Thursday, May 1, 2014

Should A Free People Be Armed?

Many of you probably saw the displays downtown last week, when Indianapolis hosted the National Rifle Association convention; one of the largest in the city’s history.  Over 70,000 people were expected to attend the convention to strategize on gun rights, view the guns and ammunition exhibit, and network with other gun enthusiasts.

I’ll be frank – I’m torn on this issue. I don’t come from a family that owns guns. I don’t think I would want one in my home. Every time there has been a mass shooting – and there have been far too many in my opinion, it has made my heart heavy.  If you’re interested in reading any of these other posts, you can use the word “shooting” in the search bar at the top of the page.
That being said, I strongly support the U.S. Constitution and the people’s right to bear arms.  Restricting people’s freedom’s (in any sense), is a slippery slope to start down.  I know that most people who buy guns, don’t intend to use them to harm people.  I just think there should be better background checks, waiting periods, etc.

This is a pretty controversial issue that is heating up all around the country.  It’s also one that many of you said you like to discuss.  So my question to you this week is, “What do you think about our nation’s gun laws?  Do you think they relate at all to the mass shootings we have had over the years – or are those isolated incidents?”  Answers are due no later than Wednesday, May 7th, 2014.
P.S.  Last week in class we briefly discussed the Gainful Employment Rule.  If you’re interested in reading my previous post and your fellow students’ comments, you can access it here:


  1. I feel that the recent gun control laws have had a major factor in the rising crime rate down town. i feel with making to so hard to purchase a gun and ammo only makes the want for an illegal gun even greater. I personaly own 3 licensed and registered guns and use them for hunting.

  2. well, seeing as how gun control is the topic of my final, I should definitely speak on this. In relation to the mass shootings that you speak of, most of them were done in gun-free zones: schools, churches, movie theaters, malls etc.... I do feel there should be better precautions taken towards the purchase of guns, however, I feel that if the government started taking guns out of the hands of good citizens, unregistered gun-owners will have power. and good citizens will have no means of defending themselves...crime-related gun incidents are not performed by registered gun-owners.
    People who take the time to register and buy their firearms are less-likely to commit a crime with their own gun, unless they're defending themselves.
    Yes, there should be provided safety-courses, and mandatory gun-safe practices taught before people can purchase guns. (if they're going to open-carry them)
    Also, i think there should be mental-evals done... i dont believe in selling guns to mentally-unstable citizens, either...

  3. guns are not the original problem, it is the fact that anyone is able to acquire a firearm. making the process more restricted and fixing all the loopholes in the system would go a long way to making things safer. someone with a prior offense or case of mental instability should not be allowed to own firearms. though at the end of the day, if someone is going to attack someone they are going to use whatever they can find, case and point the mass stabbings in Pennsylvania.

  4. If humans did not have guns they would use swords and if the did not have swords they would use the next best thing. We are drawn to chaos and carnage, that being said gun laws don't prevent the thought that motivates the shooting. You could take away all the guns in the world but you cant take away all the violence in people's minds. I think their should be less laws on who can buy a gun and more on the requirements that a person must meet to have a gun. Mass shootings however cannot be stopped by gun laws, I could buy a gun from a store or just as easily buy them from someone of the streets the only difference is that the one from the streets is harder to track. Making it more appealing.

  5. I do believe we need stricter laws in this country not only on purchasing guns but also on gun storage and usage. A lot of the mass shootings involved people who acquired their gun through a family member. If a person is not repost me enough to take care of their own weapon then the blame falls on them. Also, I beileve that the second addmendment deal strictly with a militia and not an individual. I welcome any laws that would make school shootings a rare occurrence rather than a monthly occurrence.

  6. It's not the access of guns that cause the rise, it's the spotlight that media puts on them making the perpetrators celebrities.

  7. The media doesn't focus on the victims, they focus on the perpetrators. they flash their name all over the place, put their faces into millions of homes, they tell us what their interests are, whether they play video games or what heavy metal they listen to, they dig into their lives and make them celebrities. Gun laws are definitely necessary. Because it may help just one crazed shooter from getting his hands on a gun

  8. In my opinion, I believe that there should be better background checks involved with the purchasing of guns. All of the school shooting incidents have occurred because guns were easily available to the shooters. I think the government is getting more involved because they want to disarm their people. After the Sandy Hook shootings a lot of my family members purchased guns to exercise their rights and to better protect themselves. Our nation as a whole is extremely paranoid, so everyone has a gun or two, rather it's for protection or hunting. I think where they need to start is in the home and keeping weapons in a safe locked closet. Or consider better security in public places.

