This weekend I attended the funeral of my cousin. Although I was grieved and saddened at the loss, I was also hopeful that out of her death would come something good. My cousin had made arrangements prior to her death to donate her body to medical research. Scientists will use her remains to look for cures for cancer, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and many other diseases that affect millions of Americans. For more information about donating your body to medical research, visit the following link:
We have probably all been to the BMV and been asked if we wish to donate organs. I have been an organ donor since I have been old enough to make the decision for myself. Did you know that 92,000 people are currently on the waiting list for organ transplants and another 3,700 candidates are added each year? 18 people die everyday, waiting on organ donations that could save their life. If you wish to make a decision regarding donation, please visit the following link:
Still, organ donation is a controversial issue. There is a lot of misinformation out there, and even knowing all the facts, some people still don't feel it is ethical or moral to donate organs. Some people are scared of organ donation. Some individuals may wish to donate, but their family opposes their decision after death. So my question to you this week is, "How do you feel about organ donation? What about donating your body to medical research? Do you think family members should have the last say?" Answers are due by Sunday, April 26th.
I believe that donating your organs can be very beneficial and rewarding as a human being. When you leave this earth you will always have something here to be remembered by. You organ can continue living and in a sense you will also. I am a organ donor and I'm very proud to say that when I die someone will continue to live happily. I'm not too sold on leaving my whole body for someone to cut up I might need that in my next life.
ReplyDeleteI use to be an organ donor publically and I recently took it off my license. I don't feel that there is anything wrong with donating your organs I personally took it off because of an conversation and movie. According to some, individuals with the organ donor symbol on there license are less likely to get every precaution to have there lives saved when in a hospital because of the demand for organs. Rather this is true or not it scared me to not publically announce that I want my organs donated yet if I do die and there is nothing anyone can do about it I have made my wishes to have my organs donated. I don't believe the family should be the one to decide unless the individual has given them power of attorney. Your organs have to come out anyway when one dies so I feel like if I could help make a difference then use my organs AFTER IM DEAD just don't let me DIE so someone else can live.
ReplyDeleteI fully support organ donation. I feel that it is foolhardy to hold on to your organs once you have died as you have no use for them any longer. It is my opinion that it borders on selfish to not be an organ donor since the organs that are now worthless to you could be used to save a life and to void that gift just to hold on to your corporal form seems selfish. I'm not thrilled to have my organs harvested once I die, but if it keeps somebody else alive then it seems selfish for me not to make that decision.
ReplyDeleteI think organ donations are great, you could save someones life, I know I have no use for them being a a grave so I don't mind helping someone else. I don't mind donating it to research as long as that research will help someone in the future. I don't think the family should have a say in it, if you wanted to do it, then let it be, I think its not good to respect the wishes of someone who died.
ReplyDeleteI believe organ donations is a great thing that we can do after we have passed away. Doctors can now take organs without messing up the body, so the families can still have open funerals so they can see the person who has passed away. I am not sure how I feel about organ donations for medical purposes because I feel it would be better to give my organs to people who are on waiting lists so they can live. I also believe that families should have the last say. If your family knows how you feel about donating or not, then leaving the final decision in their hand is no problem for me.
ReplyDeleteI do support organ donation, because it can save lives. There's no reason for perfectly good organs to go to waste after death. I personally am an organ donor and would be glad to let my organs save someone else. If a person has made the final decision about what they want to do with their organs then the family shouldn't have the final say unless the issue was not discussed before hand. Donating organs for science is good, but saving a life should come first.
ReplyDeleteI think Organ donation is a great idea. If you can save someone elses life after you've passed away, that's such a great thing. it's not like you're going to use them again. I agree on the whole "donating organs for science is a good thing, but saving a life should come first." I think the family should only have a say in the situation if nothing was ever discussed, but otherwise it's your body, you can do what you want with it.
ReplyDeleteI have been an organ donor since I got my lisence. The reason I am is because what would I need my organs for when I am dead? Also someone may need my organs and maybe scientists could find a cure with my organs. My dad is an organ donor so it made me want to be one too and help people. I am also going to give blood May 9th because they said they need my blood. My dad gives blood whenever he can and I try to do that because someone will need my blood and I'm not going to miss it so I do not see whats wrong with it.
ReplyDeleteI believe that organ donation is totaly up the individual. If you are of sound mind and body and you make that decison to danate your organs than no one else has the right to make another decision for you. Not even your family. if something takes me out of this world and my organs are healthy, why not use them. After all, you're dead anyway. Who cares about the empty shell you left behind. Your not there anymore. The best part of you is gone. meaning your soul.
ReplyDeleteOrgan Donation is a self-less thing to do. When you die, your organs become useless. This is not ancient Egypt, you don't need to take your organs with you to your grave in hopes that you might need them in the next life. Giving someone your organs is the ultimate form of sacrifice and donation. Give, so others may live, and you will change the life of countless people. Change the life of not only the receiver of your organs, but the family members that will continue to have their loved one in their life because of you. A child will keep their mother or father, a husband will keep his wife, and this is all due to the simple little action of donating your organs. Do the right thing, Donate your organs.
