Monday, May 17, 2010

What's Been Happening in Arizona and Could It Happen Here?

Last month, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer passed the strictest immigration law in the country, which will go into effect July 29, 2010. The act makes it a misdemeanor crime for an alien to be in Arizona without carrying legal documents. It obligates police to, when practicable; determine a person’s immigration status if there is reasonable suspicion that the person is an illegal alien. Police may arrest a person if there is probable cause that the person is an alien not in possession of required registration documents. This legislation has started a national debate on illegal immigration. The ACLU, National Immigration Law Center, NAACP and other civil-rights groups say the law, “encourages racial profiling, endangers public safety and betrays American values”. The mayor of Los Angeles has called for a boycott of Arizona businesses. Supporters of the law say that the law is simply enforcing federal law, and that it is necessary to crack down on illegal immigrants crossing our borders.

Last week, Governor Brewer also signed a bill targeting The Tucson Unified School District's ethnic studies programs. The Tucson Unified School District offers courses in African-American, Mexican-American and Native American studies, focusing on history, literature and the influence of a particular ethnic group. The law prohibits classes that advocate ethnic solidarity, are designed for students of a particular race, or promote resentment towards a certain ethnic group. United Nations human rights experts condemned the measure saying in part, “All people should have the right to learn about their own cultural heritage”.

So my question to you this week is “What are your opinions of both piece of legislation? Would you want similar legislation in Indiana? Why or why not?” Answers are due no later than Sunday, May 23rd, 2010. You must discuss both piece of legislation to earn full credit. I also encourage you to contact the governor and tell her what you think! You can email her at:


  1. I agree with the first one. If you really stop and think about it. If I were in Japan, I would have to have my papers and ID on me at all times. So is it wrong to enforce a similar law here. No. Further more, anyone driving a care is supposed to have a drivers license and you can't get a drivers license if you are an illegal immigrant. So the legislature is actually a clever one, and should be enforced nation wide. However, the last one is silly. Thats like saying I wouldn't be allowed to learn of african american studies, because I am not black. If I want to learn what happened "Down in Africa," I should have to listen to Toto.

  2. As for the illegals having to be able to provide identification when questioned. I feel that it is a just bill. If an American travels into another country we must provide documents. it should be no different here.
    On the bill regarding studies of different cultures, I am all for it. It is important to understand ones heritage. Colleges are provide such classes, why not allow grade schools to do so. This country was founded on different cultures, so it is important to remember where we came from, so that this information is not lost.

  3. I do agree that each person should have the required documentation or paperwork to be in the country. It is the law. I don't agree that police are able to ask for this documentation on just a suspicion. I feel it could turn into a huge discrimination issue because this is a country of varied races. If police go around asking each person that looks different for papers, it could be very discouraging to those who are legal American citizens just trying to live life. I wasn't aware this law was actually passed. It makes me wonder if other states will follow or keep their immigration laws. It will be interesting to see how things play out once the law is in effect in July.

    I believe we should be able to learn about whatever we choose. Everyone says support education, yet don't learn about this topic or issue. All history, no matter from what particular ethnic group, got America to where it is today. If students choose to take those courses, I find nothing wrong with studying those topics.


  4. I agree there is nothing wrong with requiring people to carry identification. Like others said, you have to do it when you go to another country, so why not here? I do think there should be a better method for verifying identity rather than the police racially profiling. Maybe identification could be required to make any transactions such as buying gas or groceries.
    The other law I’m not sure about; it seems that it’s trying to unify people but going about it backwards. I think people should be able to learn about their history, but not in a way that develops anger toward another race or group.

  5. I agree with the law completely. We have a problem with the immigration in this country. If we dont start cracking down and trying to work to solve our problem then it will become even more out of hand. I know a lot of the culinary work force are a lot of minorities. So we might be loosing some work force. But that just gives back job opportunities to American workers.

  6. I think the law is being a little over dramatic but we should have been doing a better job in the first place. Our system for getting the correct papers are a bit ridiculous as well. It's like we don't want more people coming in but we want the cheap labor. I guess the American values have changed since we first started out. With the laws being enforced around the border states but not so much further in I think it's just encouraging immigrants that once they get to a certain point we don't really care. It reminds me of the game Grand Theft Auto where if the cops are after you all you have to do is hide long enough and they stop looking for you.
    As for the learning of the culture thing that is stupid. People should be able to learn what they want. If we don't tell the truth then we lose what really happened and it's like we are changing history.


  7. I do agree with the immigration law to the point that they are trying to do something about it. I think the federal law has never really enforced it anyway. They should be doing a better job in any case. I don't think it's right, though, that the police could check into immigration status based on suspicion alone. It could get over enforced by checking peoples' status just because they look different which could cause some racial uproar. I mean, like someone else said, our system for getting the correct papers is a little outrageous. Maybe if that was made better, we wouldn't have as big of a problem.
    As for the cultural education law, I think that people should be able to learn whatever they wish whether they are of that heritage or not.

