Monday, May 24, 2010

Celebrating a 3-Day Weekend? Thank a Veteran!

I have been looking forward to the three-day weekend coming up for a long time. We always get together as a family and have a big cook-out. The pools re-open, I get a free day off of work and more importantly, summer begins!

It dawned on me as I sat down to write this post, that the true meaning of Memorial day is often lost. Most people know that Memorial Day is to honor soldiers who have died in combat, but did you know that a national moment of remembrance, in the form of a moment of silence, takes place at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time? Another tradition is to fly the flag at half-staff from dawn until noon local time. Many people observe the holiday by visiting graves and cemeteries to honor family members who have died. Hundreds of volunteers place American flags on veteran grave sites across the country.

Both of my grandpa's are WWII veterans. I remember how seriously my grandma took Memorial Day and her responsibilities to honor my grandpa, the flag and our country. I realize that those duties have been lost on my generation, in lieu of BBQ, beer and the Indy 500. It made me realize that it is time to step up to the plate. So, this weekend, I pledge to do something to honor my grandpa's and others who have died in service of this country. My question to you this week is "How do you celebrate Memorial Day? Do you do anything to honor it's true meaning?" Answers are due no later than Sunday, May 30th, 2010. To those of you that have volunteered to serve our country so that life is better for all of us - I honor and salute you! Have a happy and safe holiday weekend!


  1. I don't think I ever do much for memorial day. However now that I work in a hotel I tend to work on memorial day. Mostly because of the race. Not sure if I would be able to do anything this weekend for it because of work an all, but I'll try my best to give recognition to those who earned and deserve it this weekend.


  2. To be very honest, I have never done anything on the Memorial Day. Few years back when I first moved to United States I didn’t know what this Day was all about. Today too, I only know it’s the day when we honor the soldiers who have died in warfare. I never had a get-together or something; it’s just another holiday to me as I never knew what I should do or what others do on this day. It’s good to know more about it like national moment of remembrance and flying the flag at half-staff from dawn until noon. Now that I have encountered some of the things that I can do, I can surely get myself involved in the Moment of silence and pay my gratitude to those deserving soldiers.

    -Sajal Dhingra

  3. We always have a cook out for Memorial Day. One of my granpas served in Europe in the aftermath of WWII so I always try to get together with him and he enjoys telling me some stories. I don't have too many family members in the military. I've always known what the day was for but I never knew about the moment of silence at 3:00 or the flying the flag at half mast until noon. But then again, I don't have a flag poll. I consider myself a fairly patriotic person and on Memorial day, Veteran's day, and the Fourth of July I always think about the people that helped make this country so great for me today.

    Austin Smith

  4. I never knew what Memorial Day was for until I joined the Army in 98and in that first year I didn't take it seriously. To me it was just another 4 day weekend that I could not wait to take. It was after Bosnia in 99 that I became aware of the importance of the holiday and every holiday that honors soldiers. Even D-Day on June 6 and the attack on Pearl Harbor in December I now reflect on the lives that were lost so that the country I live in today could be free.

    After I got out of the Army I became a Disabled Veteran, and because of that I honor the fallen, those who have served, and those who are serving. Every time I see a soldier in uniform no matter the branch I say "Thank you for serving." I even attend the Veterans Day parade when I can and support almost every program geared to helping soldiers and veterans. I do Spend Memorial and Independence Days bar-b-q'n and partying with family but through all of the craziness of the holiday I still find time to be alone and thank God that I am alive to see what our country has fought for.

    Eric A. Shelton

  5. I honestly go about my day as a regular day. Unless someone makes plans with me then I usually dont do anything. I know when I'm back at home all my friends view any and all holiday's as drinking day's. That's usually all that gets accomplished on a holiday like this. We usually start grilling around ten in the morning so we have a nice stock pile of grilled awesomeness for the festivities for the rest of the day.

  6. Growing up Memorial Day was just another day off school that the family was all home together. We never had a party or cookout. We usually would just enjoy getting to be together. I would never disrespect someone who has gone to war. However, I personally don't believe war, killing, or fighting is an answer to anything. I don't feel like I can "celebrate" people dying or killing for any reason. I don't judge or think others are wrong for doing what they want on the day. I find it so interesting how different people are because of their backgrounds. The variety of beliefs and traditions people come to have are based on where they came from and influences from their upbringing. This is my view on Memorial Day.

