Monday, December 6, 2010

Your Thoughts and Feedback are Appreciated!

Another quarter has come and gone.  When we started off together it was warm and sunny and now there is no doubt winter is here!  Although I admit, it's been a challenging quarter, I hope you can say that you learned something from this class.  It has been a pleasure getting to know all of you and I wish you much success in your future.

For our last blog post, I would like to get your thoughts and feedback on the class.  "What did you like or dislike about the class?  What could I do better as an instructor?"  Answers are due no later than Sunday, December 12th, 2010.  After that, the blog will be down until class resumes next quarter.  To all of you out there, may you have a wonderful and blessed holiday season filled with family, friends, good food and good conversation.  Have a safe and happy 2011 - and remember, don't drink and drive!


  1. i loved this class without a doubt there was sooo many interesting topics that i wanted to be in on, that i was in on! Keep telling your stories about how a lot of this stuff makes you feel because it def made me want to say my opinion if that made sense. as for how you can be a better instructor i think your already great. so stay the same!

  2. Well this certainly has been and interesting class. I feel that I have learned a lot about issues that I thought were popular and that I was well informed on but now I feel even more knowledgeable. After watching some of the presentations today I really appreciated how some people chose issues that were extremely close to them. I think this put a face and a life to the issues that we talked about this quarter. I also enjoyed the blog and getting to share my opinion in a way that wasn't vocally in class. I hope you have a wonderful holiday as well!! :)

  3. i liked the class it was interesting with some of the topics. i learned somethings that i either forgot from high school or some things that they didnt teach us.

  4. Well, firstly, thanks for making such an often dry subject very entertaining. :)

    I had gov/econ fairly recently, 2007, so this class was mostly a refresher course for me. But my teacher was very conservative and so the class was rather one was very nice to have a pretty much unbiased view on issues.

    I still would prefer not to talk about politics, my brother is OBSESSED and I get enough of it at home but I do have a more positive and informative look.

  5. I have to say that I was not excited to take this class at all plus I have never really understood all of the political stuff, thats why I put if off for so long. That being said, you really made this subject pretty interesting and I understood more of it than I ever have before. Plus you yourself are very entertaining to listen to with all of your stories. So thank you for making this required class much less painful than I thought it was going to be.

  6. I have enjoyed the class because it was interesting. I wish we could have done debates more. Plus this was my first quarter ever to do a blog, so it was neat to see peoples opinions.Thank you for being an awesome teacher.

  7. this class was fun and you helped make a dry subject interesting.

  8. I thought the class was going to be super boring, but I feel like I better understand what's going on. I thought the United Nations exercises were pretty fun: they forced us to think in another person's shoes.

    Have a good break. (:

  9. I personally loved this class. It has been such an awesome experience, at first i was worried because I thought it was going to be so boring and random. But i can honestly say I now have opinions on politics. I have no complaints you were so awesome.

  10. Coming into this class I had very negative feelings toward it. I had been putting off taking this class because I've never really been interested in politics. After taking this course I would still say I'm not very interested in politics, but I have more positive feelings towards the subject. I could see myself getting more into politics down the road, right now my main focus is school though. I think the one thing I will take away from this class is what you said on the first day of class about always questioning things. I think you do a very good job teaching this course. Not many teachers would be successful at making political issues and entertaining topic. So my only advice is to keep doing what you're doing.

  11. I have to honest,i was really like the class,but not the subject. Going to class for 11 weeks, talking about politics, in the morning, it's hard to have fun. But i really did have fun. I think what i liked about the class discusions. It's good to see that not everyone is completely stupid.

    I will also admit that U.N was fun... but maybe that's because i had a fun group.

  12. I am normally not a morning person nor am I in to politics. But I actually really enjoyed this class a lot. It made me push myself to get up and come to class everyday. And I also agree with some other people that the United Nations was a lot of fun.
    I think that you were a really good instructor.

  13. I had an interest in politics coming into the class and I do so even more now. I think that alone says the class was a success. Most instructors think homework is the only way that students will learn, but I think you've shown otherwise. I also really liked watching the documentaries. I think it's a good way to expose people to what's really going on.

  14. I liked this class. I think it's important to sit think about the topics we have talked about in this class. I can't say I would have the same outlook without taking this class, and it is my own.

