Wednesday, October 23, 2013

She Is What She Is

Like most of you, I vaguely remember hearing about the Paula Deen case earlier this year.  I don’t watch her shows or intentionally buy her products, but I definitely knew who she was.  So when I heard that she was being sued for racial discrimination and had admitted under oath to using the n-word, I pretty much thought she was getting what she deserved.  Much like Mel Gibson’s racist rant a few years prior, I thought it was just another case of a celebrity’s “true persona” being revealed publically.  To be honest, I never really thought much more about it.

This weekend, I spent half of Saturday happily cooking and baking in my kitchen.  With the television on in the background, Deen’s True Hollywood Story happened to come on and by the time it was over, I knew it was going to be this week’s blog topic.  Dean was sued by a former employee, Lisa Jackson, who is Caucasian.  Jackson said she suffered from sexual harassment and was forced to endure racially offensive language during her five years as a restaurant manager where Deen is a co-owner.  As part of her deposition in the case, Deen, who grew up in the Georgia, admitted under oath that she had in the distant past, used the n-word when referencing African-Americans.  As a result of her testimony, she lost both of her Food Network shows and many corporate sponsors.  In response, Deen went on The Today Show to apologize and deny any kind of prejudice, famously saying, “I is what I is and I’m not changing”.  It was this very interview that led many people to believe that Deen didn’t seem very sorry for her actions.
I didn’t know how the case had been resolved until I saw the show.  The lawsuit ended up being thrown out by the courts.  Deen’s accuser, Lisa Jackson, issued a statement saying in part that she never heard Deen use any racial slurs, and that her issues at the restaurant were not with Deen.  The statement came a bit too late, as Deen was already facing tremendous public backlash over her testimony.  Her career and reputation will forever be tarnished by this incident, and some say rightfully so.

This case really got me thinking – so my question to you this week will have two parts.  First, “Do you think admitting to using the n-word, or other racial slurs make someone a racist?  Is it possible for people to grow and change, or do you think once a racist, always a racist?”  Second, “Why do you think the media only seemed to report one side of this case?  Do you think they intentionally tried to make the case as divisive as possible, or is this simply another case of “celebrities gone bad” that makes for good reporting?”  I’m not sure of the answers myself, so I’ll be interested to hear what you think!  Answers are due no later than Wednesday, October 31st, 2013.



  1. It sounds awful how I might sound, but it all depends on the situation. for example friends use racial slurs to each other and they do not get offended. Then in the case of the Employee, why did it take her 5 years of putting up with these offense. It might be a posibility that Deen's did say some slurs but if it bother the employee that much she should of quit the first year or before.To me she just saw $$$$. The media almost always gives false reports. They will never go or I never hear them in the air and say Oops I made a mistake on the story this is what really happened. That is why I barely hear or see the news

  2. Personally I think admitting you've said the word isn't admitting to being a racist. We all come from different demographics and often the mindsets we are raised around become imprinted on us. Although these negative mindsets are often ignorant, uneducated and misinformed we can't help where we came from. However I believe we all have the opportunity to defy what we are expected to believe or become. We have the control to set the path of who we are and what we stand for in our present and future. Unfortunately I feel like some people may never change, some of the older generations have what they were raised around almost permanently imprinted on their mind they believe they are always right. There is always room for change, it may not be easy but you can change.

    Secondly I believe the media is always looking to ruffle some feathers often looking to publish little if any factual information to the public. I often see that the media will leave out important information. I feel like the media knew what they were doing they chose report one side, I don't agree with Deen's behavior. I feel the media took something they knew would sell and get high amounts of viewers and ran with it.

    We take some part in what are country becomes hopefully racial comments and stigmas we all face will be no more.

    Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.

    -Martin Luther King, Jr.

  3. I don't think that just because someone admitted to using the word makes someone a it right? no, but she grew up in the south and considering that a lot of this has happened in the south, thats just simply how she was raised. I feel that since she has gotten older she knows that its not really the right thing to do to say the things she was raised up saying. I feel the media only commented on one side because they love to point out the "wrong" in any well known person or celebrity to make an example out of them. They never looked at if she was brought up this way or anything, they went straight to her saying the n-word and that making her a racist. i feel it was taken completely out of context and caused her to lose the empire she built for herself for no reason at all.

  4. A lot of people use the n-word for various reasons. It seems as most people use it to call for their friends putting an "a" at the end of it. It seems to be used less and less commonly in a racial manner. Lots of my African American friends call the Caucasian guys the n-word. So no I don't think using the word makes you a racist. I think it is possible for people grow and change, I was never a racist but I know I have grown and changed in other ways. It is all up to the person to grow and change and in what ways they do so. As for the media they reported the side that was more profitable for them. Angry viewers tend to want to watch til the end expecting justice in some way. I don't think they meant for it to get as out of hand as it did but it is a proven fact that scandals get more viewers than anything else. Honestly the whole thing just got taken to far.

  5. Just because you use a racial term one time does not make you a racist. Around my African American friends I say things such as "Nigga please..." However, we have had the conversation that the ending of "a" is different than the ending of "er". Although I don't think that using a racial term once makes you racist as it does ignorant. Inappropriate and disrespectful, yes, but one use does not make a racist.

    The media is always going to post the negative before they do the positive. Theories have proven that negative news gets more attention in the media than positive news does. So yes, I believe that they portrayed her to be a monster and throw the case to show how bad a person she was instead of showing that, in fact, Lisa had no "beef" with Deen.

