Thursday, May 3, 2012

Will Osama Help Obama?

This week marked the first anniversary of the death of Osama bin Laden. Last year, when bin Laden was killed, I wrote a blog asking students if they thought it was appropriate for Americans to publically celebrate his death.  You can read my thoughts, and your fellow students’ responses here:

As we all know, 2012 is a presidential election year.  Many are wondering exactly how the capture and killing of bin Laden will factor into President Obama’s campaign. Many feel it’s the Navy Seals that deserve most of the credit.  According to Mitt Romney who is also running for President, President Obama did nothing special, stating, "There is no way that anyone sitting in that White House would not have at least done what he did."

That’s simply not true, says former President Bill Clinton, “Suppose the Navy Seals had gone in there and it hadn’t been bin Laden.  Suppose they’d been capture or killed.  The downside would’ve been horrible for [President Obama].” According to a Washington Post – ABC poll, American see President Obama as stronger than Romney on international affairs, with 53% saying they felt Obama was the stronger candidate on foreign policy versus 36% for Romney.

So, my question to you this week is, “Do you think President Obama should use the capture and killing of Osama bin Laden during his Presidential campaign?  Do you think it will help or hurt his re-election chances?”  Answers are due no later than Wednesday, May 9th, 2012.


  1. KIlling a jihadist in a post 9/11 world doesn't earn you special brownie points, even if he was the chief. Bill Clinton is a democratic hack and would always try to spin it and make Obama look better. This election will revolve around the economy and government spending.

  2. I don't honestly think that Osama's death will play any kind of big role in the election. I think that it has the possibility to do so, but the just depends on if they take that stand and put it back out to the public. If they make it a big deal it could be a big deal, but if they don't then it'll just be another for the history books that just happened to happen while obama was in office. Like Jon said, i'm sure the main focus will be the economy and the gov spending along with some other topics that are more relevant to the people. Especially seeing as Obama is Democrat.

  3. No. Osama's dead. End of Story. I think that Obama didn't really do anything really something special to cause Osama's death. I also don't approve of people celebrating death. Death isn't something to celebrate. As for this year's election I agree with Dustin and Jon, it will matter on the issues of the economy and gov spending. I believe that the death of Osama will hinder him more than anything.

  4. It's already been brought up but I don't think it will be a main focus in the campaign nor do I think it should be. Americans have their minds set on issues that are closer to home and that affect their everyday lives.

  5. I believe it should be addressed as an accomplishment. I mean come on, we have been looking for this man for years. This IS big to the americans. Now how it is addressed is a different story. It doesnt need to be in a boisterous or arrogant manner. So yes I do believe it will play a minor part in the election but wont be a determining factor.

  6. I don't think he should use Osama's death in his presidential campaign, yeah it was a huge thing for us but it needs to be dropped because it happened a year ago. It's not in our hands anymore its not an issue so it wont help him at all using it in his campaign. He needs to continue to talk about how he will help us and continue to help us in the future, that is how he will win again.

  7. I don't think Osamas death will effect the voting this year. Sure they could use it as a pull to try to get more votes. But I honestly think it would be a waste of time. Everyone that is going to vote knows about Osama's death during Obama's term, so they probably don't need to be reminded. I think people want to see what Obama is going to do in the future, and less about what they already know from the past.

  8. As a Veteran of the Military I think that Obama would appeal to the families who lost members because of the war and those who lost family do to the attack. Obama should use this and as Clinton said, not because he is a Democrat, what if the Seal team had died? What if the Seal time ambushed and killed innocent people? When the military does wrong, makes mistakes or looks bad; foreign countries do not look at our military, knowing this being an experienced veteran, it falls on the presidents shoulders. When Bush was in office, he had a poor rep with people foreign nations for Iraq alone. Once Obama took office, many people of foreign nations told me how they hated the name on the side of my ship, which was named after senior Bush; which they did not know. He should use this because, he does have a high liking with foreign nations for giving the order, ending the wars and taking the responsibility for America. He is the Commander and Chief and as the Commander and Chief he has every right to take part in credit, as the Admiral and General do. I think you truly have to understand how we were reticulated by foreign countries and in the states the president goes through because of the military's behavior alone. If he gets hammered for the bad, why can he not be applaud for the good? Hints the title "COMMANDER AND CHIEF!"

  9. I don't think he should use that in his campaign because he is going to open old wounds that people were just allowing to heal. It will help him just by the people knowing what he did. But to bring it up and allow all the memories to come back the people might not like that. Because if it was me I would just want to forge about what happen and move on.

  10. I think that Obama should use this as an advantage to appeal to voters in the upcoming election. He is likely to win the approval of veterens and their families because he did order the troops to come home while he has been office. The day that bin Laden was killed and captured brought the feeling of safety back to Americans since the tragedy of 9/11. Americans want to feel that their president is doing everything in their power to keep our country and it's people safe. I believe that if Obama reminds the people of this he will be re-elected in the next presidential election.

  11. I believe it will play a big role in this upcoming election. Obama had a horible approval rating before the killing of Bin Laden. Since the raid on the compound, his rating shot up drastically. Of course he is gonna use this to his advantage. There are several aspects of Obama's presidency that are negative. This is a way to counter act his horrible decisions like Obama care. He should use that to his full advantage.

  12. I think it will play a large roll in Obama's campaign. I don't see a problem with him mentioning it or using it to aid his reelection. I think it was a positive occurrence during his time in office, and he should have every right to showcase it. With that being said, I could see how it could have some negative effects on certain beliefs and morals of certain religion groups. Celebrating the execution of a person might not be the absolute best image our country would want to uphold. However, as Obama promised, we would see change, and the death of Obama was definitely a goal this country had been working towards for quite some time.

  13. I do think that the killing of Osama will be a hot topic in president Obamas campaign. I think that killing Osama was something that needed to be done. However, I think that some Americans might not glorify it as other Americans would. The tragedy of 9/11 wieghed heavy on the U.S. as a whole and I think killing Osama was a somrething that made Americans feel more secure with the threat of terrorism. So in my opinion the killing of Osama will help Obama more than hurt him in his running.

  14. The capture/killing of Bin Ladin shouldn't be a major part of his campaign, though I wouldn't be surprised that it will be used quite a bit. Though yes it would have been used against him if it wasn't Bin Ladin or the Seals were captured, which seems very unfair but Bill seems to have only that point for his argument. The whole Bin Ladin finally being hit is more of a luck shot than his "brilliant leadership".

    But of course it will definitely be used for his benefit for his campaign, and many will see it as a plus for him. Because most people don't actually study things, they just go by what they've heard without questioning it much. So yes it will be helpful for him.


  15. I feel that he shouldn't try to use that to his advantage. mainly because that has a really high chance of backfiring and also he would probably loose the votes of people against to the end I'd hope that Americans would review the past efforts of the president not who they have killed. however i know the shallow American public will probably see it as a great achievement.

  16. It doesn't really matter if he uses the capture and kill Osama thing to his advantage when voting or not, many people are going to bring it up regardless if he uses it to his advantage during voting election. High chance he isn't going to use something like that to use to get people to vote for him, but as I've seen someone is going to bring it up anyway.
