Friday, June 6, 2014

Have Dress Codes Gone Too Far? - Part 2

Last week, I read an article about Wasatch High School in Utah, which digitally altered students’ yearbook photos, including adding sleeves to tank tops, raising necklines, and in one case, removing a tattoo. You can check out the photos and the alterations here:

Several students said they’ve worn these outfits on school grounds and never heard from school officials that they were violating the dress code. Students are outraged that their photos were altered without their consent, and say this is a violation of their free speech.
The Wasatch School District said students were warned images might be altered if students violated the dress code.  The dress code mentions clothing will be “modest” and include “covering shoulders, midriff, back and underwear at all times”.   

Last week, we studied free speech in class, so my question to you this week is, “Should students have the right to wear what they want to class, or does the school have the right to enforce a dress code?  Do you think the Wasatch dress code goes to far?”  Answers are due no later than Wednesday, June 11th, 2014.


  1. I think that students should be allowed to wear what they want as long as the boundaries that are set then don't become to strict, such as saying all children can wear what they want but must all wear the same color. Saying that shoulders are to be covered and backs but then living in a world where the exact opposite is done becomes redundant, we can't enforce rules we ourselves do not follow.

  2. A public high school has the right to determine what its students wear. I do not feel like these girls had anything inappropriate with their clothes, though. If the codes are not enforced on a daily basis and only when photos are taken then I could see how it is a confusing to those attending the school. They only thing I would change in the Wasatch code is the "covering shoulders" part. That seems excessive.

  3. Personally, I think dress codes are great. High school was pretty awful for some kids. They were picked on because they didn't have the best and newest clothes. Students were grouped together based on the clothes they wear. Is that something we want our children to have to deal with? Why not take out all the judgements, and base each other on our personalities, not the way we dress.

    On the other hand, students should have been given a dress code at Wasatch prior to the pictures. This would have not caused the conflict after the fact. Students represent that specific school at Wasatch. If they want their students to dress a certain way, they should have enforced a dress code. That simple.

  4. I personalty think that you should be able to wear whatever you want. Although a dress code helps kids from being picked on by others because of what they wear.

    In the case of Wasatch High School they should have been more clear on the dress code before the pictures were taken. Altering the pictures was wrong in the way I look at it.

  5. I think the school should have been enforcing the dress code from day one not just for the yearbook. I never had to bring a senior photo to a job interview. I think the editing was in poor taste.

    A good approach to this should have had a make up day for those who violated the policy. And if some individuals violated it again there picture wouldn't be in the year book.

  6. Dress codes for schools are healthy, but not when girls are subjected to certain codes "So boys aren't distracted"
    Photo shopping year book pictures are not ok, unless they are done by the student themselves(but even then, it's just silly)
    I grew up wearing uniforms my whole life, I really liked how clean they looked an it made getting dressed for school easier. Though in my second school they only cared about where we were covered, not how we were wearing the uniform. Made me feel more uncomfortable.
    That particular school should care more about what the students look like in school, not how clean cut the year book looks.

  7. There needs to be dress codes from elementary to high school. I believe the school was right in making clothing edits, but they shouldn't take off tattoos. Kids that are that young can express themselves in other ways than their dress. It's also important that they know a modest form or dress code.

    Bethany Blake

  8. I think some dress codes are to be needed but they also need to be enforced. Students need to have modesty. Just because you have got it doesn't mean it's a good thing to always flaunt it. School is intended for learning, not seeing who is best dressed.

  9. If there is a dress code the teachers should enforce it other wise the students will just shrug it off. When the students were warned about the alterations to their photos i am sure they didn't take it seriously. There should have been a make up day for the students that didn't follow the dress code.

  10. I feel that yes students should be able to wear what they want, however, if schools said that and allowed that people will take that WAY TOO FAR, to the point that it is extremely inappropriate, for that reason I think it is healthy to have a dress code

  11. I don't think there should be a dress code in schools. I understand there are some clothing that is very inappropriate, so there should be some boundaries set. My high school attempted to do a dress code and started suspending students who were out of the dress code. This lasted for about a week and then they gave up, because students continued to wear what they wanted and taking the students out of class for violating the code became pointless.

  12. This Superintendent is an idiot! I do agree with some codes, but you can over do it too. I'm sorry, all I can focus on is how much that guy is an idiot. lost for words

  13. Yes I think that children should follow a dress code in school because if they are covering up tattoos that is a little to much but I do think children also should have a freedom of dress but tone it down.

  14. in my opinion i do think students should wear what they want, as long as it doesn't put others in danger...restricting young kids/adults from the freedoms they usually have outside their education doesn't sound right to me..sure we can say "don't let them wear what they want" now because we don't have to worry about it now, we passed high school..

  15. In my opinion about uniforms I never like wearing uniforms as a kid growing up. I didn't get it why do you care what I wear than my education I feel that clothing shouldn't be an issue. Should be able to wear what you want to wear and go to school.

  16. In my opinion students should be able to wear what they want aslong as it is not effecting their education and not distracting. Growing up i was never at school where i had to where a uniform but wearing clothes that are not a uniform just expresses their style. We have all been through different styles with what we wear. We should not be resrticted when it comes to clothes we wear.

  17. I personally feel like clothing is another way to express individuality, but while in school, like church there are rules that one must follow. it says that you have respect for yourself and others.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. For the most part, I have no problems with having a dress code, but if there is one, I feel that it should be enforced from day one without limitations or exceptions. In regards to photoshopping yearbook photos, I feel that the school should have contacted the students and their families to notify them of their intent of altering them and give them the option to have their photos retaken with more appropriate attire rather than altering them without saying a word.
