Monday, March 3, 2014

Who Runs The World?

This Saturday, March 8th, is International Women's Day.  It's a day set aside to celebrate the economic, political and social achievements of women.  Those of you who know me, know that I am a big supporter of my fellow sisters.  It's disappointing to me when women hate on other women.  How can we ever expect better treatment from our male counterparts, if we constantly try and bring each other down?

Despite all of our achievements, women still lag behind men in several key areas:
  • In 2012, women working full-time made an average of $37,791 annually, compared to $49,398 for men.
  • Although women are now earning more Bachelor degree's than men, women with a four-year degree make an average of $930/week, while men with the same degree make an average of $1,199.
  • only 4.6% of Fortune 500 companies have a female CEO.
We are also bombarded with society's expectations of how a woman should look, think and act.  Beauty advertisements tell us we are too wrinkly, our hair is too dull and lifeless, and our bodies are just too fat.  Television commercials say we should be focused on what detergent gets our whites cleaner, what diapers keep our kids cleaner, and what we should make for dinner tonight.  We are taught from a young age that we need to aspire to be someone else.  To hear more on this topic, stated in a better way than I could ever say it, check out this speech by activist Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

So my question to you this week is two-fold.  First, ladies - I would like to know "How were you affected by society's standards for women growing up"  Guys - This isn't just a female issue.  You all have mothers, some have sisters, and many of you will have daughters one day.  So for the men, I would like to know "How you think men contribute to these standards for women?"  Second, it's possible that Hillary Clinton will decide to run for President again in 2016.  In fact, we could possibly have several female candidates running for President in the next election.  So for everyone, I would like to know, "Do you think America could handle a female President?"  Answers are due no later than Sunday, March 9th.


  1. well I haven't had many years of experience considering im only 19 and half the years I was worried about baby dolls but I think woman think a little more critically then men and we have that extra push I think America is ready for a female president because the men did all they can do and they are a little stuck and we have that extra push for them. and women can do much more than cook dinner and wash clothes

  2. Society has affected my standards as a women based on the steps I need to take to be seriously secure in my life. As a student I aspire to go far with my degree, but I see wanting to have children as a limitation to how I should be spending my time outside of work or school. Initially, as a young girl I always saw myself as being able to raise a child as her sole parent while rising her value of womanhood. As time progresses and I see my friends who are one to two years out of high school, I adore parenthood more and want it more. By the influence of security I see in my friends different steps I need to create the option of having children. I know I need to be around a steady environment rather than jumping from place to place which what I saw myself doing before college. I used to always see myself being single for the early years of my adulthood and later on having a family. However, when I continuously hear stories about our bodies aging and women who are struggling to gain the settlement of a well off family, I think the way society is shaped has factored into that. For example, when I want to enjoy a movie or enjoy a meal I see space for couples mostly. Although everywhere outside of my house is not intentionally calling for couple’s togetherness, when I see couples who have followed each other in commitment and getting everything they ever wanted, my singularity starts to bother me. I think standards affect how we women chose to wear our hair in public, dress the part in any event, and any other factors that deem appropriateness to them. However, I do not see myself as a standard of society because even as media dishes personal beauty tips I chose not to participate and go with my intuition that will lead me to my own contention.
    I foresee a woman president coming into presidential term with no probability. We have made major advancements in the political system to accommodate minority casualties. Seeking to prohibit same sex marriage domestically, regulating the aid given to schools, and enacting the control on our gun distribution are just a few of the major changings our Congress processes. And even after a loss we come out relentless as we continue to file the same cases until they are passed. I think keeping President Barack Obama in office for another term is nothing short of our reshaping of conventionalism. The only negative factor I would count as limiting Clinton is her voting reputation. Since she still has a title in the White House people have a better track record of her impact in office.

