Monday, May 10, 2010

Should the United States Torture?

Wow! I leave town for one week and it seems the news wire just went crazy. First, there was the oil spill in the Gulf, which as of this writing is still spilling thousands of gallons of oil into the water. Then, there was the flooding in Tennessee, leaving the town of Nashville under water and eerily reminiscent of New Orleans. Finally, there was the attempted terrorist bombing in Times Square. As I watched all of this from my hotel in Albuquerque, I couldn’t wait to get back and post something on the blog. The attempted bombing got me thinking about something I had previously blogged about and I decided to re-post this week. Now that we have the terrorist suspect in custody – what will happen to him?

In August 2009, the CIA released their 2004 inspector general’s report revealing the full extent of harsh methods used on terror suspects. The report found that CIA investigators routinely staged mock executions, and used power drills, guns, and waterboarding techniques to extract information from the detainees.

These “enhanced interrogation techniques” have caused moral, ethic and legal debates across the country. President Obama has gone so far as to call some of these techniques “torture”. As the debate rages on, many feel is boils down to one question, “Did the harsh methods like waterboarding cause terrorist suspects to give up valuable information?” Like so many things in Washington, it depends on who you ask.

The program’s defenders, most notably former Vice President Dick Cheney have long claimed that the detainees broke down under the coercive techniques and gave up crucial tips. The information they provided helped foil imminent terrorist plots against the United States, and thus saved American lives. One the other hand, the inspector general’s report says it “did not uncover any evidence that these plots were imminent.” The report also raises the fundamental questions of whether the interrogators needed to use enhanced techniques at all. The report states that at least in some instances, they were used “without justification.”

So my question to you this week is, “What do you think of the ‘torture’ debate? Should the United States engage in these practices if it means keeping us safe?” Answers are due no later than Sunday, May 16th, 2009.


  1. This is a tough one. On one hand, it seems that America would be against torture tactics considering most of our corporal punishment is not nearly as gruesome as that of other countries. However, I know that other countries use extreme torture methods on American detainees even when it has nothing to do with interrogation. It's obvious why the CIA would want to keep this under the radar. Our government doesn't want the citizens of the United States thinking that we are performing harsh torture acts on other people. It almost puts us on the same level as the terrorists. I don't think torturing another human is right, but it's hard to argue with it when it means keeping millions of Americans safe.

  2. Yes and no. Physical punishment toward our own citizens and non-military foreigners should be regulated. But as long as there are holy wars and money, anything is free game. Even if there were laws, they would never be enforced because of the opporitunity certain situations provide. America has a lot of responsibilities in the world stage and has made many enemies that would definitely torture you or me given the chance. And we asked for it. Overall i think this is a silly topic. Torture will happen and never be pleasant, nor always for the best porposes and is impossible to monitor or regulate. I assume everyone does what i would do having been put in their situation. so, yes i think torture is right in the case of national safety, i mean isn't dropping bombs on people torture too? America is the #1 terrorizing country in the world and we shouldn't think torturing is so bad compared to what we've done to obtain such passionate enemies. we're doomed.

  3. The Constitution states that no cruel or unusual punishment is allowed to American citizens. It seems hypocritical to perform these acts to others. There must be other means than harmfully drilling someone for information. I don't think anyone should be tortured. It plays back again to the "playing God" theory. Like mentioned, it becomes a moral issue if the information received by the torture is worth a person's life or well being. I'm slightly confused on why the two reports were from such different positions. Every story has two sides, yet the reports were like black and white. I personally am not for torturing for any reason. I think they should stick to what is stated in the Constitution. That is for American citizens or not.


  4. I really dont know how to view this situation. I know if I was being tortured I'd start saying whatever they wanted me to. This doesnt mean that the information I give out is going to help in any way. I'm sure terrorists are trained for and expect some torture if captured though. But this does seem wrong. Why do we feel as a country to keep our population safe we violate the rights of who we consider terrorists and people we believe are conspiring against us. There is a fine line of protecting your people and violating the rights of others.

  5. in between because these methods sound great just so we can be protected and im sure everyone feels the same. i wonder what if these tortures harm us or can harm us in any way. i am mostly on the torture side. They should do everything they can to protect us. It is not like were going to get attacked again and not do anything about it, even if it means harming other people. Yea i know it probably sounds harsh but thats how i feel. I also think that if people knew what the U.S is capable of doing, they would be scared. In my opinion we are capable of doing so much damage so what ever they decide to do, then they should do it. I dont think that it makes us look bad and it should makes us look like we have the right to keep the U.S safe. We shoulnt be called terrorists either because we are not like them. we are defending our country and im sure when it comes down to it, evey country would do the same for theirs.


  6. Yes and No. I think even a terrorist that is an American citizen should be as well as punished under the torture methods. The torture methods are valid in certain situations and not in other cases. I would definitely start talking before they even turned their head to grab a drill or gun. The fact that it has to go that far to actual torture someone and to even have the thought of that being the only option to get someone to speak about their plotting. A simple conversation is not sufficient enough. So, yes torture is needed to the point of when it is needed. But hopefully it doesn't have to happen much. And I like how they are paying their employees to do practice rounds of torture, what a waste of money.

