Thursday, April 11, 2013

All You Need Is Love - Part 2

As a teacher, you never know what kind of class you’re going to get.  You do your best to set a good tone and encourage dialogue, but inevitably, some classes are better than others.  So imagine my happiness as I read through your comments from last week.  From education to the environment, foreign policy, social programs, gun control, prayer in school and civil liberties – you were interested, and that is all I ask.  I was amused to read multiple comments which said, “I like environmental or social issues, but not political issues.”  My goal this quarter is to show you how environmental and social issues are political issues.  Regardless, I was very happy with your comments from last week.  I’m looking forward to getting to know all of you and hearing your opinions in class.  Now, on to this week’s post.

This week, we will discuss same sex marriage in class when we cover the Full Faith and Credit Clause. You are literally living history when it comes to same sex marriage.  President Obama became the first President in history to go on the record in support of same sex marriage.  After decades of avoiding the issue, the Supreme Court is currently hearing two cases that may drastically affect our country’s stance on the issue. Since I plan to discuss this with you in class, for this week’s blog I would like to expand on that issue and discuss same sex adoptions.

Efforts to ban gay and lesbian couples from adoption are heating up all across America. Florida, Mississippi and Utah have all banned same sex couples from adopting. In Michigan, gay or lesbians singles can adopt, but not couples.  Arkansas bans homosexuals from being foster parents.  Currently, sixteen additional states are considering bans of same sex adoptions, including Indiana.

Opponents of same sex adoptions, often say that children being raised with same-sex parents will have psychological issues, be bullied or teased at school, have unclear gender role models and perhaps even become gay or lesbian themselves.

Supporters of same sex adoptions include the National Adoption Center, the American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association and the American Pediatrics, all of which state that adoptions by gay or lesbian couples do not negatively affect children.

The issue of same sex adoption is one that inspires debate across America and will probably be left up to the courts to decide, however one thing is clear: we all want what is best for our children. So my question to you this week is, “What do you think of same sex adoptions? Why do you feel the way you do?” Answers are due by Wednesday, April 17th, 2013. 


  1. Personally, I think same sex couples should have as much rights as a couple involving a man and a woman. Children are taught growing up that a couple includes one man and one woman by their parents. The only thing they instinctively know is the care and love that they get from their parents be it from a mother/father, mother/mother/, or father/father. From my own personal experiences, some children are actually treated better in a family where there were 2 mothers than when they were in a "normal family". And the way the government is trying to control who can marry and adopt shouldn't be in their power.

  2. I think they should have the same right as everyone else. Just because some fall in love with the same sex you no longer have the same rights as a those who fall in love in strait marriage, does not make any sense. I mean it is just like the time when blacks and whites where not aloud to marry each other, just because of there skin. There have been plenty of children raised by gay couples and turn out just fine, one of my friends was raised by two men and he did not turn out for the wrong. He made strait A's and was a very nice and polite kid. Also I was adopted and if I had the choice when I was little and no one wanted to adopt me, I would hope a gay couple would because a loving home is better then no home at all.

  3. Saying the kids will grow up gay because they have gay parents is one of the most ridiculous things i've ever heard. Obviously it's wrong because how many men-woman couples raise children and how many are gay? SO MANY!!! A person is a person and a feeling is a feeling. You can't help but to feel these feelings, for who ever or whatever. You know how you can not like someone for no reason??! I KNOW YOU HAVE!! It just happens. If you like someone, you will like them because you feel it not because someone tells you to. A gay couple will give child love that they never thought they could ever have, because they were abandoned and they feel unwanted. Those kids will only care about having the love and support of a parent. A gay couple will teach a child to love everyone no matter the color, age, race, or religion...Just like other parents would. Growing up alone is one of the hardest things a child could do. Trust me, i would of loved gay parents that wanted me instead of straight ones that didn't. As far as being bullied at school i feel that if this wasn't such a big issue and they just let it happen then it would become normal like mixed families did.

  4. I fully support gay marriage adoption. There's no reason that two people can't raise a child together just because they're gay. There are single moms and single dads that raise children so why can't two people of the same sex raise a child.they would be giving a child a home someone who doesn't get the constant love and affection needed in living with the family that loves you and puts you before all else. what sex your attracted to has nothing to do with the morals that you have to teach your comes a time in my life I realize that they're ready for a child and ready to take care of someone why should we deny their right to have that in my life

  5. What I think about the subject of same sex marriage, I'm not against it, but I feel that it should be practiced where it is legal. Too many times in Media you hear about what these people and what this person is doing to fight for the right to same sex marriage in this state and that; to me, it feels like they are trying to force the whole country to accept it, when in reality it won't happen. So the media leaves it to common folks to duke it out with their emotions, religious beliefs, and what we think we know about state and or federal laws. As far as gay marriage adoption. I'm really cynical about that point of view; yet I don't think I would fight for or support the cause. But I can't say in my own opinion, if it would or wouldn't harm the child's psyche into adulthood (which is the most important part)... Maybe the age of the child would have to play a factor for me.

