Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Crimea and Punishment

Many of you have heard about the crisis going on in Crimea, Ukraine, which is shaping up to be the biggest crisis between Russia and the West since the Cold War.  The crisis began when 11,000 soldiers loyal to Russia took control of the Crimean peninsula and blockaded Ukrainian bases. 

Crimea, which is legally part of the Ukraine, is an autonomous republic, meaning they elect their own parliament.  Historically, Russia has been a dominant power there, but in 1954 it was transferred by Moscow to Ukraine, which was then part of the Soviet Union.  Did you get all that?  It kind of makes our own history seem relatively simple.

Troops loyal to Russia have taken control of the region and a pro-Russian parliament has voted to join the Russian Federation.  Since the end of February, thousands of pro-Russian and pro-Ukraine protesters have clashed in the streets.  Those in power have asked Russian President Vladimir Putin to help ensure peace, a move the United States vehemently opposes.  The United States and the European Union are considering economic sanctions against Russia, meaning they will deny imports, exports and financial assistance to Russia in an effort to get Putin to change his behavior.

This week in class we will learn about several foreign policy theories, including internationalism and the Bush doctrine, which state the United States has a responsibility to work together with other countries to ensure peace and promote democracy.  We will also study isolationism, a belief the United States should stay out of international affairs unless another country directly threatens us.  So my question to you this week is, “What do you think the United States’ response should be towards Russia regarding Crimea?  Should we employ economic sanctions, begin military action, or just stay out of it?”  Please explain your answer, which is due no later than Sunday, March 16th, 2014.


  1. There has been enough war for America in the past years. We have an obligation to uphold democracy and the occupation of crimea is in opposition to that. While I don't feel ignoring the plight of the people there is the right course of action, here in America we have our own issues to deal with and more military action will just strain our people more. The economic sanctions are an option, however, if Russia is determined to take Crimea they will only lead to military force. Personally I don't feel this is our fight to lead but we do need to show support. Open conflict with Russia will only cause more troubles in our land, which we have enough of already. If our resolve is tested in this conflict I doubt the U.S. will back down and ounce the sanctions are in place the choice is on Russia. If they refuse to back down it will escalate due to our stance on foreign policy. This could be the start of something bad if it cannot end peacefully.

  2. I would say, we don't need to interfere onto Crimea. Yet from my opinion if they hurt their people, even to children. Then I would interfere. From within how many wars we have over the years with our country to another one. With some we always come in and attack the nation to if it's on terrorism. Or I say we can promote a way into peace. Ukraine has already taken over Russia and it is getting out of hand with the protests (if you seen some of the photos of them with blood all over). I know that this will go on for a long time. Then with economic sanctions is a different story, it's there decision to employ. The military action, all I can say is to stay out of it, until further notice.

  3. I think the United States should employ economic sanction against cutting off any export, import and financial assistance with Russian because if we do continue supporting them through a crisis their influenced themselves, we are supporting their belief of violence amongst opposing governments. If we deploy military action it will create hatred in the Ukraine that we don’t want create. The only reason our United States has foreign policies is to spread the support of a united democracy that creates peace. If we are stand with Russia who is our ally but is becoming a violent enemy to the Ukraine, we are not standing on much of the meaning for our foreign policies. Additionally, if President Vladimir Putin sees that only his armies are going to the lengths of battle, it will not be at the fault of the United States.

  4. I think that we should stay out of it because if we got involved, Russia and Ukraine would start feuding with us. We've had enough never ending feuds and wars. Unless it affects us as a nation, by all means we should take action. Until then, not getting involved is the best route.

  5. I think the United States should stay out of it. The only reason why i am stating this is because this a problem is in Russia and Ukraine, and i dont think its America problem to conflict with the Crimea crisis. I think we have enough problem of our own, and getting involve can mean more conflict with Russia. Also this can be an economic issue as well, the importing and exports will be denied.

  6. I don't think we should interfere because we are not trying to bring the peace we don't want Putins attitude to change so that would just bring more harm to more people I just think the best results would occur if we don't interfere.