  3. Personally I have felt very little of the glass ceiling effect from my mother or sister. Both are very strong and confident and I look up to both of them. My sister is older and always led the way for me, and now in our adulthood she is independent and works hard for what she has. She does however work two jobs for her income, one as a server in a restaurant and one as a hair stylist in a boutique. Traditionally these are both feminine jobs but she enjoys them, and since she works for tips, is not overly affected by the gender gap in pay. One thing to note is that there is a very prominent gender barrier as a hair stylist. Women are known as cosmetologists and men, if they choose to extend their training, are known as barbers. This difference exists because men, or barbers, are trained to use a straight razor, while women are not offered the opportunity. This exists because women would not use a straight razor to shave their face. A biological difference and seemingly harmful enough, however my sister wants to learn to use a straight razor, for me and for my dad, and I support her completely as do several barbers in the profession. My mother on the other hand probably has been affected by the salary difference, though I can't recall a time hearing her talk about it. Originally she was a stay at home mom taking care of me and my sister. About half way through our high school careers she went back to school and quickly got a degree in teaching and linguistics. Shortly after that she began teaching at Ball State and was the main supporter of our family while my dad went back to school. She still holds a good job teaching English as a second language and works hard to support herself and our family. Personally the thought that she gets paid less than a man doing the same job is ridiculous and if I dwell on it to long I will probably get very upset. Both my mom and sister are hard working and strong women probably better at their jobs than a lot of men.
    As for a female candidate, I have no real problems with it in regard to her gender. The same concerns I would have for a candidate would apply equally, honest, aware, driven, selfless. My only concern would be that she use her position as a gimmick to win an election. I understand it is impossible to avoid as some people will vote, or not vote, for her based on her gender. But as long as she runs with the overall welfare of the nation in mind, as a proper candidate should, it would make no difference to me what kind of suit she wore.

    1. id like to add that my little "prove your not a robot" text spelled out "need size one"......kind of ironic given the subject

  4. When I was growing up I felt a lot of pressure to be thinner. Like from the age of nine I was constantly comparing myself to the other girls. I think this has a lot to do with the way that the media portrays women. The average size of a woman in America are sizes 10-12, but the average model is a size 00. This leads to little girls growing up with a ton of pressure put on them. Even if you are a size 00 you still can't win, because then your 'too' thin and that's also considered unattractive. The standard for beauty is truly impossible.

    I think men contribute too these ideas about women almost anonymously, magazines advertise that doing one thing will make men more attracted to you, or acting a certain way will turn them off. Girls are told to change everything about themselves. They're told to loose weight, wear makeup, and countless other things in order to please some made up guy. What's even more ridiculous to me is that a lot of these articles end with "But just remember to be yourself" as if that can make up for all the damaging things that get advertised to young girls.

    Honestly, I'm not sure if Hilary Clinton can win this upcoming election. Just look at the way she was portrayed in the last election. The media portrayed her as some kind of nagging old housewife. They did the same thing to Sarah Palin, to the media she was nothing, but some stupid bimbo. In some of the debates they even took shots of the audience from between her legs. Instead of focusing on her ideas and opinions they focused on her looks, which is something that happens all the time. I honestly can't remember the last time I saw a picture or a video online of a woman in politics that didn't have nasty things written about them in the comment section, and usually it has nothing to do about their opinions or ideas. It's almost always always about their appearance. I think a lot of attitudes need to change before we have a female president, among men and women.

  5. I do think women have a lot of pressure to look a certain way. But in my opinion that doesn't really bother me because I think a lot of women have let themselves go with their body and their looks. I hear excuses all the time and I do think women have let themselves go. Especially in the weight department, this also goes for guys too. We make excuses for our weight and think we should love at every size. The point is it isn't healthy to be that big and in that regard we need to get that under control. As for a female president I definitely think we are ready for a women president. If we were ready for a black president we are ready for a female president.

  6. Hm, I think a lot from my Anthropology class. We just learned about gender and society would think of what women would be. It be like on toys with baby dolls, play kitchens, girl playmobils(a different type of Legos, but figure size, which I play the most as a little girl) and Barbies. I'm not really sure about Hilary running, but seeing how more and more women are growing in from doing more jobs and with the bachelor degrees. I always have my bit of sense with my body as well. Of how I look, or how anyone else look. In society onto advertisements and such. Yet I like my body for it's who I am, not what society thinks. Everyone different, we can take on changes in life. Why not chance it.