  7. To tell you the truth I am 100% on board with these practices as lets not forget what these so called "Terrorist" do to our captive soliders. So if this helps to not have a repeat of 9/11 then by all means lets do what ever we need to do to get information out of them. You really have to ask yourself do you think they care about what they do to us or know what they do to our soliders over seas all those times they released video of cutting our troops heads off and we should worry about if its fair what were doing to them to get information. To add, President Obama just needs to stay out of the way of our Armed Forces because him nor his wife have a clue about whats going on over there, let alone havent taken a trip over there since i don't know when if they even have since hes been elected for change. What change?, there is no change the country is the same as it was four years ago. Just let our troops do whatever they need to do to get valueable informantion from these suspects to help protect our country.

  8. I agree with most people. My opinion is to do what ever it takes to get the information we need or looking for, then so be it. They don't care what they do to our troops why should we care about what tactical measures we take to get these terrorists to talk. But on the other hand you have these suicide bombers and such that don't care what happens to them. They are loyal to their country and they will die for their cause. So no matter what is done to them I don't see them talking. I say do what ever is necessary to protect our country and our people! You know it sad to say do harm to others but what else can we do? They sure don't mind torturing our soldiers!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Torture should not be used to interrogate people. If you were to torture me I would say whatever it takes to stop that pain, even admit I know something I couldn't know. We try so hard everyday to stop so-called trauma from things in books, tv, the internet, music, and even the people around us, but it fine to mentally and physically destroy someone because they might have information we could maybe use. I just don't think nearly drowning someone is the best way or an ethical way to gain information.

  11. heheh...Dick Cheney is so evil its almost comical...I for one dont see the point of torture seeing that we are out of the stone age and have this thing called SCIENCE! Im pretty sure they invented truth serum and Im sure hypnosis can be an option too. Either way, I am saying there are more humane methods of obtaining information. sure some of them might take more time, but I for one would be more for that than taking a powerdrill to someones knee cap.

    lets just leave physical torture back in the dark ages shall we?

  12. I think there should definitely be a harsh punishment for captured criminals, though torture probably isn't the answer. Death would be a good way to let anyone else know that thinking of acting out any future crime is going to be the end of you. I have no tolerance for idiots who have nothing better to do than kill other people, even if it was only an attempt. Torture is a little too much for my liking, and prison isn't tough enough. I vote they just die. Show everyone we mean business when it comes to these stupid criminal acts. I don't like referring to them as terrorist attacks either because I believe that's just a fear method our government used on us so they could get away with going to war. Torturing captives won't keep us safe. If a person is dumb enough to blow up a building, or even attempt it, catch the idiot and when he doesn't talk, either kill him, or lock him up for life. Torture is cruel and unusual so even thinking of it as punishment is not humane.

  13. Under extreme stress many people will "crack" and say just about anything to get the pain to stop. Whether that information is credible or not is a tough question. I don't believe that physical torture should be used in any instance. I fully understand that other countries do some incredibly disgusting things to Americans when they are caught (civilians or soldiers) but should we really step down to that level? Many of the captured soldiers consider themselves to be martyrs and would rather die for their cause than give up any information and I don't think torture would be all that effective.

    Besides using physical force there are many other techniques that can be used to gather information such as non-stop loud music, sleep deprivation, and isolation. Although these methods are not physically (more the most part) harmful they are nonetheless mentally unsettling. I believe these non-physical methods should be used as opposed to waterboarding or physical pain.

  14. I really don't know how to answer this question. Other countries,whom we don't get alone with, probably torture American in horrible ways so I would say yes lets do the same to them. Most mother's tell their children to treat others as you want others to treat you so when we go over to these other countries, knowing that they are different, do we treat them how we would want to be tried or do we treat them different because there is a difference between the way they live and the way we live. Mothers also say, "Knowing it isn't right for them to treat you a certain way, doesn't mean we are right for treat them the same way in return.

  15. I think Physical torture is not the right way to deal with the criminals/terrorists. I am sure there are many other ways to punish these criminals and get the information out from them. I feel torturing is just another crime. So then what’s the difference between us and the so called terrorists? Their job is also torturing the innocent people out there by simply killing them in one shot. I understand that we got to be harsh with them in order to track the information we need from them to save our lives. However, these unforgiving punishments can be performed in several different ways like life-time imprisonment or hang to death, etc. Again Torture is not the only solution to all the problems!

    -Sajal Dhingra

  16. I'm a little unsure for this. On one hand we should be kept safe, and the US should do whatever it takes to keep up safe, but on the other hand torture to me is just wrong. I mean no one deserves to be tortured, but if someone is planning to attack our country and we are aware of that, then I also feel that we should do anything by all means to save our country.

