Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Live Free or Die!

This week in class we began our study of the Constitution. The United States Constitution is widely recognized and studied as one of the most democratic documents ever written. Most of the freedoms that make us uniquely American can be found in the United States Constitution.

You can order your own free copy of the United States Constitution from: http://www.constitutionfacts.com/index.cfm?section=bookstore&page=freeCopy.cfm

So, this week I started thinking about what freedoms I value most. I think the one I am most grateful for is Freedom of Religion. We are very blessed to live in a country where we are free to practice or not practice our religion as we see fit.

So, my question to you this week is, “What freedoms do you value the most? Why are they important to you?” In addition, I would like you to take a short quiz on the Constitution and include your score and results in your answer. Your score on the quiz will not affect your grade.

The quiz can be accessed at the following link:

Answers are due by Sunday, April 12th. Have a wonderful holiday weekend!


  1. I value you freedom of religon the most,also also value just the freedom to do what ever I want to do with out knowing I am being controled. I think it is important to me cause I can go to church and do what ever religion I want, I can go and hang out with my youth group. Just live my life as it comes. I only got a 2/10 on the quiz.

  2. I recieved a 5 out of 10.
    The freedom that I value is freedom for women to vote. Like you said in class it wasn't till the 1920s that women could vote. Working the poles for the pre election last year opened my eyes to how important voting is and got me so pumped to vote this year for the first time and it was such an amazing thing even though I had to do an absentee ballot (which for you who do not know it is a way of voting if you can not be in your county that day) I knew mine was just as important as an electronic vote. I dont understand why alot of people say voting isnt that important and that their vote doesnt matter...everyones vote is just as important as anyones else like my vote is just as important as Brad Pitt's or Opra. I also agree with Josh Z. freedom of religion is something I value alot too. I love that we can pray and no one can say "Hey you cant do that!" We had a prayer circle every day (well almost everyday) in high school before we had our first class and people would say things but no one could tell us not to. I really think freedom for anything/anyone is important to me, everyone should have freedom, they just cant abuse their freedom.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. As an American Citizan, I believe that all of our freedoms are important. Ever since this country was founded men and women have been fighting for our freedoms. We are the luckiest people in the world to be living in a free country like ours. Even with these freedoms there must be laws. Many people want to come and live here and do, because of the freedoms we have. Yes, our country is not perfect, but there isn't any other place in the world that I would want to live.

    quiz: 10/10

  5. As a Citizen of the United States of America I must say that I am proud to have the right to say what ever i wish. We are not limited in this country and not many realize what a reward it is to live here and to be able to do or say anything you want!!Living here gives us right to privacy, to speak and have an attorney. This world is great here in the us even though there are some problem, we are lucky to live here, and I am grateful to be here. I had a 4 out of 10 on the quiz.

  6. My Quiz was a 9/10

    I would have to say I value having all freedoms. The freedom though that I would have to value most is the right and freedom to vote. Being a minority woman it is expectionally worth while to do so because it was a longer would for my ancestors to make the way for minoritys and women to vote. I think I make a effort to vote every election not only to pick who I feel would do best in office but because every so often we have to get our right renewed and that still bothers me. But like all of our freedoms they are freedoms to an extent so this is why I value the voting right slightly more the our other American Freedoms.

  7. I had to really think about which freedom I value most and I have to say it is Amendment 1, freedom of religion, press, and expression. I am sure many of us are happy to have this freedom, but I think back when my grandmother's mother was growing up and how it might have been to live in a world that had no say. They might have had to have believe in what the majority believed in according to their location or politcal standing. Or maybe having to stand by and listen to views that were not like their own, only because if they said something they could be considered a radical or mentally unstable depending on the circumstances. I am thankful everyday for being able to express my opinion no matter what. I just hope that the U.S. keeps our freedoms in tact no matter what happens in the future.

    Quiz score: 9/10

  8. The Amendment that means the most to me is the first because if we had no freedom of any thing we would be controlled by a ruler and that is what makes America stand out they have never and will never have a king or any thing like that and to have the 1st amendment given to me at birth is the best thing anyone cane wish for.

    quiz 10/10

  9. I value our freedom of speech because it gives me the right to freely express myself. It gives me the opportunity to have my own opinion on issues and to socially interact with opposing views without conflict.

    quiz 5/10

  10. I definitely value the freedom to vote because this past election was such a powerful moment in history, and I was thankful to be able to participate. Also, I am thankful to my ancestors who have gone through so much pain and bloodshed, because if they had not, I would not be able to get the education and opportunities that I am grateful to have today.