  6. I see no problem with same sex adoption. The more people adopting, the better. Giving a child a home should be top priority, not figuring out whether the adoptive parents are gay or not. I grew up in a non-religious household and was always taught to keep an open mind. The way I see it, the only reason anything regarding gay marriage is an issue right now is because the government has found a way to make some bank off of it.

  7. Personally I'm fine with same sex marriage and same sex adoptions. I have plenty of gay and lesbian friends and they're some of the nicest people you could ever meet. It bothers me that they get treated differently then everyone one else and as long as these couples pay the price that everybody else does we should let them marry and adopt. I can understand the whole adoption thing and most kid will probably go trough some tough stuff in the beginning, but it take time to make change and people will eventually come to accept it. Also more kids will have a family, home, and an education. Let them adopt as long as these couple don't push their believes on the children. The only problem I can see with same sex marriage and adoption is the part where religion takes place. I believe same sex marriage and adoption will happen once it gets past the religion part. People need to remember that together we stand and divided we fall.

  8. I don't see why people are still making same sex marriage and adoption a big issue. what the government is doing to them is unconstitutional and discriminating. I grew up know two lesbians who raised a daughter that one of them adopted and she turned out just fine.If straight couples can get divorced then gay people should be able to marry.

  9. If we honestly want what is best for our children (although, I've since wondered when my children became "our" children), then what is wrong with allowing two people that love each other to care for a child that would otherwise be living in an orphanage? I believe that children need two primary role models in their lives as they are growing up. Children need a male role model and a female role model. It appears, by basis of my knowledge from homosexual friends and a gay brother-in-law, that one of the two is typically the masculine and one is the feminine. Even a double masculine or double feminine upbringing is not going to dictate the sexuality of a child. Instead, it would allow these children to be more receptive of same sex couples and marriage.

  10. The way I see it is to each is there own. I wouldn't necessarily say I would support it but it should be their freedom to adopt a child if they want to. One of my brothers in arms was adopted by a gay couple after his mother was murdered and I would have never known that he was raised by a gay couple less he told me. He was married to a women so obviously being raised by gays didn't alter who he was, nor did he ever show any flamboyant behavior. Only if a gay couple sees to it that they plan on forcing how they are onto a child's personality is wrong.

  11. The clear answer, of course, is gay couples SHOULD absolutely have the right to adopt. Children deserve loving homes, and gay people should not be barred from giving a child a better life.

    Also, I've noticed that people are concerned that as long as the couple doesn't force their sexuality on their child, then it should be fine to let them raise a child of their own.

    Consider this: how would you even regulate something like that? Realistically, it's too difficult (and a waste of time) to make sure that every gay couple is keeping in check on that, not to mention completely unfair.

    I think that letting go of the stereotypes that hold us back from moving forward is a vital step in accepting the civil rights of the LGBT community. We have to have more faith in gay people as parents and as people to make the best choices for their children, because they could turn out to be better for the child as parents than a heterosexual couple. And don't we want the best for the children of America?

    If our country is going to trust heterosexual couples (regardless of the chance that they 'might be' bad parents) to adopt a child, then it should be perfectly acceptable for a gay couple to have the opportunity as well.

  12. I fully support same sex marriage and adoption. Any two people that love each other should have the right to start a family. There are single parents that raise children on their own so why can't same sex couples raise a child? If couples can raise a child with love and affection then I see no problem with it. A loving home is the same environment for a child no matter what sexual orientation the parents are.

  13. I completely agree with Samantha's reply. Gay couples should be given the right to adopt. It should not matter the sexuality of the person or couple that adopts the child, but the environment they will be living in and the care they will be given.

    We can go back and forth all day hoping the child doesn't take the same sexuality as the couple, but if they do, then so be it. Ultimately, a child is a human, and the path they choose is there own. Having the guidance of a loving couple will help them through their greatest triumphs and their hardest falls.

    We need to stop labeling people based upon what we think they are, and come to terms to learn more about the person before building them up to be something they're not.

