Thursday, January 6, 2011

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Some of you, who know me, know that I’ve never been much of a technology person. I don’t have a smart phone, I don’t use GPS and I don’t post pictures online. For years, my friends have been encouraging me to set up a Facebook account, and recently I finally took their advice. Now I have all of these “virtual friends” that I feel pressured to keep up with. I know who is where and what they are doing every second of the day. I’m not sure I need to know these little details, but I’m slowly getting more accustomed to checking in with family and friends via Facebook. Sigh.

Although I haven’t seen the movie The Social Network yet, I did read that Time magazine named the creator of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg their Person of the Year for 2010. The twenty-six year old, created Facebook in 2004 while still a sophomore at Harvard. Today he is worth an estimated $6.9 billion and Facebook has over 550 million users. Every sixty seconds there are over 1.7 million actions performed on Facebook and their membership rate grows at about 700,000 people every day! In fact, 1 out of every 12 people on the planet has a Facebook account. That’s right…the PLANET! This means, according to Time magazine, “In less than seven years, Zuckerberg wired together a twelfth of humanity into a single network”.

That really got me thinking. We now live in a global community, with access to resources that our parents and grandparents could’ve never imagined. The world is literally at our fingertips. So my question to you this week is, “If money were no object, how could you use technology to better your community, school or planet?” Answers are due no later than Tuesday, January 18th, 2011.


  1. If money were no object I'd take the technology we have today for energy and place in every part of the world. So many people are trying to keep the world "green" and I think the energy resources are very useful. If we could make all the hazardous energy sources to non hazardous sources I think that would help tremendously. Weather it involves electricity, hot water, automobiles or what ever it is I'd like to see it change to help the earth. If this would have a chance to work I would use facebook to put it out there. Mark, the guy who make facebook had a great idea and it worked.

  2. I think that schools could benefit the most with technology. If every student was given a labtop and assigned some kind of homework to do on it, it would prepare them for when they grow up. Since technology is booming right now in every area of life, it will only prepare them to become more professional and business minded. Then these students can use this knowledge to break the endless cycle of low caliber jobs that their parents may be stuck in and become successful.

  3. I think an advancement of technology overall would benefit the community. Better technology for traffic lights when something goes wrong and they aren't working, or even some type of better technological system to inform drivers when there is an accident or slow traffic in an area so those areas could be avoided. I also agree with what Abby has said above about school benefiting from the technology. I don't really know how "technological" this really is, but how cool (and useful) would it be if somehow they could put the "heated roads" everywhere. Kind of how in some areas the sidewalks are heated to prevent them from icing over or from the snow building up on them. If our roads were this way it would help with traffic congestion!

  4. I believe I would provide a strong always functioning hospitals in less fortunate countries. I would start with Haiti, because I have a very strong connection with the country since my last visit in October.

    I know that they have sent over lots of equipment and doctors were there to help, but after so long they all left and returned home. So they have lots of things there that they were never trained on how to use.

    So I would created jobs for doctors to station in Haiti, while serving the people also teaching others how to use it. and possibly create jobs.

    Also create school systems, to teach them with technology, while making it available for every child to receive an education. Children in Haiti love school , and loves education. It cost $100 a year for a child to attended school, after a few year parents can not afford to send them to school so the child , if does not have money, miss out on education. I believe every child should have the chance to receive an education.

    I also would want to create jobs in Haiti. Help them clean up the cities and base companies there that would reach a across the world to help bring money in. Haiti does have some technology, computers, WIFI and cellphones, which many can not afford minutes. So they are aware of it they just need more help to enhance country using that.

  5. Ah, I think I agree with Chelsea on the whole "green" issue. To me, trying to make sure that every country has the kind of resources they need would be important as well. Every year people go to under-developed countries to give villages running water. I think that's a great step forward, and I don't think it's overbearing. To me, technology is a culture-killer. I say that because information is so readily available to a lot of people, via internet, smart phones, etc. Traditional cultures like Japan are trying so hard to be Westernized, so the idea of using technology to share information is a lot less appealing to me than using it for things like irrigation, or for making alternatively fueled vehicles! If money was no option for me, I think I'd focus on making things better for the environment, mostly. Green cars, greener ways of making products, and bettering things in general in a way that benefits people and in ways that are a lot safer for the environment. Alternative forms of energy sound fantastic.