  7. I think growing up as a woman came with a lot of up's and downs especially when it came to society and media. Society affected me in many ways growing up. When i was little i played with barbies and cars, but none of my barbies look like me as far as characteristics. With that being said i don't think not looking like the barbies affected me as much as society. My point is society made me want to work harder as a woman, and I am skinny but not model skinny and not model height but that's not going to stop me from being who i am. I think society affected my racially and what i mean by that is society wants you to have fare skin, blue eyes and blond hair, which i look nothing like that, i feel i have to work harder if i want to be who i am. When is comes to education and income, there are more women who are getting bachelors, and masters degrees.I feel if a woman has the same job and the same degree, a woman should have the same income as men, we work just as hard. I would love for Hilary to run for president, and i think america would not be able to handle a woman running for president, a lot of men would complain. Overall i don't let society ruin my success.

  8. Men need women just as women need men so I feel we are all equal and I try to respect women just like I want a man to respect my mother and sisters and protect them but women are strong and can and have endured much not being recognized as equals in society. The fathers of this nation should raise their daughters to be successful and ambitious and teach them that they are beautiful and smart and are great people I hate to see guys mistreat their wives and girlfriends and not love and respect them so the fathers need to step up and raise these wonderful women so they can strive to become the next president and become not just a model or waitress they can achieve anything.

  9. Women are often criticized for looking a certain way. I agree with the ladies on this; the ideal appearance and weight has people brainwashed that they should look a certain way. For the longest time, I didn't classify myself as beautiful but as I searched within, I realized that I am both inside and out. As women, we are all beautiful inside and out. People that get plastic surgery and recorrective surgery to change their appearance typically aren't happy with themselves and try to tamper with God's unique design. I want to have a plus size America's Next Top Model to ensure women that you don't have to starve in order to be beautiful. I agree, if we can have an African Amererican president, we can have a female president. Women are capable of anything that a man is capable of.

  10. well me growing up i love seeing the fact that my mother was in control i thought it was amazing. and i would think men would contribute to this by being very supportive in whatever that women is doing. also YES! i really do think the world should be ready for a female president because number one its not about whether of not if its a women or a man its the fact about if they can deliver to the would what needs to be delivered

  11. Growing up, I was always ridiculed for not conforming to the societal standards set for women, and still am. I was very angry about how guys didn't have to keep up appearances in order for people to like them. As for a female president, I believe that America would handle it just fine, so long as that person is FIT and capable to be a good president.

  12. i think things would change but for the better i cant say until it happens but it would just depend on the woman that's in office.

  13. Ok I was effected in that my mother was very much a homemaker, and she liked it that way, and every woman who would leave her children to have a career was not a good mother. My mother did not believe in birth control but also didn't believe she had to give my father a say in the matter. I have nine younger siblings, and was home schooled.
    This is how I was raised. I however, do not believe or live the same way, I did get married very young but I am actively pursing a career, I have every intention of having kids.... some day. However, I intend to keep my career (assuming that's what God has for me). I am on birth control but I do believe that my husband has a say in the matter because he is the head of our home, but he is the ONLY man who has a say in the matter, and no part of society can tell me what is "acceptable"...

    As far as a female president I do think our country could handle it. I don't necessarily think they can handle another Clinton int he white house but thats beside the point. I think the last time Hilary Clinton ran for the presidency the country was NOT ready, but the shock factor of only caucasian males running is over and the country could honestly use some change.

  14. I personally believe that men are above women by society standards because of our history. Most things from our countries past is awkward honestly. Women had to cook and take care of the kids while the men went out to provide for the family. Things have obviously changed but the idea of that is still how a lot of people think because that's how it was for so long. Hillary Clinton could very well win election to become the first lady president of the United State. She has a lot of people behind her because people have changed from the old ways and want to have a women in charge for once. We had the first black president so the way I see it our next step is to have the first female president.

  15. I believe in equality for everyone. So I dont think it should be a double standards for anyone. I think pay should be made on talents and skills. As far as a female president. I think as long as she is able and capable of making good decision for the country. There is nothing wrong with having a woman president.

