Thursday, July 31, 2014

Do We Care More About Wealth Or Health?

On Tuesday, I went to the doctor for a long list of things all related to preventative healthcare.  I had a physical done, and since I have asthma, that included a chest x-ray.  I also had blood drawn to test my cholesterol, thyroid and glucose levels.  My entire cost for all these procedures?  Zero.  That's right - thanks to measures in the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, I didn't even have my usual co-pay.  The first week's blog asked you what issues you would like to study this quarter, and Obamacare was at the top of the list.  Since this week's post coincided with my doctor's appointment, I thought this would be a great time to blog about the pros and cons of Obamacare.

You might remember not too long ago when the federal government shutdown. The main issue that caused the shutdown was that Republicans insisted any new spending bill include provisions to defund, derail or otherwise chip away at the Affordable Care Act.  You can read my thoughts and your fellow students' comments on the shutdown here:

The Affordable Care Act requires all Americans to have health insurance.  Republicans feel it hurts employers because it requires companies with over 50 employees to provide health insurance to their employees.  Opponents to the new law also feel it amounts to over-reaching by the federal government – essentially saying it is not the federal government’s job to mandate healthcare for all citizens - hence, the "socialist" label we discussed in class last week.

Democrats say the law will expand access to healthcare and help reign in the rising costs of healthcare coverage.  The Affordable Care Act prevents those with pre-existing medical conditions from being denied health insurance, eliminates co-pays for preventative care, and allows young adults to stay on their parents’ coverage until 26 years of age.  Supporters also say individuals who have health insurance will no longer have to indirectly pay for emergency visits from individuals who aren’t insured.

I grew up in a household that didn't have health insurance.  I've seen first hand what hospitals bills can look like when you're not covered.  However, I've also spent my career in workforce development.  I've also seen first-hand how companies are less likely to hire full-time employees because they don't want to pay the healthcare mandate.  So my question to you this week is, “What do you think of the Affordable Care Act?  Do you support it or oppose it?  What do you think is a solution to the shutdown?”  Answers are due no later than Wednesday, August 6th, 2014. 

Just for fun, check out this Jimmy Kimble video in which he goes to the street to find out if people support the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare (hint: they’re the same thing).


  1. Like my opinion the week before, I still stand on what I think about the Obama Care. The government loves to have power over everything and over everyone. Its imperative and highly suggested that we should get health care just like we need home, car, life, and renters insurance but we have a choice to get it. We are not beaten down to get it and at a time frame. Yes it is affordable but at the same time, everyone may not want health insurance. So why force the american people? We are supposed to be the land of the free and have equal opportunity; which i will speak of in just a few. U.S. citizens are getting pushed, bullied and HARASSED to get health care or else. We sound like the countries that we are fighting because of the same mentality. America loves to stick their noses in other peoples business focusing on things that doesnt take precidense. We need to worry about homeless veterans, poverty, school systems, and fair and justiceable equality. Im a middle class american with a wife, a daughter and a vacation home but i get no tax breaks or breaks to get any assistance to help me or my family. The poor and the rich gets all the breaks getting higher taxes back all kind of federal assistance, while us middle class americans continue to pay taxes living paycheck to paycheck not getting any help from the state and the government. So once again let the people decide their fate.

  2. I also think the government loves to have power over everything. I think healthcare is great and should be available to the people that can afford it. but I don't think its fair that those who can't afford it can't get help. I also don't like the fact that those who can afford it have to pay taxes for others who can't. I'm on the fence about the whole Obama care situation since my family has insurance and I don't really have to pay taxes for it yet.

  3. I'd have to say that I'm on the fence on the situation. It is great that people with preexisting conditions can have healthcare, and it can help pay for procedures that you weren't able to afford in the past, but it also shouldn't be forced on everyone. It also isn't helping businesses, since they are more hesitant with signing full-time employees, which means more people will be losing jobs.

  4. I think Obama care is not bad but its not good either. Its good because its more affordable and people cant be denied because of a preexisting condition. I don't think it should be forced on people to get it especially sense there was also a deadline, that should be their decision. Thats were I say obamacare is screwing up. I make $140 a week on average, and I hate that one of my weekly paychecks would have to go to health insurance. Im already spending one of my paychecks on gas just to go to school sense I live a little ways away. There are times were I cant even afford gas so I cant go to school (like last week). so I don't think obama care takes into account your other needs. Obama care needs more improvements. As for the shut down it was because one is republican and the other is a democrat, it was pointless and stupid.