  7. I have always been like most, we have a cook out and everyone gets together and spends time with the family. I have always thought of our fallen soldiers on Memorial weekend. My grandfather was in WWII and was a P.O.W. for many months. Thank god he made it back to his family, so many soldiers did not. I am proud to be an American and Thank God for all the men and women who serve in the military and so many who gave their lives for me to proudly say I AM AN AMERICAN! I LIVE ON THE LAND OF THE FREE AND HOME OF THE BRAVE!

  8. Since I was little, my family gathered for a Memorial day cook out. Before we would commence to dining on the grilled goodies, we would gather to say a pray for all the armed forces personnel. My grandfather served in WWII, and he would tell us some of the stories about his service and the friends he made.
    I miss him now that he has passed on. My family still get together, but now we start off by going by the cemetery to visit with him. This way the new generations can understand and appreciate the sacrifices that some families
    have made to keep this country safe.

    Remember to thank a soldier, for with out them we wouldn't have the freedoms we have today.


  9. I have never celebrated Memorial Day as a means to honor the country. My family has always used it as a reason to get together, eat, and drink. It always seem to me to be a mini Thanksgiving or Christmas. While we don't honor the country, I guess some good comes from bring my family to one place.

    -Cameron Alford

  10. Along with what I believe is the majority of people, I do not celebrate memorial day for what its really for. I have the utmost respect for our soldiers and those who have given their life for our freedoms, I just do not dedicate any time of the day to the specific cause. I was not aware that there was a moment of silence at 3 pm, but I will participate in that this year. Many veterans would probably agree that they want us to go out and enjoy our freedoms. Not many of them did what they did because they expected hero status.

  11. For Memorial Day, my family usually gets together at my grandparents house for a barbecue. I cannot say that we fully celebrate it for what it's worth, but we usually pray before every meal. And on Memorial Day we always think of the veterans in our prayer. I was not aware of the moment of silence either. I'm kind of upset that I did not know because my other grandpa is a veteran of WWII and one of my uncles is a veteran of Vietnam. I will definitely participate in that this year. I am very proud of both of them as well as the bravery of every soldier out there.

  12. For Memorial Day if I'm not working for the weekend my family try's to get out of the house and do something. In the town I grew up in has a river fest over the weekend with food and games, and the names of veterans in the park were it is hailed. We also go to my grandfathers grave and but flowers on the grave and other veterans. Food is always a big this any holiday, so we find time to barbecue or grill outside. I learn something new about the three o'clock moment of silence. I never knew that.
    Jaimie Foutz

  13. My friends back home in ND would throw a huge Memorial weekend party out at their lake cabin. Every year people would travel from all over to MN to join the fun. If I could have afforded to, I would've been gone by now to go party. Three whole days of drinking, grilling, jet skiing, games, fire, and loud music. :) I miss it. I never even used to be with family for this holiday. We never celebrated Memorial day for its true meaning. I didn't know what it was until high school; how sad is that? We just had Monday off from class is all! I think my family is why I don't celebrate it though. My mom's dad was a veteran I believe, but I never met him, and she didn't want to talk about him. Other than him, we didn't have anyone else to really celebrate for in the family. I just wasn't raised to do so. Though I am grateful for our military, I am not one who is going give praise to each of our soldiers. I don't get my own day for people to pity me for being a college student. :/ I'm getting educated for this country, which I think is more important right now than trying to control other countries. We should take care of ours first. Wait... veterans get two days a year to be remembered. I'm sticking to partying for this one. Strawberry daiquiris, her I come. :)
    Katt C. Lindemann

  14. For a while i really didnt even know what Memorial day was. I just knew we didnt have school and would hang out with friends. Last night some of my friends even said that they forgot what Memorial day was about. For this day my family, friends & I would have a bbq and go to the pool. Tommorow all i know is that we will probably do the same or so i think. I already had my fun over the weekend so i may relax tomorrow. I dont really take Memorial day as serious as other people do but i still respect those that do. Also i learned that the moment of silence was at 3 p.m. and i also did not know thier was a moment of silence. Now that i know this i will probably remember it. I never thought about the meaning of Memorial day until glad i know more about it.