  17. It is my belief that the united states should take a firm stance against the use of torture or "Enhanced Interrogation Techniques". A Nation is generally judged based on the poor choices it has made as opposed to the good, I do not feel that America wants to be forever stained as a nation for utilizing techniques such as this. For Dick Cheney to say that these techniques helped save American lives is disregarding a form of collateral damage, in the fact that for every person who was tortured using means such as Water Boarding there were probably far fewer that knew anything relevant to the situation than did. This is most definitely proven due the the knowledge that Al Queda is not an organization in the same respect "The Mafia" is an organization. This is not a network of terrorist that can and will strike at any time, more or less smaller rebel groups who operate under the banter of Islamic Extremism, that are financed by people like Osama Bin Laden. The only plots actions like this will avert are small scale plots, or perhaps a large scale plot by several individuals who have been well financed. This will not actually stop Al Queda since it isn't technically a real organization. Either way we look at the situation of using torture techniques to destroy Al Queda it isn't achieving anything, not from a logical stand point and certainly not from a moral stand either.

    Side Note: The BBC ran investigative reports on Al Queda recently, none of which found any conclusive proof that Al Queda is a real organization, and more or less a rallying call.

    BBC Report

  18. I don't believe physical torture should be used in any situation. Yes, it could possibly maybe by chance provide valuable information from the victim. However, if you had a gun pointed at you or if you were being physically beaten or drowned, wouldn't you say anything to make it stop? So the question then is even if the victim does give information, how credible would it be? It's like extreme police interrogating. Sometimes they break them down mentally and emotionally to the point where the person being interrogated confesses to that said crime even if they really didn't do it.

  19. i feel that if i was being tortured in such an extreme way, i would say just about anything to get my tormentors to stop.i don't believe that using excessive force is right, necessary, or effective.just because you get some form of results, doesn't meant that they are accurate.using such techniques is immoral and should not be practiced, no matter what the circumstances.just because you can get results with a cruel method, doesn't mean that you should.

  20. Sometimes there aren't as many choices that can be made if you want something bad enough.
    What I mean is we don't live in a perfect world and to the enemy, we are the terrorists and they believe they are right. For those who believe they are right without any doubt, they wont abandon their cause unless we make them.
    I not saying I like torture but in most cases its the most effective way of getting necessary information.
    But I do believe it should be heavily monitored, so that people don't go to far.

  21. I find this question to be very hard to answer. It's something I have never have thought about before. I feel we have to get the right kind of information to protect ourselves from terrorists, but how do we know what it right. I think that if there was any other way to get this information that might be the best choice. How do we even know what the person is saying is true. If I was being tortured I think I would say anything to make it stop. I don't think our culture is the torturing type. When I think of torture i think of something that is happening over seas and not in the states. I think torturing is beneath us and we are smart enough to find another way. At least I hope we can.

    Jaimie Foutz

  22. I'm not usually a person that completely trusts my government, but in this instance I absolutely do. If they think that the only way to get vital information to keep our country safe then so be it. The people that they are interigating are terrorists, and therefore they aren't exactly the most moral or law abiding people in the world either. Of cours, I do believe that this should be a last resort to recieve information.

  23. To torture another living creature is never OK. America became the most powerful country in the world for doing many very bad things from the day it started (Genocide). this type of torture has always been going on and it will never stop. The U.S. can not afford to stop this behavior or Im sure there would be many more attacks
    J. Parsons

  24. I feel like the US should torture. The other countries torture to get information from us. So by any means if a country is sending people here to terrerize then if caught and they wont speak then we need to use any means nessary to get them to give us valuable information.
    Eric A. Shelton

  25. i think that this is barbaric, uncalled for, inhumane, and unjust. We are not supposed to treat other humans like this. I don't care about what information they were giving up at all. This is utterly rediculous

  26. Should we use torture to get information from terrorist, no. I feel that if we know (US Gov't) that a person is found to be committing an act of terrorism against our country or citizens, that they should be put to death. That is what they where ready to do anyways. We as a country are to leanant when it comes to criminals and terrorist. This may sound harsh but Nicaragua doesn't have these problems for that government took a stand of zero tolerances in the 1970's, now they don't have to deal with these things.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I think with the way technology is progressing we won't need torture to get information from threats of people.
    This cuts in on if the threat is an American but so does torture.
    Then that gets into would we be willing to give up certain freedoms for protection against foreign threats.
    Personally there are so many pros and cons on that topic that it is tough for me to decide what would be the best course of action. I figure if the threat is foreign then deal with it how you want but if it is within our own country well then you have to play by the rules.


  29. I disagree with physical torture, but I don’t have an issue with staging of executions or manipulation of the mind. I think as American citizens we are required to treat everyone with the “golden rule”. I can’t really see where information tortured out of people would be enough to save others. Also there is always the possibility of torturing the wrongfully accused. I do however think there life should be miserable and short; too many criminals are being babied in the prison system with more rights than the people who guard them.