  5. I'm not so much of a fan about Obamacare. I can agree with the view of wanting everyone to be insured but the vision is better than reality. People who aren't insured now, mostly don't have it because they can't afford living day to day with the income now, making them pay for insurance is putting them into more of a financial bind. I see first hand because some of my family doesn't have insurance. It shouldn't be a forced law unless we receive health coverage for free or just for a fee that we know everyone in our country can afford. I do also understand being insured is important though. I've seen hospital bills of people who didn't have coverage and they are still in debt for a procedure they needed or they would have lost their life. Although being covered with a hospitals insurance because my dad is an employee, my moms hospital bills for her heart attacks back in 2009 are still pouring in. In all it's ridiculous with the money you have to pay with or without insurance. The one pro of Obamacare I do like, is the no co-pay up front but that's really it.

  6. I wouldn’t really agree or either support it because The Affordable Care Act has some many pros and cons about it. I think its a great idea for tens of millions of people who are uninsured get access to an affordable health care. But on the other hand it just makes them get covered than actually listing the price of the cost in the first place, which others can’t afford and aren’t covered.

  7. I don't like how employers have been giving their employees less work time so they don't have to give them health insurance. I also don't like that the we are forced by the government, but it's good that people who could not afford health insurance can now do so

  8. I think The Affordable Cart Act, despite some cons, is a good thing overall. I heard an employee in the break room yesterday saying that she had kidney stones and had an emergency visit to the hospital. She was complaining that she had a few thousand dollars in debt because of ER visits. It just seems horrible to me that people get sick and then have to get help, but owe all this money. Everyone should definitely have health insurance.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Based on the responses that I am reading from the class I feel like many of you do not actually know what the Affordable Health Care Act is or understand it. There is not going to be anyone who cannot afford insurance because the cost of your insurance is income based. Depending on your income your insurance may only be fifty dollars a month or may be free. No one will be charged outside of their means in order to enroll in health care services through the Affordable Care Act. Also, while it is true that we are being required to have health insurance, the only people who will have to pay the penalty tax are those who can afford it but refuse to get health insurance. People who cannot afford health insurance will not be charged the penalty tax. Further more, who wouldn’t want health insurance!
    The Affordable Health Care Act is awesome! I can’t understand all the negativity towards something that has been put into place with the sole purpose of helping everyone in our country live a healthier life. No American, or anyone for that matter, should be forced to make the decision of whether or not to see a doctor if they are hurt or sick just because they are afraid they can not afford it. The Affordable Heath Care Act was put into place to protect our nation’s children, our elderly, and low-income families. It’s just an added bonus that it helps the rest of the people in our country as well. Not to mention I like the fact that there is a better system of checks and balances on businesses that protect employees.
    I also like that The Affordable Care Act is pro women’s rights, as a husband and a father with a daughter that is important to me. The Affordable Health Care Act covers all forms of birth control and many of them without co-pays, as well as education and counseling services related to women’s reproductive rights. It also covers breast pumps and breastfeeding support for mothers.

    If you would like more information about the Affordable Health Care Act or any of the things I mentioned in my post, please see to these resources:

  11. Ok so i grew up like most kids did and that was living of my parents health insurance and you know what i don't know much about it and thats the truth, i need to get health insurance and after seeing and hearing others comments i'd have to say the Affordable Health Care Act sounds better to me.

  12. Wealth today seems to be more of a concern than health. Health comes second hand now a days. Considering how the US is the fattest country it's hard to feel any other way. It's so hard

  13. Many people have spoken about it being affordable. Not in all cases. Each state was to dertermine if they would adjust their medicaid plans to accommidate those that could not afford the insurance. My family is one of those that cannot afford the insurance. The other problem is that Indiana did not change their medicaid qualifications. We do not qualify for medicaid nor can we afford to buy the insurance. Our monthly premiums will cost us almost as much as our rent. We are some of the ones that fall into the middle. I want insurance but on my terms. It should be my choice to carry insurance not a mandate.

  14. I definitely feel like this country is more concerned with wealth than it is with health. I don't know enough about Obamacare at this point to make a fully educated decision on whether or not I am for or against it, but I do know that it is mandatory and since not all people can actually afford it like the name suggests, it just seems like a way to get more money out of people.
