I hope you all enjoyed a nice fall break. It's always hard coming back to school after break. Don't get me wrong, I love teaching and being surrounded by all the crazy, creative energy that is all of you. That being said, it's still hard to get back into the grind. So for our first blog post, I'll go easy on you.
This week we started our study of the Constitution and the freedoms that make us uniquely American. You can order your own free copy of the United States Constitution from: http://www.constitutionfacts.com/index.cfm?section=bookstore&page=freeCopy.cfm
A good portion of this class will be spent discussing current events and political issues that affect our everyday lives. For this post, I would like you to tell me at least one issue that you are interested in studying. To help you out, you can look over the blog posts that we've had in the past several years to get an idea of the type of things we've covered. Many of the topics are pretty controversial and I do my best to not censor the information available to you.
So my question to you this week is, "What is one issue that you are interested in studying in this class?" Answers are due no later than Monday, October 13th, 2014. I'm looking forward to a great quarter!
I am interested in studying and learning more about how our political system operates and what we can do as citizens to fight against a government that is controlling too much. Several people in our class have already mentioned how upset they are with our government getting away with too much, so to learn more about how we can push back is something I really want to learn more about. I would also like to learn more about the growing political issue of violent/harassment crimes against women and men that go unpunished or brushed off to the side. Emma Watson, one of my biggest icons, has started a campaign called HeForShe where she and several other powerful voices are spreading the word of united feminism. I have the biggest respect for Emma Watson and her endeavors, and think more political action within the states and even at the federal level should be taken into place.
ReplyDeleteI am interested to learn more about current politics. I understand the U.S. political system along with political theologies. The only thing I have problems doing is actually taking the time to to do research about what is currently happening around the country and even around the world. I touched base about most of the topics for the final presentation last year in my government class so none of that is overly new to me.
ReplyDeleteI am interested in learning more on what differences there are between each point of view aka democrat, republican, ect. I know that for me personally I am not democrat or republican. There are things from both that I agree with and disagree with but honestly when they explain things they always bring up religion or the constitution. When some topics they even relate to them. These categories that we label our selves in are stupid.
ReplyDeleteI would like to learn more about censorship. I hear a lot about violence and overdone things in the news. I feel like censorship is more of a behind the scenes battle that isn't heard enough.
ReplyDeleteJessica Juliano
I would really like to study why the military has it's collective hands tied when it comes to fighting wars. I know there are international laws, but why do we have to be worried about hurting somebody's feelings why our soldiers and marines are dying trying to help them out of a tight spot?
ReplyDeleteI would like to learn more about ISIS. It's a topic i have seen lot on the internet and heard about on the news but I'm not sure what it is all about and who it effects.
ReplyDeleteAlexis Plass
I want to learn more about ISIS and how it affects the US government. I know that there has been a lot of hype on the news lately, but I do not know much about it.
ReplyDeleteI'm really interested in sexist laws where women do not have the rights to their own bodies like abortion, birth control, and certain censorship (like why guys can show their nipples on TV but women can't)
ReplyDeleteI would like to study some of the foreign political issues going on right now such as; the threat of the Islamic State, the Israel/Palestine conflict or the Russian/Ukraine conflict. I would like to know more about these particular issues because I have a hard time finding sources and media that are able to provide true and non biased information. I would also like to know more about these topics because I think they are all very current, important and scary.
ReplyDeleteI know it sounds kind of cliché, but I would like to discuss subjects such as the illuminati, conspiracy theories, and free masons. I'm curious to learn what's most likely true and what's ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteI want to learn about the illuminati.. Ok, ok. I know that most people don't believe in THAT extremes of the government but the illuminati, if there is such a thing, plays a HUGE role in the past, present and future of politics.
ReplyDeleteThere`s not really any specific topic that i would like to learn more about. I'm pretty much really open minded about any discussion.
ReplyDeleteI would really like to learn more about legal rights and why ,for some people in this country, they don't necessary count or apply to them (and yes I am referring to both race and financial status).
ReplyDeleteI am interested in learning more about how the government does not have enough control over police brutality and their abuse of powers. Anytime an incident happens that the news covers (probably because it had something to do with race) the president makes a statement saying "this shouldn't happen" but never answers what WILL happen and whats being done to solve these issues.
ReplyDeleteI am interested in learning the history part of the class because I know so little about the American history. Politics like I said in the intros its a very dirty game but I would love to hear more about it and see if I can be convinced to think otherwise.
ReplyDeleteI honestly don't care about politics. They just get in the way all the time. I honestly don't know what I want to learn about or what issue I have with studying anything in this class.
ReplyDeleteI would like to learn more about why politicians will always try to use a distraction event or story to cover over an event that really should be made aware of.
ReplyDeleteDuring this class I am interested in learning about why we have the laws we do. I feel there is usually an interesting story behind the creation of the laws because of an event that has happened.
ReplyDeleteI am interested in Global Warming. I think people should be aware of what is going on with our planet. I would also like to learn anything I can in this class. - Christina Padro
ReplyDeleteAny serious issue would be interesting for me. I enjoy politics but I dislike the statistics or economical side of it. My view on politics and America as a whole is not the most empowering to the common individual but nevertheless, Ill enjoy explaining and discussing things with the class.
ReplyDeleteI'm interested in learning and discussing current events and political parties since elections are around the corner. This will help me decide on if i will vote this year.
ReplyDeleteI am not as good as keeping up with current events and politics as much as I should be. Therefore I do not know much of what is going on in the world. Sad, yes I know. =) So I look forward to learning about any current events to expand my knowledge on society.
ReplyDeleteThroughout this course i would like to learn more about the government and current events happening around the world.
ReplyDeleteI am interested in learning about racism and why some people just can not work with other ethnic people instead of their own fellow white people.
ReplyDeleteI am interested in learning about why our government feels the need to have so much control when it comes to other countries. Also about conspiracy theories- are they theories or are they true facts?
ReplyDeleteI am interested in learning about when and why the news and media became so biased. I'm mainly interested in learning when it became popular for an entire news channel to put out one sided information and it still be deemed credible.
ReplyDeleteIn this class, I would like to learn the "behind the scenes" information that the government is not telling us about. They always seem to cut everything off and not relay the whole information to the public. Why? Is it because they think we will not understand or what?