Thursday, May 24, 2012

Celebrating a 3-Day Weekend? Thank A Veteran!

I have been looking forward to the three-day weekend coming up for a long time. This year, I'm hosting a big cookout at my house for family and friends. The pools re-open, I get a free day off of work and more importantly, summer begins!

It dawned on me as I sat down to write this post, that the true meaning of Memorial day is often lost. Most people know that Memorial Day is to honor soldiers who have died in combat, but did you know that a national moment of remembrance, in the form of a moment of silence, takes place at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time? Another tradition is to fly the flag at half-staff from dawn until noon local time. Many people observe the holiday by visiting graves and cemeteries to honor family members who have died. Hundreds of volunteers place American flags on veteran grave sites across the country.

Both of my Grandpa's are WWII veterans. I remember how seriously my grandma took Memorial Day and her responsibilities to honor my Grandpa, the flag and our country. I realize that those duties have been lost on my generation, in lieu of BBQ, beer and the Indy 500. It made me realize that it is time to step up to the plate. So, this weekend, I pledge to do something to honor my grandpa's and others who have died in service of this country. My question to you this week is "How do you celebrate Memorial Day? Do you do anything to honor it's true meaning?" Answers are due no later than Wednesday, May 30th, 2012. To those of you that have volunteered to serve our country so that life is better for all of us - I honor and salute you! Have a happy and safe holiday weekend!


  1. When I lived up home with my family we would have a family get together for Memorial Day and have a cook out, but now that I live on my own I don't do anything. If I do anything its normally work because stores always have good sales going on.

  2. What am I doing to celebrate today? WORKING!!!! I used to go camping and fishing on this weekend, but I can't anymore. I wish I could. Thank you to everything that the people of the Armed Forces do to keep us safe.

  3. I usually try to visit the veterans home but this weekend I was not able to. But this whole weekend I am working and trying to finish final projects

  4. My family and I have always held the flag at half staff, until noon, then put it up to its full height on memorial day. Also we take a moment out of our time to silently thank the fallen soldiers that died to keep this country free.

  5. Back when i was younger we used to go out to the graves and put american flags on all of the veterans graves, but now that im older its kind of lost its meaning and really has become more of just a free day to either catch up on things or just enjoy the day off. Although this year for memorial day had to go to my grandfathers funeral so i guess you could say that was a way of celebrating his life. We also ended up having a cookout to celebrate.

  6. Every Memorial day weekend my family and I usually have a cookout/get together and spend time together. It usually takes place in Monticello, where I grew up. The weekend normally consists of hanging out by the pool, grilling some good food, and spending time with family that I don't get to see very often. We always catch up on what everyone has been up to, and talk about memorable past times. We also raise the flag at half staff as well. That is mainly what my typical Memorial day is like; a laid back weekend filled with family, food, and fun!

  7. For Memorial day my family usually has a cookout. We didn't really do much this year though now that most of my family is in different areas. When I was little we used to have a moment of silence seeing as both my grandfathers served. This year I did write my brother a letter and mailed it to him on Tuesday because he is in the service now.

  8. Well, since I live in the Speedway area, Memorial Day is always associated with the race. Traffic is usually so screwed up that If we plan on doing anything, we better leave the night before. We historically have always gone to my grandfather's house in Greenwood. He is a veteran himself as well as several others in the family. We don't do that every year, because my family is lazy and doesn't bother celebrating most holidays.

  9. My Memorial day weekend is definitely planned around my Grandfather and Uncles. They all served our country by becoming members of the United States Army. We always have a huge cookout and family day on Memorial day. My grandfather also takes the time to talk about all of his "fallen brothers" who he served side by side with in Korea. Even though we hear the same stories every year it is definitely a tradition that my family will always cherish.

  10. I do usually spend Memorial day with friends and family by going out to the lake and cooking out. However spending the day this way is fairly recent since i started college and moved away from home. When I lived at home with my parent, my mother would and still does make flowers for my grandparents graves which one was a veteran and she would take them to the cemetery on Memorial day. I also would usually watch the rememberance ceremony with the president on t.v with my dad, and that is something i still do by myself. It is important that we honor those who have fought for the country we live in. We owe them a lot and one day does not even say enough for everything they have done. It is easy for our generation to get caught up in the three day weekend and forget about the true meaning of the day, but we should work to remind ourselves and others what the day truely is about. I think that it is still good that most people do spend the day with people they love and care about by cooking out, going to the lake or pool so at least we do that, but the day is much more than that.

  11. My memorial day always involves family, friends and food. This year it was so darn hot, that we stayed inside most of the day, but still had a relaxing time. I did make a point to explain what Memorial day is all about to my 10 and 6 year old daughters. My Grandpa and uncle served in the armed forces. Im celebrating Memorial day for them. Hoo ahh

  12. we have never done anything for memorial day really we don't even do cookouts or watch the race it's just a normal day in my family

  13. I went to the bars and got free entry all weekend. Sunday a pool party that I was randomly invited to and Monday spent it with my Family and went to the war monuments downtown with my family. Also got a free meal downtown for being a veteran. Weekend was rather amazing and inexpensive because I served my country. I truly enjoyed my weekend! Thanks everyone!

  14. I had a grill out then went to a friends place to play Dungeons and Dragons. Oh I also cleaned the house for the grill out. That's it really. I worked over the weekend, I did go to Bartinis on Saturday but that sucked. So... yeah full weekend I guess.


  15. For memorial day weekend, our family celebrates with those of othe families within our church. We do not have any veterans in our family, so visiting grave sites aren't part of the ritual. But we do make it a point to get together with immediate family, and close friends.
