjoyed the class the material was kind of dry, but you made it interesting for an entire 4 hours. I also enjoyed the project, and the blogs it sure beat doing weekly homework.

  7. I enjoyed this class a lot! I liked blogging every week as homework. I also liked having a final project as our final and using quizes every week to test our knowledge. I didn't know much about politics going into this class and it ended up turning into one of my favorite classes. Your a wonderful teacher and kept things interesting and exciting! Have a wonderful holiday!!!

  8. I have to say that this class upset me in the sense that we barely discussed the things going on in politics today such as the occupy movement and what it's purpose is. I also feel that the information that was presented was stuff I learned in 7th and 8th grade. this is a college level class and i feel like it was not up to the standards of a college class. I do understand that the school is a business and not overly concerned about the level of education we receive as long as they meet accreditation standards and are collecting money. Also I suggest that you watch your Bush bashing and calling the Tea Party members "Crazies" I will tell you I didn't care for that and it took a lot of control for me not to call you out on it in class. I also wish you could arrange for a guest speaker maybe like the local head of the two parties to come in and answer questions on issues so the students could get unbiased info on the issues that face America. I feel that you as an instructor were par for the course meaning i don't think that you were bad and should continue to teach. but I tend to be over opinionated and a matter of fact type of person.

    I wish you well this holiday season and many to come

  9. I really have enjoyed this class. I enjoyed my other classmates, along with the subject I was learning about. I feel like I have a better understanding of the political issues surrounding me. One of my favorite things about the class is that I got to be more informed about the difficulties of a deaf individual. I found it extremely interesting. I liked that I had the opportunity to have an disabled individual in my class, because it gave me a different perspective to consider. For me it was very rewarding.

  10. I liked the fact that I did learn a lot of information that I feel will help me in the future. It seems silly but the worst thing was the fact that the class was at 8am. haha. As an instructor I think you did a great job with providing the information and making it sink in. The fact that you encourage us to go against the grain and to question is something I don't think happens enough. Thank you!

  11. I think with this class you've found a great balance between lecture and activity, which makes a 4-hour G.E. class endurable. I never felt bored and I learned a great deal; there's really nothing I could suggest to change how you're teaching it. You also put a lot of your personality into the subject matter and put a really interesting spin on it. Thanks for caring about us students, it's obvious you do. Have a great break!

  12. I really enjoyed your class. I am not a morning person but you made waking up Tuesday morning's not to bad. I like the blogging every week, although i found it easy to forget to do sometimes. I also like the videos you showed and the freedom you let us have on our final projects. I can tell you really care about your students and want us all to succeed. Hope to see you in another class! have a merry Christmas!

  13. I had fun. It sucked that class was so early in the morning cause I was tired most of the time but a lot of the topics kept me awake. Plus the class was pretty easy. I also enjoyed the blog. I found myself discussing the blog post at work and seeing how my co-workers felt on the subject. I always have fun in a Stephine James class so I can say I enjoyed the class all around this quarter.

  14. "What did you like or dislike about the class? What could I do better as an instructor?"

    Going into this class I was pretty skeptical about how well I would do or how much i really new about politics in general. But as the course went on I actually started looking forward for tuesday mornings. I liked all the open discussions we had. This class is so much different than the lectures i have had in the past. Different in a good way. You are a great instructor and feel like you have fulfilled everything i had expected for this course. I have had a great time in here as well.

  15. I don't really feel like I got a lot out of the class. There seemed to be a lot of downtime, and as was stated earlier, it seemed like a lot of review of topics that most of us should have been learning for years. There could have been more discussion of current, relevant issues. It might help inspire students to get more involved and care more if they discuss what's happening now as opposed to hearing the same old, same old they're been hearing for years.

  16. The only thing I didnt really like about the class was that is was so early. I dont really like politics, but the class over all was fine. Having activities kept the class going, so there wasnt lecture the whole time. I dont like classes that are just lecture the whole 4 hours. It as a pretty interesting class.