  14. I have no problem with same sex adoption whatsoever and neither should anyone else. First of all, it’s about the children and not about what beliefs the parent or parents who are trying to adopt have. If the people have a good home, loving, and are secure then they should be able to adopt if they want to. That’s all that is really asked for when adopting a child, right? Second, why does it matter if the people are straight or gay in the first place? Everyone has their own beliefs that they follow and each of us follows ours every day. It’s not like your day or life is ruined just because you see a gay person walking down the street. No one has a right to control how we act and what we do, that’s why this is a free country. I believe that if people just let people be, the whole entire world would be a better place. I feel this way because it feels wrong that other people can decide on what you can and can’t do over something harmless that doesn't affect your life in any way.

  15. I think the common perception that gays and lesbians, if they are parents, will in turn make their own children gay is something that definitely needs to be reevaluated. There are thousands of children just within the US waiting to be adopted or wanting to be apart of a foster family. Many studies have shown that the sexuality of the adopted or foster child raised in a same-sex couple household typically grew up to be heterosexual, whereas most gay children come from the heterosexual households (BIG surprise there.) I personally think it's awesome if a gay couple wants to adopt or be a foster parent, more power to them. I think the majority of gay couples turn out to be good parents due to the fact that they CHOOSE to be parents and because of that feeling of wanting to be a parent versus having parenthood thrusted upon them. Again, it is not my position to judge anyone on how they want to live their life. If a person is good, kind, and respects me, they are alright in my book and it sounds like to me that a lot of good, kind, and respectable people out there WANT to be parents. Let them do it if they want, I most certainly am not going to stop them.

  16. Homosexuals are not depraved individuals, the word homosexual is nor a mental disorder. These individuals are functional members of our society, whom accomplish the same activities: going to school, going to work, and paying taxes. I believe that, parenting is in no (way shape or form) limited between a child's biological farther and mother. In fact, the qualifications of being a adequate parent is not distinct what so ever. The only suggestions that would qualify a good parent is to have the characteristics: loving, caring, trusting, responsible, capable. I feel that regardless of heterosexual capabilities, a same sex couple that meets these characteristics should not be depraved of parenting.

  17. Many of the arguments against gay and lesbian adoptions are ludicrous. All too often, people say that same-sex couples will turn their children gay--which, in itself, is impossible. Do heterosexuals decide one day to like just the other gender? Didn't think so. It's a natural progression in life.

    Further, one of the worst arguments I've heard (or seen) is when someone says, "It's not okay for two men to have a son or two women to have a daughter. You never know what they might be doing to that child." The basic fact that someone is implying molestation of children, is disgusting. Again, apply this to a heterosexual couple: does a father look at his daughter that way? A mother to her son?

    Finally, I think when referring to a lack of a mother or father is irrelevant. How many individuals (note that I say individuals) have grown up functioning in society who've grown up without a parent? Too often people forget that the way a child grows up in in how the parent makes it and the experiences that person has rather than an explicit, social construct that a family must have a father and mother to function "normally".

  18. I believe that everyone deserves a home and whether the child gets adopted by a same sex couple is irrelevant.

    I don't believe it would have a negative effect on the children at all. The idea of belonging to a family is enough of a positive feeling for anyone to consider that a same sex couple adopting a child to have a negative effect.

    I feel this way because if I was an orphan, the only thing that would make happy would be to belong to a family and to be loved. If they were a same sex couple would not make a difference in the least.

  19. I agree with all my classmates on this subject.

    I support same sex couple adoption and marriage, but I can't help but think that religion is the root from which this anti-gay tree sprouted. When politicians were called out for bringing religion, maybe even they're personal lives, into the subject; the politicians then said that homosexual and lesbian couples will have a negative psychological influence on their adopted child?
    Growing up as a kid I never did what my parents wanted me to. Not all the time at least. As a teenager, my parents were the last people I wanted to listen to.
    Its funny that politicians think kids will listen to their parents; their loving parents, not to mention.
    Keeping kids from parents is just a terrible thing. Every child is entitled to as many loving parents as it wants. I consider some of my friends moms my own. Since I've known them for so long and my best friends are their kids.
    In summary, none of this was relevant, because my first sentence stated how I really feel about this and you wasted your time reading this.

