Monday, November 21, 2011

Thankful for Thanksgiving

Now, I have made it clear in class that Thanksgiving is not my favorite holiday. I don't like the way schools fictionalize a story that sounds good, while ignoring the sad facts about how we really treated Native Americans in this country. That being said, I have learned to treat Thanksgiving as a reminder of all the things I am thankful for.

This year, as always, I am thankful for my faith, my family and my friends. I am blessed to be surrounded by people who love me. I am also thankful that I have two jobs in an economy where people often can't find one. I have been blessed this year in buying my first home and I am thankful that I have the means to do so.  This year, I will host Christmas for the first time and I'm excited to create new memories in my own home.

So, in honor of the holiday my question to you this week will be an easy one. "What are you thankful for this holiday season?" Answers are due no later than Sunday, November 27th, 2011.  I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday full of good food, good friends and good conversation! Enjoy your break!


  1. I am Thankful for everything in my life. I have a wonderful family that constantly supports me. They are so much fun to spend time with. I am grateful that I get along with my family, because I know that there are so many individuals that do not have good relationships with their families. I also am thankful for all of my friends. They always put a smile on my face. These are the people that I spend the majority of my time with so it is great to keep have the time of my life! Over all, I am just thankful for being surrounded by so many wonderful people. Relationships is what really matter in life, and I have many that are worth keeping.

  2. I am very thankful for my friends, family and my girlfriend that love me and always be there for me when i need them. I am very forward for this Thanksgiving with them plus I can eat all different kinds of food I want :D It's the holiday dream come true! Yummy!! I am very happy that I have many good relationships with other people and I am also overexcited for Christmas cuz might host other party or wait until new years.

  3. I am thankful mostly for my awesome family and good friends. We always have a good time together and are always there for each other. I am also very thankful for my wonderful boy friend who is very supportive and helpful. Lastly, im thankful that everything in life is going well and that there haven't been too many rough and hardtimes.

  4. I am thankful for my family and friends. I am thankful for the fact that I am fortunate enough to be going to school and earning a degree. I am thankful for my boyfriend because he has done so much for me this year. I have a lot of things, day to day, I complain about but its nice to sit back during the holidays and realize how grateful I am for the amazing people and opportunities I have in my life.

  5. As I read the above comments I see a reoccurring theme that we are all thankful for our families, and friends. All that is fine and good I am also thankful for mine, but really what I am thankful for the most is Freedom. I know most people celebrate Veterans day & Memorial day and remember our troops and their families but I feel most thankful for them at this time because this is when it gets hard for them Thanksgiving and Christmas are tuff holidays to be away from your family even worse when you’re in some god forsaken Shit hole half way around the world where the people don’t want you there. So enjoy your holidays with your family but try sending something to the troops

  6. I'm thankful for all my family to still be alive, and for my brothers to be doing well for there first year in the real world. Im thankful to have a nice home and to be in school, I guess i have taken everything i have for granted lately, i hardly step back and see how good i really have it. I could be on the streets somewhere with no family, job, education, or sign of where im going in life. So this thanksgiving im thankful for all the opportunities i have been given

  7. I am thankful for having my family, friends, and my love of my life. Without them I don't know what i would do with out them. I am also thankful for having all my animals as well. They mean the world to me. I just love them to death.

  8. I am Thankful for everything god bless me with. Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday when family and friends gather around and chat bout old times and watch a little football and chow down and have a couple of beers and maybe a glass a wine and just relax. It's a blessing to sit at a table and have dinner with the family and friends and eat all you can eat.

  9. This Thanksgiving I am thankful for having the chance to have spent it with my family. Also for having one more year of life ofcourse. I guess just in general for all the opportunities I have in life im thankful for my life.

  10. Who really isnt thankful for their family though? Mine are awesome as well and although they complain about spending half their savings on my education, they support me 100%. So im thankful to be where i am today right now.

  11. I am thankful to be living in a place where I am safe and free to peruse what i want to, how i choose. I am also thankful for having family and friends who care about me.

  12. Since I'm posting late (again), I'm thankful the craziness of working Black Friday and that whole weekend is over. But seriously, I'm thankful I have a family who loves me and is willing to support me no matter what.

  13. I'm thankful that for the past 15 billion years, every single event in the universe happened exactly in such a way that made it possible for me to be here now.

    Now that I'm here, I'm thankful that I've survived in this dangerous place for 22 years.

    And family and friends and all that.

  14. I am thankful for so much and i take so much of it for granted. I am thankful for my family, and my friends. I know i can always count on them. I am thankful for a God that loves me so much that he gave up his son for my sins. And i am thankful for all that i have which i take for granted. God has given me so much but i don't thank him enough. there is so much to be thankful for.

  15. I'm always thankful for my friends and family. Especially my Indiana friends who have basically become family. Since moving out here I have gained so many friends from school and work that make me feel like I never left home. And of course I'm thankful for the job I have and the roof over my head. I'm thankful that I work hard to keep everything I have and that I can get by everyday with a struggle. The list can go on but every year friends and family top the list.

  16. I am thankful to be alive :). I am also thankful for my wonderful family who help me get through the hard times! It is always nice to have that support group! I have so much to be thankful for this year and thank God for guiding me in the right direction! I'm also very thankful that my cold has gone away and I don't have to stay in bed all day any more! :)

  17. well i cant really say because i lost my grandmother this year and my oldest sister.Plus my mom lives in Georgia so i wont see her and my little sister is acting out and if things go like this for long she wont graduate.The only thing i can say i am thankful for is that i get to live another day.