    Diana Soriano

  15. I don't do anything, my mom does also the cooking indoors and my step-dad makes the meat. People come,eat, then they leave. I'm not aware if any of my family has been in the armed forces and if their are some I haven't been told about them. I was even aware of the traditions other then food this holiday had.
    I don't mind knowing more. I will most likely do what I have always done which stay out of the way (I'm no good with the cooking stuff)

  16. The Indy 500 was mentioned and I think that is a great place to celebrate memorial day; although it is on the day before, a great deal of the festivities involve the armed forces. Helicopters and tanks have always been on display for us civilians to see touch and learn from the soldiers themselves. Thousands of troupes from every branch of the service are on hand and I had the privilege to shake over 30 hands and personally thank these men and women for the service they provide us.

  17. I am celebrating my right to work for Memorial day. My family used to grill out together, but that wasn't uncommon for summer. I suppose if i did have the day off i'd take my family to my mothers house to visit and let the kids play. It is an important holiday to honor those who have fallen in service. Any holiday off is a welcome break to all and that i am able to work in my field is great.

  18. It is unfortunate but no, my family and myself, do nothing that truely is in the spirit of memorial day. I did however know of the 3pm Armistace and of the flag being half mast till noon. For the most part my family tends to just gather and celebrate our relitives on Veterans day.

  19. i never really do anything for memorial day.i pretty much just treat it like any other day off.i relax and do whatever else there is to do.i feel that memorial day really has lost its traditional meaning.most people have forgotten what it's truly about.

  20. When I was younger, we would go to the cemetery every Memorial Day in remembrance of family members that are no longer with us, some of which were veterans. Nowadays, due to wonderful retail hours, I work nearly every holiday. Unfortunately that does not allow me to celebrate the true meaning of Memorial Day.

    Everyone have a great day off and thanks to all those who have served. America wouldn't be the same without your courage and strength.

  21. My Grandpa was in the Navy for WWII, the Korean War, and Vietnam. My Daddy, Father-in-law, and an uncle were in the Air Force during Vietnam. I have two cousins and a brother that joined the Army and one cousin in the Air Force. My husband and I are both in the Army. For Memorial Day I honor the fallen by accomplishing the mission; protecting America from all enemies, foreign and domestic.
    And before I became a mommy I drank a lot of beer for all holidays (the good old days). This year we took advantage of the military rate for Kings Island.

  22. I usually do get together with my family to celebrate. My mothers father was a veteran and we honor that. Although when I was younger we did usually always attend some kind of memorial day parade that was going on in town. That was always fun, and very informative to everyone. Especially being so young.

  23. My father was a veteran vet, but unfortunately I don't do much. My family does get together and we BBQ, but we have lost the true meaning of what Memorial day is. This year since i have moved up to Indiana, we were not going to do anything. But last minute we got invited to a party on Sunday. We had BBQ and goodies all around the table. They had flags and decorations that really put you in the mood. I was thankful that I got to experience a more traditional Memorial day gathering.

  24. Memorial Day in our family growing up has always been a time for us together. When I was young we would host the huge party for everyone, then for a couple years we didnt after moving to another house. This past weekend, my parents held the party at our house on Sunday. Not even on the actual day anymore. We all have our schedules now and so it didnt work out. But we do honor our family members who have passed in ways with the flag and my grandmothers will lay flowers on graves. For myself if Im offered time and half, well you better bet im there!!

  25. You know I really haven't ever put much thought into this holiday. I am the only boy in my family on my dads side that has not served in the military. My dad was a lifer, did 21 years in the coast guard and four in the navy. I have alot of respect for families, service men and women, and the military in general. I think the easiest way to honor them would be flags at half mast, which my grandfather has always done. I could observe the moment of silence as well, however I do always forget. Well this year I golfed, at least I wasn't working, haha,(I have always worked a double shift on this day, so I kinda lllok at it as another day of work0, with no play.

  26. The only reason I have never took the time to honor veterans on memorial day is because that is the day I was born. I celebrate my birthday by having bbq and just spending time with the people who are closes to me. I have never been to the indy 500 because I really don't see the excited in watch cars drive around a race track 500 hundred time. One day I will go though because you never know how things work untill you try.
