Thursday, February 26, 2015

This Little Light of Mine

Those of you who know me, know that I'm a big believer in giving back.  Whether it's volunteering someplace, helping someone in need, or contributing something to the community, my motto has always been to try and leave the world a little better than I found it.  Which is why I'm both humbled and honored to announce that I have been accepted to join a mission team traveling to Restoration Gateway (RG) in Northern Uganda in late May!

To say I'm excited would be an understatement.  Out teams' primary role will be to run a camp for 100+ orphans that live at RG during their term's break.  We are eager to love and serve these kids by providing fun and solid programming for them, as well as serve and encourage the long-term missionaries that live at RG.  If you are interested in learning more about RG and seeing where I'll be living for a few weeks, you can go here:

So in light of the good news I've been blessed with this week, I'll go easy on you.  My question for you this week is, "What causes or issues do you support?  How are you making your corner of the world a little brighter?"  Answers are due no later than Wednesday, March 4th, 2015.

Want to start changing the world on Spring Break?  You can find out more information on the opportunity Olive spoke about in class last week here:


  1. First of all, that's amazing and congratulations!
    I try to get involved in as many charities and activities as possible as a college student. I'm hugely supportive and as involved as I can be in the HeForShe gender equality movement. And we also make monthly donations to a few charities! One of them is No Kid Hungry, approaching the issues of children who live in minimum waged families and aren't provided with full, nutritional meals outside of school throughout the year. Another is the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Breast cancer runs in my family and funding to find a cure has been a lifetime tradition. And then there's ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). This foundation works tirelessly to stop animal abuse and neglect. Because full time campaigns aren't always something you can offer while you're in college, we settle with staying updated on current situations about the issues we're concerned about and I hope to start being more openly active once graduated. Thanks for the links!

  2. I try to support food pantries in my hometown. Growing up, a lot of the families living around me, including my family, were supported by the food pantry. So whenever I get a chance I donate.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I support local animal shelter but lately I don't have time to volunteer. I bright my world by spend the little time I have playing with my cats and dogs at my local shelter.

  5. Congrats on getting to go to Uganda! That is awesome and wish I had the chance to experience something that amazing! When it comes to causes and issues I try to support as many as I can. Every time I go to K-Mart I donate money to Riley Children's Hospital for Cancer research. And just the other day when I went to buy my boyfriend a giftcard from Lowe's for Valentines Day they asked me to donate to Research on Muscle Dystrophy and I donated a couple bucks. I always donate to a good cause when I can afford to or even sometimes when I can't. When it comes to me making the world a little brighter........ When I see homeless people on the side of the road that are freezing and probably starving I always try to donate to them. Whether it is a couple dollars, some gloves, a hat, a blanket, or even a hot meal I will. Every couple weeks I donate money to the homeless on the side of the streets around this area. One time when I was leaving McAlister's, I saw a woman outside in the freezing cold with a sign that said "Anything helps" and so I ordered her a sandwich and took it out to her. When I do things like this it makes me feel brighter and it makes me feel like I made someone elses corner of the world brighter.

  6. I really support the fight to legalize medicinal marijuana, and other "drugs." I have been to several protests for both subjects. I also do my best to educate those around me about both subjects. I choose the legalization of marijuana as my controversial subject in nearly every general education class at this school, because I'm constantly researching new developments and feel that I can speak eloquently enough about the subject that I'm not ignored by other students. Other "drugs" like psychedelics (LSD, psilocybin, MDMA) also have huge healing potential in therapeutic settings, and I feel they should be legalized for medicinal purposes. I've written letters to my senators and other representatives about this subject as well. All of these plant based medicines are healthier than the pharmaceuticals on the market today. So basically, I try to brighten my side of the world by starting conversations and education about subjects like these that are considered too taboo for most people to discuss.

  7. Congratulations! I usually volunteer in my local community. Lately I donated food to the food pantry. I also have a friend who is working hard and doesn’t earn much so I give her some of my cloths that I don’t wear anymore. She’s always so happy when I do that.

  8. Giving back is very important to me. I feel that to change the world you first have to be the change that you want to see. I am a huge advocate for helping the homeless and animals as well. I love to help others and feel better about humanity afterwards. I feel that the world is very harsh and people often think too much about themselves and not enough about others.

  9. Congratulations on being accepted!
    I am a big supporter of the ASPCA and the local animal shelters. I have donated food and other supplies to the animal shelter back in my home town and have also donated money to support the ASPCA. Unfortunately, since I have been busy with college and practically have no money, I haven't been able to help as much as I want. I'm hoping, however, that once I graduate and get a full time job I'll be able to help out more!

  10. I'm a supporter of equal rights, but with school and family responsibilities. I haven't had the time to help. But when I come across someone who is being racist. I have a tendency to call them out.

  11. Giving back is so important to me. I almost obssessed for giving back so I cannot even take one's kindness peaceful.
    But I am generous with support someone, or help someone. I don;t think about what I get later. I always help what can I help near by me.

