Thursday, November 10, 2016

This Is My Fight Song

This is not the post I had planned for this week.  It’s not a post that’s been easy to write.  I try really hard to remain unbiased in my teaching.  I believe we need both sides, and that having diversity and a difference of opinions is what makes this country great.  Since the election, I’ve wondered if I can really remain unbiased.  I’ve wondered if I’m still qualified to teach this course – actually, I’ve wondered if my life of service has all been for nothing.  That maybe the world is just the ugly, hateful place that some people want us to believe it is. In short, I felt hopeless.  Over the past 48 hours I have experienced almost all the stages of grief - denial, anger, sadness, and finally, acceptance.

I haven’t heard enough of Donald Trump’s policy initiatives to know how I feel about them.  Perhaps he will surprise us all – perhaps not.  But I love my country enough to not want him to fail.  That will only hurt all of us.  What I have heard enough of from Donald is the vile, misogynistic, racist rhetoric that incites people to violence.  And in regards to that, I cannot and will not remain unbiased.  It is unacceptable to me, and I will call it out time and time again when I hear it from anyone, including my President.  I woke up this morning feeling that I will not remain silent – and I will continue my life of service with the same hope and optimism I’ve always had. That is what I am called to do by faith, and that is how I will heal. 

So this week, I would like to provide a safe, open forum for you to share your thoughts on the election.  All voices and viewpoints are welcome, but you cannot comment on someone else’s post.  This isn’t the time for heated debates.  This is the time to share how you felt and what this election has meant to you.  Answers are due no later than Wednesday, November 16th, 2016.

P.S.  Friday is Veteran’s Day! To all of those who have served on the armed forces, and to the military families who make sacrifices daily, so we can enjoy our freedoms – thank you!!  You are the real American Heroes!


  1. I really cant believe that Trump is our president. At the same time i don't think they was gone let the next president be a woman. I really thought that Hilary was going to win because she had Obama and several other looked up to people on her side. I just hope and pray that this man help us instead of breaking us down into [poverty more.

  2. I did not want Trump to win due to how awful of a person he has been proven to be time and time again. I did not want him to win because of what he stood for and because of all the crazy and sometimes unreasonable policies and laws he wants to implement on this country. Yet I was not surprised that he won, promising to "make America great again" is just what people want to hear. The "good old days" where everything was a lot simpler etc.Some people voted for him due to ignorance, some people voted for him due to the hatred they feel towards other groups and some people voted for him because they do actually believe that he will better this country. Regardless of my opinion towards him, there is no turning back now, I just hope he doesn't mess up this country and the relations we have with the rest of the world.

  3. I honestly didn't know much about what either Trump or Clinton's plans were, but what I do know is from what the media showed to us I didn't like either candidates. At the same time however we have to remember that the media is most likely not going to give us the entire truth about either of the candidates, so I think people need to take a chill pill at this point. After the election was over I was getting very annoyed with all the Facebook posts that people decided to post. I think we all need to be respectful of other people's beliefs and not let stupid Facebook posts ruin friendships, because as sad as this sounds, I know people who aren't friends anymore because of this election. That is sad. At this point the election is done and we can't change the results. Maybe, just maybe, we need to give Trump a chance. We don't know what the next four years will bring, and until Trump does something that is not for the greater good of the United States, it is my belief that we need to give him a chance. In the meantime, let us all chill and move forward.

  4. I was devastated by the outcome of the election, for a variety of reasons. Firstly, it bothers me that someone who has no experience in politics has now become one of the most powerful political figures in the world. Also, Trump's repetitive mockery of individuals that are different from him indicates a terrifying lack of empathy. One of the things that scares me the most about him are the people he chooses to surround himself with like Mike Pence and Steve Bannon. As a member of the LGBTQIA community, Pence's agenda shakes me to the core. His first order of business is to try to tear away all of the rights for which this community has fought so hard. I really hope that the Supreme Court is on its A game for the next four years because the discriminatory legislation the new presidential team is pushing reeks of unconstitutionality.

