Thursday, May 10, 2012

All You Need Is Love?

We discussed same sex maariage in class when we covered the Full Faith and Credit Clause.  I had no plans to blog about it this quarter, until this past week, when President Obama became the first President in history to go on the record in support of same sex marriage.  Since we have already discussed your views on same sex marriage, and whether or not gay and lesbian couples should have the same rights when it comes to marriage as everyone else, for this week’s blog, I would like to expand on that issue and discuss same sex adoptions.

Efforts to ban gay and lesbian couples from adoption are heating up all across America. Florida has banned same sex adoptions since 1977. In Mississippi, gay singles can adopt but gay couples can not. In Utah, all un-married couples are banned from adoption. Currently, sixteen additional states are considering bans of same sex adoptions, including Indiana.

Opponents of same sex adoptions, often say that children being raised with same-sex parents will have psychological issues, be bullied or teased at school, have unclear gender role models and perhaps even become gay or lesbian themselves.

Supporters of same sex adoptions include the National Adoption Center, the American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association and the American Pediatrics, all of which state that adoptions by gay or lesbian couples do not negatively affect children.

The issue of same sex adoption is one that inspires debate across America and will probably be left up to the courts to decide, however one thing is clear: we all want what is best for our children. So my question to you this week is, “What do you think of same sex adoptions? Why do you feel the way you do?” Answers are due by Wednesday, May 16th. To all the mothers out there - Happy Mother's Day!


  1. I am on the fence of same sex adoptions. Its kind of an issue that Ill admit that it's out of sight out of mind. I know the way I raise my children it is not right, but we don't judge or mistreat people for their decisions or life choices. It is becoming more of a prevalent issue than ever before. People are tired of their rights as citizens being genderly discriminated against. Rightfully understandable.

  2. I am for same sex adoptions. I see nothing wrong with it, its just two people wanting a child and I think that's perfectly okay. People need to worry about their own life's and quit worrying about everyone else. People have their own rights to how they want to live and its a shame that same sex relationships or marriages don't have the same rights and privileges as everyone else, I think that's wrong.

  3. Being adopted myself I am completely supportive of same sex adoption. There are plenty of children in this country who need a loving and supportive family and don't care whether they have two dads, two moms or a mom and a dad. Children raised by same sex couples do not "become" gay. You are born with your own unique sexuality. Also regarding the issue of bullying, it is possible that they could be bullied at some point but people seem to forget that children aren't born with hate in their hearts. They are not born with the knowledge of discrimination, race, abuse ect. It is a learned behaivior they receive from their parents and surroundings. Their parents are responsible for teaching them to accept others. That, to me, is a much bigger issue.
    A person's ability to raise a child is not directly determined by their sexual preference, but rather their character.

  4. Florida overturned the ban you mentioned. Since Utah has a ban on all unmarried couples, that doesn't strike me as singling out gays. You present an caricature of people against same sex adoption. No one claims you'll be more likely to be gay, and bullying is a topic unto itself, not necessarily related to this. A mother & a father are irreplaceable and good parenting isn't just about any 2 people who love each other caring for children. All things being equal, children being raised by a mother & father is the ideal situation. Their are exceptions to every rule of course. Objection to same sex marriage (though thats not the topic) is also about the children, since marriage is not and never has been about the happiness of the people getting married. Just so we're clear here, I'm not against gay adoption. However, given the option of strait vs gay parents, strait is the ideal scenario.

  5. There are so many children who are just waiting to be adopted. All they want and need is a place they can call home, with people who will love them with all their heart. I think gay couple should be able to adopt! I don't understand the difference between a gay single adopting and a gay couple. If anything a gay couple is better than a gay single because then there is already a bigger form of stability and that child will see the parent with the same person. If we let gay couples adopt more children would be in loving homes instead of in orphanages.

    1. Hi! I miss you! I'm so glad you're still reading the blog. How is your quarter going?

  6. I feel that same sex couples should be able to adopt. I know several people who have grown up with same sex parents and they have turned out fine. if anything they have told me that their same sex parents seem to care for them more than normal heterosexual parents.

    And so what if the child grows up to have a gay or lesbian mentality! They are more than exposed enough while growing up to realize that originally humans are meant to be heterosexual. So it's still their choice, sure the parents may have influence over them, but in the end the choice is still theirs. There is no danger in same sex adoptions. So the only logical and moral choice is to allow same sex adoptions.