  16. I agree with Brannon B. Our history has been always man then women and it is a society standard. Of course there are many different scenarios where I may seem wrong and some where women should have be more independent. But with a history of women being behind men it is almost a genetic reaction than a personal choice in everything. About Hillary, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if she tried again but I do not see her becoming the president.

  17. I think America can handle a female president.. I see know reason why a woman cant do what a man can.. the only I believe is that a president should have to serve some military in his/her past with some politics so they are well rounded and know how to have leadership and make desicions for their selves..

  18. I think may contribute badly in the way that some of us objectify women so it doesn't help that the media magazine as well as our peers shaped the way that so many people on what to do and how to do certain things. On the other hand I do believe that America is ready for female president I think it would be a nice change it's something that everybody is thinking about just not saying. I feel as if they pose the same type of question 1 Brack Obama ran for president. I feel as if they ask them so is America ready for an african-american president and of course there was some they say this and that is well but no overall exception the fact that no matter if there is a female male ok Asian or African American president they're not the ones that are soul in charge of making laws and getting them passed.

  19. Men contribute to the standards of women because thats how its always been. Honestly in my opinion women should be paid the same as men but what can i do about that ? When I am CEO one day I will have the power to change that but until then ? Changing something like that does not happen over night and i do believe progress has been made.

    Im not too sure america is ready for a women president yet. The last president was a president of firsts I dont think it will happen in the next election.

  20. Growing up my mother instilled in me 3 things...I'm beautiful, I'm smart, and I can be whatever I want to be if I put my mind to it. Watching my mom and dad when I was younger made me realize that when it comes to marriage it is a partnership, there is give and take, compromise and a lot of support. While my older brother and I were young my mother got her Master Degree and then my father gained an Associate Degree. Originally I went to work teaching and then I married the love of my life. After a few years we started a family and we made the decision that I would stay at home and work part time when I was ready. When my husband passed away I decided to continue to be a stay at home mom and take care of my two daughters. Once they entered 8th and 9th grade I went back to school for Digital Photography. Once I graduate, I personally feel that getting paid less than a man doing the same job is ridiculous.
    America is ready for the right candidate for president, whether that is a woman or a man depends on who is running. I feel that while Hilary Clinton is the best candidate, I don't think America will get past her past.

  21. I was very lucky growing up and never had to deal with gender stereotypes. My family was very supportive of whatever I wanted to do, especially if it mean beating the boys. I actually was the only girl on the boys wrestling team in middle school and tried to play football until so many guys threatened to use it as an excuse to hit me. That's cool of them... My brother and I arm wrestled and played barbies and GI Joes and legos and watched The Little Mermaid constantly. I'm very thankfully that my family did not push me to certain gender types.
    I photographed a one-year-old recently and heard the parents say things like, "Thankfully she already likes girly things, like getting pretty in the mornings" and "We can skip the planes and cars, those are boy things" and it broke my heart. I think when the gender types are ignored, it makes people more well-rounded as adults, and teaches them to be comfortable in their own skin. I still have the dream of being a Master Lego Builder and one of my favorite sounds is football helmets clashing together, but I also love to rock heels and big jewelry too.
    I think this country could handle a female president. As long as she isn't (really, truly) a ditz, then I honestly think that's what this country needs - to rethink the direction we have been headed. It would have to be the right kind of woman, for sure. Maybe that's Hilary, maybe it's not. As long as it's no one that Tina Fey could be mistaken for, I'm golden.

  22. For many, women look to men to set the standards for the way they feel about themselves. If every man liked a size 10 woman, women would not feel so pressured to be thin. Although, the women need to stand up for each other. I see so many women coming down on each other. My girlfriend is in constant competition with other women to stay thin. As a man, it is my obligation to her to tell her she looks perfect the way she is. More males need to appreciate and love the woman figure for what it is and women need to stop trying to fit into ideals that are placed by their fellow sisters and as well as men.

  23. Oh, and yes we are ready for a female president. Hilary Clinton is a leader, smart and one of the smartest women in politics.