  8. I completely agree with the legistlation on aliens carrying legal documents to identify who they are and where they should or should not be. I have been given a ticket for not having my identification card when I was riding in a car that my friend was driving when they got pulled over. So I don't see how this is any different. This may inforce some profiling, but it's something that needs to be done.

    I do not agree with the legislation on getting rid of the ethnic education classes. I don't believe that an American citizen should be stopped from learning about anything. I don't see how learning about your heritage could cause the promotion of hatred for another culture. These types of classes are already being offered in colleges across the country.

    Austin Smith

  9. I strongly agree with Governor Jan Brewer that he is tired of seeing all these illegal running around. When I go out of the country I have to show proper I.D. and tell them why I am there on my visit and it should be no different here in America. Since no one is really trying to do anything about Mr. Jan Brewer decides to maybe make the first few steps to help lead the stop of illegal getting into our Country. Let’s face it you can't wait on Obama or the Federal government to do something. They both know that this has been going on for years and it have only been a matter of time when a state was going to take action. Grant you there might be some issues with racial profiling but come on no matter what a state is going to do about this issue people will always run to the racial card as their last option. The thing about the cultural heritage isn't the smartest to go around and mess with because he is messing with people learning about what might be in their past. Overall I would love to see that Mitch Daniels would get of his chair and do something about all these illegal that run around, because of them is causing a family member of mine to loose out on full time at their job because where she works the illegal run the plant not the true born Americans and I'm sorry but if go to the north east you will not see any boarder hoppers because the state governments more towards the north east have strong rules on if your caught with a illegal alien.

  10. I agree on the first legislation even though they might be over exaggerating it. Every should carry identification and other documents that are important. Just like when we go to the airport we have to show our passport or when we have to show our i.d for whatever reason they ask. If you do not show i.d then you basically can't go anywhere without it. I do not think it's right that immigrants are here in the states without any documenation and sometimes i see cops stop certian people ( that i think are illegal) because of they are suspicious. I wouldn't know if that can be true but thats just my opinion. I also think that these laws should be held in Indiana as well.

    For the second legislation i disagree completely. We should all have the choice to learn whatever heritage we want. Me personally i don't really care to learn a lot about my heritage. What i know, is what i will stick to and if iever learn something new then i will try to remember it. I also do not think it is right that we would not be allowed learn another culture. Why should we be forced to stick just to our own? How are we supposed to learn about different cultures and experience new surroundings...which im sure a lot of us would like or have been focusing on learning a new heritage.

  11. I do agree with the first law. If we travel to another country we have to have provide papers and it shouldn't be any different here. As far as civil rights they are not citizens and in my opinion they are not entitled to those rights. I think he did the right thing and it should be a nation wide law.

    As far as the second one, I do not agree with this one at all. I think you should be able to learn about your culture and where you came fro as well as learn about other different cultures. I know being a culinary student and having taken World and Asian cuisines I have enjoyed learning about the different countries and their beliefs and their culture. I do not agree with this one at all. But again it boils down to power going to their head. They do a good thing by passing one law and then say " Well that one passed lets try this one." then they do something stupid like this law on culture.

  12. The immigration law has its upsides and downsides. I believe it is giving power to the police to just stop and ask anyone for "papers" whether or not they have done something wrong. Reasonable suspicion is a very subjective thing. What is one to do when a police officer asks for papers from someone who is already a citizen? I don't always carry my ID with me, so are they going to throw me in jail since I cannot prove I'm American? I see quite a few holes in the bill, but am not sure how to patch them.

    The second law is just crazy. Everyone should have the right to learn of their heritage and the history of their people. People of other races and backgrounds should be able to learn of the others' as well. I understand not wanting to promote hate of any races, but I don't see that as being an issue.

    Adam Gading

  13. i agree that people should have proper documentation,just as we are supposed to when in another country, but i don't believe that i would want legislation like that passed here in indiana.there is already enough racial profiling as is.the police would be stopping people ALL day if they stopped everyone they suspected was an illegal for the second law, i believe that is utterly ridiculous.people should be able to learn about their culture if they would like to, just as other people should be able to learn about different ethnic groups.i dont believe that would promote hatred of another race.

  14. For the first part about illegal immigration I believe that American is place free for anyone so the system should just make the process for become a citizen easier for people coming from other countries. Knowing that they down, If I was from another country trying to get in the U.S, I would try to come over illegally too so I understand their pain. The U.S is the land of opportunities and everyone in the world should have that equal opportunity. As far ass cultural studies in schools. I do believe we need to know about other peoples cultures but how can we learn about others doing before we know our own.