  20. When considering all the horror stories about abuse and neglect that come out of foster homes headed by straight couples, I think its unbelievable that a child would be denied a loving home due to something like sexuality. The foster system is extremely flawed in this country and I don't think they're in any place to turn away any potentially good parents. I think it is so wrong to try and deny someone love and comfort due to who they choose to be with. I have known more than one kid who had same sex parents and honestly they aren't any difference. As long as a child knows they're loved, safe, and cared for it shouldn't matter whose providing that.

  21. I feel pretty apathetic when it comes to the whole issue of same sex marriage- I don't understand how I would personally be affected- no matter what decision is made by the supreme court, and I don't really have any LGBT friends or relatives (that I know of) to support either, so over all- I honestly don't really care.

    However, I think that, even thought there could possibly be some confusion for the children growing up with same sex couples, the pros of capable adults raising children who need loving parent figures far outweighs the cons that would come from a same sex couple adopting children.

  22. So as I read this article I realized it's biased and is set up to be for the support of gay marriage. This blog makes it seem like every person who is against gay marriage are homophobic, bible hugging, idiots and I don't agree.
    I will state that I am against gay marriage. I will also state that I am religious and yes it influences my opinion but is not my only reason and I shouldn't be judged on my views and this class is ridiculous for the fact that it creates that type of situation.
    I know we are the land of the free and all that but guess what; this nation, this country was built on religion. Deny it, hate it, ignore it; no matter what you do its the truth. We were built on the thought and notion of God. Sorry about your luck people. I find that the more we take God out of our systems, among other areas we as people become biased and even more quick to disregard anything that has a religious reason and discriminate on the ones who support a religious view.
    I want you guys to look at it at the most basic and REAL point of view. Obviously as humans we are a type of animal, I don't care what you say that is science for you anti-religious people. Now, what animals do you know of that mate with the same sex and have greatly evolved within 100 years? None. Though, over the last hundred years look how far we have developed and same sex marrige wasn't in the equation. No animal can be successful if it mates with itself. There is no reproduction that way, no new evolutions to our species that would be benifical, thus we will soon become a lower ranked possibly extinct species. But perhaps with all the things going on like this we should be gone.
    Anyways, moving from that; the thought on adoption can go either way. I'm always in support for a child to be loved. So I can't say its the most awful thing out there. However, mentally we develope from the influence of both sexes, not one. And no we don't know the long term affects of same sex adoption since it's not been an open or accepted long term issue. I know every child needs love and nurture but maybe we should wait and see the affects before jumping in and creating a generation of faults.
    Though honestly I don't know if we could get any worse than we are now.

  23. I kind of feel like there are a lot of children who don't have homes. A lot of children who need to be adopted. I'm sure almost any child would rather have gay parents over no parents. For me the issue arises when molding the children in the environment of having two same sex parents. People are people, and a lot of straight people are crappy parents, but people do mold their children. Most people would admit that their family influenced their life. I just feel that some couple would possibly push their own personal sexual lifestyle onto their adopted child (who should be worried about cartoons not sexual preference); just like parents expect their children to carry on family businesses. Look, kids need homes. Fine. Gays wanna get married. Fine, I don't, knock yourself out. But you can get all the so-called experts in the world to lie to me in an article like my name is willie lump lump straight off the banana boat, but I know how easily kids are influenced. And they copy what they see at home first and foremost. We already have bronies I don't think America can get much softer than that. At least my kid will be a beast because I will teach him kung fu and the touch of death.

  24. I support both gay marriage and same sex adoption. I have read many articles that point out that same sex parents are currently better parents then most straight parents. how you wonder? because these same sex couples want to have these kids and have planned to have them and are prepared financially and emotionally to love and care for them unlike most of our newer generation of straight couples. many straight people now days have kids when they are in high school or when they are too young and not prepared mentally or mature enough to be parents. so because of those facts I fully believe that same sex adoption would give great new homes to these unfortunate children and would possibly be better right now for our future in general.

  25. If gay and lesbian couples can't be allowed to adopt, then straight couples must stop having children they don't want. There are millions of children all over the world who are parentless, as well as scores of couples who want to raise a child but cannot conceive. I think that it would be a very bold but positive move towards the future of our society if we were legally able to give every child the resources they need in order to become good and compassionate adults, specifically the security of a two-parent household, no matter what gender(s) the parenting couple may be.

  26. Gay couples should not only be allowed to adopt ,they should have the right. Every adult should be allowed to adoption even if they're gay. Maybe a gay parent is more suitable to be a parent than a regular one. Statistically they are more successful which intern will be in favor of the child. There are a lot of reason why an adult shouldn't be a parent but being gay isn't one of them.