    Bethany Blake

  9. I think that the guns them selves are not the problem I think its the people using them and they are too easy to access I think that people need to decrease the access to guns and make it almost harder to get.

  10. I think our nations gun laws are good. I think everyone who wants a gun should be able to get one if they can pass a background cheek. if someone want to shoot someone they will get a gun and do it. having a gun will protect you in one of those cases.

  11. guns should not be so easily bought and sold, but they should not get taken away either. better background checks and and classes on how to use a gun are a good idea. i also think that a person who purchased a gun needs to know how to lock it up so most people can't get to it easily. if a person carries a gun they should always make sure they know where it is, just because it's in your purse does not mean it can't be stolen.

  12. In my opinion the right to bare arms is another one of the rights we get in America and it needs to stay this way. With that being said, I also think that people should have a background check ran before they get their gun license. I am a firm believer that people kill people, not guns. In my eyes if you use the gun for protection from someone trying to break into your house or attempting to harm your family it's not wrong. But as far as using it for harm that's when the background checks need to come into play.

  13. America and their relationship with guns are weird.
    I will never understand how you guys put freedom and guns together.

  14. I feel that American citizens wishing to own a gun should have an extensive background check, psychological tests, and training on how to properly handle a gun before being permitted to purchase one.

  15. My opinion about the right to have a fire arm that they shouldn't just let anyone be able have a gun. Really should in force a background check

  16. There should be more background checks and testing on people pursuing purchase of fire arms. the gun laws are punishing everyone instead of criminals and gang members and psychotics.

  17. Honestly I think making the laws stricter would only encourage illegal arms dealers, although I do think there should be certain requirements people have to meet before they can obtain a license for a gun.

  18. As a gun owner myself i still believe that they need to have stricter laws. There are so many people who do not know how to use a gun so when it is misused then thats when everybody starts on the carrying about the laws. There needs to be a more extensive background check.

  19. I think we should put sticker gun laws on the American people. there are too many people who are crazy and psychotic in America and will use a gun just to gain self satisfaction or respect.

  20. Over 98% of gun crimes come from unregistered illegal guns. Unless the ATF can shut down illegally imported guns then gun crimes will continue.


    Jon Oliver makes one hell of a point in this video. I too believe there should be tougher gun laws and background checks. I love guns and believe and the 2nd amendment, but also believe some people shouldn't have guns period.

  22. guns in general isn't the issue. its the people who go off shooting other people because of their personal problems. focusing on how to fix that would help.

  23. Cedric Shirley

    Our gun laws depend on how we, the people, classify what constitutes as proper gun usage vs the misuse of guns. We events such as the Batman shooting occur, we tend to anchor towards each polar side of the issue on gun control. I think that our nation's gun laws should shift from more restrictions on gun control to focus more on who's in possession of the illegal dealings of arms.

  24. I don't think it should be an issue about having guns I think the issue should be who can purchase the guns. Guns are to protect not to be miss used and abuse. As far as the mass shootings, I feel those are isolated issues, those are what those individuals choose to do.

  25. I believe citizens of this country have the right to have a gun because there are usually crimes committed everyday in this country, and that could lead to a travesty.
    Gun should be permitted to everyone, so self-defense can be assured.

  26. Personally, I do not believe American citizens should have the right to bear arms at all. I know this is upsetting for some people to hear, but I do not believe we need guns at all. I know many people that own guns and I can say that every single one of them has no business owning one in the first place.

    Look at this recent shooting and slaying in California. If the citizens did not have access to guns, it would have been a lot harder for him to carry out this mass shootings. Adam Lanza murdered massacred classes of elementary school students because he had access to a high powered assault rifle.

    In other countries, citizens are not allowed to carry or own guns. The murder rates are so staggeringly low that it should tell us right there, guns are the problem. They make killing too easy.

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