  15. I never would have guessed in 1000 years, historical and political issues would have been interesting. I think the reason why it was interesting now was because, the instructor teaching the class, made it more interesting than it would have been with someone else at the helm. I still say though, like I did at the beginning, when you asked what we thought about politics. I still dislike politicians and lawyers. I did like your class though. It was fun and interesting. Do not change an once of how you teach this class because you were awesome.

  16. Well, I have to say I enjoyed this class! I liked becoming more conscious of current issues that are going on and knowing the history behind them. You are a great teacher and you seem to do everything you can to help your students succeed. However, I guess they can't succeed if they don't motivate themselves. But, thanks for a great experience! :)

  17. Well, I think the class was great, I enjoyed the group work and learn more of how the U.S politics work. Also I think you did a great job teaching us the history of politic, and I liked the way you let us express our minds about politics and show us points of views that we did know. So thank you for great class!

  18. It is my opinion that the class was wonderful. I learned many new things about politics and just how to better understand and research issues before I form an opinion. If anything could improve I am not sure what it could be. Thank you so much for an amazing quarter and all of the guidance and knowledge.

  19. I really didn't expect this class to be really interesting. I hear many students around here who would dread a political issues class, but you were able to enable students who are not interested to be much more involved in sharing their thoughts and opinions. That is what impresses me about you, is that you turned a what could have been a boring class to fun and engaging.

    I really don't have any suggestions as to how to make this class more interesting. I enjoyed the class and thank you.

  20. This class was really interesting and fun, I learned alot about policitics and our government.
    I think the way you are teaching is very enjoyable, you make it fun rather then boring otherwise this subject can be so boring for many students, so there are no suggestions. Thank you and happy holidays!

  21. I liked that we were exposed to certain elements in our society that we don't alway focus on in a day-to-day basis. We were encouraged to express our different opinions and discuss these differences. I think that allthogether this was a good class and I'm not certain that many improvements could be made.

  22. I enjoyed this class a lot more than I thought I would! I took this class originally online and failed by 1 point. Most of the time I tried really hard and read a lot of material but I missed a couple of assignments and it got me in the end. In a way I am glad I didn't pass because I didn't feel like I learned anything anyways. I'm not going to lie, it has been very difficult to come in at 8 and listen to lectures about politics but I do like the way you give lectures. You keep it interesting and break it up in a way that makes the class go quicker. I also liked the UN groups because I feel like I got something out of that every time we did it. Also, I enjoyed the final project because I definitely learned a lot about K2 and that was my intention!

  23. I really did enjoy this class. I'll be honest and admit that I have never been one to be interested at all in politics and history. I guess I always felt that the media and government would just tell us the things they thought we needed to hear, or twist things into a way that would control our fears or emotions. But after this class I have learned that even though the government may do some of those things, there are ways to dig deeper into issues. There are people who are also actively fighting to know the truths.

    Thank you for a wonderful quarter!

  24. I loved this class.
    I appreciate that you actually taught us stuff.
    Alot of the instructors here dont give a damn
    and I feel like I just waste my money, but youre different.
    So thank you for giving a shit.

  25. I found your class quite interesting honestly; we talked about a lot of current events as well as great historical moments. I personal think you’re one of the better teachers here at A.I. and your teaching methods are great and keep people entertained and focused. Happy Holidays and good luck with your new house!

  26. I enjoyed this class considering the long and agonizing quarter i have had. I think that being more involved in politics would've made this class more beneficial for me because then I wouldn't have been as clueless all the time. I can say that the one thing that made me come to this class were the extra stories you added. I think that is what makes the class better for a lot of us. Have a great Christmas!

  27. What I think I liked best about taking the class, is that the atmosphere in the classroom seems more relaxed and easier to talk in. I also don't think there is any way that you could be a better instructor. Oh, and I would like to wish everyone a merry Christmas and happy holidays!

  28. The class overall was good. There were definately some considerations to particular subjects we discussed that I never considered to think about like when someone talked about gender roles during last week's final presentations. That should have been something I would consider doing research on because after hearing about it, I should have felt strongly about it. I grew up with cartoons and video games in my life that were geared more towards boys but I enjoy them to this day despite my gender and sure enough I will show them to my children when I have them. To say again, the class overall was good. There were definately some subjects we talked about that were interesting to me. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