    Welcome to Facebook, by the way. It's an interesting website for social networking.

  6. I agree with Chelsea. I think before thinking about adding technology anywhere, we need to make sure that those areas have the power source to maintain the technology.

  7. If money were no object, I would better the planet by first fixing what I feel are overlooked problems today. To fix the problem, you have to first look at the root of the world's problem which is energy sources. Though we think we are going green by using less paper and computers, we aren't helping but only so much. When we use computers, people overlook the fact that computers run off of batteries and or electric sources, therefore, we're using more power. Power plants have caused a lot of global warming problems because the more energy we use, the more coal, as well as nuclear power plants, have to burn fuel, which lets off smoke into the atmosphere. So with my money, I would make the world actually eco-friendly by replacing all power plants with solar power plants, as well as windmill operated power plants. Next, I would give bonuses to all of the car industry if they made electric run and solar powered cars. Making all future cars, such as Honda, Toyota, GM, etc, energy efficient would make less gas burning to effect the atmosphere. However, I would leave luxury cars, such as Maybach and Lamborghini the way that they are. Next, to better the schools, I would offer computer classes that teach how to use the web, rather than just computer classes now that teach how to use the computer itself. A lot of people know how to turn a computer on, but don't know how to correctly use the internet, keeping themselves away from viruses and things they may not want to see. Finally, address health care, offering money to nanoprobe research.

    In close, a lot of people feel like we need to better the world to prepare for this movement of technology. However, there is a big demographic that does not use technology. The best way to understand what the world needs is to take time and experience the world for what it is, and that's the only way to solve problems, is to understand the world.

  8. With money being no object, I would start by putting fuel emmission devices on all automobiles and factories. This would improve the air and the ozone for the whole world and therefore, make everyone healthier. With less illness, education could improve and this would lead to better economic stability for everyone.

  9. If I could improve the world with money to my expense, I would give everyone (or those without technology) a way to communicate with each other. Some countries dont have the resources or money ect to do so. The technology that we in America as well as other places are so blessed to have at all needs to be spread to those less fortunate. All students would have a computer or laptop to do work and communicate on. Families or communities would have technology to communicate with others when they are in need or for any other reasons. All of these gadgets or whatnot would be placed in the best places with the greatest sources of power.

    I would also love to see more homes built with green materials as well as solar technology. It saves money and energy. I would also use technology to improve cars and the way they use gas. More "green" cars and possibly some that dont run on gas at all. Overall, I think we need a better way to use energy and a way for technology to be given to those who cant give it to themselves.

  10. If money were not an issue, I think that schools would benefit greatly. All students could be provided with the required software and hardware for their major. The schools could also have top of the line computers/peripherals.

  11. If money were no object I would use the technology to better schools. Specifically I would use the money for small schools like Franklin County High School. I would buy the school new computers to and update the software.

  12. If money were no object, and I could better technology... I would first start to develop tools and research other planets in our solar system in case something happens to earth and is no longer capable of human life. With the Myan prediction of the end of the world in 2012, this sounds like a smart investment if money were no object. Also little things like not being able to use cell phones on airplanes would be something that would need an upgrade with an open budget. There are many things in this world that we could update to better serve us, but sadly money is an object and technology is not my strong area.

  13. I am not excited about this question. If money were no object, everyone would have everything, and then nothing would matter any more. Technology is not going to solve the worlds problems. People being the best they can be will. I guess I would create a portal gun. No one would have to worry about driving or flying or anything anymore...maybe I would just invest in time travel.

  14. I really agree with Jonathan, although, what most people don't know is that in a lot of smart cars making the battery (that runs on solar or eletric power) can be harsher then a normal car (who runs on gas)on the enviroment. If money were no object, I would want to further the research in automobile engineering. In addition, I would like to take all of our knowlege, not just in the U.S., but also for Europe and other countries, and teach the undevelope countries to better the world as a whole. I do believe it is important that we focus on schools and communities, but I think that they would be greatly effected in a positive way while doing so.

