Thursday, May 5, 2016

Periods for Pence!

I couldn’t let this quarter pass without blogging at least once about Indiana’s new abortion law recently signed by Governor Mike Pence.  The law bans abortions if they’re being performed because of the fetus’s race, gender, or fetal abnormalities, and punishes doctors if they perform abortions under these circumstances.  The law also requires the fetus to be buried or cremated after any abortion or miscarriage.

Governor Mike Pence said the new law “affirms the value of all human life.”  Supporters of the new law also say it protects people with disabilities from discrimination.  However, the law has caused much controversy, as both the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Planned Parenthood have sued citing the law as unconstitutional.  They say the law supports the government intruding on doctor/patient relationships, and that it demeans women.  The also says the required burial or cremation of the fetus is a costly requirement that doesn’t exist for the disposal of medical tissue for other types of operations.  In fact, many women miscarry during their normal menstrual cycle, and may even have no idea that their miscarrying.  It is this component of the law that has caused the social media movement “Periods for Pence” to arise.  The movement, which opposes the law, has hundreds of women calling or tweeting to the Governor’s office about their regular menstrual cycle; just to show what they feel is the absurdity of the law.  Regardless of how you feel about the law itself, the comments are pretty funny.  You can read a sampling of them here if you’re so inclined:

Abortion has already been a controversial issue – long before this newly signed piece of legislation which only seems to complicate matters.  I’m interested in knowing what you think, so my question to you this week is, “What do you think of Indiana’s new abortion law?  Do you think it upholds the value of human life, or infringes on a woman’s right to privacy?”  Answers are due no later than, Wednesday, May 11th, 2016.


  1. I am one to definatly think that this law is a violation of patient/ doctor confidentiality and that it goes against a persons rights. the government needs to stop trying to encroach on peoples affairs and let them think for themselves about what is right. some people cant afford to give funeral services as easily as others and sadly enough some people dont have any way to provide for a child be it handicapped or other reasons. hospital bills are outrageous and its beter than putting a child up for adoption where they might grow up feeling unloved because parents for one reason or another couldnt keep their child.this world can be tough enough for some, let them choose what happens in their life.

    ~Patrick Shaffer

  2. I do not agree with the law now. I think it goes against patient/doctor confidentiality. The person who wants the abortion should be able to chose for themselves what they want to do without having the government interfering. It definitely infringes on a women's right to privacy by evading what they are forced to do with the fetus.

  3. I my thoughts are that a woman's body is hers and no one should tell her what to do with it. I think the government shouldn't have a say so in that matter.

  4. I don't really agree with the new law because as people above have already stated, it interferes with the rights of women. The government shouldn't be able to tell a woman that they aren't allowed to abort... that is the woman's choice. It's their body and their creation, so therefore it is her choice, overall. Also, it definitely isn't a woman's fault if she miscarries so she shouldn't be required to pay for a burial service IF that's not what she wants.
    Lastly, the doctors who perform these procedures should not be punished for granting a woman's rights. It could lead to humiliation on the doctor's end and interfere with their current and/or future patients.
    - Aaleyah Mason

  5. I believe this law violates women's rights. Taking that choice away from women is not the job of the government. I find it absolutely ridiculous that a burial ceremony has to be performed for every abortion and miscarriage. Eventually we will have to have burial ceremonies for used tampons and condoms.

  6. ^^ sorry before I state my opinion, I am laughing at "Eventually we will have to have burial ceremonies for used tampons and condoms."

    I too, think that this law violates women's rights. I believe that it goes against patient/doctor confidentiality. Who would want to spend a costly amount of money for a burial service for a fetus and miscarriage? I think this law is unconstitutional and the Pence is ignorant anyway. That's all =)

  7. I'm going to start with, "Pence Must Go". I strongly oppose this bill and catagorize this as the government taking away the rights given to woman. If a woman goes through the event of miscarriages or abortions then they should not have to give the fetus a proper burial or cremation. It is none of the governments business what a woman does in the doctor's office. It's called doctor/patient confidentiality.

  8. I Think Pence intentions were not to offend anyone, but at the same time he should have done his research about the fetus and abortion facilities intentions. Women make their own choice to get abortion, so it doesn't make sense why the law bans abortion if they are being performed because of the fetus race. I think it upholds the value of human rights but I also think it infringes on a woman's right to privacy. Women has the right to make their own decisions. What ever decision they make, it will be according to what they think is the best for them at that time. It is not anyone's business to get involve in other personal life.

  9. I think it most definitely infringes our right to a medical procedure. It doesnt uphold the value of human life. What holds the value of human life is a woman's choice to not subject a baby to a life of pain, neglect, or severe poverty. I also agree with the foundling chambers. A safe surrender is best for the baby but an abortion may be ideal for everyone involved. Get Pence out of here.

  10. I am defiantly against this law because i believe that it is a violation of the womens right because they do not fully understand what the woman is going through. some parents get a abortion because they know they will not be able to afford it and let alone funeral services. i the child is disabled the parent wuld probably want to get an abortion because they know they will not be able to afford the medical bills and give the child the help they will need and deserve. some people say to give it up to adoption but there are so many kids they are in that position and they can grow up feeling unloved and resenting their birth parents. I just think that the government needs to stop getting into these mothers lives and let women do what they want with their bodies, it is their choice and they are going to live with that for the rest of their lives; who cares what they do, it does not bother your day-to-day life.

  11. Quite frankly I think it's ridiculous. Nobody, especially Pence who is a male, has no idea about what women go through and should not be able to make that decision for a female just because he can. The fact that they even included fetal abnormalities is definitely something that really pisses me off too. Many women do choose to have their child even if they know they won't make it once out of the womb or maybe not make it for very long but that doesn't mean every women could deal with that or should have to pay the funeral expenses. I honestly feel the doctors should more so be thanked for preforming safe abortions rather than a dirty and unsafe way which this law may lead back to. This law most definitely infringes on women's rights to privacy.

