Monday, March 11, 2013

Your Thoughts and Feedback Are Appreciated!

Well another quarter has come and gone.  When we started out together winter was in full swing, and now if this past weekend is any indication, spring is just around the corner. I hope you can all say that you learned something in this class, and that you keep in touch, and continue to post on the blog whenever you want.

With that being said, my final question to you is, “What did you like or dislike about the class? What could I do to make the class better?” Answers are due no later than Sunday, March 17th, 2013 - which happens to be one of my favorite holidays St. Patrick's day!  Erin Go Braugh!  For those of you who celebrate - have a Happy Easter. For those of you who are graduating this quarter – congratulations! Your hard work has finally paid off!  For everyone else - have a good break.  Now go off and do big things - I'll be waiting!


  1. I have loved the topics we have discussed in was not the same ABORTION,DEATH PENALTY, etc stuff. I learned how my rights as an American were created, enforced, and even taken away. The quizzes were fine, not too hard. For being an 8am class, it is the better ones that I have :)

  2. I really enjoyed the class, even though I really dont like discussing issues, this class did a great job of staying away from bias opinion while teaching. It was easy to understand and I feel more confident in discussing subjects with others.
    The only thing I would changed would be the time of day I have to get up to get there. (5AM) with such a long drive anyother day I would stay in bed if this was the subject I had to get up to, but it was made very enjoyable. Thanka

  3. I really enjoyed this class. As I stated day 1 it's not politics I hate, it's politicians. Talking about issues as well as how certain laws, rights, and even the structure of our government came to be is very interesting for me. I wish it had been an afternoon class or an evening class though. I would probably have been more talkative.

  4. Class was good. The first half of the quarter for me got off to a rough start. I had trouble getting into the topics at hand. I was surprised to how well our presentations turned out. I actually learned a lot of information on topics that I was bias at first but now changed my views, or at least understand the other peoples sides.

    This blog was interesting, but I could have done without. I am not really a fan of voicing my opinion that publicly with people we do not really know.

    Other than that, I had fun and learned a lot about everyone. Good times...

  5. this class was alright, I'm not going to try to lie to you and say it was amazing. I understand the importance of this subject, But I like to think on my own about subjects like these. I learned a lot of thing that i wouldnt have known other wise. The class was fun, the people were great.

  6. I enjoyed the class, even though I consider to know what I need to know about government and how our society is supposed to function, that being said I did learn a lot that I didnt know, especially about the federal reserve, which it turned out a lot of people that I know didnt know either. I think its important to elaborate on our constitutional rights and the many ways they are being violated by a government that has become too large. Because I am an older than many of my classmates I have more world experience on what awaits them after they graduate; I have found that Americans everywhere do not know or care about their rights that have been violated and the slippery slope that leads too, many of them have not read or understood our constitution and how it contrasts with how America is today. Yes because it was written a couple hundred years ago it needs to be translated for our life today, but something just cant be ignored. I love that you as a teacher have been able to remain biased, and even play the devils advocate when needed, one debate in class got one student upset to the point where he didn't want to voice his opinion, what he didnt know is that is how life is and its good to help them see that. I have read someone else post how it wasnt something they needed and about how they think of their own opinions, and thats fine, you can think all the opinions you want. The problem is everyone is formulating their own opinions and not doing anything about it. Ignorance is how big governments get bigger, ignorance is how they keep control. If anyone thinks that America couldnt become the next dictatorship, with the government with its head, is ignorant.

  7. Th class was good, early, but good none the less. Learned a lot no just from yiu but from the pesepctive of other students which I think was a key point to this class. Deffinitly one of my more enhoyable classes here at ai and with only 2 left, am happy to be ending this section of my life in a positive way.

  8. I really liked the class, and it taught me quite a bit. I feel like I went out with the bang that I figured I would have done. I loved the open discussions and questions that I had outside of class. It helped me set my views on the government and America as a whole. I liked having to answer the blog every week cause it was always interesting reading everyone's answers and seeing what their beliefs were and what they thought. I wouldn't change a thing Stephanie (:

    Have a great break.
    - Sarah Brown

  9. The class wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. Especially as people noted, it was an 8am class. I wasn't too sure about the blog, but you never made it that difficult to answer, and for the first time i actually watched the whole presidents State of the Union. I really don't have any critique on how you could make the class better. It's been a long 10 weeks, but you got us through it. I do feel like i learned more than i expected, and feel like i know more about the country we live in.

    -Sean Brown

  10. The class was an interesting look at the different opinions people and a good opportunity to learn more about the political system we are a part of. I don't really have any suggestions for improving the class per say.

  11. I enjoyed this class, It was interesting on how we touched base on alot of issue and political issues. This class was actually cooler than what I thought it was going to be. What i dislike from the class was the time we had to be there! 8 AM! Oh my but the topic of all the chapters were interesting that kept me up. What you can do next time class is to have students is do a survey project on people's behavior and their opinion on whats going on in the society and compare.

  12. I also thought the class was great. It opened up my eyes to more things within our country and into politics better than I knew before. Before the class I didn't know much and only had one side of the situation through my parents. Now I know more and can look at political issues from both sides and figure out where I need to stand and what I think is better for my country.

  13. This class was awesome, even though it was in the morning! The topics were interesting, the feel of the class was good, and the teacher was very active in explaining all our questions and comments. I remember the best time representing my fellow commie country of China haha.

  14. The class was great! I learned a number of interesting things and i'm glad I had to take this class. You picked interesting topics and made them interesting to learn. I really enjoyed the final project as well. Additionally, I enjoyed how easy it was to express your own opinion and hearing other's opinions.

  15. I really really enjoyed this class. I thought it was nice to be able to give my actual opinion and not watch what I say. I also thought it was really nice that we stayed working for the entire period, but we didn't do busy work. I really liked the discussion and the way you moderated.
