Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Choose Your Own Adeventure!

I hope you all enjoyed a nice break.  It's always hard coming back to school after break. Don't get me wrong, I love teaching and being surrounded by all the crazy, creative energy that is all of you. That being said, it's still hard to get back into the grind. So for our first blog post, I'll go easy on you.

This week we started our study of the Constitution and the freedoms that make us uniquely American. You can order your own free copy of the United States Constitution from:

A good portion of this class will be spent discussing current events and political issues that affect our everyday lives. For this post, I would like you to tell me at least one issue that you are interested in studying. To help you out, you can look over the blog posts that we've had in the past several years to get an idea of the type of things we've covered. Many of the topics are pretty controversial and I do my best to not censor the information available to you.

So my question to you this week is, "What is one issue that you are interested in studying in this class?" Answers are due no later than Wednesday, July 20th, 2016. I'm looking forward to a great quarter!


  1. Not entirely sure just because politics can be a very broad subject. But probably just the evolution of politics and how things have changed.


  2. One issue that I'm interested in studying in this class is, why so many police officers have no filter when it comes to police brutality.
    -Shakay Gillard

  3. I would like to study about gun violence laws including the limitations that civilians have who own fire arms and self defense laws involving guns.
    - Semorris Powell

  4. I am looking forward to learning what others thoughts are on current topics within the world right now. I enjoy hearing the views and thoughts of the younger people of the world because they are very different for people my age and older. And lets face it if we listen to what they are thinking we can decide if we should embrace the future or prepare for the worst. lol

  5. i really don't know but i guess that i want to know why do politics have to change who is over the world if that person that already in offices doing a good job why do they have to to let that job go. and why can they only run for some many times?

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  7. I would like to study, the gold standard. The times when the Gold standard was implemented, what caused it to change, and the aftermath after the change.

  8. While politics generally do not interest me, I am curious of a select few topics. One of them includes the law and the police, specifically why they give different treatment to adults versus teenagers. While stereotyping is unfortunately common, it should not be permitted solely because someone has a badge and identifies as a "protector of society".
    ~Jessica Palmer

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  10. I would like to learn about gun control and women's rights when it comes to adoration.

  11. I would be interested in learning more about the scandals that go on behind the scenes, such as who are the corporations who are giving big money to certain politicians to push their own agendas - Corey Music

  12. "Privacy" is the topic i'm really concerned about. After Edward Snowden issues and the problems between FBI & Apple, i do feel we don't really have a "real privacy".

  13. I would like to learn more about the issue of gun safety and have a little more research on it as well as gaining knowledge about gun safety
    -McKenzie Masters

  14. The issue that I would like to look more into would be gun control. Im choosing this issue because it seems to be a recurring issue among many other recurring issues. I've never really knew much about gun control and I'd like to know more.

  15. The issue I want to study would be about legalizing marijuana for recreational use. Colorado first legalized the drug with $46.9 million in total sales. Colorado is imposing three types of taxes on marijuana sales.

  16. Honestly, i really just want the truth. How does it all work? The who, what, when, where, and whys?

  17. I would like to just know what there is to know. Politics is really big so im open minded at this moment.
    - Mickey Polyak

  18. I am open to learning how involved must someone be in the political system and government to become an eligible candidate to run for office and possibly become president. Then what can a president really do. I think presidents are just a face, a puppet.

  19. I am definitely interested in studying and talking more about the government federal budget, how they come up with the percentages and how I think most of what they have on the top of the list is not big of a necessity as they think it is, and that they need to make what's on the lower part of the list more of an issue...such as Federal Aid budget.

  20. I would like to go in depth about Obama's Healthcare plan to understand it more and how it has effected people in upper class, middle, and lower classes.

    -Courtney Hampton

  21. I'm looking forward to understanding more about the general nature of politics, how the delegate/super delegate system works and why that has such an effect on the people who run for demo party, why social media is a more reliable news source and how are other news stations allowed to withhold information that may not pertain as "news" to them, among a slew of other political topics.

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  23. y heart is torn, my stomach rolls, and my mind cant find a middle ground. I feel sorrow for the family and loved ones having to experience these wrongful tragic losses. We have more stories coming up, because its time we tell the truth of what's happening around us. From the videos I've watched, I witness innocent men being killed. Maybe they had past records or they were just accused of having a gun on them, however, I saw no valid reason to act quick of authority and call shots. There's no hostility from victims or acting out only the policemen. Sometimes I wonder if it could be a psychological condition when it comes to these bad policemen making these bad choices. What the police have to go through on a day to day basis and risking their lives or witnessing the evil of this World so we don't have to. Each time they are in a shooting(the kind that are for justice when suspects are making fire), dealing with drug addicts, the deaths they have to witness over and over, and other intense situations. They are constantly creating adrenaline rush. A stress hormone that prepare the body for a fight-or-flight reaction in threatening environments. The brain signals the adrenal glands that it's time to produce adrenaline and other stress hormones. When your brain is constantly wanting these glands to produce, I imagine it's the same as smoking a cigarette that damages lungs, and well as the constant adrenaline keeping the brain in that cycle. Some can handle it better than others, and then there are bad cops that probably have no remorse over the matter because they are completely numb. Im not here to justify their actions, but maybe finding a better scientific understanding of why we end up with asshole cops who make poor judgements too quick.
    My experiences with policemen, have been well to deal with, and Im sure that's because Im a small 26 year old white girl who looks 12. I always get so nervous and anxious when they pull me over because I cant help but wonder if I am going to get a ticket or not that I will have to find a way to pay for. I dont usually have anything confrontational and I agree with them and can usually tell them why they pulled me over. I’ve gotten most warnings and a couple tickets. Some I can tell are decent enough, and there has been one I had gotten pulled over by, and first impression was that he was an asshole. You could here it in the tone he talked with his voice. He gave me a ticket of course. But its always a wham-bam, okay, good to go experience. It's very discomforting to know that not everyone gets treated the same. Could more have escalated if I had said, looked, or moved the wrong way? It's scary to know that, and I think about that with any race. It breaks my heart that African Americans get treated the way they do when they are accused without warning of doing something wrong when they are not breaking any laws.
    It will take a lot of courage to want to heal, especially in a world where there is so much evil. I wish I had a magic wand, for I would vanish all the violence that’s happening in our world. Im not really sure how we can stop the violence all together, there are over 6 billion people in the world and would be hard to capture all the bad. I hope that we all can come to our senses and learn to harmonize. I know we all have our differences whether it be race, sex, gender, or any category. Perhaps we need to stop separating ourselves by what history, society, media has taught us to do, and start creating a world we want to live in.

    I saw this video recently and I liked what she had to say, and I would also like racism to end. So we can be a big giant rainbow!
    Racism Destroyed in 1 minute.