  12. I read an article in Nuvo breaking down the new law. After reading it seemed very clear that this law was written by a man. It should have been consulted with outside sources to better understand how miscarriages occur. Miscarriages for women who are desperately trying to get pregnant is hard enough. Making them bury or cremate the loss is even more heartbreaking and stressful it blows my mind a law in the United States in 2016 forces a women to do this. Honestly when this law was put into place, I registered to vote later that week. I had already planned on doing it for the presidential race but it made me open my eyes to my local government because they influence me the most. I'm afraid this will lead to unhealthy at home abortions that can lead to mental and physical complications.

  13. I am completely opposed to this new law. It definitely infringes on a woman's right to privacy. I agree that a woman shouldn't abort the fetus due to race or gender, but it's not up to me to decide that for them, just like it shouldn't be up to the government. Also who is paying for these burials or cremations? The government? Or are we gonna have to come out of pocket ourselves?

  14. I agree with comments above. I believe the woman's body is her and the government should have no say in what a women can or can't do :)

  15. I will start off by saying, no, I do not agree with this law. And by the simple fact that this is a very touchy subject that even I would have never discussed with anyone, I’ll proceed through shallow waters. I believe that this law is both upholding the value of human life and infringing a woman’s right to privacy. They are saying that the life of this seed matters which is true, but it’s being said as if woman don’t already know that, and then they begin infringing women when the law begins to state things they can and can’t do as if they truly have control over the female body. Now in no way am I saying that I am all-knowing in regards to woman,(you can ask my fiancé) but I do know that women should have full control over their bodies and what they choose to do with it. It’s too pressuring having everyone in your ear about what you’re doing wrong or what you should be doing instead of what you're doing at that moment in time. Like I said earlier, women know what they’re doing, they understand the cause & effect and pros & cons; It’s their body.

    PS: It was really difficult finding the best way to not make woman sound like another species.


  16. I agree with the comments stating that this law infringes on women's right to privacy as well as infringing on patient doctor confidentiality. The law is very clearly biased and poorly written in regards to science/ human anatomy. Secondly, pence, i don't think you have ever lost a child to miscarriage, if you had, you would know that forcing them to pay for expensive funeral services immediately after losing the child is incredibly offensive and insensitive.

  17. Though Pence is trying to be pro-life. He is taking away rights that any human being should normally have. But for woman some things can not be controlled. To tell any woman to do things that will alter their way of living, is just unfair. Especially if you go home and live your own life. Why does she have to live a life you choose for her. I believe every unborn child should have a chance to live. But every woman should have the right to live their life the way they choose to. Let them deal with the consequences of their actions.You have no idea what the woman may be going through or experiencing.She should be able to make the choice.

  18. Oh, this is a glorious topic- one I may enjoy discussing too much. Indiana's new law is absolutely an infringement on woman's rights. Even if a woman is pro-life, how can she support a law when it states each miscarriage must be reported and the woman must pay for funeral or cremation services. Like, what? It says the woman. Not the parents- the woman. If miscarriages aren't bad enough, forcing a woman to have funeral services for the fetus, yes I say fetus, is horrendous. This isn't valuing human life at all. Valuing human life means being able to give a woman options for bodily autonomy. And a baby isn't a baby, in my opinion, until it is viable outside the human body (24 weeks). Abortion after 20 weeks is already illegal. Until viability, I see a baby as a fetus, a parasite if you will. It cannot live on its own. People say I will change my views once I have a child- but naw. I was pro-life. Then I learned the argument wasn't necessarily about abortion. Just because I'm pro-choice (100% so), doesn't mean I'm actually pro-abortion. I'm pro: women having control over their medical decisions about their bodies. Men don't get nearly as much as hassle for vasectomies as women do for abortions. Pence acts like women get abortions all willy-nilly, like it's just a silly little decision for them to make. That's not the case. I doubt he has ever had a conversation with a woman who's actually gone through an abortion. Knowing a few women who have- that is not an easy decision to make. It is, in fact, quite painful- both mentally and physically, as well as financially. Pence is a freaking idiot and I cannot wait to oust him from office. I am very VERY glad to have participated and continue to support Periods for Pence.

  19. I both tweeted at Pence and called his office using an IT Crowd joke, "I think my uterus might be malfunctioning. Can you tell me how to turn it off and on again?"

  20. It's surprising really the amount of contradiction that comes from people putting forward these kinds of laws. Don't get me wrong, getting an abortion is not something to take lightly under any circumstance; but, this country's devote conservatives basically are demanding that a woman be given less sanctity of her body than a corpse, yet essentially damning the child the moment it is born.

  21. I definitely think that the law infringes on a woman's right to privacy. Like some of the posts in the link said, a woman can miscarry and not even be aware that the miscarriage took place. In fact, many women miscarry before they're even aware of being pregnant. This entire law just seems to be poorly thought out.

  22. I do not agree with this law. It does go against the right that the woman has. Its her body and she has the choice to do what she wants with her body. There are so many women out there that get raped on a daily basis and you are going to force them to raise a child (if they get pregnant) from a rapist. Why is that even legal? Yeah there is adoption but that woman still has to carry that reminder of a horrible event for ten months give or take. That's just not right.

  23. Why do we have to have a required law for abortion? I don't have much to say about this because really the choice should always be up to the one having an abortion. It would have been their child. But saddly if they get the abortion they have to live with the guilt of the life they just prevented. There shouldn't be a law concerning it.