  15. I belive that that new law out in Arizona is good and bad in different ways. Whats good about it is it forces illegal immigrants to really consider either leaving the US or applying for citizenship. Whats good about that is it will force them to pay taxes and so forth. Another good thing is that instead of just illegal aliens takeing out jobs and us bitching about it is it will just be more americans taking jobs which should help the economy everyone needs to eat fast food. Bad thing is it does make it seem it does encourage racial profiling which is not good and is something that should have been abolished by the civil rights movement by Dr king.

    As far as the studies go for the racial stuff i belive it is good for kids to learn all facets of cultures and life so i do belive this is a bad law that sets back the childs leanring it doesnt hurt us just the children and it is the children that we should protect because they will be in charge one day. I dont belive that indy should ever adopt any of these laws or ideas. I work with some mexian people and they are just like you and i good and bad but ive come to learn that they are really hard workers and they are good at what they do.

  16. For the part about the police, it sounds extreme but most likely effect. But I don't think it will last in the long run. It seems to encourage a certain view of potentially innocent people.
    For the the bill...I find it offensive and ridiculous. That all I can say without outright cursing it.

  17. As for the movement of targeting illegal aliens, it is both sad and in some ways a bit powerful. I find it sad to realize that at one point America welcomed countless foriegners into the country with open arms, and now it is forced to turn them away. It would be wrong to polarize this issue. One one hand America does have a rich history of accepting immigrants and allowing them to thrive in ways their native home land might otherwise not. However; these actions were not taken on a whim, it would be wrong of us to citisize the Government of Arizona from a comfortable armchair without looking at their point of view. Arizona would not be targeting immigrants if they did not feel that these immigrants in particular the mass of illegal immigrants from Mexico were causing some detrement to their society. In the end I would have to side with the government. As much as it pains me to believe that everyone should be allowed to be happy, if illegals are causing a problem to the legal citizens of Arizona, then unfortunately I would say they have to go back and find a way to enter legally.

    As for the classes offered by the education system I would suggest if they want to have a class on every racial demographic, then they would also need to show the impact of European, Asian, and Indian cultures on our nation.

  18. Tough question...
    I am in favor of having a law to help with illegal immigration. I say Arizona is rather badass for just taking the plunge and passing one. No one else has done anything about the issue. At least they're trying to initiate some change. The whole thing with police being able to stop anyone 'suspicious' isn't right. Cops are pricks, and they'll do it just because. I think the law gives them room for racial profiling, which isn't right, but legal citizens shouldn't get upset about their being asked for their papers. They should be happy the state is attempting change. I don't think not having proof on the person should be a misdemeanor, but most people carry IDs. Cops shouldn't be able to just look for illegals, but rather, send them home if they do come across them.

    As for the whole history thing... a law is quite unnecessary. I think American high schools should only have the basics that are needed to graduate: general history, sciences, math, english, etc. I never the chance to take a class on my German heritage. If other ethnics want to learn their culture, I think they should talk to their family or move to where they're from. American high schools should not have to accommodate for our growth in ethnic culture. If you live here... you should be learning what we are taught. The thought of even having ethnic history classes is completely irrelevant to high school courses. If the law is needed to keep them out, then I guess I'm okay with that.

    Katt C. Lindemann

  19. I understand that they need to in force the law more, but I don't find it fare that they can just arrest someone just over suspicion. I think its more a problem in southern states, but if they can't stop them from coming over how are they going to find each one. I think that could put a lot of people in a suspicion. I don't know if its very fare that we can go any where we want. But if immigrants do it they can me arrested. I don't think the law in Indiana would go over very well, like in AZ.
    I think its very important for students to learn about their culture. I think it is also very important for children to learn about others cultures as well.I think in grade school or middle school i would have loved to learn about cultures and how they live. The differences and similarity of each.

  20. i agree with the first law, i think we need to take illegal immigration more seriously, and while its true this may trigger racial profiling as long as you have your papers in order i dont see why this would be a problem, theres really no other way to get around this problem. its not like we're targeting everyone, we're just going after the ones who are here illegally and are exploiting oppertunities which should go to the millions of americans suffering right now. the second law bothered me, i dont agree with that, if they don't want studies specified to a certain culture then you would also have to get rid of all foreign language classes as they too focus on one culture, it doesnt make any sense, i think its important to be exposed to as many cultures as possible otherwise we'd be a very ignorant country