  5. This is Katie. I was shocked with the outcome, and I understand that most people are upset about the whole election but the truth to it is that America got itself into this mess and they couldn't get themselves back out sadly. Those of us who voted for Hillary are extremely angry, but I don't think anyone should really say that Trump is actually going to be a bad president until he makes a bad decision. If he messes up, go ahead and complain and be angry and shout and try to get him out of the white office, but I think he at least deserves a shot. I also feel like both Hilary and Trump were kind of equally bad candidates. I think they have their even amount of upsides and downsides to them, and they both deserved at least a chance despite the mistakes they had each made in their life. So I want to see what Trump does before I form an opinion. The way I see all elections is that its like a movie. Some people see a trailer for a movie and judge the movie by the trailer and they either don't give the movie a chance or they go and see it even if the trailer is bad and sometimes the movie ends up being crap, and sometimes it was just a terrible trailer and the movie was incredible, but also sometimes the trailer is amazing and then the movie is terrible. So a candidate can seem like Gold and then they turn out to be terrible, or a candidate can seem terrible and turn out to be gold, but there are also several cases where they seem ok and they turn out to do a decent job even though they mess up a couple of times. So I'm just going to try to give Trump a chance and if he's Gold, he's gold, and if he's crap he's crap, and if he's ok then he's ok.

  6. The night of the debate I remember turning on the TV to utter disbelief, Donald Trump was in the lead for presidency and not just by a small percent. I was shocked I never in a million years would have thought Trump would ever beat Hillary. Personally I'm not a very political person but who in their right mind could ever vote for that man to lead out country after all the raciest and sexiest comments he has made, not to mention zero experience. For the sake of our Country I hope he succeeds as president of the United States and gets his act together.

  7. Honestly my first thought after reading this was now america is going to know how it feels to be black. Waking up scared because its sad a culter has to specifically let it be known that they matter. and being a part of that culture. angry because its the truth that because my skin color my chances of opportunity deminish. But a man of different skin pigmentation recieves more? how? he puts his shoes on ne foot at time like i do. he gets cold in the inter and hot in the summer just like i do.But having to accept thatand keep our faith. we have to keep standing up for ourselves and what we believe in as individual and inspire others to do the same.

  8. To be completely honest, I did not follow up with the debates as much as I probably should have, but I think I am aware enough of what each candidate stands for. As I have mentioned in class, my family is conservative and voted for Trump. I hear all the good about Trump at home and all the bad at school, and vise versa-- good about Hillary at school and bad about Trump at school. I have faith in this country and there's nothing we can do, but to hope that everything works out and that positivity comes from it! I do think that the things Trump has said are wrong and hurtful, but if he worded it differently, definitely with more positivity, that his points would be brought across more successfully. All we can do is hope for the best and I believe that Trump will do okay.

  9. When I found out Donald Trump was president I was in such shock but I'm not as angry as other younger women are. People need to calm down and let him do his thing and not have so much hate because that is causing way too many riots and hate in america right now. We need to support him and hope for the best and have faith in him and want him to succeed. He is going to be our president and theres nothing we can do about it. My whole family and boyfriend is a trump supported but when I come around school all I hear is angry and sad comments about trump and people praising Hillary. Which I personally do not like Hillary at all but then again I'm not a strong supporter of Trump but I do believe in the end he will do the right thing for america right now.

  10. I allowed myself the full week to process this unexpected 180 for our Country. All that remains is hope. Im hopeful that we can all rise together and address the issues we deem important. The fact that a man with no prior political experience is now our president-elect is unfathomable. But now a reality. It honestly comes back to hope- I hope that he can grasp the reality of global climate change, as well as understand the importance of social issues. I know its a stretch- but it would be nice to eliminate the prejudices he holds on many; women included.

  11. I voted and I was ashamed of my vote to be honest. I went with my mother and sister to the polls because I didn't want to go alone, however I wish I had. I did not vote for whom I originally intended to vote for. Either way, what happened happened and we all need to stand behind it. If Trump fails, then so do we; He is now the captain of the United States ship and all we can do is hope he knows how to steer while we continue doing our jobs.