    Although Deen never did actually say "I am sorry" or anything to that effect, she was sincere in where she was coming from and I think that people should move past this crap. Rappers these days use the n-word in every song multiple times so if stores are taking out her cooking line because she said it then I believe that the music should be taken down as well. Is it not racist to say that because she said something then accuse her but if someone else raps about it then that's fine? Next time Deen should rap her views and maybe it'll all blow over.....

  6. I think that using slurs sparingly doesn't make a person racist, because sometimes things just blurt out especially when worked up enough. It's using the slurs 20 times a day and meaning it and proudly admitting it that makes one racist. I believe it is possible for someone to change when they grow up and realize it and when they are around that race for a long period of time.
    Media, a lot of the time, is all about the ratings. They don't care who it is they take down, as long as the story is interesting and the viewers are entertained to keep watching. The other times, when cases seem one-sided, may be because the other side doesn't have much reported information

  7. I don’t think anyone “admitting” to using the n-word or other racial slurs makes them a racist. First of all, they’re admitting to something that occurred in the past. And I’m sure there are situations in the past that can push someone to do such. Since that was in the past I believe people change. It’s the cycle of life that changes our view of things over time. I’m not defending Deen or anyone else that says racial slurs, but at the end it’s not us that are going to be affected by this. It’s the person who chose to make racial comments. Everyone has their own way of dealing with their problems, so if this is how she deals then you do you Paula Deen.

    -Beza E.

  8. I do not feel as if admitting to using the n- word or other racial slurs makes one racist. I feel as if they admit to being racist , that is what makes them racist. I hear people on a daily basis say racist comments , either not realizing , or as a joke. Don't get me wrong I am not saying that it is okay, but it happens. I am also a strong believer in change, I feel as if the world keeps going around , and there is so much to learn still, change is possible. I also feel as if they may have publicizes a one sided story ,because it was another case of a "Celebrity gone bad." I feel as if that was a come up for reporters and they took full advantage of it. Might I add wrong is still wrong and for the simple fact that you are famous and that you have an image to uphold, what she said she not have been said outside of her house. She needs to learn how to keep her opinions to her personal life and not her brand, but she made her bed and stands strongly behind it therefore she has to lay in it.

  9. Of course the news only portrayed one side. The News is a business; business is about making a profit; balanced stories with apology endings don't make a profit. They don't raise ratings, and they don't get people worked up into a lather.

    I think people can grow and change, regardless of what they do in the past.

    I don't think I've very eloquent when it comes to racism arguments. I think I'll let Tim Minchin do that for me:

  10. I do not think admitting to using the n-word makes someone a racist but it also depends on how the word is used and by whom it is used. I have many friends who use the word but in a manner of joking around and not to be disrespectful or attack someone. I do not think the word should be used as often as it is or even at all. I think people can change a little bit but there is always a part of you that will think the same way. You would probably still think the same thoughts but maybe you’ve changed in a way to not say them out loud and keep them to yourself. I believe that the media only reported one side of the case because it makes for a good story. I think they saw it as a famous old white lady who is a grandmother and from the south is secretly a racist.

  11. I think that if you are are using racial slurs you are aware of the effect it might have on some people. Its the way words are used and the circumstances in which makes it racist. I think if its going to offend someone than don't use the words at all and we all know which words are majorly offensive. She knew what she had said was wrong and admitted to it thats the first step to change! Now it up to her to learn from that! The media is always going to report what people want to hear and talk about.

  12. I cant stand that kind of ignorance. I totally ignore it and will never let it get to me. Sometimes I hear caucasions saying "that black girl" or that "black guy" but it doesn't really bother because I do the same thing to be honest. But for full grown woman to take it a notch up and say "that nigger", she is racist. Saying it once may not make you totally "anti-black people" but something is going on. Hell if they said it once, they probably will say it again. I definitely feel that people can grow and change and overcome that kind of ignorance. A lot of the time people are influence and taught that at a very young age. Sometimes simply growing up and developing their on perspective will open someone's eyes to their on ignorance. Im not sure why the story was one sided. Im thinking maybe the lady didn't want the attention or maybe it was good reporting on another celebrity.

  13. No, I do not think admitting to using the n-word, or other racial slurs make someone a racist. I myself will listen to a song and sing along saying the n-word. Repeating what I hear does not mean that I am racist. I do however think that people can grow and change, but it is up to us to help.

    Being a gay male, I hear people say, “that’s gay” on a daily basis. Hearing someone say these words does not offend me, because I choose not to let it bother me. The more attention we raise, the bigger the problem it becomes. I believe, if we were not to make a big deal about the n-word, the g-word, or any other derogatory word, then the meaning will go away and people would not be offended when they hear these words.

    Just because Paula Dean’s name is so famous, I think the media reported this case just to sell a story.

  14. In the case of Paula Deen with the n-word she was rasied in the South at a time when racial slurs was a normal and most older people, have at one tim or another used racial slurs and I dont think that she should have had her repution ruined for it. But with most celebrities with good wholesom images lose the most in media, they never want to tell the whole truth or they dont tell you how it actullay turned out.
    As for people being racist, there are some people that are raised racist and once they leave they family are no longer raicst but some stay raicst. I guess that is just how a person is or how they feel about.