  21. Everyone should have to provide legal papers. Everyone does have to show legal papers. If you are pulled over the police want to see license, registration and proof of insurance, legal papers right. As far as the governor making it legal to profile, for real police have always been profiling, they just say stuff like your license plate lights are out or your windows are tinted too dark. I have been pulled over and not given tickets all because I was profiled against. Two times when I was 15 and 16 years old I was once stopped going home from the bus stop after school because I fit the description of a robbery suspect, my backpack was searched while I had to stand with other kids watching with my hands on the hood of the police car. So I feel that just because this governor made the law doesn’t change what may have already been happening. Now the second law.... What is this governor crazy? Naw this governor must be a racist.
    For real my family has given me the history of my black and Native heritage and I have read many books on Native culture because it is not taught in school. I feel like teaching minority history classes are more important for the students who do not have the minority family background. That also works for majority history. Without history in school I would not know anything about the United States founding fathers because at home my family didn't teach that to me. All history should be taught. Native American, Black, White, African, Hispanic, Latin, Asian, Indian, European, Australian etc. It doesn’t matter I mean for real I have learned more about Greek mythology in school than I have about Native American history. Mythology.... For real MYTH-ology. I can’t control what the school teaches so I took it upon myself to study other cultures. TO MAKE A LAW AGAINST TEACHING ETHNIC HISTORY IN A SCHOOL SYSTEM IS DOWN RIGHT RACIST.
    Also I feel that if a culture is prevelant in an area that cultures history sould be taught in the schools, not just for the students who are the majority in that region but for the minority in that region to learn about their surrounding culture.
    As far as Katt’s response I would think that you would be one to be against the new law that is against teaching ethnic history. I learned about Germany while I was in the Army. In school the only thing I learned about German history was Hitler, the holocaust, and the movie Schlindler’s List. While in the Army I had to travel to Germany and from what I had learned in school I thought I was going to see nothing but german sheppard dogs, and nazi flags hanging everywhere, and found that Germans were some of the, most polite and fun nest people to be around. When I hung with them I learned that they were ashamed to hear what we are being taught about their country in our schools. If it wasn’t for my travels there I may not know that they celebrate the same cultures we do here in America like mothers’ day, and fathers’ day. Germans even celebrate Mardi Gras and Valentine’s Day. But I’m sure that if you ask AI students what they know about Germany that they can’t tell you much of anything.
    I know that every nationality can’t be taught in school. But then again you’re in school for 12 years so two or three a year can be taught and we can learn about different nations in this world by the time we finish high school, and maybe once we see that we are not much different from the people and cultures in other countries then we can end war and hate. I mean Christopher Columbus discovered America right. That's some Bull! Humanity needs to be taught, because in the Native American books I've read say different. This nations "founding fathers" were illegial immigrants. Put that in our history books.

    Eric A. Shelton

  22. I totally agree with the first law about the illegal immigrants. I think there shouldn’t be a problem in asking for identifications and legal documents to verify someone’s immigration status. Illegal immigration has become a very serious issue these days and this is the right way to get it solved. I feel just to be on the secure side, the documentation should be asked from everyone not just out of suspicion.
    About the second bill, I don’t agree with it at all. We live in a country of different races, ethnic backgrounds and religion. So, I think we should be able to study whatever interests us no matter which background we belong to. There are millions of people out there who want to learn about other cultures besides their own and they would love to discover something new every day.

  23. Im kind of at a standoff on this debate...One way I believe we should all be seen as equal and nobody more than the other...However it is always good to teach the youth about Culture. Not just "ethnic" cultures, but all cultures all over the world. But I do find it odd to study matter how you look at it, thats separating races even if its a positive outlook and no race is greater than the other...Im all for studying cultures but not races

  24. It surprises me that an immigration law, like the one just passed in Arizona, is just now coming about. With that said, I don't necessarily agree with it. I too feel that it will cause heightened racial profiling, namely for those of Hispanic descent. At the same time, it seems that we would at the very least try to make these individuals citizens so that they would be responsible for things such as paying taxes. We do need to enforce immigration laws, but this may be the wrong way to go about it.

    As for the law aimed at ethnic studies, I don't see a major issue with a law prohibiting classes "that advocate ethnic solidarity, are designed for students of a particular race, or promote resentment towards a certain ethnic group." It sounds like it is a law taking protective measures. Everyone should be allowed to learn about their culture, and as long as the classes allow any student, regardless of their ethnicity to participate in these courses, then there probably wouldn't be any need for the legislation in the first place.

  25. i must not have saved my post correctly. I believe that the first law openess to interpretation is dangerous and the second law is trying to undo history. I don't think any irish or british will be asked about their imigration status. The first law is cruel and contradictory to what the second law is supposedly doing. History is what it is and we all learn from it, but it is our current actions that ultimately influence others. That one race needs to edit educational curriculum to better its relations is scary. We're all doomed anyways.

  26. I dont really see the big deal about the first Arizona law, if a person is legal they should not have a problem carrying the proper documents. IF they are not legal it probably wont be much of a problem finding forgeries of those documents.
    On the second bill I also believe that all people have the right to learn about their own and other cultural heritages. I think Gov. Brewer might be trying to burn books next.
    I do not want to see either legislation in Indiana, because I believe it infringes on our personal rights