  15. With money being no object it would level out the playing field in many aspects and everyone would have the same advantages in better themselves young and old with in our community. but would people still strive or push as hard to become better?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. If money were no object i would us the technology we have to help others. There are thousands of people who are in need of some kind of help from drug addiction, hunger, family problems and mental problems. I would us the technology to make more people more aware. If people understood bad some peoples lives maybe, they may be compelled to do something good. Thats what this world really needs right no

  18. If money were no object I would invest heavily in researching alternative energy sources. I think that the shortages of oil in the future will be pretty severe. It is a finite resource and we need to start addressing the issue more aggresively now. I keep hearing about 10 year plans and I dont think that is quick enough. The technology is there we just have to put more money into it to make it viable.

  19. If money were no object I would use technology to ensure that people that are less fortunate are able to receive health care and other necessities. I think that the right technology in the right regions could make a tremendous difference in the lives of many people. Proper health care and a better lifestyle could prevent the high death rate due to illness in many countries. I believe that technology could also help many countries receive clean water. I would also try to make the planet more "green" by trying to find better sources of energy and using cleaner resources.
    -Alicia Abney

  20. Alright, I just had a whole response typed, and I hit post, but I'm not seeing the post for some reason. So if this posts twice, I apologize.

    Now to try and remember all that I wrote...
    First off, I would provide better technology access to students at schools such as AI. Being an art student living on a college budget can be difficult, and pretty expensive. But if you don't have the money to buy your own equipment and programs, it can hinder your work ability. Yes, there is access at school to everything you need, but that's not always convenient or possible. I think everyone should get their own computers and equipment and programs so that their learning can be facilitated. The same goes for students that aren't in college. There are kids all over that either don't have access to computers or textbooks, or they have very outdated textbooks that don't do much good. I think those kids, as well as their teachers, should all be provided up to date computers and textbooks, as well as access to extra sources of help such as tutors that are willing to give attention to those who need it.

    I would also provide much better medical care to those in need. It's not fair for people to have to be refused a life-saving surgery or medicine because somehow life prevented them from making enough money. My family has a couple of friends that moved to Malawi to help set up hospitals and they mentioned that there was only one oncologist in the whole country, so test results took around 3 months to return. Can you imagine waiting that long? Especially in the lovely world of having everything in the blink of an eye that we have become so used to, and so disgustingly reliant on. Some people don’t make it to get their test results. They also told us how some people will try and seek natural healing methods, so when they get to the hospital they have cuts and sores on their bodies from trying anything else to heal themselves. If the disease hasn’t progressed to fatal stages by this time, the infected wounds usually don’t give them much of a fighting chance. And even worse, the turnover rate of volunteer doctors is quite fast, which makes treating people even more difficult. I think everyone should have the same access to the best doctors, as well as prescriptions. There would also be a machine developed in there somewhere that could properly diagnose someone one the first try. This way, there would be no issue of not being able to cure someone because you don’t know what’s wrong with them. It would also save people the pain and discouragement of being treated for the wrong illness and having to start over with new treatment.

  21. If money were no issue I would make the world go completely green. There are so many resources for alternate energy that many people can't take advantage of because it is so expensive so I would ensure that everyone can have every source of alternate energy. Not only would this help people to save money but it would help the planet with pollution problems.

  22. If money were no object then clearly using the money to buy the technology for those that don't have the technology yet so that the entire world is connected and has all the same resources at their fingertips. This would lead to more resources for everyone because everyone could be interconnected in some way. So if money were no object getting the rest of the world up to date and technologically advanced would be the way to go i think since it would help everyone in the end.

  23. If money was no object. I would try to invent as many inventions I could to better our planet. I would make a device that would prevent us from polluting the air. Also work with a team to help with the animals and planet. If money was no object, everyone could work freely with no bondarys. Also, you would know people are helping the planet out of the kindness of their hearts and not just to be rich.

  24. If money wasn't an object, of course I would want to better our community. Although, I do think that we as a society rely way to much on technology. I really worry what would happen if technology ever became unusable for a day what would happen. I know that I personally freak out just when my phone dies or I forget my lap top.

  25. Here is my comment once again... I am unsure as to what happened to my original comment.

    If money was not an issue for me, I would start by making my car and home eco-friendly. Depending on how much money I actually had I would spend that money to educate children on the benefits of recyling and going green. Children are our future so why not educate them now. I would also express to them the benefits of shopping locally and being involved with the community they live within.
