Thursday, January 19, 2017

Repeal and Replace

No item on Donald Trump’s agenda seems to have received as much publicity (except maybe “The Wall”) as his desire to repeal the Affordable Care Act and replace it with “something terrific.” So it didn’t surprise me that when I asked what you most wanted to learn about this quarter, many of you said healthcare.

The Affordable Care Act requires all Americans to have health insurance.  Republicans feel it hurts employers because it requires companies with over 50 employees to provide health insurance to their employees.  Opponents to the law also feel it amounts to over-reaching by the federal government – essentially saying it is not the federal government’s job to mandate healthcare for all citizens - hence, the "socialist" label we discussed in class last week.

Democrats say the law has expanded access to healthcare and helped to reign in the rising costs of healthcare coverage.  The Affordable Care Act prevents those with pre-existing medical conditions from being denied health insurance, eliminates co-pays for preventative care, and allows young adults to stay on their parents’ coverage until 26 years of age.  Supporters also say individuals who have health insurance no longer must indirectly pay for emergency visits from individuals who aren’t insured.

I grew up in a household that didn't have health insurance.  I've seen firsthand what hospitals bills can look like when you're not covered.  However, I've also spent my career in workforce development.  I've also seen first-hand how companies are less likely to hire full-time employees because they don't want to pay the healthcare mandate. So, my question to you this week is, “What do you think of the Affordable Care Act?  Do you think Congress should repeal the law, and if so, what should they replace it with?”  Answers are due no later than Wednesday, January 25, 2016. 

Just for fun, check out this Jimmy Kimble video in which he goes to the street to find out if people support the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare (hint: they’re the same thing).

Also – the inauguration is tomorrow!  Love him or hate him, the inauguration and the peaceful transition of power is still an American tradition.  I encourage you to watch it if you can!


  1. From what I know about the Affordable Care Act, I think that it is very helpful. People cannot help if they get sick or if they get hurt so they should not have to pay an arm and a leg for their medications or to receive any kind of healthcare. There are people who are apart of the working middle class who are already struggling to make ends meet and to put such a burden on them when something unexpected happens, like a serious illness or injury, is not right at all. It's not like they are getting ill or hurt on purpose so they should be able to receive adequate treatment without having to worry about the medical bills being through the roof. As far as the employers not hiring full time because of required benefits, that is another topic. Health & wellness is more important, to me, though, so overall, I don't think that Congress should repeal the law.

  2. I think the Affordable Care act helps many people. However, I don't have health insurance. I grew up rubbing dirt in my wounds and sucking it up. I believe that the Affordable Care Act shouldn't be mandatory and should be cheaper, but I also believe we should use actual medicine instead of the drugs they give us that slowly kill us on the inside.

  3. I've read just about all I can about ObamaCare and The Affordable Care Act. I don't agree with a large portion of it, however, I don't think it should be repealed right away until there's a steady plan in place to replace it entirely.

    If Congress wants to repeal the ACA entirely with no trace of it left anywhere, then all members should sit down, come up with a reasonable solution that will benefit the American people from all walks of life and make it affordable to some degree. I also believe that the American people should put in their two cents worth over what would be the ideal solution.

    Watching the news the past week has given me a new understanding of healthcare and big government stepping in to make new laws on it.

    I guess we'll have to see what happens in the years ahead during President Trump's presidency what will happen to the healthcare system.

  4. This is Kaeli Villarreal

    I'm not all too familiar with healthcare, including Obamacare (except for when my parents complain about it), but I do agree that there should be an easier way for those who can't afford it to be able to cover their injuries. I'm curious as to what this "something special" is and it better be worth it to those who can't scrounge up the money to pay for their health.

    If anyone's curious, the main issue my parents have with Obamacare is that you cannot choose your doctor, they're chosen for you. While I can understand my parents issue with that, I guess it's a price to pay for getting an affordable care. If I have an issue with a doctor, I would want to be able to decide whether or not I could have the doctor I'd want to check me up. But, like I said, if it's a price to pay, then I can imagine why some would choose Obamacare.

  5. Dauvel Michel
    I feel that a Affordable Care act would great for those that don't have the money to pay a big bill. It would be cool if we could work out a free health care plain and would be the replacement. You never know what the world might toss at you and if you cant afford it then that sucks...