  7. Isolationism by definition states it is a policy or doctrine of isolating one's country from the affairs of other nations by declining to enter into alliances, foreign economic commitments, and international agreements, and devote their entire efforts to its own advancement and remain at peace by avoiding foreign entanglements and responsibilities. I believe that as a nation we have never been able to abide by that definition because we as a country believe everyone should be a democracy. In this instance I feel like we would not be promoting democracy or peace but just trying to force Putins to do what we want him to do by imposing economic sanctions. If we just stay out of it, then Crimea would not be able to withstand a war with Russia but if we send in the troops then we leave our military spread thin. It really is a bad situation all around but since talking has not helped then try economic sanctions.

  8. I know America wont do this but I would probably just leave it alone. I wish we would shine more of our focus here in the US obviously because its my home and I want the best for where me and my family reside. We should definitely not take military action, the last thing we need is another ten year long war. Iraq really wasn't that long ago, we should avoid a long term war. It bothers me that all the other countries around the world cant just fix things themselves without turning to America for help when we need to focus on ourselves. Just an opinion.

  9. I think that they should stay out of it. i feel like this is why the united states is always in stuff now because the country does not know how to mind there own business, if the Crimea crisis is between the Russia and Ukraine let it stay that way

  10. I think we should stay out of this one between the Ukraine and Russia. We have been fighting enough for over a decade and I don't think this is one we need to mess with. If it starts to get worse and other people start getting involved it might be a different story.

  11. I agree with Raymond the United States does have a habbit of sticking there nose where doesnt belong. We just got out of a war. No need to jump into another countries problems. We have enough of our own problems to keep the government busy for a while. Let's take care of ourselves before we go causing more problems.

  12. I think we should stay out of it ! we have lost to many men and women in Iraq and Afganistan with no substantial reward. Why should we put american lives on the line for other countries that have no affiliation with america ? We should not. No involvement no problems

  13. The US should not be involved. The last thing that this country needs right now is us messing with other countries affairs, especially two countries at one time. I do not believe that this event it affecting our country and I do not think that it is any kind of threat to the US. Although, it is important to notice that this is a bold and unexpected move and is a little concerning to hear. Russia is an intimidating country and if we become involved and start picking sides, I am afraid that someone is gonna have a grudge against us. Definitely not the first country to do so. For now I do not believe we have done anything, or so I have heard, but I am expecting us to be involved very soon by the next month in some way. Probably not military until last resort.

  14. we should stay out of it america is like the kid in high school that wont stay out of peoples business and gets jumped for it its just a matter of time

  15. If we stay out of it, what if Russia tries to become a super power and take over everything? It's like a check-and-balance system for countries. So I understand why countries stick their noses in the affairs of the rest of the world.
    I also agree with pretty much everyone else, that we have fought battles "for the sake of peace" outside our land for too long. We have problems and families here, on our soil, that need fixed first.

  16. I feel as if we should stay out of it, Yes, we can intervine but do we have to? Do we have to start possible another war that is not worth fighting for our military to die? I say let them handle it and if it affects us then we step in

  17. I think that if the US is trying to prevent it from happening then the sanctions should take place. However what will Russia then turn and do to us in that instance?
    I think that should be taken into consideration. I don't know much about Russia or our relationship with them in the past but I know there's a bit of "bad blood" of you will.
    How much of our country or our people are we willing to sacrifice in order to help the Ukraine? When it honestly sounds like most of leaders in the Ukraine want to be a part of Russia again?

  18. I think we should employ economic sanctions . To see if that helps the situation at all. If not then we should stay out of it. I say this because of we send in any troops there will start to be conflict twords the US and that's not something that we need right now.

  19. I don't think we should interfere because we are not trying to bring the peace

  20. United States involvement should only be employed if Ukraine citizens are being seriously threatened. We do not want to intervene with a huge country like Russia and create enemies when this is something two countries need to work out among themselves. Although, lets not make the mistake we did so many times before when we knew huge populations of people were being terminated and did nothing about it.
