Thursday, January 5, 2017

Choose Your Own Adventure!

I hope you all enjoyed a nice break.  It's always hard coming back to school after break. Don't get me wrong, I love teaching and being surrounded by all the crazy, creative energy that is all of you. That being said, it's still hard to get back into the grind. So for our first blog post, I'll go easy on you.

This week we will start our study of the Constitution and the freedoms that make us uniquely American. You can order your own free copy of the United States Constitution from:

A good portion of this class will be spent discussing current events and political issues that affect our everyday lives. For this post, I would like you to tell me at least one issue that you are interested in studying. To help you out, you can look over the blog posts that we've had in the past several years to get an idea of the type of things we've covered. Many of the topics are pretty controversial and I do my best to not censor the information available to you.

So my question to you this week is, "What is one issue that you are interested in studying in this class?" Answers are due no later than Wednesday, January 18th, 2017. I'm looking forward to a great quarter!


  1. I would like to learn more about Trump and his administration since he is now going to be our President, what exactly can he do? There is no way any of his proposals will go through.

    Also, I would like to learn more about the DAPL incident that is happening. Currently, I have a co-worker that is at Standing Rock and fighting for it right now. I only known about this recently so I would like to use this information to kind of get an idea what he is standing for and to talk to him about it as well!

  2. An issue I would like to learn more about is immigration. Especially with Donald Trump as our new president, I'm eager to see how the immigration laws will change, or if they will even change at all.

  3. Charles Austin Springman,
    I would be interested in learning about deporting, and overall immigration in U.S when President Trump gets in office

  4. I would like to learn more about the media & politics. I think it would be helpful to learn more about some previous scandals that have happened or maybe even some of the techniques & languages that the media may use to manipulate us, regular people, so that we can watch out for information that may not be entirely true.
    - Aaleyah Mason

  5. This is Nathan West!

    Personally, I think it would be interesting to investigate censorship issues involved in advertising and media such as tv, film and games. I have wrote papers before on censorship in China, and could learn to look into it more in the US.

  6. An issue to do with normalities, for example; freeing the nipple. Or you know simple people nudity like why is it weird? We literally deal with naked things on the daily. Every single animal is naked, we're born naked. Every mammal has nipples why is it weird why is it because we're humans that we can't be seen naked or see a nude person.

  7. I would like to learn more our human rights.

  8. This is Kaeli Villarreal

    The political issue that I would want to learn about would be the religious issues that we're going through in this country. We have a very black and white mentality when it comes to having a religion or belief. You are either a Christian or an Athiest, anything in the middle would be considered weird. As a Christian, it's hard to connect to different denominations or find common ground with someone who doesn't believe in God; it feels almost impossible to be civil with someone who's doesn't bother to understand.

  9. Mackenzie Sherman
    I would like to learn about gay and transgender conversion therapy, especially now that Mike Pence will be vice president. This is also a subject that is important to my best friend and his happiness and safety.

  10. I am interested in sex and gender discrimination in the workplace.
    Title VII of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 is a federal law that protects people from discrimination based upon gender. If a federal law protects people from discrimination, then why do women get treated different in a workplace?
    A woman who has the same job title as a man, has the same level of seniority but is paid less than the male.
    If a woman files for sexual assault due to a male co-worker, why does the woman get attacked and blamed for the male's actions?
    Hopefully I am able to get answers and an understanding of why sex/gender discrimination is still happening.

  11. Dylan Williams here

    One issue that I'd like to study in this class is LGBT issues such as the stonewall movie's inaccurate depiction of the real stonewall riots and racism within the Gay community. I feel something as important as this should be discussed as black/latino/asian men are unnaturally sexualized by white men in different ways or outright pushed out of the way in LGBT history and importance.

    Basically I'd be down for talking about unfairness within/directed at the community as well as racism in the western world and its effects on nonwestern countries.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. i would like to discuss lgbt rights i have never been into the news and politics much but i want to open my mind up to the things that go on around me

  14. I'd like to learn about political issues concerning science and the future of scientific studies and restrictions.

  15. I'm very eager to watch how this new administration handles the presidency itself. Immigration, sex, and education are my main concerns and interests. As influential as America is, it's going to be quite an experience watching the world and the people of this nation handle this situation.

  16. Sara Biesel,
    I would like to learn more about how and why the government is screwing us over. :)

  17. Isaias Cervantes,
    I would like to learn more about criminal issues and like how state sex offenders registration laws are adapting to federal requirements and other issues.

  18. I'd like to learn more about this "wall" that Trump is supossedly building.

  19. Dauvel Michel
    Hi I would like to know why is the government is taking funding away from abortions clinics. I am pro life and pro rights.

  20. One issue that I would like to learn is the why and how of politics

  21. When it comes to political issues there is many things i do not know and just do not understand. I would love to learn more about how the system works, is run, and how things are ran. I would one day be able to watch a political debate and understand whats being said and be able to give my own feed back into it. When other countries know more about what is going on in your country than you do, it is a problem. I would just like to learn more about the country i am in.

  22. An issue I'm interested in discussing about is probably international tensions and issues between the U.S and other countries.

  23. what I want to learn most about this class is all the laws and how it works. so when push comes to shove I can back up anything the law will throw at me. I will also like to more about what trump is going to do being the president benefit us.
