Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Choose Your Own Adventure!

I hope you all enjoyed a nice break.  It's always hard coming back to school after break. Don't get me wrong, I love teaching and being surrounded by all the crazy, creative energy that is all of you. That being said, it's still hard to get back into the grind. So for our first blog post, I'll go easy on you.

This week we started our study of the Constitution and the freedoms that make us uniquely American. You can order your own free copy of the United States Constitution from: http://www.constitutionfacts.com/index.cfm?section=bookstore&page=freeCopy.cfm

A good portion of this class will be spent discussing current events and political issues that affect our everyday lives. For this post, I would like you to tell me at least one issue that you are interested in studying. To help you out, you can look over the blog posts that we've had in the past several years to get an idea of the type of things we've covered. Many of the topics are pretty controversial and I do my best to not censor the information available to you.

So my question to you this week is, "What is one issue that you are interested in studying in this class?" Answers are due no later than Wednesday, April 13th, 2016. I'm looking forward to a great quarter!


  1. I would like to learn more about who is running in the presidential campaign. I am not very knowledgable in that subject. Therefore, I would like to learn about the different parties and their political views. Whenever people start talking about presidential political issues I do not say much because I do not know much about it. By doing so, I would like to be able to hold a conversations about my views in the political parties.

  2. I would like to learn about any politics dealing with environmental issues and what stakes are being made to solve our crisis.
    Kristin Ruckman

  3. I would like to learn about the two states (New York and California) raising the minimum wage to $15.00 per hour and how it will effect the rest of the United States. Based on my research so far, the increase in minimum wage will cause problems in businesses because it will cut back hours for part time employees to approximately 29 1/2 hours a week to avoid providing benefits. Furthermore, it also causes issues among the experienced workers with the inexperienced workers. I think that this could possibly cause inflation in our economy within the next 5 years. I would like to learn more about this to see if there are any way to prevent or prepare for this issue.

    - Cody Van Horn

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Personally? I'd like to learn about politics correctly in general unlike the buffoons in Washington; there is a whole lot more to it than just demonizing the other person, right? Like, are there actually people who put the concern of the country before themselves?

    I want to learn actual politics, not meaningless bickering and heckling.

  6. I would definitely like to hear more about the political candidates for president, though I don't feel any of them will help the current economics of the United States. As a personal opinion I feel that no matter who is elected, things are only going to get worse. On other issues I think that I'd like to hear about racism and another issue that has been greatly overlooked and that's the issues with child protective services.

    ~Patrick Shaffer

  7. I love politics, so it's hard to choose just one topic to focus on. But I want to learn more about the voting issues going around. For instance, the issues in Florida and Arizona. This is something I'm not as knowledgeable about. I would love to engage in debates and discussions about the other topics, but I look forward to learning more on this issue.

  8. I would like to know more about the legalization of marijuana. Why is it such an issue to legalize it in all 50 states. What could be the benefits and downfalls of legalizing marijuana.

    Randell Mayrina

  9. I would like to learn more about child welfare. purely, because my fiancé and I are going to see about adopting his nephew. we both agree that his sister doesn't take care of the little guy the way he should be taken care of. I'm the type of person that if I feel the child isn't being taken care of, I tend to step in and make sure that child is taken care of.

  10. I would be interested in learning about politics in general, but I suppose a specific interest would be why gay marriage is so controversial. Perhaps I'm just biased, being gay myself, but it has never seemed like something that should be fought over for so long. What's wrong with people marrying who they want to marry, even if they're the same gender? It just seemed to be something that had a simple solution. I would also like to know more about the presidential campaign. I know that I should vote, but I don't feel comfortable doing so without enough information on the candidates. However, I have absolutely no idea where to start or who to trust when learning about the candidates.

  11. With the little knowledge I have on politics, I know behind the politicians are funding from big banks and corporations. I really want to know more about what you don't see in the media and what really goes on with the decisions being made.

  12. I am interested in learning more about rape culture. I already know quite a bit about this topic, but to me, this is an important topic that isn't discussed enough.