  7. I have my own personal beliefs about gay marriages and/or relationships, but I am not against their right to choose how to live their lives. This is a free country and we have been given the free will to live how we choose to. I have very good friends who are gay and I don't discriminate against them because of their choice. I think they are good people and if they want to adopt and raise a child I think they are perfectly capable of doing so without putting that child's life in danger. As long as the child has constant love and affection from both of his/her parents they can be just as happy as a child being raised with both a mother and father.

  8. I have my opinions on same sex marriage, but I do think that if a couple wants to adopt a child they should have the right too. I don't think it will "screw" the child up at all. After working in a child care I do believe though, that no matter who cares for the child, it needs to be a loving and caring environment. I have seen plenty heterosexual couples that don't raise their children right, so I think as long as a couple is willing to show love to the child then there isn't any problem.

  9. I have my own opinion on gay and lesbian marriage/ relationships. I personally do not support same sex marriage. However, I do not judge so I still feel like everyone should be entitled to the same rights. I agree that the question should be what is best for our children. In my opinion I would rather a child go too a loving, supportive, stable home that just so happens to have 2 dads instead of a rocky, unstable, abusive home with parents of both genders. If professionals have proven that having parents of the same gender does not negatively effect a child, I honestly don't see a problem with it. If a person is able to pass all the qualifications and proves they are able to provide for the child, I think they have every right to adopt. I feel like every person deserves the right to experience parenthood (If they desire and are responsible adults) no matter what their personal decisions are (so long as they are not harmful to the child).

  10. I think that same sex couples should be able to adopt just the same as heterosexual couples can. I think that the main factor in this question of adoption should gernerally be based on what kind of people they are and what kind of of enviornment they will provide for the children. I hate when people make comments in regards to how the child will turn out later in life in correlation with being raised in a household with same sex parents. Being rased in a same sex household is no different than being raised in a heterosexual household; if heterosexual couples are having children that are gay (which they are), then obviously the issue has nothing to do with wether or not they could be raised in a gay home. If someone wants to adopt a child their sexual orientation should not play a part in the decision. Children in foster homes just want a family who loves and cares about them.

  11. I see no good reason for the public on why any couple or single regardless on their sexuality should adopt, I believe worrying over more believable things like if the person is well suited to take care of the children they adopt. These "issues" wouldn't be a problem in the first place if they educate people on subjects instead of letting people go on insane theories and blind judgements. No seriously, they need to get on the more important matter of can said person or couple can properly love and take care of any child

  12. Give the children a home! There are numerous gay couples around the country that could give these children a good home. If every state bans same sex adoption, that's more children that are subject to growing up in a foster home. I can't even imagine what it would be like to not have those supporting roles in my life, even if they weren't my birth parents. Just like the title; all you need is love.

  13. Just like with the opinions on being gay, i see no reason why they shouldn't be able to adopt and have children of their own if they meet the requirements set up by the adoption agency. If it makes you happy then do it. I see no reason for us to be able to stop them from being happy and doing what they want. Wasn't there a case on this not long ago anyway where a male raised by gays stood up in court about how it didn't affect him negatively and he turned out successful? I could be wrong but i thought i remembered something along that nature.

  14. I support gay marriage and adoption even though I am religious. I don't see how people could think God could hate his own creation and if he did not want people to be gay, he would not allow them to make such a great living, as statics say gay couples, prominently gay men are more financially secure then straight couples and men. If this is true then children without a home would be taken care of in every aspect. I think that a ban on the right to adopt because you are gay is unconstitutional and not what this country was founded on. America will never be what it was founded if we continue to force others to live under our selfish ways. Sounds like a dictatorship in a sense to me. I disagree and think that people need to see the error of their ways. This is America, a country of freedom not a country of a few. I feel sometimes that I sacrifice to fight for this country and was it stands for as a veteran was a waste because we are no better then some countries and tell people they aren't equal is an example. This is wrong, point blank period! When will this country live up to it's name. AMERICAN, LAND OF THE FREE NOT LAND OF THE FEW!

  15. No, I don't support gay marriage, but I don't know where I stand on adoption. The point of adoption is to place a child in a better home that will take care of them and raise them into a good, well-rounded, hard-working person. I don't support being gay or gay marriage, so if a adoption of a child causes that particular child to decide to become gay then I would most likely be against gay adoption, I do like what Walter says, about being more aware of how the country views are expressed, but I don't agree with be openly agreeing that its okay to be gay.