  6. I do not know much about health care. Growing up, health care was something my mother always took care of and when i became old enough to handle it on my own, i mostly ignored it until i got sick and had no choice but to learn about it.If the republicans truly see a fault in the Obama Care and replacing it is truly the way to go than by all means replace it. Though, what would most likely be best is to look at the care plan revise it and just change the name. That way it doesn't become to much of an impact. People with Obama Care still get to keep it just under a different name and revised. And the people with different health care wont have to worry about any of it.As long as it is still affordable and available to those who need it most, I personal mind what happens with it.

  7. I think that the Affordable Care Act helps tons of American's world wide. I personally do not think congress should repeal the law because it could potentially hurt the financial stability of citizens. Without health insurance, people with diabetes or other incurable conditions will have to pay full price for their medications, which could in turn cause many families to go bankrupt, or just unable to buy the needed medication.

  8. Obamacare helps so many people nationwide that it would be absurd to eliminate it (especially so suddenly). Unless the U.S. can implement an even better plan like free health care, the U.S. should not eliminate the Affordable Care Act. Repealing it would possibly help out companies with their costs for employees' health, but many citizens would suffer from crippling bills.

  9. I'm not exactly all that knowledgeable of what healthcare is but from what I can tell it's to make medicine more affordable to citizens. Depriving this from citizens would an extremely bad case for the low and mid class as it would get harder to pay for medicine and hospital bills.

  10. Congress should not repeal the law. Obamacare helps so many people in the Unites States. Senators are giving an option to states to keep Affordable Care Act, I personally think everyone in the United States should have the right to healthcare. I read in a article recently that repealing the Affordable Care Act will kill around 43000 people annually. With that being said, Congress should not repeal the law.

  11. This is Dylan Williams

    I don't have enough experience in the workforce to decide whether the ACA is good or not, but I do think that it "something terrific" is incredibly vague. If the thing replacing the ACA is better, then I welcome it- But considering the recent actions of the president and his peers, it only makes me more wary.

    I am reluctant to see a repeal of Obamacare. So many of the people around me have improved lives thanks to it.

    Overall, very mixed/reluctant feelings about this.

  12. The Affordable care act helped many people in the United states, for those who really needed it. For those who have bad conditions they can afford the medication they need, but that's with health insurance. It could save a lot money instead of paying for it all.

  13. From what I know about the Affordable Healthcare Act it seems reasonable in what its supposed to stand for. I do agree with some of my classmates that it shouldn't be mandatory. However, some people struggle holding a job not and its hard to keep their benefits. So there should be some kind of cheaper alternative that people could fall back on.

  14. the affordable care act is basically the same thing as Obama care. and because of the affordable care act I have to pay a fine during taxes because I don't make enough money for health insurance, I literally have three dollars to last me the whole month after I pay the school

  15. I agree that the affordable health care is good for those with out health insurance. It seem like it will be affordable seeing that its called the affordable health care. Now I won't be getting seeing that I already have health care but I think it will be better than the Obama care.

  16. I think that the ACA works great as a market place to shop for cheaper alternatives for healthcare for those who cant afford the rising costs of of healthcare, which in turn creates actual competition in the healthcare market. No I don't think that the ACA should be repealed (little late for that) without a proper proposal for a system that works better and is ready to be implemented before hand.

  17. Thinking on Obama Care it may require you to have insurance to avoid "individual shared responsibility payments" but now and days we have so many resources to help us do to the market place. You can use the Market Place to help you compare different health plans and clear detail on their benefits and requirements. It also provides you with everything you need to know if you qualify for medicaid and allows you to apply right then right there. Well lets look at the cost of an ambulance ride without insurance, the cost of the ride itself would be around a thousand dollars and that's before adding the cost of supplies and distance traveled to think that's only the ambulance ride. So is it really so bad to be required to have health insurance.

  18. The affordable care act is actually something that is very well programmed. The only problem I have with this is that people take advantage of it. Which is unfortunate it's like few ruin it for most. -Gaetes

  19. The affordable care act is actually something that is very well programmed. The only problem I have with this is that people take advantage of it. Which is unfortunate it's like few ruin it for most. -Gaetes
