Thursday, January 21, 2016

Let's Vote!

It was fun reading all of your responses from last week and seeing all the things you're interested in. Police brutality,the environment, healthcare mandates, gun control - most of you were interested in something and that is all I ask. Many of you mentioned that you wanted to understand the differences in candidates and party platforms. Soon we will discuss political parties and what each party’s platform is in class.  As we move into election season (am I the only one excited?!?) it will be important for you to know which party and which candidate you most closely align with.  So with that being said, this week’s blog will be a little different. 
First, I would like you to take this quiz, which will ask you about your thoughts on certain topics, and then tell you which candidate most closely matches your own viewpoints.  It also allows you to tell it how important an issue is to you. You can access the quiz here:
My question to you this week is, “Which candidate’s viewpoints did the quiz match you up with?  Did that surprise you, or were you already planning to vote for that person?”  Answers are due no later than Wednesday, January 27th, 2016.

P.S.  If you or someone you know needs to register vote, you can register here:

Let your voice be heard!


  1. I got Donald Trump. Honesty I'm not all that shocked. I know I have some of the same views as him.

  2. I got Bernie Sanders. I was a little surprised. He was not really someone I had considered voting for.

  3. I got Bernie Sanders and I am not all that surprise, because I was already planning on voting for him, mainly because he seem truly is so passionate about what he says and those he wants to help. I am feeling the Bern!

  4. I got Bernie Sanders, I was not shocked at this decision I was already king to vote for him , well him or Hilary.

  5. I got Ted Cruz. Im surprised, I want to help build the wall and make American great again lol

  6. I got Bernie Sanders, im not too in tune with politics so im not sure if that's a good thing but im pretty sure it is. Considering the fact that we're on the same page with all those questions and issues.

  7. i got donald trup and jeb bush. i figured i would get him, he has such an awesome hair piece. if i voted it would be solely for his hair piece. difinately not voting for a pants suit, ewwww

  8. I matched more with Bernie Sanders. I am not surprised by this because I agree on his stance for a lot of issues.

  9. It said that I was 83% on Hilliary Clinton side. I am not surprised because that is who I was voting for.

  10. I matched the most with Bernie Sanders. I wasn't exactly surprised only because prior to this quiz I only knew of two of the candidates. But after reviewing his views I can see why I was matched with him.

  11. I matched with Bernie Sanders the most then Hillary Clinton. I am not surprised with my results because I am definitely a democrat. I believe that the government should have more involvement with a lot of things to help the less fortunate out! I side with that heavily,

  12. I matched with Marco Rubio 81% and Donald Trump 78% I don't know Marco Rubio and I don't know if I would trust Donald Trump as the president.

  13. I took the quiz and matched with Hillary Clinton

  14. I matched with Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders both 90%. It doesn't surprise me. I am democratic in most views.

  15. I matched with Hillary Clinton. I still do not plan on voting for her.

    Katelynn Ritchey

  16. i matched with Bernie Sanders. i might vote for him not sure.

    Kevin Aldana

  17. I matched with Bernie Sanders. Still undecided on who to vote for.

  18. I got Bernie Sanders.
    I have already decided to vote for him a year ago.
    Long time Sanders fan, and I think he has great intent for our country and our youth in America.

  19. Bernie Sanders was my match. I was surprise until I looked at my results.
    -Ronasha Paschall

  20. I got marco rubio.
    Yes it surprised me that I'm similar with a republican but we are kind of similar. -shanniqua norman-

  21. I got marco rubio.
    Yes it surprised me that I'm similar with a republican but we are kind of similar. -shanniqua norman-

  22. I matched with Bernie Sanders. I was not surprised I know we have some similarities but I still don't know who to vote for.