  12. I/ try to give back as much as I can. I have done some volunteer work, including working with freedom indiana to stop hjr-3 and going to ferguson for spring break. I know that as an american we tend to forget that even the poorest american has more than most of the rest of the world. I believe that if you have something someone else cant have what you have so you should try to contribute as much as you can to helping others out. To make the world a little better and a little more equal.

  13. I'm a supporter of equal rights and am against police brutality. I'm going to start with myself and reach back when I've reached the point where I can say now I can help those who need help and give back and/or I'll do it along the way.

  14. I am a supporter of anything that deals with being against animal cruelty. I don't see how people can treat animals the way some do, they are living and have feelings/hearts like everyone on this earth.

  15. I support a variety of different causes, and usually help out by donating to charities that will fight for various issues. My latest contribution was to a charity promoting awareness of and helping sufferers of depression and bipolar disorder, which is a big deal to me since I struggled with depression throughout my teenage years. I don't have a lot of time to devote to volunteer work or anything, so this is currently my best means of giving back to others.

  16. To be honest i think that i would give back to the community as much as i can, and to try my best to help those that are less fortunate then i am. i've donated clothes, and food items and volunteered time in a food pantry. Distributing those who are in need.
    I think that an issue i fully support is helping to deal with is the homeless, and providing for the hungry. I think that is a big epidemic of America, and in the world. Like for an example i like to give back by giving them food and health and beauty supplies, stuff that will help support them, and their kids. it satisfies my needs to know that i've helped somebody that is in need it feels really good. In my personal opinion i believe that in my little corner of the world i think that it only takes one simple act of random kindness that can change the world at one baby step at a time. To be honest kindness to me is the key into making the world a far more better place to live in. Kindness makes the world more hopeful. Thats what would make my world a little brighter. Those are my thoughts

  17. Recently separating from the Marine Corps and officially become a veteran, forced me to become more cognizant of issues such as benefits I was now entitled, but also the alarming veteran unemployment rates. I was specifically concerned with the high percentage of post 9/11 veterans that were unable to find employment, particularly because I fall into the category. According to an Article written by the Washington Post, the jobless rate in 2014 for post 9/11 veterans was about 21%, whereas the rate for veterans overall, was only about 6%. I was fortunate enough to be offered several job opportunities, yet I still take interest in my peers that are just starting this transition process or have separated yet have been unable to find a job. I have assisted many with resume writing, interview etiquette, as well as resources to find appropriate job listings.

  18. Congrats! I love supporting and volunteering for organizations. In the local/hometown, I volunteer for Gleaners Food Bank of Indiana, Boy Scouts, and the Decatur Co. Art Center. The Gleaners Food Bank is is every part of the state so there is one near you which will work with local churches, community centers, and stores. They will take your donations of food and give it back to those in need in YOUR community. It is great to see all the food that is thrown out by big box stores go to your local food bank.
    Even though I am no longer in the Air Force, I still support Air Force Sergeants Association (AFSA), the USO, and the Air Force Aid Society. The all three organizations, especially the Aid Society and USO have helped me out tremendously, so I give back to them when possible.
    The Mission Continues, Pat Tillman Foundation, and the National Alliance to End Veteran Suicide are veteran organizations that I try to support when possible. Please look into the National Alliance to End Veteran Suicide. Did you know that veterans make up 20% of the US population committing suicide? Did you know that everyday 22 veteran's commit suicide? It is an unspoken of epidemic in the country currently. (
    As for political organizations, I've donated time and money to the Campaign for Liberty. I was quite an activist back in the day, numerous times took part in rallies and demonstrations of various Libertarian causes. I've also supported independent media such as DemocracyNow! (and many other alternative media). I'm looking into the Oath Keeper chapters in Indiana.

  19. In the past, I have traveled to Jamaica with my church. Since 200, our missions group and fellow members of the church have been able to build a school and church for the locals. Its for those up in the mountains that may not be able to enter town for church or are too young to go to school. I feel like we have given them a sense of hope and way to educate themselves. I hope to make a trip there to see friends we've made over the years. This past year my uncle went on a missions trip to Haiti. He went with some of his friends that are doctors. He couldn't believe how many coconuts were just laying around. They want the locals to be able to become self- sufficient. My uncle is now working with the mission group to make coconut products. I plan on going on the next mission trip.

  20. I can't even tell you all of the charities I've done. It's extremely important to me to have good karma and to do things like this. My family is huge on this organization called Christmas for Kids. This organization raises money throughout the year and all of the money goes to low income families during the holidays. At my dads old workplace Obama came and spoke about unemployment because their company was probably going to be shut down. Well, afterwards Obama was being really interactive and taking questions from people and my dad had a Christmas for kids bandanna on him and he asked Obama if he could sign it for him. Obama gladly signed it and we had auctioned it off for $700 we then gave all the money to Christmas for kids. This is one of my most favorite organizations that I have ever been a part of.