ReplyDeleteI feel that organ donation is an absolute blessing. I feel that way because truly I have learned that it is better to give than to receive. I am a organ donor. Honestly in the past I never really thought much on the subject. I believe this to be so due to it wasn't ever presented to me to consider. I also believe that once my spirit leaves this body it directly goes to be with my Lord and Savior. It has already been written in my Father God's word to be absent in the body is to be present with the Lord, immediately. We as humans actually don't die. You will spend eternity somewhere, be it Hell, hopefully Heaven. Once the Lord Jesus comes back to take those who are saved to Heaven you will be given a new body - with out spot or blemish. So, why not help those that are left here on earth to possibly obtain a better hopefully, healthier life.
ReplyDeleteDonating your body to medical research - absolutely - again it is better to give than to receive.
In closing, yes I think that family members should have the last say only if they'd be in favor when it comes to saving another human beings life. Thank you, Shannon Sellars
i absolutely think that people should donate their organs. i dont really know why it is a question. if you have a chance to give someone life why wouldnt you. i dont understand why it would matter after you are dead. i guess the family would have the last word so maybe we should discuss it with them now because we never know when we are going to die.
ReplyDeleteI really believe that organ donation is a very important gift to give another person. I understand, to a certain degree, about others hesitations, but feel it is a bit selfish in the long run. You are not going to be using your organs after death so why not give them to someone that may need them...such as a mother with three kids, who wants to just see them grow up healthy and happy?
ReplyDeleteAs far as family deciding, that is your responsibility to make sure you are registered for organ donation to make sure it is not their last say. Put it in your living will as well, many forget that you can go at any time, so you need to be prepared for such questions to arise when it is time to figure out what is to happen to your body.
There was a time when I was against donating my organs after death but about 8 to 10 years ago I changed my mind. I used to be scared of the fact donating because it is my body but after death I won't know a thing anyway so I'm okay with helping save another life. I'm not sure I want to donate my body to medical research. Quite honestly, its never entered my mind before. As far as your family having the last word in your body being donated, if you don't have a will in place and the family is against organ donations then I think they have the right to stop the process.
ReplyDeleteI fully support Organ Donations. I do not understand why it is such a controversy. All major religions in the United States agree with it and one human can save up to eight lives. This is another reason why the government stesses about health. The healthier the person, the more organs they can donate. It is hard for me to say if the family members should have the last word. I feel when teenagers first get there lisence, they are not fully matured. When they are asked if they want to be an organ donor, I dont think they truely know what they are agreeing to. I think they should ask when they are 18.
ReplyDeleteI agree with donating organs. My childhood friend was in dire needs of a kidney transplant, I knew he was going on dialysis soon and decided to give him my kidney. The problem of different blood types was the issue. In 1996, before he went on dialysis machines, he was finally fortunate enough to receive a kidney from someone that passed away. Unfortunately, this only prolonged his life until February 2001. Although the transplant did not give him a full life, it still gave him the time needed to accomplish his childhood dreams. This is why I feel transplants are a vital part of society.
ReplyDeleteI am definitely for organ donation. There was a time when I was against it because the thought of my organs in another person just freaked me out. But when I got to thinking seriously about it, I changed my mind. People's lives shouldn't be jeopardized just because I'm too selfish to give up my organs. Honestly, it's not like I'm going to use them after I'm dead.
ReplyDeletei have been a donor since i was sixteen. i feel like everyone has thier own right to do what they want with thier body when they die. i feel like if i die and can save a life with donating my organs then im all for it.
ReplyDeleteI am a proud donor and think that everyone should be. I think that it is a good thing to be an organ donor because you could save someone else's life by giving them the organ that obviously you are not using anymore. I think it is ridiculous to have the family have the last say because why would we even say what we wanted to do with our bodies cause our family may not want the same thing. i think it should be a free choice given to each person and there body should be dealt with the way that person wanted.
ReplyDeleteI am an full organ donor, but as for my body I am not sure that is something I want to do. To me there should be some sort of remains for closure for the family. That's like people that have had to have memorials for someone that they don't have the remains of the body. I just feel that it brings closure.
ReplyDeletebeing an organ donor is beneficial to society, you can save someone's life when yours is over. to me being an organ donor is basically just common sense because my organs will have no value to me when im six feet under. i cannot see the logic in not being an organ donor but am still grateful for the freedom to be able to choose whether or not that is what we want done with our bodies. as far as donating your body to medical research goes i think that can be very beneficial to everyone as a society. when you donate an organ you are typically only saving one life but when you donate your body for medical research you could possibly save thousands of lives. for me personally that is something i probably will not do. i think that family members should have a say in the matter only the person has not specified what they want done with their body. they should use their best judgement based on how they know their family member.
ReplyDeleteMany people today will say that there for something or not for it but i have to say i neater for organ donation or against it it should go on the persons on choice.