  13. I would like to learn more about politics in general. I haven't been interested in any of it but with the recent election it has become crystal clear that it's important to me to atleast have a basic grasp of different aspects. Also, I would like to discuss different stances with each presidential candidate (except donald drumpf).

  14. I would like to learn more about abortion and the laws that are passed in each state regarding the topic. Also, the the key focuses of the political debate and where each candidate stands.

  15. This quarter I would like to learn more about all different kinds of topics ranging from: global warming, civil right for all, gun control, raising minimum wage, why voting is so important, ect.

    Another thing that is huge at the moment is racism. I watched a video of Morgan Freeman and he was asked, "How do you get rid of racism?" he stated, "Stop talking about it." I also saw something on how Donald Trump brought out racism that was said "didn't" exist.

    -Mitchell B. Windham

  16. The only politics I know are in Star Wars. Luckily, and unluckley, I'm transgender so that brings me down to Earth for politics. I say unluckley because there are too many bad topics involving transgenders, like the dumb Florida Restroom Bounty hunters. hunters. What I would like to learn in this class is more about these transgender topics, laws, and issues. I keep up with some transgender issues, and i'm sure that there are some I don't know about. I also want to learn more about the upcoming presidential election.

  17. I am interested in learning more about the origins of current day laws, in general. I would love to gain a better understanding of why certain things are illegal, such as gay marriage and marijuana, when there are things that are WAY worse but are legal, such as cigarettes and guns... Like WHO exactly deemed these things as "bad" or illegal?
    I would like to be informed more on what the government does behind our backs and how exactly they make horrible things sound positive to the public. Basically, I would like to learn about how the government is able to do the things they do, even when it is not in the best interest of the people.
    - Aaleyah Mason

  18. One thing I would like to think upon, is the police brutality towards blacks lately. Not only will I like to understand why is it coming up so suddenly but I also would like to hear what others think about the rumor leading towards why its happening. The rumor that I have heard so far is that, they want people to think policeman are using their weapons unprofessionally, which leads to blacks wanting to retaliate back, so that the BIG MAN, can push towards martial law. I personally do not believe that its just white on black crime or black on white crime. I believe it might be bigger than what we are seeing to the eye. Though this may or may not be true, I would like to hear what people think about it.

  19. I would be interested in learning about better locations to get un-biased information about the current presidential candidates. I intend to vote this year, but feel I should have more information before I do, I also would love to see what steps are being taken about climate change and environment loss issues by our government and politicians.
    Cody Mann

  20. One of an issues i would like to learn is "what contributes voters to participates in specific or particular elections?" What contributes younger generation to become interested in politics in general, such as, when Barack Obama became president; there where more voters during his presidential.

  21. What I would be interested in learning more about is how to be more outspoken with my political views. It seems that I am more responsive on paper and even that's a rare event. Honestly, my fiancé is the only one who can get it out of me.

    Zane Atkinson

  22. I would like for you to go into depth about what makes a candidate for presidency. What makes these people applicable to even be able to enter their name in for the running because i personally feel that there is a HUGE question mark on what, why, when, and where did these candidates come from and how they got here that currently in the race. On top of that how about we talk about gun laws and the police. How a man can shoot an innocence civilian and get life without parole but when a police is involved in the same exact incident then there was some "justified reason" to get him out of hot water. Or maybe we can talk about how racism is still alive and thriving just like it was years ago. Lets just dig deep into how f**ked up our justice system/government really is.

  23. I would like to understand more about why is it if the government wants to have such a big hand in our health care and make it mandatory that we all have health insurance then why don't we just cover everyone in America? Problem solved.

  24. I would like to learn more about the legalization of marijuana, as to why it is not either legalized or what are the major issues. I see some of the cons and I do see as to why it could help. I would like to know more information as t why it is only legal is some states out of all 50.

  25. The main issue in government that I would be interested in learning more about is the legalization of marijuana. Why are only some states making marijuana legal? Whats the big deal about it? When will it be legal everywhere?

  26. One issue that I am interested in studying in this class would be the Death penalty. I don't think its right to play the role of god in taking the life of anyone even if they are guilty.