    I am a Constitution Whiz Kid 9/10

  11. The freedoms that I value most are freedom of religion and the freedom to speech. Our country has such a diversity of cultures that it's so great that each person is allowed to believe whatever religion they choose. I believe that no one has the right to tell someone that their particular belief is wrong, so that is why I value the freedom of religion. Freedom of speech is also very important because it allows each person to speak freely about whatever they would like and not be punished for it. It allows for great discussions and most of all it helps to define a person in a way where they can state their opinion or fact about different topics. Quiz: 4/10

  12. The freedoms that I believe that I value most would be the freedom of Speech. I know that this has limitations,and I am really not allowed to say whatever I would like to say. Employers, Educators, and the Public restricts what we can say. I guess the freedom of speech is really not true freedom, because of the political correctness factors, and the potential backlash that one can encure for truly speaking one's mind. There are things that I CAN say that would have me stoned to death in other countries. So I guess the little bit of freedom that we have regarding speech is lightyears beyond what freedoms other people have in other countries. I am grateful for the right to be able to have my own opinion, and put my thoughts into words.

    Jeffrey Drew Facsko

  13. The freedom I value the most is freedom of speech and religion. I know we are limited to what we can say but at the same time we also can voice our opinions within reason. I also like the fact that religion is separated from church and state. But at the same time it also has to be within reason. I don't believe we should get away with a lot of things because of religion i.e. medical care for children who really needs it. I didn't do well on my quiz which tells me I need to brush up on my freedom rights. My score was 4 out of 10. Sad.

  14. I value the First Amendment the most because unlike the rest of the other Amendments the First Amendment affects me everyday. The First Amendment allows me the freedom to have an opinion and voice it whenever I choose. The First Amendment also allows me to study the religion that I choose. It gives me the power to study Catholicism without being punished for it. I got an 8/10 on the quiz.

  15. I most value my freedom of religion. I can't imagine living in a country where religion would be forced upon me. It would be terrible to have to pretend to worship a god that I didn't think existed. If I was not able to worship God freely and openly, that would be devestating to myself and my family.

  16. Quiz- 7 out of 10, a Patriot!

    The most valued fredom to me is speech. The country would be a very different place to live in if the government controled what we "say". Our knowledge could not grow if everything that was written, filmed, media period had to be approved by the government. No Thank You! Everyone would be the same, you wouldn't be able to really express yourself with that much control.

  17. My most valued freedom is in the first amendment: my right to freedom of speech. Without the freedom of speech we would not have the opportunity to hear other's opinions and form our own. We would be restricted from voicing new ideas that could possibly better mankind. WIthout the first amendment we would be living in a country of mindless drones, devoid of diversity and creativity.

  18. I most value the freedom of religion and the freedom of speech. Without these, our country would be set back in advancements, never progress, and people would not have the ability to express themselves creatively and openly.

  19. i value my freedom of speech and religion. speech and religion is important to me because if we were all forced to beleive in the same thing then there would be alot more confrontation, not that everyone does except everyone elses religion but it helps to have a choice. Having the freedom of speech is also important because you can speak your mind repectably and no one can tell you that you cant have an input.

  20. The Freedoms that I value the most are religion and speech. The very idea of living in a country where I'm made to practice, believe and speak on things that I'm totally against - would be devastating. The relationship that I have with my Lord is my complete life. This relationship with my Lord (not religion) has literally changed my life, those around me, including those that have yet to cross my path. I would not trade it for anything in the world. When I think back to where my life was headed: the disappointments, unhappiness, emptiness, loneliness, the sense of life having no meaning. However, now having the ability to know for a fact where I am going, and the people along the way lives I'm affecting because of Jesus who lives in me is greater than words could ever describe. This great relationship and the ability of speech to share this great found truth with others, is better than life itself!!! Thank you, Shannon Sellars


  21. I enjoy many of the freedoms that we are given by the constitution on a daily basis. I enjoy the freedom of speech and religion. I say whatever I feel like and do not follow one set religion.

    My quiz score 7/10

  22. freedom is what makes america great. The freedom that i enjoy most is.... i cant really think of a freedom at the moment but if i went to live in a forign country i bet i would remember the freedom i loved most very quickly we are all just born into all this freedom and i feel like alot of people take it for granted freedom is precious and we should all be grateful
