Monday, April 1, 2013

Choose Your Own Adventure

It's always hard coming back to school after break. Don't get me wrong, I love teaching and being surrounded by all the crazy, creative evergy that is all of you. That being said, it's still hard to get back into the grind.  So for our first blog post, I'll go easy on you.

This week we started our study of the Constitution and the freedoms that make us uniquely American. You can order your own free copy of the United States Constitution from:

Normally, our first blog post has something to do with the freedoms you value most and whether or not you are proud to call yourself an American. This quarter, I would like to start with something different. A good portion of this class will be spent discussing current events and political issues that affect our everyday lives. For this post, I would like you to tell me at least one issue that you are interested in studying. To help you out, you can look over the blog posts that we've had in the past several years to get an idea of the type of things we've covered. Many of the topics are pretty controversial and I do my best to not censor the information available to you.

So my question to you this week is, "What is one issue that you are interested in studying in this class?" Answers are due no later than Wednesday, April 10th, 2013. I'm looking forward to a great quarter!


  1. One subject I would really like to study about is gender equality/gender bias. I've read articles about parents choosing not to tell people the gender of their child because they wanted their child feel free to choose how they looked or what toys to play with regardless of their gender. It's made me realize how exactly society expects our lifestyles to be just because of our gender. Is this a trend that should be practiced more or should this hidden gender bias continue?

  2. I'm interested in learning about these new gun laws that are being passed throughout the country. I heard there were some places in the US where teachers are now legally able to bring a gun to the classroom. I understand the reasoning behind it, but isn't that pushing things a little too far?

  3. I'm interested in the rising tensions in North Korea. Having two cousins from South Korea and my grandpa being a Korean War veteran I have always had some interest in North Korea. I would like to know why North Korea is determined to destroy America and what led it up to this point even though they are one of the most secluded countries in the world and very little is known about them.

  4. I'm actually interested it all of the issues available to study in this class. I'm very apathetic when it comes to the government and political issues, so this class will hopefully motivate me to look more into our country's different opinions and current news. I also enjoy hearing the views of all sides of an argument, so this class should be very interesting to hear other student's opinions on different topics.

  5. I am personally interested in other peoples opinions to see their take on the issue's that may be brought up. I'd like to hear how others feel about conspiracies per say.

  6. The issue that I am most interested in studying are the gun controls currently being pushed on the public. Along with the laws being passed in states preventing any federal officers from enforcing gun control laws. This is very interesting to me, because if a federal officer goes into those states and try to enforce the gun control laws they get arrested instead of accomplishing their goal. I also enjoy listening to people with their own conspiracies theories or, their view points on the conspiracies already out there.

  7. I think I am most interested in talking about social issues personally. I want to talk about gay rights, women's rights, the structure of family, the way we handle/view the mentally ill, the way America perceives violence, etc. I'm willing to talk about politics and such, but like most people, it's not my favorite topic.


      I want to talk about this specifically. This really intrigued me.

  8. I personally agree with Samantha, I am not always the most interested in politics but social issues my ears are on! laws and regulations that inflict on our day to day lives is something I would like to hear about.

  9. Out of all of the topics in the world, how people think and the actions that people do is what fascinates me the most. Personally I have never been a big fan with political stuff, but it has it occasions. Without the people none of this would be possible, which intrigues me.

  10. I am interested in environmental issues, women's rights, gay rights, and animal rights. I want to become more aware of the laws we're passing, and find ways to keep animal rights relevant. It's easy to forget how we treat animals and don't have many ways to give back to them. I'm also interested in other people's opinions and how to go about creating a law.

  11. Of all of the issues that this country has, the one issue that grabs my attention the most is the two party policy. It is interesting that such a policy has ruled our country for so long. We believe that we elect the most suitable person for office... yet these parties select the most suitable person for us to vote for and we choose between those people. This often leaves a better candidate unnoticed because they are not "Republican" or "Democrat". The argument is usually that most of the country claims to be a Republican or a Democrat, but is that really the truth? Is it possible that political ignorance leads people to believe that they have to be either Republican or Democrat?

  12. I agree with Noelani. To piggy back off what she's said, I think it's incredibly important to recognize that we no longer live in a world where 'male' and 'female' are clear cut or black 'n' white. Ironically, this popped up on my facebook feed today: Other topics I'm interested include: North Korea, the ever present gay marriage debate, and a return to being green.

  13. I too am more interested in discussions involving environmental and social issues rather than political. I am constantly baffled by the fact that negative information about certain products we consume and use everyday and how our actions effect the planet can be kept from us as we blindly proceed day to day. I think it will be really good to take in political topics so those of us who aren't generally as interested can appreciate and learn a lot from this class.

  14. I am mostly interested in environmental and social issues. I have never been really interested in political issues but I like to hear other peoples opinions. Maybe I can learn to appreciate political issues more since they impact our everyday life as well as social issues.

  15. I am very intrested in Net Neutrality and Internet Freedom and Security. Internet company providers somtimes may slow down internet on certian sites. I never really knew anything about this and really looking forward to learning more about it.

  16. I would love to have a heated discussion about North Korea. It would be fun to hear what everyone else has to say about them and how many jokes we can come up with about them. Seriously though, what's up with North Korea? They're a little ankle biter. Do they really think they're going to put a dent in anything with all this tension and threats of war. It would be hilarious if they took over the world. No one would ever see it coming. What's even better is that it's soooooo shitty over there, people can talk as much shit about them as they want. They'll never know ;D

    Though, I do feel terrible for the innocent people who live in North Korea and have to put up with such a shitty immature little dude.

  17. The issue most important to me that we discuss in class is what I view to be as the steady dissipation of the separation between church and state, and how this weakened separation is emphasized within the potential laws that people (particularly Republicans) are trying to pass today. It is because of this fuzzy boundary that I am not proud to call myself an American. Although I am thankful for the fact that I live in a country that provides me with "freedoms," I am hesitant to be proud of a country that continues to form itself around theistic concepts, and not rational ones. It is my fear that these kinds of opinions will evolve into a universal bias against those who have no need for religious guidelines.

  18. Personally I am usually pretty interested in politics, mostly because I usually feel as though I am being lied to by those put into power (maybe not totally lied to but "half-truths"). I don't trust either of the two dominant political sides and I feel like they divide the voting populous with petty issues like peeing with the seat up or not while most real issues get swept under the rug. merika

  19. I'm interested in talking about and discussing current events with people in general. It will be interesting to hear other people's viewpoints and how they compare to mine. I think it's really important to stay up to date with what is happening in the world around us and I love having a class devoted to that. I think this should be a required class every quarter. Once a week you meet and talk about what has been happening around or country and the world. I think that would be extremely useful to students. Some things I'm particularly interested in discussing are health care, North Korea, women's rights, gun control and gun crime, national debt and budget, and the fate of America as a whole.

  20. With, "US Global Financial Crisis" encompassing the trillions, I am interested in discussing how this problem could have been averted: in theory. With decades of issues both financial, and economical, reflecting on plummeting stock markets. Already, US taxpayers have alone spent countless amounts of money on bailout packages. With numbers extensive at hand, this financial crisis that is on a global scale, makes me wonder if this issue is even on the list of governmental figure heads.

  21. I would love to have a discussion on big corporations, like Disney for instance. Personally I'm not a big fan of corporations like this for many reasons one being that they destroy any sort competition. We give these businesses to much power and depend on them way to much. People need to be aware about these corporation now they impact our country and our lives.

  22. I know I was absent for your first class but I think a current issue i would be interested in studying would be the gun control laws they are trying to implement. I myself am a gun user and believe strongly in the use and right to guns, so it would be interesting to see the otherside of it seeing as how I don't really research the other half.

  23. I want to apologize for being absent for the first class and also being late to replying to this. I know you said you wanted these by Wednesday. As for an issue I would like to cover in our class, I think banning certain dog breeds would be an interesting topic. Personally, I don't see the dog breeds being the problem. The owners of the dogs are the ones who chose to breed them for fighting and being violent. It would be interesting to hear what everyone's opinions are and how they feel about banning certain breeds because of how certain people use them.

  24. I apologze for absent for the first class. I recently found out about the blog and would still like to answer the question.

    I am very interested in the rising issues with north korea and would like to learn more about it. I don't know to much about it other than recent news, but it definietely is an issue i am very interested in.

  25. well I would like to really get into all matters really. Then I will be more self aware of what is going on around me and not be so oblivious all the time.

  26. The only matter I'm interested in is when it comes to being political about anything; is issue about Marijuana, and why it was made and illegal drug. When I found out a little bit about how the process went about, and why it was done. Every decision the government made there after makes more since. When one political group decides that something is bad for their interest, then they will convince the their political opponents; that what they are making illegal will benefit each other on equal grounds, then convince the American citizens that something is wrong, and it should be deemed illegal, without any research or thought made by the People. They just agree with the government, on any baseless ground for hatred, prejudice, or racism... Sometimes all three. All that is needed for the government to implement anything to this measure, all they need to do is make opposing force of People against The People, and anything could pass as law.

  27. Immigration is always a topic related to me and something I can relate to. My parents have at one time been Immigrants, but then again haven't we all had relatives which were at one time immigrants. For me specifically being Hispanic, I haven't been affected because I was born in California. But immigration I feel isn't being look on as a serious topic in today society.
